Dating Game

Dating Game


As the results were being read off Mika held her breath as long as she could. She wanted a date with G-Dragon so badly, and currently the rankings were as following: 1. G-Dragon 2. Taeyang 3. T.O.P. 4. Seungri 5. Daesung. The viewers got to decided who went on a date and Mika was praying that she got Big Bang when she signed up. But that seemed to be the only wish granted. Votes came in from everywhere, text messages, internet polls, callers, and almost everything else you can think of.

"And it seems we have a tie!" The announcer proclaimed on the overhead speaker. Looking at the board Mika saw what he meant. Taeyang and G-Dragon had tied. Closing her eyes she wished that G-Dragon would magically become number one again. "Oh, looks like we have one final vote!" He said as he took a piece of paper from an assistant, reading it off he looked over at Mika, "Taeyang comes in first!"

Trying her best to look happy she pretended to almost cry of joy. No instead behind the mask was hate for whoever cast that final vote. It was her dream to go on a date with G-Dragon ever since she listened to Big Bang, and now it had been dangled in front of her and then ripped right from her grasp.

And as the host closed up the show the cameras showed a shot of Taeyang and Mika together. He was giving her a hug and a bright smile. Mika on the other hand still had a look of shock on her face.

The next day was their date, it wasn't going to be filmed to which Mika was thankful for. She didn't want to go, but she wasn't going to be rude to him. Sure he wasn't her favorite member, but she wasn't going to blow him off just because she didn't get who she wanted like some child. Getting ready all her friends had texted her and called her at some point after the show to congratulate her and wish her luck. Although a couple knew better, and wished her the best. They knew that Taeyang wasn't exactly up there on her list.

Walking out the door she was greeted by Taeyang who had brought some roses for her. "Hey beautiful," he gave her a big smile.

"Alright let's go," she tried her hardest not to sound disappointed. Walking out to his car he opened the door for her and shut it. Driving he tried to start a conversation but every time he did he got shot down.

Finally stopping the car he got out and ran around to try and open the door for her, but she had already got out on her own. Feeling the tension he let it be and walked on with her up to the doors of the mall. Walking inside it wasn't too busy thankfully. Mika looked around for a place to go and the first place she saw was an arcade. Running off without even telling Taeyang where she was going she went and got some change for the games.
"Here, I'm the gentleman here I'll pay," he said walking up and taking money out. Not arguing she let him pay and went to go sit down. After he had gotten enough change to play games for a while he asked, "So what do you want to play first."

Looking around even more she spied a free air hockey table. Again not saying anything, let alone making eye contact, she walked over and took a coin from him to start the game. It took a while but she finally scored a point on him. 6 to 1 was the score. Getting frustrated she walked off to find something else to do.

That's when she saw it. A giant bounce house. Standing in line Taeyang finally caught up with her and stood behind her in line awkwardly. As their turn came it was them and a couple kids but they were too busy fighting with each other to notice them. Mika was also too busy enjoying herself that both her and Taeyang crashed into each other, making her land on top of him. Laughing a bit she looked up and saw him looking down and smiling at her. Blushing a bit she got up and began to bounce again trying to ignore what just happened.

After time was up Mika was still a little flustered at what happened, which in turn made Taeyang laugh a little at her awkwardness. "What? What's so funny?" She demanded.

"Nothing," he said knowing by now she was a little touchy.

Continuing their night they walked around for a bit, played a couple games of pinball, and then finally came across the highlight of the night, skee ball. "Let's play!" Mika said rushing up and putting in a few quarters.

They played for a while, and Taeyang got the highscore so he could win Mika a stuffed animal of her choice. "I want," she said browsing over her choices. "I want that one!" Her entire face lit up as the gentleman passed her the giant panda bear. Both of them laughed and finally between the two the tension was gone.

The next drive wasn't as awkward, but Mika was still a little burnt that she didn't win her dream date with G-Dragon. He stopped and got out and handed the keys to a chauffeur and then went around to help her out of the car. Gracefully accepting his help this time she left what they had bought and the giant panda back in the car. Walking inside it looked even more beautiful and stunning than it did on the outside.

It was amazing! Chandeliers hung from the ceiling, the waiters were dressed in tuxedos, and everything just seemed so perfect. Being seated they were away from everyone else in their own little private corner. Thankfully too because at that point she felt extremely underdressed for this kind of place. She never had thought in a million years that she would be sitting here in this kind of restaurant.

As they enjoyed their evening and finished up their meal Mika was actually enjoying herself. Since the car ride there she hadn't once thought about G-Dragon. Escorting her to the car Taeyang could tell that this was the real Mika, she was different than from when he had picked her up, and she couldn't possibly be more beautiful.

Making another stop before their night ended they stopped at an ice cream shop to get something sweet. Not knowing if she was ready to share something or not yet he ordered two cones but she interrupted him, "Make it one please." She told the cashier and then turned to smile at Taeyang. Smiling back at her they went outside on the cool summers night to share their cone.

Walking back out to the car Taeyang told her, "Just one more place I have for us to go." And with that they got back in and talked the whole way to their new destination. Pulling up he got out and did what he normally did for her and opened the door helped her out and shut it behind her. Looking around she saw they were at an ice rink. "Come on."

As they walked inside Mika noticed that no one else was there but them. "Hey, Taeyang. Why is no one else here?"

Looking back he handed her a pair of skates, "That's because I rented out the entire place just for us." He told her smiling. Blushing a bit she put on the skates and went out on the ice. It had been a while so she almost lost her balance, but just before she fell over Taeyang caught her. Skating together had to be the highlight so far. It was perfect and romantic. Just what she had hoped for. And as their night came to an end Taeyang skated up to her and pulled her in close.

"I'm glad that I got to spend the night with you Mika. It has had to be the best date I've ever been on," he told her as they skated around the rink together.

"Me too," she told him as she leaned in a little closer.
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Hey guys, I'm going to make a footnote about this alright but I'll post it here too....I DID THAT ON PURPOSE!! Yeah she's supposed to be like that so that way it's a total 180....and yes MikasDLite I know you would I know you would....
hi, I'm would I!
SaranghaeyoMinhoOppa #3
Hehe, Mika is sooooo biased......=) I would spazz if I ever get to go on a date wif any one of them=)