I'll Leave First

I'll Leave First


Instead of people leaving him, Woohyun leaves first.

That’s how scared Woohyun is of people leaving him first…he will never let that happen.

That’s until he met Kim Sunggyu.

The beautiful boy with an enchanting voice to add, Woohyun can’t get Sunggyu out of his mind.

Sunggyu promises, he promises he will never leave Woohyun and they can stay together forever, as friends.

Everything is amazing, Woohyun stops having to have random relationships with people and leaving and he has someone by his side, someone who makes him feel comfortable, and most importantly, special and loved.

But Woohyun can’t stand it anymore, he can no longer push away the feelings he has for Sunggyu and he is prepared to let Sunggyu know.

Things weren’t supposed to be turn out this way, Sunggyu was supposed to say he loved Woohyun as well and they were to happily be together, but life, it never turns out the way you want it to be right?

Sunggyu was having a good time with his friends and somehow, he cannot accept the fact Woohyun just confessed out of the blue and not knowing what to say, he just said they couldn’t do this and asked Woohyun to go home first.

That was enough for Woohyun to know it was his time to leave this relationship.

With heavy footsteps and a broken heart, Woohyun left, and it would be the last time he would ever leave someone, because his heart no longer had space for another relationship.

As he left the note on the table, he did it with a heavy heart and even though his heart asked him to stay, his mind told him he had to leave.

If he doesn’t leave now, Sunggyu would, because Sunggyu only liked him as a friend.

“I love him so much…” was what Woohyun whispered to himself nonstop as he left for a place where Sunggyu would never find him.

Maybe it was a good thing that Sunggyu didn’t know much about him, Sunggyu would never know where his hometown was, and Woohyun wouldn’t need to see Sunggyu’s face for another second, because he was sure that if he saw Sunggyu’s face again, he would never have the strength to leave.

“Woohyun, don’t be stupid, go back, Sunggyu is waiting for you.” His friend Sungyeol told him, but all Woohyun did was shake his head slowly.

No one would wait for him, ever.


“If you carry on like this, I’ll tell Sunggyu you’re hiding here!” Sungyeol finally burst out when Woohyun stopped eating.

But Sungyeol couldn’t bring himself to tell Sunggyu when Sunggyu was the main reason why his friend was being like this.

What if Sunggyu really didn’t like Woohyun in the same way Woohyun did?

Then telling him where Woohyun was wouldn’t change anything.


Kim Sunggyu finally realized how miserable his life was without Nam Woohyun.

Everything he did was meaningless because he since he met Woohyun, everything he did, it would be with Woohyun and Woohyun was the main reason of living.

He knew, he knew Sungyeol knew where Woohyun was, but Sunggyu wasn’t sure about his own feelings as well.

Did he love Woohyun?

He could see the annoyance in Sungyeol’s face every time they meet, as if waiting for Sunggyu to give him an answer, quickly.

Then, Sungyeol cracked.

“KIM SUNGGYU. How long must you take to find out what your feelings are? Are you that dumb or do you not know yourself at all? There are only two answers, yes you love Woohyun, or no you don’t, so what’s your answer?!” Sungyeol said angrily.

“I…I don’t know…” Sunggyu replied, his head bowed.

“God! Do you really expect me to wait for your damn answer every single day when my friend is currently on the verge of killing himself?!” Sungyeol continued to shout.

“Killing himself? What do you mean?” Sunggyu said, his eyes filled with worry now.

“He’s not eating properly, and all he does these days is staring into a blank space and cry. I highly suspect that he is going to become blind soon.” Sungyeol complained, secretly hoping to touch Sunggyu’s heart.

“Pssht. I don’t think you can become blind from crying too much.” Sunggyu replied and chuckled, but Sungyeol was serious and he hated Sunggyu’s attitude right now.

“I can see it in your eyes how you worry about Woohyun, how you seem so empty without Woohyun, why can’t you just admit you love him?!” Sungyeol said as he grabbed onto Sunggyu’s collar angrily.

“Is that love?” Sunggyu said.

“If that’s not love, WHAT IS?!” Sungyeol couldn’t control his emotions any longer.

“You know what, stay like this Kim Sunggyu. But if something happens to Woohyun, I’m not letting you off easily.” Sungyeol said, and left to pay Woohyun another visit.


When will Kim Sunggyu finally admit that he loves Woohyun as well?!

Why am I the one having to bring this two together?

“Woohyun?” I said as I entered the house.

Woohyun was not in his usual spot at the balcony and he wasn’t in the living room.

I decided to try his bedroom and sighed in relief when I found him sitting at the edge of the bed, just staring at the wall.

But something seemed deathly wrong.

Woohyun was staring at the wall, no emotions in his eyes at all as tears flowed down his face uncontrollably.

It wasn’t the first time I see Woohyun cry, but never like this, and his eyes… they just seemed… blank.

“Woohyun? Is something wrong?” Sungyeol said slowly.

Woohyun smiled, but it was such a saddening smile that made me tremble.

“Everything’s black, just like how my life is.” Woohyun said and smiled again, and with the tears which were still flowing down his cheeks, the smile looked so forced, I felt his pain.

Wait. Why was everything black?

“Woohyun, what are you talking about? Why is everything black? What’s wrong with your eyes?” I said and moved Woohyun’s face so he was facing me, but I realized how his eyes were looking past my face as if he couldn’t see me.

