The sun fell on his eyes

good night after all


*Okay! I've edited the Jeju part. Still wanna write that one though, so better if I keep the fact correct ;D Thank you!

“Okay, you may stay for another night Noona. But remember never stray too far from the Oppas, okay? I don’t want you to get lost while shopping in Tokyo with your still rusty Japanese...” Chaerin looked at her with her utmost stern look and left Bom smiling happily.

“Of course!! I’ve told Ji and the others that I will basically go wherever they go, got their cellphone numbers checked, so don’t you worry!” and so Minzy, Dara and Chaerin said their goodbyes because that evening they flew back to Seoul while Bom planned to stay for another night.

Like Chaerin, she’s one of the 2ne1 girls who enjoys hanging with Big Bang members, so often that whenever she’s around them, it’s almost as if she’s with her Oppas despite her older age. But one person was secretly elated by the fact that she stays. This person knew exactly, that if 2ne1 girls were here, this noona will surely always be together with Dara, whom Bom protects like a big sister she is, or else, Minzy will be hanging around her.

Seunghyun loves it when she’s around. The feeling's been there for a very long time, hitting him on his face unnoticeably when he found out about her boyfriend. Then he finally realized he’ll lose her if he doesn’t put his heart into a test. But he is weighing his chances, whether it is right to do so or not. After all, with her dating, she might just tell no directly, and he's not sure how he can handle that. So most of the time now he can only look at her in the most desperate way, because when she’s around, part of his heart drops shamelessly, like he was put into a hot pan and melt. It warms his heart when she jokes around or laughs, and he’d unconsciously centre his thoughts on her. This is bad, he thought. And still, despite all this effect her existence gave to him, he can’t get enough of it.

At dinner, she hang out with them, Yongbae, Dongwook hyung, Ji and Seungri. Seungri was smoothly sweet talking to the waitress while Bom noona discusses something with Dongwook hyung, Ji with Yongbae. He used to be okay with this, having Noona around. Geez, he even talked about his feelings to her freely, all ex girlfriends he’s had, but now he realized how his feelings betrayed him, because what he’s got is a totally different vibe than before. There are times when he’s talking with her when he realized how stunning she looked, or how her laughter brings so much strange feeling into his stomach, butterflies they said, or whenever she asked how he’s doing, he’d go smiling all over like there’s no tomorrow, and like at this moment, while everyone else was busy talking, his mind just went blank, thinking how can she do this to him, how her being there absorbed every single part of his brain, he can’t believe that such feelings exists in his heart.

“Hyung! What’re you ordering?” he didn’t even realized when Jiyong called him out. Jiyong has started to feel suspicious actually, but Seunghyun always make it sounds like a joke. Although from Ji’s looks, he knows that Seunghyun didn’t sound so assuring.

The next day, they planned to go shopping the whole morning before going back to Seoul. The van took them downtown and left them while making sure that they should meet back at the same point in four hours. First they went all together, but as one by one stayed longer in each of their favourite store, it’s just about time when they got separated. Seunghyun was looking over some street fashion clothes, smiling thinking how he changed his style from when they started Big Bang until now. How funny it is that something he cherish so fully at that time suddenly sounds like a far away past. But a phone call distracted his flowing thoughts. It’s Noona.

He wondered a little before picking it up.

“Noona? Hello?” he can hear many noises in the background, but her voice sounds a bit scared.

“Seunghyun? Is that you??”

“Yeah, it’s me. You called. What is it, Noona? Are you okay?”

“Ah, Seunghyun-a, I... I got lost...I don’t know where I am now... so stupid...”

“Aahh... “ he actually felt worried, “Are there any people looking suspicious around there? Where are you exactly? I’ll fetch you up.”

“Hmm... No, no strange people, I just don’t know my way anymore... I’m not sure myself, but the place is nearby this famous Crepes shop. I went passed by here with Minzy once, and I was sure that I can run back finding Ji who was walking in front of me, but I guess, he must’ve thought that I was with one of you guys, so he didn’t look back... long story short, I got left behind...”

“But... Noona...what took you so long to even let Jiyong walked so far ahead of you?” they were in silence for a few seconds, then he remembered, Crepes, “You ate, didn’t you?” and that familiar feeling swept in, he smiled.

“Seunghyun-a!” Bom tried to make her way out, “Just fetch me up... we’ll discuss that later. Can you come? Are you far away? Do you know this place?”

“Well, dearest Noona, since we’ve technically lived here for a few months and many times bored because we didn’t have much to do, yes, I actually know where you are. Just wait exactly there, okay?”

“Okay, hurry!” and then they hung up. And the thought that Bom Noona needed his help made him happy all over. He sped up his pace so the worry Noona wouldn’t have to wait so long.

After something like 10 minutes walk, he actually got into the point where he supposed to find her. And it was right, because he can see her looking around, here and there, making sure if in any case either any of the gang were somehow around. Her hands are full, her handbag, a crepes half eaten, and another one still fully intact. She found him too, and her face showed a relief and then he smiled.

It was warm that day in Tokyo. Sun was shining nicely around the city and it made everyone there happy. In Japan, it’s still okay for them idols to just walk around wandering around the city, some fans might stumble upon them to ask for autograph or picture together, but no such thing as Saessang or one of those stalkers, so they basically can walk more or less freely in the city. He loves it. Especially when he’s meeting her on an open space like this.

