
Not Good Enough


We’ve been like this for hours: me leaning on one mirror and Chanyeol on the opposite side doing the same thing. We haven’t spoken. He seems to be completely ignoring me. I’ve just been listening to music on my MP3. I wonder when they’ll let us out. We could be in here all night... after all, Granny did want this - at least that’s what Shou implied. I can’t believe he’d listen to her... I mean, he’s not related to my Grandpa Lee, he’s only related to those on my Mum’s side so he must have some other reason for doing this.

Is he on Granny’s side? She is his Mum. Or maybe he doesn’t have any choice either? I don’t know anymore... Can I really trust him? Well, my parents aren’t even with me now, so it would make sense that Shou can’t be neither... But, still! It’s Shou! He wouldn’t do this to me... would he?

I hear a loud sniffling noise and look at Chanyeol. His face is still downwards so I can’t tell what he’s doing.  For a second, I think he might be crying, but then the sniffles disappear. I start concentrating on Shou again, but then, I hear a loud, rhythmic beating. I take my headphones out and try to figure out where the sound is coming from; it seems like someone is playing the drums. I stand up and walk around the room, searching for the source of the noise. I stop a metre in front of Chanyeol... no way. It’s him. I step closer slowly - there’s still no reaction from him. His body seems to rise and fall with each beat. Is that him breathing? Oh wow - he’s so loud! I put my headphones back on and start to go back to my space, but I can still hear his breathing. I sit down, but I can still hear his breathing.



An hour later, I’m still leaning back against the wall, listening to music. The music stops. I look at my MP3, the screen says, ‘Battery low, turning off’ and then it does just that. I put my MP3 back into my pocket and lean against the wall. I close my eyes and try to fall asleep.



A little after, I get up and walk back towards Chanyeol. I haven’t been able to sleep because of his breathing; it’s too loud. I bend down and look at him. He hasn’t moved at all since he sat there. I poke him in the arm and whisper, “Chanyeol?” There’s no reaction. I try the same again, but I call louder.

He stirs and stretches a little.

Is it time for practice already?” he mumbles.

Umm... No. I’m Aya... Remember?”

He rubs his eyes and looks at me, I realise how close I am and I back away a little bit. He doesn’t say anything, so I carry on.

I’m sorry... You.... breathe... loudly.” I manage to say. “I can’t... sleep.

He suddenly scowls at me. I back away a little more.

You woke me for that? You think I care? I don’t care about you. You should have just left me alone!

But... I -

Don’t care,” he interrupts. He shifts his position and closes his eyes again.

Please -

Be quiet. I’m sick of you already. I don’t need to know what you’re saying to know it’s useless. Just be quiet.

You don’t -

Don’t you understand anything? I don’t need you and I don’t want you. It’s your fault we’re in this situation in the first place.

What -

You really want to keep talking? I don’t want to waste my breath on you. Japanese freak.


His eyes open and he glares at me.

What did you say?

Idiot. You are... an idiot.

Who do you -

I can’t hold back my frustration. I start speaking in English.

“You can’t talk to me like that. I’m doing this for my Grandpa and even though I don’t like this, I’m not being rude to you in any way. I don’t even know what your reasons for agreeing are! But I actually bother to try to communicate and you treat me like this? Do you think you’re that great? You haven’t even debuted and you have such a big ego. You’re so self - absorbed; is there anyone you care about other than yourself? Is it so hard for you to understand that I have my own problems too? I wouldn’t be doing this if I didn’t have a choice. You think I want to be stuck in a relationship with you? I can’t even stand being in the same room!”

The door slides open and ChoHee rushes towards me.

I’m so sorry! I didn’t know Shou set this up!” she pulls me up from the ground. “Are you OK?” She looks at Chanyeol who is clearly avoiding my eyes.

She starts speaking to him. “Is everything OK now? Did you -

Yes. Everything’s fine. We know where we stand,” he replies politely. He stands up and bows to ChoHee. I look towards her curiously. I don’t understand what he means. She doesn’t seem to either.

What do you mean?” she says.

Would you mind leaving us alone?” he says, pointing at himself and then me.

ChoHee looks at me, I frown then nod, letting her know she can leave.

Sure,” she smiles. She turns back to me, “Its dinner soon. Everyone else is waiting to meet you; come soon or the food will get cold! Actually, come quick... I have a feeling AeCha will go through your luggage otherwise, she has a habit of doing that,” she ends, laughing. She waves and leaves us. Alone.

I look at Chanyeol, wondering what he wants. He doesn’t need to understand English to be able to tell that I wasn’t saying the nicest possible things to him... I wait for his reaction.



That’s what we are, right?

I look at him, confused. I know I was angry and all but isn’t calling us enemies a bit... much?


He suddenly steps closer to me and hugs me. He whispers in my ear, “Its war.

He lets go and starts walking away; he raises his hand and waves it in my direction.

I’ll see you around, Aya.”



( PLEASE READ THIS: UGH. So depressed. I don't know what to say T_T Are you guys confused? There's a lotta questions that need to be asked but the language barrier's getting in the way... EXO and Chanyeol will be showing up more soon, you'll learn a bit more about them then and what they think of the marriage :) I have a problem though, so I'd like you guys' help. You see, the story's taking quite a while to explain. It'd go faster - I think, though I don't promise - if I could change character POV. I told myself at the beginning that I wouldn't change POV because I want you guys to feel the EXACT same feelings Aya does and I want you guys to know only as much as she does... Does that make sense? I hate it when I read a story and say, I know what's going on because I've seen other characters' views, but the main character doesn't - I find it annoying because I'm like cursing the main character going 'FInd out already!' If I could change character POV I could also do personal flashbacks which would also help make more sense of the characters... But then if I do that, you'll know more stuff than Aya, which I don't really want... See my problem? Would you guys mind commenting or posting on my wall what you think? What would be better? I'd do a poll but I don't know how and I think it's better if you express your opinion in a written way so I can know exactly what you think! This goes out to ALL my subscribers, so please do comment about this, or message or whatever! I don't know what to do~ Also, I now have 19 subscribers (YAY! :D) so thank you all for reading! Also, sorry for the chapter being shorter and later than usual! My tests are coming up soon so it's gonna be difficult for me to update every day, but I'll blog about it later on and explain stuff. Sorry for this epicly long bit from me! Had writer's block today XD Will try and make a bigger plot development in next chapter <3 you guys :) )

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scoobie #2
New reader here! I'm looking forward for your next chapter ;)))))))) ^_^
freaky granny!!!!! wth! what's gotten into that old sleaze hag? ugh!
baek-yeols #4
CherryOh #5
The horror!!!!!!
Poor Chanyeol you're right he is too nice
but he is a... a... A BUFFALO that's what he is
for falling for that evil granneh
Aww I know youngmin and kwangmin would lol:D
Poor Chanyeol:(
That granny is evil EVIL!
wonder whose eyes is that? Aya? Granny? Suho?
Wow you left me really curious:D
UnendingCrossroad #7
@Poppy1232 Long time no see! XD Yeah, but... I like her! Does that make me bad? :D She seems cool.. in that... evil, good-liar way :)
Poppy1231 #8
Evil grandmother :o
UnendingCrossroad #9
@blaaah XD His life is so complicated! You'll see what I mean soon!
@xafxsjx I was feeling the same! You'll like the change then :D
meiYue #10
Tbh I think it would be fun if the POV switched around a bit. Just to see how the others are feeling^^
And omg Chanyeol and his probs.. Wonder what they are..