It's Always Been You


Not edited. It's like... 5:30 am, i'll do it when I'm fully awake. Sorry if there's any grammar or punctuation mistakes >.<


Kibum search around the area a week before now and got a job feeding animals at a farm*. He had managed to buy new clothes not very different from his old ones with the money he had left and cleaned himself up. He left the inn and walked to the little food house they were to meet at. He waits very briefly for Minho and smiles when he sees when walking towards him. Kibum never had a chance to get a good look at Minho but seeing him walk looking directly at Kibum made him look very handsome.

“Hello Kibum, did you wait long?” Minho said raising his eyebrows questioningly.

“No, I just got here myself Minhwan. Shall we go?”

Minho nodded and took Kibum around the whole town, telling him the little things he should know and where to get the best use out of your money. They were talking when suddenly; something caught Minho’s eyes on one of the stalls. He made sure they kept walking a few metres away from the stall and told Kibum he needed to use the toilet. Kibum told him he’d wait for him by the place he first met Minho and Minho nodded in agreement. He made sure Kibum was out of sight then walked back to the stall.

“Hello madam? May I know how much that costs please?” Minho asked the rather plump lady.

“This? Only £2 if you buy another one.” She said looking at Minho with a flirtatious smile on her face.

“Can I have two? Oh, can you please put this name on that one,” he said pointing at one of the two items. “And this name on the other one please?”

The lady smiled and told him it’d be ready in 10 minutes. He fidgeted about on his feet five minutes being too long for him. Kibum may end up getting suspicious and come looking for him. His worrying came to an end when he was given the items in a small black bag. He gave the lady the £2 and bid her goodbye.

He hid the bag in his satchel and ran to where Kibum said he would be.

“Oh there you are. I thought you were lost for a minute there” Kibum said relieved Minho had finally come back. The continued their tour around the town, stopped at a food vendor for their lunch, something Kibum rarely had and after found themselves in a field with their backs on the grass and eyes tracing the sky. Minho tells Kibum that he’s different from him. That he’s lived and still lives a very different life from Kibum. Kibum doesn’t question Minho on that because he knows his kingdom is much nicer than the one he was in before. Minho knows what he’s saying isn’t the whole truth, but isn’t a lie either. He does live differently from Kibum… and everyone else. He’s an emperor. But he couldn’t exactly tell Kibum that. His friendship with Kibum is very new and didn’t trust Kibum enough to tell him about the way he lived. But Minho however does tell Kibum a little about his life, being the only child in his family to take anything seriously and how his younger brother always doted on him for attention.

Kibum laughed at that remembering how much he missed his family. Minho told Kibum little secrets about himself and looked at Kibum to find him sleeping. He took off his little cloak and draped it around Kibum. He smiled to himself while looking at Kibum. He looked so much better now that he was cleaner. His dark brown hair and wispy fringe just about covering his face, thick eyebrows and almond shaped eyes which were now closed and long black eyelashes. He noticed Kibum had the poutiest shaped lips he’d ever seen and they looked so perfect and cute. He just looked at Kibum overall and was happy he’d met someone like him. He laid his head back and decided to take a small nap too. Minho felt a continuous tap on his shoulder and opened his eyes slowly, his eyes adjusting to his surroundings. The sky was no longer bright blue but a mixture of lilac blue, lavender and orange. He realised they’ve been here for longer than they should.

“Minho? Are you awake now?” Kibum whispered.

Minho stiffly said yes which really came out as a grunt from not using his vocal cords for a few hours. Kibum slightly chuckled and helped Minho sit up.

“It looks beautiful doesn’t it?” Kibum said more like a statement to himself than a question.

“Yes it does.” They both watched the sun go down in a comfortable silence and stood up when the sky’s now twilight.

They made their way back to town and talked about small things like their favourite colour and food and other little things they hadn’t acknowledged about themselves. They reached Kibum’s inn and stand infront of the door looking at each other. They suddenly burst out in giggles and calm down form it.

“I guess I’ll see you later Kibum” Minho said.

Kibum nodded and smiled at Minho. “I guess I’ll see you later too Minhwan.” Kibum waved at Minho and turned to go inside the inn,

“Wait!” Minho said loud enough for Kibum to hear. Kibum turned around and looked at Minho quizzically with his eyebrows raised. “I forgot to give you something.” Minho searched his satchel and with drew a small black bag, took out one of the items in there and handed it to Kibum.

“I thought I told you to stop giving me things” Kibum whined. “I don’t know how I’m supposed to pay you back.” Kibum pushed the bag towards Minho rejecting it.

“And I keep telling you, you don’t have to pay me back. Look, if it makes you feel better, I didn’t spend a lot on it and I really want you to have it. It’s not much anyway.

Kibum looks at the bag connected to the arm that’s stretched out towards him and takes it while mumbling you didn’t have to under his breath.

“But I want to.” Minho says with a goofy grin on his face.

“You know Minhwan, for someone who’s just met me, you’ve done so much for me. I really don’ know how to thank you.” Kibum half seriously and half whined with a small pout on his face.

Minho tells him, “When the time comes, you’ll know it.”

Kibum’s quite taken aback by what Minho just said. Minho sees the look on Kibum’s face and assures him he doesn’t mean anything bad by what he said but forcing yourself to thank someone physically isn’t always good. Just a simple thank you is enough. Minho tells Kibum to go inside the inn and bids him goodbye. Kibum greets the landlady and walks to his room. He sits on his bed and opens the bag withdrawing a black and blue hand woven bracelet with his name on it. He puts it on and smiles telling himself he’ll never take it off. He takes a bath and climbs into his bed. He falls asleep unconsciously dreams about Minho and his smiling face.


A/N: Ok, I know the ending is cheesy but I really didn’t know how to finish this chapter. Any thoughts??? I also know this chapter’s boring but I just needed to develop their relationship somehow while they’re still friends. So sorry about that too >.< Also~ I’m thinking about moving the story along quicker because I’m not good at developing relationships as you’ve seen in this chapter XD I feel like I’m moving away from the theme I set in the first chapter so I’ll try to stick to it in the rest. Please comment if you feel I need to change some things!!! Your guidance is something I really need because writing isn’t my best fortay. I get the idea, but I just can’t seem to write it out properly. Also, sorry about this long A/N too ^^;;

Ps, the currency is in pounds because it’s the currency I use and know best. So please convert it into your main currency if it confuses you.

*This is set the next week. I needed Key to have a job and stuff otherwise this chapter would’ve been… weird.


The bracelet looks like these combined:


Key has his Love Like Oxygen look: 

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I guess I'm not going to update until the end of May. Sorry again :(


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Chapter 5: god i need this to be continued:(
Chapter 5: What?????
Great strory so asdfghjkl
lovey_doveyky #4
soooo interesting!! cantwaitcantwaitcantwait~! XDDD
Kibum is getting lucky!! =]
It's great how minho make a friend with key.. But he need to tell him who he is before it's to late and key will be angry to him..
awe key looks sooo good like that i miss his innocent look form back in the day. I dont know if its just me but i kinda wanna see him with longer hair he's been sporting his short style for too long i really want to see him with hair like minho had kinda shaggy not too long and not too short and any color looks good on key or maybe even something like taemins from thier lucifer days just not so straight like a girls and stay blond or light brown mmmmm key :)

ok enough of my creepy weirdness with keys hair just had to know if im the only one thinking that
Aaaa... This story really sweet..
Update soon..
I think i will subscribe..
MinKeyMK #9
im so gonna subscribe to this story right now