A happy life, a sad life

Idol life ( The Start )

Life went on for Hee  mi and Ah yeon, they were like a big happy family both of them got a job at a coffee shop as a waitress and a cashier and studied at the same time Hee mi never had a single text or call from her mom and dad but once in awhile Ga in would text her asking about random things like "where are you living now?", "how's  Ah yeon-ssi?" and "are you sure you are eating well?" and for that Hee mi will always reply "i'm alright is omma and appa asking about me?" then Ga in will not reply... On the other hand let's talk about the other members past and mysteries of their old life.


-Ara's P.O.V

"eomma~! i'm going~" Monday, school day i woke up early bathe and ate all done the only thing to do is say goodbye to my precious mother "ohh~ you're going already?? aigoo here take this" mom handed me a homemade sandwich "i don't want my baby to get hungry during class" with that she hugged me tight and sniffed my hair "ehh? eomma we're not allowed to eat during classes" i protested well it is true if you got caught you're dead not really dead but you know what i mean "aigoo just eat it arrasseo? now go you'll be late" she send  me off to school like a little preschooler i love my mom but she tends to baby me sometimes and i'm a grown up woman i can do things on my own but still, i still need her it started raining half way to the bus stop luckily i brought my umbrella with me.

"yah isn't that Song Areum Jiyeol?" "mmm.. that is her from what i heared her parents are divorced her dad has another family and her mom remarried the owner of Song corporations"  "*gasps* jeongmal? i also heared that her boyfriend also cheated on her aigoo poor thing such a sad life"  i heared some girls from the same school gossiping about my life i really don't mind it maybe beacause i just got used to it everyday i would hear people talking bad things about me or even cursing me for no reason DAMN what did i even do?! it's not my fault my mom remarried a rich old dude that happens to be the owner of Song corporations yeah i could've told her the consequences if she married that man but it's the first time i saw my mom smiling not a forced smile but a true smile a smile that screamed happiness i never knew that she even have a charming eye smile. *sigh*  

i guess i just have to endure it that's right Ara endure everything for your mom so she can ba always happily smiling when you go home and not drinking soju from morning til midnight crying because your no good erted and wicked dad ed a rich ahjumma or whatever she's called (i don't care) and had a friggin baby and is now precious money from his sugar mommy or whatever he calls that erted addict rich tam bae nyeoh (it means cigarette lady in korean) that lives in Busan i don't effing care i just hate my father i don't even want to call him "father" beacause it disgusts me that i had a "father" like him, sorry for all the kids reading this i'm just really mad that's all... 


the bus came after  a few minutes the door opened for them to enter but before Ara could step inside a few rowdy boys ran infront of the bus door and pushed her out of the way she landed on the floor and got soaked by a nearby puddle the ohter girls started ti laugh at her while those other boys just went inside the bus not even saying sorry or atleast helping her to get up "aishh.. jinjja" she sighed and stood up "yah! are you getting in?" the bus driver yelled from inside "Ani!" Ara yelled angrily to the driver. 


Ahhhh! my day was starting off nicely but then some random guys started to push me and i landed on a friggin muddy puddle just nice a soothing mud bath just the thing that i wanted i can't take this anymore! i'm going back home i don't care if i'm late i can't go around with mud on my but people might think i pooped or something *7:30 am* i checked my phone great just 30 minutes school will start don't tell me i have to run? ughh really this isn't my day i was ranting some random things in my head as i opened the gate i marched in towards my room and put on fresh underwear and skirt i left the house like i wasn't even there i ran to the subway station and stepped in what is more faster than the bus is the subway *7:45 am* i can't believe i managed to finish all this in just 15 minutes as the train stopped i ran out and got in school just in time. practically this is what happens everyday minus the mud bath incident and in the weekends i go on a part time job tutoring kids and that's about it. 


Domi's P.O.V

As for me i live with my grandparents i work part time at our store when i go home like 9pm i practically live in the school though i skip studying in the midnight to help with the store "halamoni~  one tteokboki one hotteok and one sundae for table 5~! "arraseo here you go this is table 3's order" halamoni handed me the order and 2 bottles of soju i walked up to table 3 and handed them their food and drinks "miss are you included?" a bearded man told me "no just that" i answered as i pointed to their order " but you look really yummy" the man replied again, i'm really getting tired of this ty conversation we're having well if you even call this a conversation "yah! listen i'm not in the menu so if you want some happy time with those members of yours go to a friggin bar!" i smashed my hand at the table and walked inside the kitchen "erts?" harabeoji mumbled while washing the dishes "mm.." i just said and nodded he just sighed. 

