Subway (One shot feat Kim Jaejoong and OC)

Subway (One shot feat Kim Jaejoong and OC)


A couple on the first bench are undeniably making out. They're totally into their own world and didn't care about the people around. Some passerby had their heads shaking in disgust while some had politely asked them to get a room or do it somewhere else appropriate. But they just shrugged their shoulders and continued on with their making out session. 

On the other bench not too far from them, was a girl listening on her iPod while texting on her phone. Another person totally submerged in her own world and not even caring a bit on the couple close by. She would glance at them occasionally but would go back pressing tiny buttons on her blackberry. 

"Oppa. I don't want this day to end." The girl said to her boyfriend. 

"Neither do I." He said and pulled her into another passionate kiss. "But I have to go. I have work tomorrow." He said as they parted. 

"Fine." The girl said bitterly. "Goodnight." She said and gave him a tight hug. 

"Goodnight." He said nonchalantly. The girl was continuously waving goodbye as she was walking backwards.

"Saranghae oppa!" She shouted before finally entering the station. 

"MhhmMm" He mumbled in satisfaction. He spun around and proudly walked towards the girl sitting on the other bench.

The girl looked up at the man standing in front of her. "Done?" She asked as she took off her earphones. 

"Yeah." He said. 

"Let's go. I still have to finish my essay." She said as she stood up ready to leave. 

He shook his head. He hated the fact that it never bothered her how many girls he would go out with. She doesn't even show a slightest hint of disgust at what he had become. 

He followed her quietly to the bus and sat in silence throughout the ride. When she finally reached her stop, he also got off to her surprise. 

"Where are you going?" She asked as they stepped out of the bus.

"I'm going with you." He said. 

"Jae, I'm busy right now. I told you I have to finish my essay." 

"Can't you spare me 5 minutes?" He asked angrily. 

"How about later?" She said sarcastically. She was in tight schedule and she wasn't planning on wasting her time on his lame pranks. She continued on walking.

" Why is it that you never cared?!" He yelled.

She turned around, shock and embarrassment all over her face from his screaming. She angrily walked over him. "What the hell is wrong with you Kim Jaejoong?! You might wake up the neighbours!" She hissed. 

"I don't care!"

"Shut up before they call police!" She cried in horror. "Go home Jae, please!" 

"I'm not going home until you answer me."

She was close to losing her temper. She thought she might go ninja on him if he doesn't stop. "Alright what the hell was your question again?"

"I said why is it that you don't give a damn care when you see me making out with someone on public." He said. 

She chuckled. "Omg Jaejoong are you on crack? Of course I wouldn't care because I've seen you doing it so many time that I'm used to it. What have you been smoking?" She teased. 'Might as well entertain his humor so he would pestering me.' She thought. 

"You don't understand." He said
"Alright let's put this night to an end and go home. Goodnight, Jae." 

She was about to turn around when two arms encircled her in a tight embrace. 

"What the hell Jae! I'm not in the mood to wrestle -" she stopped as she smelled faint alcohol coming from his shirt. 

"Are you drunk?" She asked as she pushed him away. 

"No. I just had a few." 

'Of course it was just a few.' She thought. She knew him very well that 'a few' meant one full case of soju. He has a pretty high alcohol tolerance.

"Didn't I tell you not to drink anymore? It will cause birth defects on your future child." She warned. 

"Can you stop changing the subject? I will have a child soon and I would have it with you." He said bravely. 

She was laughing hysterically in her head. He is definitely a drunken man. He would never dare say that to her if he was sober. He already once told her that she wasn't his type. 

"Okay, sure why not? How many kids do you want?" She played along. 

"I want two. If we get to the point of conceiving the third one, then we're having four. I don't like having odd number of children. It should always be even." He explained. 

He always had this superstition of having everything in even numbers even when it comes to girlfriends. He would date girls in two's just because he sees even numbers as his lucky charms. He was never caught for two-timing and it was always him who would end the relationship and break off with the girl. Even numbers had always resulted positively for him. 

"Fine if that's what you want. Now can we go home? Unless you want to finish my essay and miss your work tomorrow. I don't mind." She teased. 

"But I'm not even done yet. Do you not really care?" He continued. 

'Oh lord. I thought it was done.' She said to herself. "Okay, why does it bug you so much that I don't care?"

"Because you've been ignoring what I have been doing on purpose."

"What? I don't understand. What is it that you've been doing on purpose?"

"Oh my, why are you so dumb, Miyaka?" He said bluntly. 

"Well I'm sorry I don't speak the language of the drunk. Pardon me for being uneducated in the field of alcoholism." She mocked.

"What?" He asked confused. "I'm not drunk. Anyways, I've been dating girls to get your attention."

She only blinked at him. Why does her bestfriend of 15 yrs wanted to get her attention when she's been giving it to him ever since? 

"I'm in love with you, Mia." He said with his droopy eyes. "I have always been."

