Never again

This is the part of me, that will never forgive you bastard!
"Oppa! OPPA! Please stop!," Sakura cried and kicked me. "Get away Sakura,!" I growled and pushed her. I may have pushed her a little too hard, because she flew and hit the wall pretty hard. "ARON!!," Baekho Yelled and tried to push me, but I punched him In the Face and he staggered back with a bloody nose. I shook my hand so the pain from the impact would go away, and smirked. "What the hell man?!," Baekho Whined an wiped his nose with the sleeve of his shirt. He wasn't mad.. He was surprised. "Sakura," he whispered and crawled to the corner where Sakura was sobbing. "Hyung.." he looked at me disappointed and wrapped and arm around Sakura. "Aish!," I growled and headed for the main door, I needed a a walk to release my stress. I stomped out and bumped into Ren he staggered back a little and looked at me with wide eyes. "Well! It looks like your a bus or something!," he whined rubbing his shoulder "You hurt my shoulder," he pouted making aegyo. "Shut the up Ren," I hissed "I'm not in the mood for you to be gay,"! Ren blinked several times in surprise "G-gay?" I sighed and apologized "Look, I just punched Baekho and i hurt Sakura.. I don't know what to do," I said lowering my head. "Oh~ Hyung, lets take a walk, come on babe," Ren said holding my hand.
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whoa!!! amazing!
its really good!