>The next day< 

We were on our way back home from the market, we bought some ingridients for the tteokbokki ,bibimbap and kimbap we arrived at the side walk to hail a taxi but the driver stopped at the other side of the road "harabeoji let's just take the bus the taxi is more expensive" i protested but because halamoni is half way to the taxi we just followed her.

Halamoni's P.O.V 

It's as if the world began moving slowly it's as if time has stopped...

I was falling, falling down in the cold, hard ground..

Both of them were screaming "Halamoni!!" "Yeobbo!!" are all i heared.

Don't worry i'll be okay, you'll be okay. 

Goodbye my dearest Dasom goodbye  my love. 

|end of P.O.V|

>fast forward<


It was a beautiful Sunday morning, it's halamoni's birthday i rose from my bed and went downstairs to eat breakfast "Dasom-ah you woke up early?" harabeoji said while facing the kitchen counter "mm.." i replied while eating my toasted bread with eggs "harabeoji, are we going to halamoni today?" i asked him an obvious question even though i know the answer i still asked,

"Dasom....." there was a long pause. "Dasom... can you go on by yourself?" 

unexpected, shocking and disbelief all of those, i felt it why would harabeoji not visit halamoni? Doesn't he love her i thought their love was unconditional? "Yes i can" i just said yes, i didn't want to go more further, maybe he just didn't want to visit her because he might cry buckets of tears again but still he should've went.

Ever since i was  a little girl i would always be inside the house, watching the other kids play outside, the bright sunlight touching their white milky skin, laughing cheerfully. I wasn't allowed outside because i had various activities, being home schooled,piano lessons,flute lessons,violin lessons all of those i did it everyday for the past 12 years i stopped, because something very dear to me went away, i don't know where they went, as a stubborn child i always said they will comeback until now i'm waiting and waiting... But another one was gone maybe she went with them i don't know but i hope they'll be back soon. Call me weird to live in a dream that they would one day comeback and feel the warm hug they would give me everytime i'm sad or crying like right now i just wished those things that would forever be a dream .

The following day i rushed harabeoji to the hospital he was having a heart attack we were there for a month i didn't have any money to pay the bills so i worked morning til night. Every job vacancy i applied all of them to my luck 3 of them hired me. I was on my way to work when my cellphone rang "yeoboseyo?" then i ran i ran and ran until i reached the hospital i ran to his room 


He's not dying.. God please just don't let him die if i lose him. I... I'm nothing in this world... 

i ran inside the room the first thing i did was take his hand and kiss it and put it in my forehead. He pulled my head to his chest. 

I was hearing his heart beat as he hummed a familiar tune. 

Moonlight by Yiruma. Their favorite song. Our favorite song 

"harabeoji..." i uttered, i couldn't help but cry "shhh..." he said while he patted my head, it gently. 

"you take care of yourself okay?" he said smiling at me. 

"harabeoji..  don't..don't leave me please" i cried and pleaded. 

"Dasom-ah mianhe, but harabeoji has to go he has to fullfil his promise" 

"what promise?"

"I promised your halamoni that when you're ready  i'll let you go, i'll let you spread yor wings and fly" 

"but... No! i'm not ready!! i still need you!! all of you!! please..." 

"Dasom-ah you're ready, you've grown enough and i have to go now" 

Finally i gave in, he really needs to go, he really needs to rest... in peace, i don't want him to feel so much pain any longer he should really go now i nodded my head and closed my eyes, for the last time he kissed my forehead and said "I love you Dasom-ah" and left me, left me life less and heartbroken. 

All of them they left me, but still they loved me, with all their heart i'll try to repay them in any way that i can i'll try. 



(a/n: Sorry for the very long chapter T.T i had fun writing Domi's story/ Dasom's story it's really sad right?? sorry if i made you guys cry and sorry if i mis-spelled some words i'm not that good in spelling ^^ Subscribe and comment!! ^^ I highly appreciate comments oh and EXO will be here i don't know if their a Cameo of one of the members past or something tell me if you want exo in here :) and which member will play a lead role lol. bye!! i'm so talkative XD ) 


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