Special Edition Part 2!

Eternal Love

Sorry guys! Was too carried away for that chapter and now got to split it into two! >< Just couldn’t stop writing. Sooo… This will be the special edition Part 2! :D

Current Song: This Chirstmas [JYP Nation] 


Yoona and Taecyeon gets into Jessica and Jay’s car respectively and went back to their own dorms. Luckily, fans did not chase them all the way.


<<< SICA’S CAR >>>

Yoona: [Pants] Phew! That was close! But I still haven’t see any present! How about you, unnie?

Sica: [Thinking about the suit, smiled sweetly] All settled! Left our own girls’ presents.

Yoona: Wow, Unnie, you really IS a shopping queen. All this is not a problem to you. [groans]


<<< JAY’S CAR >>>

Taec: [Groans] I was just about to give the gift already! Aishhhhhhhh~

Jay: Chill, bro. I’ve got mine already~ [looking at the box, smiling]

Taec: [Wanted to take out] What’s that?

Jay: [Slap Taec’s hand] Yah! None of your business.


For the next 2 days, both groups are busy with their own schedules. They did not even have time to buy presents nor contact each other. Finally, 2 days before Christmas, they have a break.



Snsd’s Manager: Hey girls, today you all don’t have schedules for today. You are free for today.

Taeyeon: Chinjya?! [Happy]


Manager: But, remember, You have performance on MBC Music Core Christmas Special tomorrow!

SNSD: [Smiled happily] NEH!


Of course they won’t forget about tomorrow, they are finally able to meet the boys since 2PM is also performing tomorrow on MBC Music Core.


<<< 2PM’S DORM >>>

2PM’s Manager: Guys, You are dismissed for today. No more schedules.

2PM: [Happily] YES!


So, with that, both groups decided to go to the shopping mall. But the guys went later as they were too tired after the overnight shooting of Wild Bunny.


<<< AT THE MALL >>>

Taeyeon: Let’s shop our own since we also want to buy presents for each other. Remember, do not peek! Also….

Rest of snsd: [Interrupted] Take care of yourself, don’t let crazy fans spot you! [Laughs]

Taeyeon: Yah! [sulk] Ok, have fun girls!

SNSD: Neh!


So all of them went on separate ways. Yoona was walking on the same road that she was walking on the other night. She decided to cross over the road to look for more options. Just then, two handphones caught her eyes. One Blue, One Pink. They look like they are in a pair..


Yoona: Ahnnyeonghaseyo! [Politely]

Shop-owner: Ahnnyeong~

Yoona: May I take a look at the phones that are place outside? The blue and the pink ones.

Shop-owner: Sure! [Taking the phones out] These two phones are designed like a pair. The designer designed this phone for his fiancée, to show his everlasting love for her. He wants the whole world to share his happiness and wishes all the couples out there to have a blissful relationship. Here. [Hand the phone to Yoona] The blue is made for guys, pink for girls. There was even a male idol that wanted to buy this, but he was spotted by a fan, and so wasn’t able to do that. [Laughs]

Yoona: [Didn’t pay attention to the last sentence] [Thought to herself] Hmmm. This phone actually have such a meaning to it! Everlasting love~ And Taecyeon oppa loves blue! Should I get one for myself too? Hmmm. Maybe not. If not, there will be scandals once again. [Talk to the owner] Erm. Can you get me a new, blue one?

Shop-owner: [Laughs] Sure! For your boyfriend eh? [Yoona just smile shyly] Oh by the way, a special feature of this phone is that, on the front, you can actually key in the words that you want. [Showing Yoona the steps]

Yoona: [Hands over the money, took the phone] Kamsahamnida! [Leaves the store quickly] Annyoung![waves Goodbye]

Yoona: Yes! One thing down! [happily] Time to shop for other oppas, unnies and maknaes’ presents! Hmmm. I shall buy Khun Oppa a wallet first! [Skipped happily]



Sica: [Fake voice] Ahnnyeonghaseyo! I’m here to take the suit that I had ordered.

