
Love Of A Friend


a/n: this was inspired by the song Love of a friend by U-KISS



“Oppa happy anniversary, let’s meet tonight to celebrate. I have something to do and it seems that you’re busy yourself so see you later.” Ha Rin said as soon as she heard the beep signalling for her to leave a message for the voice mail.

Once the call had ended she checked herself on the mirror and fixed her hair before heading downstairs. She took her bag which was placed on the couch and her jacket. *I hope he doesn’t have any plans with his friends* she thought as she hurriedly left.


Hoya woke up from a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see who it was because it definitely wasn’t his mom waking him up; if it was her she should’ve shouted at him already for being too lazy. He slowly opened his eyes which had to adjust to the sudden brightness.

“Happy Birthday oppa.” he then saw his best friend who was smiling wildly at him. He smiled as well; it was always like that his best friend would be the first person to greet him. It was a promise they made when they were still young; no matter what happens they should be the first to greet each other a happy birthday.

“Get up, we have to go now.” she said as she pulled Hoya up. He would usually be stubborn and won’t easily budge from his bed but for today he decided to be the good guy and obediently follow.


After about 30 minutes, he had to rush since she was rushing him, he was already done. He went out to see his best friend happily chatting with his mom. A smile then crept up on his lips. *I’d be really happy if I would wake up every single day and this is the scene I would see*

“Take care of my hoaegi.” Mrs. Lee said as she waved goodbye to the two. Ha Rin giggled at what Mrs. Lee called her son while Hoya got so embarrassed so before Ha Rin could answer back Hoya took her hand and they walked away.


“So what does hoaegi want to do?” she teased as they were roaming around the mall.

Hoya was the quiet type so he didn’t bother to retort instead he glared at his friend and the latter understood already. She knew he didn’t like it when he’s called ‘hoaegi’ but she just loves teasing him that at times she just can’t stop.

“Okay I understand Hoya” she said as she raised her hands in the air. She then dragged her friend towards the arcade to play dance dance revolution since she knows that Hoya loves to dance. Though he may be the silent type he was really good at dancing. His moves are just so flawless.

After their dance battle, wherein Hoya won as usual, they decided to do some window shopping and she was hoping to see a good present for him.


“Oppa look, that purple jacket is so cute.” she said as she pointed to the jacket displayed. She then went to look at it and asked the saleslady if there was any other stock.

“You don’t have to buy anything for me. I’m happy I get to celebrate with you. Thanks for the effort but I think you should go now. I know you have other plans with your boyfriend.”

“Nonsense I already told him that we’ll see each other later. I’ll buy this and that’s final.” she said and went to the cashier to pay for the jacket.

He didn’t argue back because he knows in the end she’ll win. She was a very persistent and stubborn person.

While waiting for her he decided to go out the stall. He was just looking at the people passing by when a certain someone caught his eye.

“Here!” he was startled when he heard Ha Rin. He quickly took her hand and walked away.

“Where are we going?” she curiously asked.

“I suddenly had the craving for ice cream.” he answered and they both walked hand in hand looking for an ice cream parlour.


“Thanks for the gift.” he said with a smile.

“Sure consider yourself lucky that I’m generous today and bought you that jacket and it’s purple.” she teased.

“Maybe I’d wish for you to be always generous so that I would always get a present from you.” then they both just laughed.


They were on their way out the shop when they saw someone very familiar. Ha Rin’s eyes widened at the person in front of her.

*I dragged her here so we won’t bump into them but here they are.* Hoya thought as he was glaring at the guy.

“Babe.” the guy said rather shocked.

She just looked at him and back to the girl with him. His hands were wrapped around her waist and they don’t seem to be family related. He quickly removed his hands away from the girl beside him.

“Oppa who is she?” the girl asked, breaking the silence and making the tension rise up.

“So that’s why you didn’t answer my call earlier.” she said as she walked pass them not forgetting to bump her ‘ex-boyfriend’ on the shoulders.

The guy then gripped on Ha Rin’s arms and made her face him. “I also have the right to be mad. It’s our anniversary today and you’re with him.” he said as he pointed towards Hoya.

“You know that he is only my best friend. And you do know that we always spend his birthday together but I make sure that we also celebrate our anniversary together. I thought you understood that.”

“I understand that but recently you’ve been clinging to him too much.”

“And that gave you the right to date another girl? You could’ve confronted me first about that then we could’ve talked about it.”

The guy was then speechless. Ha Rin then walked away with Hoya trailing behind her. Before completely leaving the place she turned around and said “By the way we’re through.”


As soon as they were far from the shop tears started rolling down her eyes and of course Hoya saw that. He pulled her into his arms and her hair while saying comforting words.

“C’mon let’s get you home.” after hearing that she broke free from Hoya’s arms and wiped her tears with the back of her palm.

“Ani we still need to celebrate. It’s your birthday you’re supposed to enjoy. Just forget what happened earlier.” she tried to fake a smile but she knew she won’t fool anyone. She looked for her phone to call his other friends so that he would enjoy the day but Hoya stopped her.

“Look you already made me happy just by greeting me so let’s go home.” he said as he held her hand and they headed home.


Hoya comforted Ha Rin until she stopped crying.

“Sorry oppa, I ruined your birthday.” she said in between her sniffs.

“You didn’t ruin my birthday I actually had a good time even if it was just for a few hours.”

His words made Ha Rin smile. “Forget him, it’s his loss for letting someone like you slip away from his life. He’ll regret his actions once he realizes that he lost a very special person.”

“Thanks oppa.”

“Lee Howon, Shin Ha Rin’s best friend, will always be there for her no matter what. Like I promised when we were still young, you’ll always have me as your friend and I will always be beside you. I’ll be looking over you even if we’re far away from each other.”

“I’m really happy to have you as my best friend. I love you oppa.” she said with a smile.

“I love you too.” he said *more than a friend but I know that you won’t ever see me that way so I’ll remain as your friend.*










BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEE HOWON!!!   I posted it late :( and it ended up sad... this was supposed to be a happy one for Hoya's birthday but it turned the other way around... anyway let me do a short pic spam for the birthday boy....

I do not own the pics and gifs credit to the rightful owner I just saw all of it on tumblr ^^

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beyond_facts #1
I wished they ended up together >.<
But nevah mindeu ;D Still awesome *o*
It's good! Though I sort of wished they would have ended up together but they're still friends so it's okay :)