And shading the warm day, she saw Bom Noona standing a few metres away from him. She was wearing a black tall boot, with her white shorts and a black t-shirt, and her hair was blond at that time. If random people sees her, they would surely think that she’s a very fine woman, all beauty and that, but to him, the effect is a mixture of not just this physical beauty. It reminded him of her funny way of talking, her soft voice when she’s singing, her ability to be strong when needed, her silly gigs that sometimes reminded him of himself, geez, how in the world he ever waited to tell her how he feels?

She waved with half of her Crepes as he walked closer.

“Seunghyun-a! Thankfully you’re here!!! I was so worried...”

“Noona, how come you be so clumsy, and again, it must be because of the food..” she looked a bit sad when he mentioned it.

“It’s just... I would definitely got caught if I buy this in Seoul...” and the way she said those just mesmerized him (is that possible, this simple notion, mesmerized him, he thought) and he suddenly had to hold a huge urge to hold her hand in that nice warm day and to tell the world, that this girl is his. Ah, such a sad thing as he compares it to reality.

Bom offered him the Crepes, and they ate while sitting on one of the nice bench along the long pedestrian road, under a shady tree, with emerging voices of small cicadas here and there telling that summer's around and not going anywhere, they both then talk about anything. She said she called Ji first, but he must be listening to his ipod or whatever and didn’t realize the cellphone’s ringing. He tried Taeyang’s and Dongwook’s too, but none of them reached her back, and so she called Seunghyun.

He actually felt sad, like a sudden plunge into a rainy day when she said so, but he tried to keep his face straight. Ah, he understands her priority. It’s not like he’s the most important person out here when compared to the other boys. At least he was sure that he’s a level higher than Seungri! But he also thought, hey, maybe it’s better this way. At least she’s not fully friend-zoning him, because he doesn’t want her to feel that way towards him. He wants her to see him differently.

Maybe he should just say it now, blurt it out, just let life take its chance, tell her, how he can love her even more than that guy in the cinema can do for a thousand year, how his feeling has always been steady, and despite the wrong turns he may have made, it was still all for her. How when he saw her in 2ne1 tv crying over her late aunt, he cried secretly at his empty apartment, wishing that he was actually there when she went all through this, or be her crying shoulder when she bend down crying her heart out. He wants to take care of her, and keep her safe, but he’s now nothing of that kind to her. She might share her happiness, but he wanted to help her bring the heavy mountain on her shoulder.

He should just tell her how he felt. She meant so much, he barely can paraphrase it. And the day’s perfect. As if the whole universe is assuring him, that he should take this chance.


But, it’s still not the right time.

Their moment under the shady tree was cut short, because Ji who finally realized that Noona’s not around finally traced back his steps and found them there. Noona slapped his hat playfully, telling how could he have left her by herself, and Ji apologized frantically, promising her to treat whatever favourite food she’d like back in Seoul. A very intricate barbecue with Korea's best meat, she said, couldn’t hold the excitement. Seunghyun laughed, Ji can’t believe that this Noona still managed to make her way like this, and Bom blinked one of her eyes to Seunghyun, to confirm their secret that it’s actually her who strayed away because of another case of food.

After the shopping session was resumed, they went back to the van, and this time, Seunghyun who sat on the furthest back sat next to Bom Noona. It’s a tiring day, but they had fun. The journey to the airport was long and someone’s head suddenly tilted over his shoulder. The hair smelled so good, and he almost can’t contain his happiness. In a few hours, they’ll be back in Seoul, all with their activities, but mostly, holding up their image in front of their fans. Not that he hates it, but sometimes, he’s just tired.

But that can wait.

A fine Japanese pop song was playing, Dongwook hyung, Ji and Youngbae who are also tired fell asleep. He can hear her soft breathing near his ears. And oh, what he’d do to make this moment last just a bit longer. And so, he pretended to also fall asleep, tilting his head a bit unto hers, bury his nose and half of his face on the top of her head, closed his eyes, and just hope that he can save this moment for a very long time.

One day, she’ll understand his heart.

The sun fell on his eyes, but he was saved in his own cocoon of contentment. 

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seoinae #1
Chapter 36: Omomoomomooooooooii ♡.♡
Chapter 36: KISS HER!!!!!!
josuke #4
Chapter 11: update:):):)
susu8888 #5
Chapter 36: update...i want more...dying to know what happen next...please authornim...really love ur story
josuke #6
Chapter 19: author nim the girlfriend thingy* eco girlfriend just fiction right???
Chapter 36: Update Update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gjie2cute #8
Chapter 36: U know what i love about this whole one shots is how realistic all of them are. The fact that top calls bom noona is one thing that i love about it.. It shows that u did ur research unnie :D AND I LOVE REALISTIC STORY so you can screw with my already delusional mind hahaha but i'm fine i'm still sane. I just love each and every chapter and i'm so sorry unnie that my sibom gifsets affected you so much hahaha it's kinda real hahaha and siwon started to whispers when bom was singing hahahahahaha
just to get u inspired here you go
princesswind #9
Chapter 36: love this story!