Shop-owner: Oh young lady! It’s you! You are late.

Sica: [laughs] Sorry. Was busy with work lately. Is the suit ready?

Shop-owner: Sure is! [Hands her the tuxedo] How’s it?

Sica: [Look at the tux, smiled, mumbled] It’s stunning… The workmanship is good!


The name Jay Park, Saranghaeyo, was printed neatly onto the collar. Jessica was pleased.


Shop-owner: [Packed the tuxedo nicely, handed to Sica] Kamsahamnida!

Sica: [Smiled] Kamsahamnida! [Leaves the shop quickly before anyone notice her] [mumbled] Time to buy the girls’ presents!


After 3 hours of shopping, the girls are finally done. They met up and decided to go back home. It is too tiring. Only the shopping queen was not tired.


Sica: [Excitedly] Let’s shop more!!!

Taeyeon: [Tired] Crazy sica. I’m too tired. Going back home. I have done buying all the presents already. [other girls’ nodded]

YoonYul: Let’s go home~ [Yawn at the same time and laugh together]

Sica: [Disappointed] Awwwww. Ok then….


With that, the girls left the shopping mall with their bags of presents. After they left, the boys were just preparing to go out. After a while, they reached the mall.


Jay: Hmmm, let’s go on our separate ways. We need to buy each other’s present anyway. But, make sure you DON’T get spot by fans. [Look at Taecyeon]

Taec: Yah! Why are you looking at me?! I will be very careful this time round. I will be in low profile. [He dressed like a traffic light]

Junsu: [Laughs] haha! With your this outfit, I don’t think so. You’re really a fashion terrorist, Taec.

Taec: Yah! This is call S.T.Y.L.E

Jay: Ok, quit the joking already. We will meet here 2 hours later.

JunHo: Er Hyung~ I don’t think we need so much time. We are not girls. We just buy and go.

2PM: [Nodded]

Jay: [Panic] Yah! Just listen to what I say. I’m the leader. Go grab a bite if you are done.

2PM: [confused but doesn’t want to argue] Neh!


So, like the girls, they went on their separate ways to shop for gifts for their buddies as well as girlfriends. Jay, on the other hand, sneak out of the mall and drove to a posh restaurant which is located at the hillside. No wonder he needs 2 hours. The place was quiet with little people around.



Shop-owner: Ahnnyeonghaseyo! May I help you?

Jay: [Fake voice] Oh, hi. I’m the Mr Park who called a week ago to book a place here for Christmas…

Shop-owner: [Thought for a while] Oh Mr Park! Neh! We have reserved a quiet area already. [Showed Jay the way] Here, people can’t disturb you. [Laughs] Oh, you are here today to brought forward the date?

Jay: [Pleased with the area, smiled to himself] Er, aniyo~[Embarrassed] I… would let to make a … special… a special request… [Taking out the ring he had bought the other day]



Taecyeon was walking on the same street as that night again. He ran to the handphone shop quickly as he had decided that he will buy the handphone for Yoona. The shop-owner, surprisingly did not recognize that he was the star that appeared the other night.


Shop-owner: Ahnnyeonghaseyo! May I help you?

Taec: [Mumbled to himself] See, Junsu hyung is wrong. Told him that I won’t get caught. No star will dress as stylish as me. [Chuckled to himself]

Shop-owner: Er..Yes?

Taec: [Startled] Neh! I would like to purchase the pink phone outside…

Shop-owner: Oh sir, you sure have good taste! [Taking the phones out] These two phones are designed like a pair. The designer designed this phone for her deceased Fiancé, to show her everlasting love for him. She hopes that all the couples out there to have a blissful relationship. Here. [Hand the phone to Taec] The blue is made for guys, pink for girls. There was even a male idol that wanted to buy this, but he was spotted by a fan, and so wasn’t able to do that [Laughs]

Taec: Wow, what a tragic but wonderful love story. Bet Yoona will love it. [Laughs, mumbled]Oh, That’s me!

Shop-owner: Eh?

