What's Love?

Between Bubbles and Rubber Ducks / Drabble



The small 4-year old boy giggled as he was splashed with water, the bubbles swirling around the tub. The 5-year old boy beside him gave him a toothless grin as he stood up from the water, hands on his water covered hips.


“Wookie, we won! We killed all of the evil ducks!”


Another giggle emanated from the younger one, as he rearranged the ducks by the side of the tub, ready for another battle. The older male was quick to join him, grabbing one of the various rubber ducks and mimicking a squeaky voice to its best. Silly comments left him, always causing the youngest one to laugh and smile.




Yesung hummed in response, moving his wet bangs from his face as his eyes scrunched up in concentration. What was the best way the ducks could create the best defense line to avoid the popping bubbles? His small hands continued their work, the water swaying with his movements.


“Do you know what love is?”


Yesung stopped his complex 3 duck defense line and stared at Ryeowook. Love? He placed a hand under his chin, a habit of his whenever he'd pursuit into thinking. The boy saw too many cartoons with Ryeowook.


“Mom is always telling daddy she loves him. I think it's something you tell people you spend lots of time with and you really care about.”


Ryeowook pondered on the answer given by the older one. It made sense to him.


“Oh. Hmm...I love you, Yesung!”


Yesung raised an eyebrow and shook his head, the ducks long forgotten as he stepped closer to Ryeowook.


“You can't say that just because you see me everyday, though! That's wrong!”


Ryeowook tilted his head, his bottom lip quivering as tears built in his eyes. A small sob escaped his lips, his cheeks tainting pink as the tears finally left his eyes. If there was one thing Ryeowook hated, it was being scolded. He was a good boy for those reasons alone.


“No, don't cry Wook. I didn't mean it like that,” Yesung sighed, as he wrapped his arms around the smaller one. Even though Yesung spent every waking moment with the younger one, he still wasn't used to how overly sensitive he was.


“If I told you 'I love you', would you stop crying?”


Ryeowook's tears ceased almost immediately, his head snapping up to stare at Yesung with his big, brown eyes. He nodded his head fervently, his sadness replaced with excitement almost immediately.


Yesung smiled at the site and leaned down, pecking Ryeowook's soft lips.

The younger one gasped and brought his hand over his lips, his eyes hazed with confusion.


“W-What was that for?”


Yesung shrugged.


“My mom always does that before he tells my dad that she loves him.”


“Oh...Then hurry up! Say it!”


“I love you, Ryeowook~,” Yesung sang happily, before leaning down again and pecking the soft lips. Ryeowook's smiled and returned the innocent kiss, because he knew he loved Yesung as well.


“Now let's go back to play, Wook! My ducks love fighting!”


Ryeowook pouted slightly, folding his small arms over his chest.


“Why do we always use ducks, Sungie? Why can't we use turtles?”


Yesung made a face at the mention of such animal.


“Eeew, no! I hate turtles!”

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1651 streak #1
Chapter 1: Awww toddler Wookie is so adorable. I love his big baby doe eyes. I always like stories about him as little boy. This is really cute, especially with Sungie hyung so caretaking and worrying about Ryeonggu baby. But why the heck Sungie said he hates turtles O.O Thank you for writing such a fluffy little Yewook shot. So damn cute to read ❤️❤️
Chapter 1: haha this is so adorably cute
aww so sweet :3 what? Yesung, y u be mean to the turtles? I thought u loved them! XD lol
yutarou #5
they're so cute..
what? yesung hate turtles? i think he just doesn't want to beat them..
JekyllandPride #6
Puppy love <3
Mush everywhere, here ;D!
JadeRiver #7
waa~h what an adorable and innocent love^^
i laughed at yesung's statement about hating turtles~
now i want to have kids like them^^
AegyoJangmi #8
Lmao at the turtle thing! This is sooooo cute! It needs more chapters of them growing up and falling in love;) you could even throw in how Yesung came to love turtles...<3

anyway, this is cute.. such an innocen love.. :)