
Not Good Enough

(Author: Korean speech is gonna be in green by the way :D Also, sorry for late update, had to go family shopping :P)


I wake up and rub my eyes. My Dad pokes my side and says, “Aya, we’ve landed.”

I shoot up from seat and look out the window, not believing it’s already time. It’s dark outside; I get my glasses from out of my bag and put them on, knowing I’ll be blind otherwise with the lack of light. My Dad gets up as well and stretches.

“Where’s Mum?” I ask. I tiptoe and crane my neck in an attempt to find her, but I can barely see past the other passenger’s seats.

“She’s already gone to get the luggage. I was meant to go with her but I wanted to finish Pokemon Movie 7 first,” he laughs.

“You mean... you’ve just been watching Pokemon all this time?”



“Fine,” he says, “I’m going, I’m going...”

I watch him walk away grumpily and sigh to myself. I get the hand - luggage off the shelf, put my MP3 in my pocket and follow him out of the plane.



We arrive at the SM Entertainment building in Seoul. It’s still dark outside so I can barely make out anything - except for the many windows reflecting the lights from the raging traffic. I stand and simply watch. My Mum becks me towards her and we enter the building.

I don’t know what to feel: Confusion? Anxiety? What?

My Mum had already told me who we were going to meet: Lee Soo Man - founder of SM Entertainment - and Granny.

“Great...” I sarcastically muttered; just thinking about it made me depressed.

I try to force my mouth into a pleasant smile, but fail miserably. I can’t help but wonder what Lee Soo Man will think when he realises that a short, unsociable looking girl is going to end up with one his trainees... Before I can continue, I’m thrown to the floor and I feel a heavy weight on my shoulders - literally.

“Aya! Aya! You came!”

“Hey Shou,” I manage to whisper as he practically strangles me - on the floor - in front of the receptionist - this must look really weird.

“What do you mean, ‘Shou’? Why don’t you call me ‘oneesan’ anymore?” he pouts. He rubs my head, pulls me up and grins at me.

“’Cause it’s weird! How come you’re here? I thought you were a trainee in Japan?”

He brings his face closer to mine and whispers, “I persuaded my Mum to let me be a trainee under SM and not Jiyuu - it took a while but she agreed. I figured... since she’s doing all this to you, the least I could do was help you out by being here. I’m really sorry you know... I don’t know why she’d do this to you...”

“It’s fine. We’re saving Grandpa, right? I’ll be OK, trust me!” I hold out my hand.

“Fine,” he says and grabs my hand, “but if you need anything, tell me. I’m serious. I want to help, so... I’m going to give you Korean lessons! I know you know some ‘cause of your Grandparents, but you definitely need to speak more if you want to survive,” he looks at me with concerned eyes.

“What do you-“

“Shou! I see you’re already trying to worry Aya,” my Dad laughs before giving Shou a hug.

“Yeah, I wanted to see if she’s still as gullible as she used to be,” Shou says, smiling.

I glare at him and he gives me another constricting hug before saying, “I have to go for now; I have dance practice in the morning!”

He cartwheels towards the lift before stopping and shouting, “I’ll come see you in the morning, Aya!”

I’m left dumbfounded by his random show of gymnastics and turn back to my parents, who are talking to Granny. She seems to notice my glare at her and she beckons me towards her. She coos at me as I walk towards her.

“Ah, look how my little Aya has grown up. Well...” she looks me up and down, “her face looks a lot older, even if she still is so short...”

I blink and look to my parents who seem to be like me, confused. Was that a compliment or an insult? She never compliments me but... she seems nicer than usual. My Dad laughs awkwardly to break the silence. He looks at me and signals with his hand that I should continue as normal.

“Hi Granny,” I say, my voice monotonous.

“Aya, what’s wrong? You seem angry with me, have I done anything wrong?” she flutters her eyelashes at me. “Is it because of this marriage? Oh honey, I’m doing this for you! You won’t amount to anything anyway, it’s better this way. You’ll have a stable life and I’ll have money.” She pats my head - hard. Does she want a slap? No, ignore it. Grandpa. Remember: Grandpa. It’s like she can read my mind.

“Oh, is it because of your Grandpa? He has heart problems, right? How is he? You know... I’d do anything to help him get better, but it seems money can’t solve everyone’s problems. If only there was a way...” she starts to mutter. She circles me slowly.

“If only there was a way to pay for the surgery... You see, I would but, well - let’s be honest here.” She lowers her voice to a whisper, “I could do anything for him. If I really cared that is... but, there’s the thing: I don’t care. He can die for all I care. He means nothing to me. He’s just a worthless old man.”

I raise my hand to slap her; I can’t let her keep saying bad things about Grandpa. My hand almost reaches her face, but then, one hand grips my wrist tight. I look, thinking it’s my Mum or Dad holding me back, but it’s not. It’s Granny’s hand. Her other hand then clenches into a fist and slams into my cheek. I look at her in shock. My parents grab me protectively and hold me away from her. They don’t say anything. I look at them for help, but they avoid my eyes and look down. They release me. I get it. Now, I need to listen to her, my parents are helpless now.

“Who do you think you are, Aya?” she sneers. “You lay a finger on me and you’re Grandpa dies. “You will respect me; you will do everything I tell you. You won’t argue with me. You won’t do anything. Now, Lee Soo Man is going to arrive, you are going to bow to him, tell him you aren’t feeling well and then the receptionist will take you to your room. Understand?”

I nod my head.

A minute later, Lee Soo Man enters. He sees me and smiles slightly.

I bow and before he can greet me, I say, in my poor Korean, “I’m feeling ill. Sorry, but I will leave now.” I bow again, avoiding the eyes of everyone in the room. The receptionist gets up and I follow her, with my luggage, to my room.



(No Chanyeol yet :P You'll have to wait just a little bit longer~  Also, yay more subscribers and commenters! Do comment please :) Thanks for reading <3 I wrote it up on MS Word this time so there should be no weird mistakes... Also, if I miss out the letter 'm' sometimes, it's 'cause I'm on my laptop which has a spazzy 'm' key. So yeah... bye :D )

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scoobie #2
New reader here! I'm looking forward for your next chapter ;)))))))) ^_^
freaky granny!!!!! wth! what's gotten into that old sleaze hag? ugh!
baek-yeols #4
CherryOh #5
The horror!!!!!!
Poor Chanyeol you're right he is too nice
but he is a... a... A BUFFALO that's what he is
for falling for that evil granneh
Aww I know youngmin and kwangmin would lol:D
Poor Chanyeol:(
That granny is evil EVIL!
wonder whose eyes is that? Aya? Granny? Suho?
Wow you left me really curious:D
UnendingCrossroad #7
@Poppy1232 Long time no see! XD Yeah, but... I like her! Does that make me bad? :D She seems cool.. in that... evil, good-liar way :)
Poppy1231 #8
Evil grandmother :o
UnendingCrossroad #9
@blaaah XD His life is so complicated! You'll see what I mean soon!
@xafxsjx I was feeling the same! You'll like the change then :D
meiYue #10
Tbh I think it would be fun if the POV switched around a bit. Just to see how the others are feeling^^
And omg Chanyeol and his probs.. Wonder what they are..