Taec: Oh, nothing! Can you wrapped the pink one up for me?

Shop-owner: Sure! [smiled] You don’t want to take the blue one as well? It is like a pair.

Taec: [thought for awhile] Hmmm. Better not. If we were caught using the same phone, Yoona will be in big trouble. SM will definitely scold the hell out of her. Better not… [Replied the owner] Er, no thanks!

Shop-owner: [Wrapping the phone up, Taec pay the money] For your girlfriend? [Taec just smile] Hahas. Youngsters nowadays. So loving. Oh by the way, a special feature of this phone is that, on the front, you can actually key in the words that you want. Do you need me to show you?

Taec: [Shook his head]Aniyo, I’ll do it myself. Kamsahamnida! [Leaves the store quickly before he gets spotted by fans again]

Taec: Yes! One thing down! [happily] Time to shop for others’ presents! Hmmm. I shall go buy a bottle of perfume for Fany first!


After 2 hours, the boys are back with their gifts. However, they are still waiting for Jay. After a while, Jay finally showed up, with shopping vouchers and only 2 bags of gifts.


Chansung: Hyung~! What took you so long? [Pointing at his gifts] You don’t need to buy as much gifts as us.

Jay: Yah maknae! [Panic] I…I went to…to…Oh! Ya! Queue up for the shopping vouchers. It is hard to buy. So many people are buying them. [Others showed Weird expressions, don’t really believe] Yah! [changing topic] Are you all done? Let’s go! Tomorrow we still have performance!

2PM: Neh!

So, both of the groups have bought their gifts, waiting excitedly for christmas to come!





Since there weren’t enough waiting rooms, the organiser arranged SNSD and 2PM to share one waiting room. They pretended to be upset, but actually, they were elated.


SNSD: [Arrived later, greet 2PM, Bowed] Ahnnyeonghaseyo! So Nyuh Shi Dae immida! [Smiled]

2PM: Ahnnyeonghaseyo! [Smiled back, bowed]


After their managers have left the room, leaving them alone, both groups immediately cut the formalities. They hugged each other.


Taec: [Walked over to Yoona, gave her a kiss] It’s been ages since we met! I miss you babe~

Yoona: [Blushes, pretend to hit Taec] Yah! Later we got spotted! [Whispere to him] I miss you too! [Shyly give him a kiss on the cheek, the others all do the boo-sounds]

Taec: Sooo, have you bought my gifts already? [Trying to sound her out]

Yoona: [Aware of his plot] Eh, Anniyo! [Stick her tongue out to him, and Taec started tickling her] Yah!


On the other side, Soo Young and Chansung are just busy eating with the food provided while they talk, Jaebeom and Jessica were whispering and smiling to each other. Seohyun was talking to Junsu shyly, Tiffany, Taeyeon and Wooyoung were talking so loudly, like quarrelling. Hyoyeon and Junho were dancing, teaching each other their dance. And Sunny was busy texting her beloved.


Taeyeon/WooYoung: Yah! Sooyoung!/Chansung! Stop eating already! We are going to dance later! [Hearing that they were talking at the same tempo, they started bickering again, Sooyoung and Chansung ignored them, smiled at each other and continue eating]

Sica: They are forever bickering. [Pointing to WooTae]

Jay: Aishhh~ Their way of expressing themselves? [Laughs, then give Jessica a kiss] Miss you girl~

Sica: [Blushes, then remembered something] Hey Guys! Come over here! Sooyoung ah! Stop eating first!


So, all of them gather around Jay and Jessica. Wanting to know what happen.


Sica: Hmmmm, actually, yesterday, I called Heechul oppa. I asked him to help me book a mansion that is on the hillside where no one can spot us, so we can spend the Christmas alone. [Members cheered] He actually said it was too rush, and that it was hard [Girls, immediately gloomed] BUT,I pleaded him and he finally managed to book it for us! [All cheered] I know it may be too rush because we will have to sneak out the dorm tonight and meet up. We’ll be staying for 2 days there. Are you guys up to it?


Chansung: IT’S PARTY TIME!