She was about to buy his words when she remembered that she was talking to an intoxicated man who probably didn't even know who he was talking to. He must've mistaken her for another woman. Who has the same name as her. :s 

She was too tired to argue and she needed to get home quickly so she just played along with his drunkenness like she would usually do.

"I love you too, Jaejoong." She said half-meaning her words. "I'm so glad you finally confessed." She said as she came closer and gave him a hug. Tears were forming on the corners of her eyes as she wished the scene were actually real. 

She made sure she wiped her tears before they parted. 

He flashed a smile after they broke off the hug. For her, his smiles were always to die for. Specially the smiles that he make when he's drunk. 

"So will you go home now?" She asked with a hint of sadness in her eyes.

He nodded like a good boy and went over to kiss her forehead. Usually he would go over and kiss the girl he just met like they were long lost lovers. But the way he treated her was so pure and innocent. 

They shared another hug before he finally left. She cried for a while for being an idiot and for letting him dig up her already buried love for him. 'He was drunk! What has gotten into you, Miyaka?' She scolded herself. 

His hugs and unintended confessions had her up the entire night. She didn't even have the right mind to finish her essay. She was floating in air. What if he really meant it? She once read in a book that a drunken mind speaks a sober heart. What if he had his eyes on her all this time and dating different girls was his way of making her jealous? She shook at the thought. She was nowhere comparable to the girls he dated. Beside she can never take his words seriously. He’s the type to always joke around.

When she woke up the next day, she knew that everything was just a dream. Jaejoong showed up her door like he would always do because she carpools with him. 

"Wow, you look so bloated and ugly." He bluntly said as he stood at her bedroom door looking gorgeous in suit. 

She calls him the walking irony. Seeing him first thing in the morning is like a refreshing glass of cold orange juice but hearing his sarcasm is like drinking a jug of nasty puke. 

"Move." She said as she hung the towel on her shoulder. But he blocked the door even more. "Omg Kim Jaejoong I'm not in the mood to play games with you early in the morning. I already had enough of you last night." She said annoyed. 

"Aww, my jagiya looks really cute when she's pissed." He said as he patted her head. 

"What?" She asked as her eyes widened out in surprise. "What did you just call me?"

"Jagiya?" He crooned. 

His voice and gaze melted her on the spot. Her legs were wobbly and her voice wouldn't come out. She was on emergency mode. 

"Are you okay?" He asked. 

The man even had the nerve to ask her if she was okay when she was obviously having a heart attack. "Stop playing games I said!" She screamed. She was confused as heck. 

"But I'm not." He said. "Last night, I'm pretty sure I remembered what I did last night."

So he had not mistaken her for another woman. Those words were for her and she didn't even take them seriously. 

"Wow, you thought I was joking?" He said disappointed. 

"But you were drunk! How am I supposed to believe you? And you always joke around so I don't know when you really mean or not." She defended. 

"I guess it was half my fault but still how could you not believe me."

"Okay, I'm sorry. It didn't cross my mind that you would like me. I'm pretty sure you said that I'm not your type." She said hurtful. 

"Aigoo-yah. How cute?!" He said as he pinched her cheeks. "Have you ever heard of reverse psychology? I've always meant the other way."

"So I'm not ugly?" She asked shyly. 

"Of course not. Except right now. You really look terrible. That essay must've been a monster." He said honestly. 

She chuckled. 'If only you knew who made me look like this.' She thought. 

They were grinning at each other's dorkiness. They looked like high school teenagers who just found their first loves. Well technically they're each other's first love. 

"Stop grinning. You look like a fish." She teased. 

"Look who's talking. You look like a panda." He retorted. 

She pouted. "I was joking."

"I was joking too."

"No you weren't. You clearly said I look ugly today."

"But it's true."

"Fine." She said. "Now can I go through? I'm gonna be late for class and you're gonna be late for work too."

"Alright I will. But after you say the magic word." He said playfully. 

"Gosh what a child." She said as she rolled her eyes. "Please?" 

"Not quite. Something's missing." He said mischievously. 

"What? I already said the magic word. What else do you want?"

He slowly leaned closer and gently placed his lips on her. The kiss lasted for a few seconds and how she wished time would stop. The way he kissed her was so different from the past that he had. It was untainted and sincere. It didn't feel like it was rushed rather it felt like it was long overdue.

She turned crimson red and he didn't pass the chance to make fun of her. 

"You're blushing."

"Shut up." She said. "Sorry, it’s not like I kiss guys everyday."

"Come here, you." He said and pulled her into an embrace placing his chin on top of her forehead as he her hair. 

"Saranghae Miyaka." He said sincerely. "And for the second time I mean it, okay?"

She smiled. "Yes, Jae." She said as her words muffled on his shirt. "I love you, too.





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faridpraderago #1
Chapter 1: this is so sweet and cute^^
i'm glas i find this one
Hanifah #2
Oh my God it's so sweet, I can't resist. Love it :)
yasmien #3
Chapter 1: Wait i can't believe there's no comments yet for this story!!it's so sweet and simply lovely!i like it! :)