You're not coming Home

You're not coming home (HIATUS)


Cheers to…

The we talk.

The way we shop.

The laughs we can’t stop.

The gossips we spill.

The looks that could kill,

To having each other’s backs.

To downing the fears and spilling the tear,

I’m in love with my best friend…



                ‘Ji Young.. JI YOUNG?!’


                Young Bae’s voice startled him out of his state of shock, his eyes blinking furiously as a rush of what just happened flooded over him, a gasp of air being into his lungs before he was finally able to function properly, his eyes shifting back and forth over the empty spot where Junsu had been standing only minutes ago, now it seemed he had suddenly disappeared, like he was some dream..  Ji Young turned his attention towards Young Bae now who seemed more than confused; his hand clutching at Ji Young’s pulling him to face him, his mouth set in a frown, his best friend obviously in a state he didn’t understand.  Ji Young could only stare at him.


                ‘What the heck is wrong with you?  What’s wrong with Junsu?  You guys leave me for a moment and suddenly it’s like everything’s happening again when he left the first time!’


                Young Bae asked, Ji Young’s mind trying to process quickly what the hell he was saying, all of it finally clicking into place when his head lifted and he noticed Junsu walking up the hill that they had come down, a hand running through his hair, remaining there before it dropped to his side again.  Ji Young shifted his gaze back to Young Bae who looked sternly at him, his gaze wanting nothing more than answers from him, but he knew it couldn’t give them just yet.


                Twisting his hand from Young Bae’s, Ji Young took off in a sprint up the hill without a word, Young Bae shouting his name in the processes, Ji Young not bothering to look back as his feet took him as fast as they could towards the one man his eyes couldn’t leave, Junsu’s body getting closer and closer into sight as his hand reached out the moment he was close enough, taking Junsu’s into a death grip as he pulled him to a stop, halting all movement.




                Ji Young began, Junsu’s eyes more than just wide as they stood in the middle of the crosswalk staring at each other, this time Junsu’s mouth opened with shock, his gesture not so much as uncomfortable, but timid as Ji Young stood there in front of him trying to catch his breath before he could speak.


                ‘I-I’m not going to lose my best friend again.  I’m not going to let you just walk away like you did last time.  You’re not going to leave again because of me…  A-And if that means that I somehow have to return that love that you have for me…  I’ll learn.  I’ll get the hang of it, cause if that’s what I have to do to keep you by my side, by all means believe me I say I’ll do it.’


                Ji Young breathed, clutching Junsu’s hand harder, the older man’s lip twitching as his mouth closed carefully, his cheeks becoming a deep red as he looked at the ground and clutched Ji Young’s hand back.  Ji Young was surprised himself that this situation didn’t seem awkward now, but it had before, Junsu being brought back into his arms again as he embraced him securely, his arms locking around Junsu’s shoulder’s, keeping him there.


                ‘Believe me..’


                He mumbled, as Junsu’s arm’s lifted and circled around his waist.


                ‘I-I’ll believe you..’


                ‘Do you believe in love at first sight?’

                Junsu asked, one head phone being pulled out of his ear, head turning away towards the computer screen and mix table him and Ji Young had been working on, Ji Young doing the same as his shoulder’s shrugged and he twisted a small knob before flipping a switch, he didn’t seem to notice Junsu’s shoulder’s slumping.


                ‘Hyung are you in love with someone?’


                Ji Young asked now when he glanced over, noticing Junsu’s somber expression, a grin spreading across his face, the urge to tease his hyung coming on strong as he poked at his side, Junsu jumping as a small blush spread across his face, his head quickly shaking back and forth.


                ‘Uh.. N- Not me!  A friend! A friend told me that when he fell in love with his current girlfriend, it was the very first time he saw her!  He said it was love at first sight.’


                Junsu explained, Ji Young only continuing to grin as he poked again at Junsu’s side, the blush never fading as Junsu shifted nervously in his spot, pressing a few button’s himself as Ji Young laughed loudly.


                ‘Hyung, you don’t have to lie to me!  I know you have to be talking about yourself!  Don’t try to hide it!  If you believe in love at first site, then that’s your insight.  For me, I think it will take a while, I’d just like the person first, and then get to know her before I could say love grew!’


                Ji Young implied, Junsu pausing a moment as his lower lip was slightly bitten, his head hanging a little, Ji Young turning back to the computer screen, his smile still remaining as he began working on the song the two were doing together.


                ‘I see. . So that’s how it is. .’