Jay: [Kisses Jessica] Wow, babe, you sure is smart~

Sica: [Winks at Jay] Of course!


Hence, they planned to meet up at their usual meeting place that night. With that, it was time to perform. The girls were up first. They performed their new song ‘Hoot’ and ‘Oh!’


Taec: [Watching their performance] My Yoona sure is stunning…

Jay: [Amazed by their performance] Nah, Sica is the best…

Wooyoung: Yah! None. Tiffany and Taeyeon is the best~

JunHo/Khun : Nonono… Hyoyeon…/ Yuri…

Junsu/Chansung: Seohyun!/Sooyoung!


So, the boys kept arguing till the performances end. It was their turn up. They performed ‘I’ll be back’ [In actual, Jay did not participate in this new song] and ‘Again and Again’. The girls were watching their performance as well. Like the guys, they argued who is the best.


YoonYul: Taecyeon Oppa!/ Nickhun Oppa!

Taeyeon: Wow, first time yoonyul has different opinions~ We must record it down. [Laughs] I support wooyoung~

Tiffany: Wooyoung oppa!

Hyoyeon: Junho! My dancing king~

Seohyun: [Shyly] Junsu oppa sings so well!

Sooyoung: [Stops eating her food] Chansung!

Sica: [Blushes] Jay is sooo hot!

Sunny: Sungmin oppa is still the best.[The girls glared at her] Okokok. 2PM is best! [The girls smiled and look at 2PM’s performance again] Yah, scary girls.


After everything ended, they went back to their waiting rooms to pack up while waiting their managers to pick them up.

Sica: [Whispered] So, it’s a deal then! See you guys later!

2PM: Neh! [Jay winked at Jessica]


At night, the boys and girls meet at the usual place. Sunny didn’t follow them as she had special plans with Sungmin already.

Taeyeon: Yes! We will be taking breaks for 2 days! No schedules. So… actually, we won’t need to sneak out! [Smiled]

Jay: Same for us! We can enjoy ourselves finally!

Sica: Let’s go!


After some time, they finally reached the mansion. It is actually located near the posh restaurant that Jay had been to.

Jay: [Thought to himself] Yes! In this way, it is even more convenient.


They settled down and started playing games and eat. Heechul has even provided them with great food. They had lots of fun. Until 11.59pm. Everyone gathered together.

YoonYul: It’s time for countdown! [smiled]

Taeyeon: Yah! You two are like a twin.

YoonYul: Of course! We are the…. YoonYul couple! [Hugged, Taecyeon and Nickhun smiled at their cute girlfriends]

Tiffany: Ok YoonYul, let’s get ready for countdown!

ALL: 5…4…3….2….1!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Jay went to pop the champagne open and everyone cheered. They drank and continue playing again. Sooyoung and Chansung, of course, continue their feast. Until almost dawn, then they fall asleep. They wake up at around noon.


Yoona was sleeping soundly on Taecyeon’s chest. Taecyeon woke up, but remained still, afraid to disturb her. He smelled her hair. It’s still as sweet-smelling as ever. He knows that she will be the girl he is going to spend his entire life with.

Yoona: [Woke up, Look up at Taec, smile] Morning hunk~

Taec: [Smiled, gave her a kiss] Morning, babe. To be exact, it’s already noon.


After awhile, everyone woke up. The girls decided to go for a swim in the swimming pool while the boys set up the things for barbeque at the poolside.

Wooyoung: [Grumbled] I want to swim too! Why are we doing all this?!

Jay: Yah wooyoung! Be a gentleman!

Taeyeon: [Splashed water at wooyoung] That’s right, Wooyounggie~ [Laughs]

Wooyoung: Yah! How dare you call me that?! [Gets into the water to catch Taeyeon]

Soon after, the boys joined the girls in the pool and they played till night for barbeque. For Christmas night, they slept very early as tomorrow is a special day…




However, due to the beer they drink, they were only awake by noon. However, they were very excited.


Sica: Boxing day! Time to open pressies!!