“Your eyes…no…Woohyun, oh my god, Woohyun…” I whispered as I could feel my own tears threatening to escape from my eyelids.

“Don’t be sad, Sungyeol. Its better this way, isn’t it? The world has no meaning to me any longer anyways, it doesn’t matter if I’m able to see or not…” Woohyun said.

Looking at my friend who was now blind, I just couldn’t sit and do nothing.

“Woohyun, I’ll be back tomorrow okay?” I said and quickly rushed back to Seoul.


“Damn you, Kim Sunggyu, you’re coming with me.” Sungyeol didn’t let Sunggyu get a chance to say anything and forced him into my car.

“Where the hell are you taking me?!” He complained.

“Remember what I said? I won’t let if you off if something happens to Woohyun.” Sungyeol said.

But Sungyeol wouldn’t let know what happened to Woohyun, Sunggyu was to find out by himself.

“Go in. Bye.” Sungyeol said when they reached the apartment and left.


As soon as he heard the door and footsteps, Woohyun immediately thought it was Sungyeol.

“Yeol? You back?” He said and put his hands on either side of him as he felt the walls slowly and walked towards the living room.

Hearing no response, he said, “Yeol? Why aren’t you saying anything?”


As soon as Sunggyu walked a few steps, he heard the melodic voice that he hasn’t heard for ages call out for Sungyeol.

Then Sunggyu heard the footsteps, but it somehow sounded slow and hesitant and Sunggyu couldn’t put his head round why it seemed weird.

And then he saw Woohyun, who was walking towards him, but his eyes were looking elsewhere, as if Sunggyu was invisible.

Before he could react, Woohyun bumped into him and he cocked his head to a side with a puzzled look on his face.

“Yeol? Why didn’t you move and let me bump into you…” Woohyun said slowly, and then began to feel the guy in front of him.

“Eh? Yeol, you feel soft, did you gain weight or something?” Woohyun said as he felt the body in front of him, puzzled at the new feeling.

Sunggyu let out a small gasp as he stared at Woohyun’s eyes which were blank, and never looking at his face.

“Woohyun…” Sunggyu said softly and Woohyun froze.

That beautiful voice he missed so much… “Sunggyu?” Woohyun whispered.

“Woohyun, oh my god, no, I-I’m so sorry, this is my entire fault, Woohyun….” Sunggyu immediately broke down as he held onto Woohyun’s face and looked into Woohyun’s beautiful eyes which were now blank and lifeless.

Tears were pouring out of Woohyun’s eyes as well but he still managed to smile as he said, “No, Sunggyu, I brought this upon myself…don’t be sad, it’s not your fault…”

Seeing the beautiful boy in front of him, who had lost so much weight since the last time they met and how he looked to pale and fragile, Sunggyu’s heart ached.

He finally realized how much impact he had on this boy, and how much he had hurt Woohyun.

And those beautiful eyes, that used to make eye smiles that would melt his heart, were unable to see anymore.

That’s when Sunggyu knew, he knew he wanted to take care of Woohyun for the rest of his life.

“Woohyun, I love you.” He finally managed to say those three words and took Woohyun’s lips in a sweet and loving kiss.

When he let go and looked at Woohyun’s face, Woohyun’s expression was unreadable.

“Sunggyu, do you really? Is this a joke or something? I-“ Woohyun started saying, his voice trembling.

“Yes, I’ve realized how big a fool I am, how the perfect person had already appeared before my eyes but I still managed to let him go, I’m so sorry Woohyun.” Sunggyu said and engulfed Woohyun in a deep hug and caressed Woohyun’s hair softly.

“You won’t leave me?” Woohyun said softly, his words muffled by Sunggyu’s chest.

“Not if you won’t leave me first. I’ll be your eyes from today onwards Woohyun.” Sunggyu replied and smiled when he felt Woohyun hug him tighter.

“I love you, I love you, I love you.” Woohyun said as he broke from the embrace and gave Sunggyu a peck on the lips.

Woohyun’s cheek immediately turned a faint blush of pink which made Sunggyu chuckle.

“I love you as well you babo. My Woohyun…hmm I like the sound of that.” Sunggyu said as he returned the kiss, taking his time this time, because from now onwards, they had all the time in the world.



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Chapter 1: I love your stories, but why is woohyun blind like suddenly?
Chapter 1: What a beautiful story ㅠ.ㅠ but. . What I can't understand is why Woohyun suddenly blind?
Chapter 1: I'm sad that woohyun had to suffer but I'm glad that they ended up together in the end
mikimint #4
Chapter 1: I love this so much. Its so sweet!
Chapter 1: Oh my god... Its sad but so sweet in the end. My heart just beating so hard. Almost crying but ended smiling instead... Nice story of woogyu...
Love is blind...literally, haha. Thank you for the Woogyu! :D
woosoogyu #7
So bitterly-sweet... Sigh... Why did Sunggyu have to wait so long to admit his feelings...
But it's great that woogyu is together now...
Thanks for the awesome story... ^^
NamStarDino #8
This is beautiful, and legit tears are streaming down my cheeks. Seriously, your fics are amazing. The touch me like no other fics ;_____;
Keep up the wonderful work!
Oh this story was so sweet! Good jod writing it:)