                ‘I kind of wish you guys wouldn’t leave me out on these kinds of things at first…’


                Young Bae spoke; his eyes narrowed towards both men who looked rather defeated in front of him, their hand’s still intertwined as Young Bae reached forward and wacked both of them on the head.  Ji Young winced as he glanced over to Junsu’s frowning face, his eyes still remaining on the ground even after Young Bae had pulled them apart, Ji Young couldn’t help but think he did something wrong as a sigh escaped his lips and he looked to the ground as well, Young Bae’s voice sounding as though it faded into the back ground, when in reality he had just gone silent.  Junsu, being the first to glance up at a rather upset looking Young Bae who sighed just as heavily.

                ‘What ever happened to best friend’s telling each other everything..  I feel like I’m nothing but a third wheel now..’


                Young Bae spoke quietly, Ji Young’s head snapping up instantly.  Third wheel, Young Bae a third wheel, Ji Young felt couldn’t help the anger that flooded over him now, his eye brows furrowing.


                ‘You think I knew this at first either?  Hell, I just figured out about half this today..  Don’t ever think you are a third wheel just because Junsu and I decided to try something new.  Only think of yourself as my best friend and best friend only.’


                Ji Young being the one scolding this time, Young Bae’s expression never changing as he seemed to just brush the words off and look in another direction, his hand’s being shoved into his pockets and a small pout formed on his bottom lip like some puppy who had just been kicked hard.  Ji Young sighed heavily again himself; he never knew one thing like this happening today would lead to tons of more things to make everything more complicated.


                ‘Young Bae..’


                Junsu was the one to speak up now, his voice almost a whisper, Ji Young having to strain his ears to hear as he turned to look at the man who even though he stepped forward never released his hand, his hyung’s head tilting as his expression turned to caring.  Young Bae didn’t seem to pay much attention to him either as Junsu approached him cautiously, his free hand reaching out to rest upon his arm.


                ‘Young Bae..  Are you jealous?’


                ‘My name is Dong Young Bae!

                The twelve year old announced proudly to the boy sitting in front of him, today was his first day here and his eagerness was beaming as he introduced himself to just about everyone in sight, bows coming left and right until he came across this boy, someone who finally looked his age.  This body only stared at him with tired eyes though, a slight eye brow rising, along with a smile as he laughed quietly to himself before standing from the bench he had been resting on.


                ‘Kwon Ji Young, it’s nice to meet you.  You’re the first boy I’ve seen my age here in a while.  I hope you last long unlike some of the others..’


                He stated Ji Young’s eyes rollin, not many younger trainees must have lasted long.  Young Bae made an audible swallowing sound as he looked around, he didn’t think it would be that tough in this industry with him being so young, he had thought the rumors of starting off young was a good idea.  Maybe he was wrong..


                ‘Don’t look so afraid.’


                Ji Young spoke again, Young Bae looking his way again, his frown slightly fading when he looked at Ji Young’s huge grin, his finger pointing at him then to himself.


                ‘As long as you stick with me~ you have nothing to worry about, I’ll make sure you make it to your debut day!’


                Ji Young implied loudly as he now stood by Young Bae’s side, his arm being thrown over his shoulder as he tugged him in the direction of the dance studio.


                ‘Now let’s get moving and let me teach you the wonders of how to hand out a water bottle properly!’



A/N: Now the ending of this chapter is like this for a reason.  The next chapter will be a side story having to deal with Young Bae and his love interest in this story..  Which won’t be revealed till the chapter is posted~ And sorry this chapter is so short and eh, xDD my best stuff comes to me at night and I'm typed this one in the afternoon

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I just recently got surgery so updates are gonna be a little slow, I'm hoping this story will have an update by Saturday, Maybe Friday, depending on how I feel.


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Catalina390 #1
em sorry~ excuse me, the name KWON JIYONG not jiyoung.. so please change the tag name as JIYONG
Awww, such a sweet story. Please update soon^^
Minjunkay #3
I love it!!! I don't find a lot of GD/Jun.k fanfics. Thank you for writing it!
Thank you for the ones that commented~ :) I'm glad you guys are liking this story~ T.T I didn't think anyone would like my GD/Jun.k pairing tbh.
reeealy amazing story.. >_<
uh it feels like i'm tailing all your posts...sorry if you get annoyed or something ( T,T ), but i can't stand not-commenting on your fics.. you really are my favorite.. ;__;
WOw, the story is just so interesting~ You're amazing, Hwaiting!