They gathered around the Christmas tree, finding their own gifts. However, the ones they love, didn’t put the gifts under the tree.


Sica: Jay! [Sulk] You didn’t prepare anything for me?!

Jay: Chill babe, I’ll give it to you at night. [Smiled]

Sica: [Blushes] hahas. Ok. I’ll give yours at night too.

Khun: Yoona ah! Thanks for the wallet! I like it a lot! [Wink at Taec, Seeing that Taec is jealous]

Yoona: [Smiled] Thanks for the perfume too, oppa! I Love it!

Fany: Thanks for the perfume, pal.

Taec: Thanks for the wallet too, girl!

SNSD: Thanks Khun oppa for the team T-Shirt! [Khun gave his famous wink]

2PM: Thanks Yuri for the team T-Shirt too! [Yuri blushes and smiled]


Finally, it was night time. All of them are excited as to what their loved ones will give to them. Sooyoung and Chansung left the mansion the earliest as Chansung had prepared a buffet dinner. The rest then slowly splitted up, going out. Jessica brought Jay to her room.


Sica: [Cover Jay’s eyes] Don’t open it until you are told to do so! [Take out the suit, put it on the bed] [Unveil his eyes] You can open now!

Jay: [Look at the collar, ‘Jay Park, Saranghaeyo’, shocked, didn’t talk]

Sica: [Sadly, Panic] Er…You don’t like it? I’m…Sorry!

Jay: [Kisses Sica to calm her down] Don’t be silly! I LOVE IT! The collar is so special! This suit is just perfect! It is just nice for this occasion! I’ll wear it now. Let’s go. I want to bring you to a place.


On the other side, it left only Nickhun, Taecyeon, Yoona and Yuri in the house.

YoonYul: Let’s have dinner together!

Taec: [groans] But babe, everyone is going out with their boyfriends/girlfriends… We should have some special time too!

Khun: [Nodded] Yes! Agree!

Yoona: Nopes! YoonYul will never be separated!

Yuri: Yes! [Hugged Yoona]

Khun: Okok, No wonder your member says you are twins. So, Taec, seems like we can’t separate them for now. Let’s have dinner together and we decide about the private time later.

Taec: [Sighs] Ok, that’s seems to be the only way now.


So with that, they left the house as well. Jay brought Jessica to the posh restaurant.

Sica: wow, the atmosphere is nice. I like it.

Jay: [Mumbled] You’ll like it even more later.

Sica: Eh?

Jay: [Smiled] Nothing! Let’s eat. [Motion the waiter to serve]


After eating the main courses, it was the deserts.


Sica: Aww.. You are so sweet Jay! It’s my favourite Chocolate lava cake!

Jay: [Smiled] Let’s tucked in.


She eats happily, She cut the cake with the fork into smaller pieces until she met something hard. She realized that it was a ring.

Sica: [Shocked] Jay?

Jay: [Knelt down with a bouquet of roses] Sica, we had been together for almost a year now already. I know that you are going to be the one I want to spend my entire life with. I Love You. Jessica Jung, Will you marry me? Make me the happiest guy in the world.

Sica: [Too taken aback, didn’t reply for a long time]

Jay: [Disappointed] Er…I….I… guess it is still not the right.. time..yet.. [Prepare to stand up]

Sica: Aren’t you suppose to put on the ring for me? [Wink at Jay] I Love You, Park Jaebeom.


Jay put on the ring for Jessica. The ring engraved ‘Jay <3 Jess. Till Eternity’. They kissed passionately, holding on to each other tightly.

Sica: This is the best Christmas gift I ever receive, Jay.


On the other side, YoonYul, Taecyeon and Nickhun have finished dinner. The girls totally ignore their boyfriends and were talking for the whole while.

Taec: [Stands up and carry Yoona out of the restaurant] I’ll leave the rest to you Khun! Enjoy with Yuri!

Yoona: [Struggles] Yah! Put me down!


Taecyeon pretended that he didn’t hear it and carry her until they reach the hilltop. He then puts her down.

Taec: Now, You have time already for me? Miss, Im Yoona?

Yoona: [Sticks out her tongue] I guess so~


Both of them started to take out their gifts for each other. They are wrapped the same way, just that Taec’s was pink, Yoona’s was blue. Both of them were surprised. They laughed.

Yoona: Well, the shop owner told me that this phone was designed by a man for his fiancée. They want to share the happiness and wish all the couples blissful. She hopes that all couples have an everlasting love. And it’s blue. So I guess you will like it.

Taec: Eh? Isn’t this phone designed by a woman for her dead fiancé? She still hopes that all couples in the world have an everlasting love and stay blissful. I thought you’ll like the story behind it.

Yoona: [Laughs] Looks like we are being tricked by the shop owner!

Taec: [Laughs, exchanging the present] Yeahs, But at least, they are somewhat similar..

TaecYoon: Everlasting love. Forever blissful.. [Smiled at each other]


They look at their phones. The front of Taec’s phone wrote: Y <3 T , Yoona’s wrote: T <3 Y. Even the handphone keychain they bought for each other comes in a pair! Taec’s was a female, Yoona’s was a male. When put together, they stick together. They smiled. They really have the same mind.

Taec: [ her hair, look into her eyes] Babe, promise me something?

Yoona: Hmmm?

Taec: Promise that this phone, will only be used by us to contact each other. No one else ‘s number should be inside. Mine will only have Yoona<3 and yours will only have Taecyeon<3

Yoona: [Nodded her head] Deal!

Taec: And….

Yoona: [pretends to groan] Why do you have sooo many promises….

Taec: [Laughs] And, don’t ever think of leaving me…

Yoona: [Laughs] Neh! I also have something to say..

Taec: Hmmm?

Yoona: [Kisses his lips] You are the best Christmas gift ever. I Love you Ok Taecyeon…

Taec: [Kisses her back] Saranghae Im Yoona…

With that, they kissed for as long as possible before breaking away. Yoona lie her head on Taecyeon’s shoulder as they watched down from the hill, thousands of different lights.


In the mansion, the radio was playing. They had forgotten to off it while they are out. It was playing ‘This Christmas’ by JYP Nation.


It was near the end, ending with Nickhun saying,’’ I want to fall in love this Christmas…’’


So, how was it people? Sorry that it is abit too long! >< Couldn’t help it! Comments and Critics please! :D

And Finally, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you!! :D

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exoyoong08 #1
Chapter 8: This is my very first few that I've read as a teacyoon shipper!! I didn't even know that subscribe and up vote exist in ff!! Love this ff!! Re- read it again never fail to amaze me with the friendship between tarcyeon and nichkhun and yoona here!! I was also a Khulna shipper!!
Chapter 24: omgomgomgomg my taecyoon feels ... SO SWEEEET!!! Taec you pabo, how did you not notice?? And my poor khunnie, but happy ending yayyyy this is AMAZING, well done authornim!!! congrats!!
Chapter 24: omg this is so amazing
i'm a little obsessed with taecyoon right now :3
Ttiffany #4
I cried!! Good work! I wish I could write a story like her! T-T
salvation #5
This story is really great~ I mean it's amazing
Truly amazing, the plot almost everything is done excellent
It's touching~~ feel like crying on how it ended beautifully~
Taecyeon <3 Yoona ~TaecYoon~ Yoona <3 Taecyeon
takochan21 #6
It's a really sweet & touching story...
Thou I was still hoping for yoona to go for khun instead as he's such a great guy... To be loved so much us really great... Good one, pls keep your stories coming...
multiKATE15 #7
This was the first sory i read about taecyoon today i read it again and i still love it! thanks to you now i am a total fan of taecyoon!!!!!
well honestly i'm one of teacyoon fans.afraid of who will yoona be at last i read the ending episode first hahaha but i found it quite intresting
Ur story really wonderful. I love it :)
So Romantic! TaecYoon and NickYul/YulKhun So cuteee...But JaySica? Not very... I'm In Love With This Fanfic...