

  “Ready,Amber?” Manager Jung asked impatiently. No wonder she’s still single,she is so impatient. “10 more minutes,unnie!” I tried to bargain. “Amber Kim Jae-“ I cut her off. “Fine,fine! 5 minutes at least! You’re a woman too! You should know how this feels like!” I said as I put on my leggings. Do you know how much I love leggings? They are like a basic necessity for every woman on Earth. The way it like fits your body shape and all,perfection,no arguments. You can get them in any clothing store here in America and oh my goodness, buy the expensive ones. The cheap ones are really-

  “YAH,KIM JAE RI! GET YOUR OUT OF THE BATHROOM RIGHT NOW!” Manager Jung practically screamed. “Woah,was going to until you decided on making me death,” I said as I covered my ears with both my hands as I stepped out of the bathroom. She gave me a glare and I put my hands up in surrender. “Urgh,fine. I’m sorry unnie,” I paused and smirked. “BUT YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT I NEED MORE THAN 30 MINUTES TO GET READY IN THE BATHROOM!” I screamed as I took the bull by the horns and ran out of the room. Manager Jung sighed and rubbed her temple with her index finger as she stalked towards the dining room where I was.

  “Unnie,you should’ve seen your face when I ran out of the room! You were like-” I said enthusiastically as I made a face. “That is so amusing,Amber,” Manager Jung sarcastically remarked as she took a seat on one of the dining chairs. “And your mood is surprisingly happy since you were so grumpy yesterday,” It was her turn to make me pissed. I stabbed my fork into the pancake and glared at her. “I was trying to forget about it but now that you mentioned it again..” I spat as I put the piece of pancake into my mouth. “You’d probably have a hard time dragging me to the airport later,” I smirked. Manager Jung facepalmed and sighed again. “I am such a pabo,” She repeated it over and over again as she hit her forehead against the dining table. I snorted at the rare sight and quickly snapped a picture, just for memories sake. Manager Jung stopped abruptly and stared at me with a blank face for a couple of seconds. “Unnie.. What are you do- AH!” I snatched my precious phone away from that evil witch and made a run for the door. “AMBER! Get back here,right this instant!” The witch nagged. “Nuh-uh! And Mr.Lee,please bring my suitcases to the trunk!” I dashed out of the 4-storey mansion. “For a model,she is quite athletic,” Manager Jung panted.

  “Unnied,do you know that you run quite slowly..” I voiced out. She sighed for the nth time today and ignored me. I shrugged and pressed my nose against the car’s window. I stared at the falling snowflakes in awe. I never really got the chance to space out for quite some time because of my hectic schedule. You see,having 3 photoshoots,2 CFs to film and a fashion show a day is tirng,really tiring. And that’s just for weekdays. On weekends, I have 4 photoshoots,2 CFs to film and at least 3 fashion shows a day! Don’t forget the promotion seasons,goodness. On the worst days,I don’t sleep for 3 days straight. As I studied the intricate design of each snowflake that fell on the rim of the window,driver Woo abruptly stopped and I almost flew off my seat. Hmm.we're almost near the gate I'm supposed to be at. "Yah,Driver Woo,what's going on?" Manager Jung questioned him. "Um.. Maam,it seems that.. um.." "Yah,Shinwoo! Get on with it," She impatiently asked. I facepalmed and sighed. "We seemed to be blocked by a mob of fans that don't want Amber to leave," Driver Woo or Shinwoo,as Manager Jung adressed him,said. If he said that any faster,all I would've heard would be 'ajdagfisdayfgsfyasv'. "BWO?!" Manager Jung and I shouted. "Looks like they found out about this too.." She muttered. "You mean they didn't know that I was supposed to leave America for good?!" I panickedly said. "Umm,about that.. well,you see.." Manager Jung laughed nervously as she rubbed the back of her neck. "Yah! Now my Diamonds are gonna get mad at me!" I pouted. If you're wondering,my fanclub's name is Diamond and my fanclub's official colour is of course,Amber; Like somewhat light orange. "Oh c'mon,Amber! They won't be mad at you! You're their idol! They're gonna be mad at me,okay. I'm your manager," She sighed,once again. I just nodded my head and thought about what I should do when Manager Jung's voice came into my mind. 'They won't be mad at you! You're their idol!' That's it!

  I stared adoringly at my fans through the window. They all had banners,posters,hoodies,shirts,and what not with Diamond or my name on it. Wow,some even had lightsticks -in the day! I told Shinwoo and Manager Jung what I was gonna do but unnie seemed hesitant about it. "Are you sure,Amber? You might get hurt!" She tried to make an excuse. I chuckled. "Don't forget,unnie. They won't hurt me. I'm their idol!" I winked as I took a deep breath and opened the car door. All the protests seemed to have stopped as I stepped out and I could even compare their faces to unnie's just now. Almost all of their eyes went round,probably didn't expect me to come out. Hah,surprise surprise,Diamonds! Didn't expect that didn't you,my little jewels. I steadied myself on the uneven road and cleared my throat. It was so quiet,you could maybe even hear a fly fart. 

  "Excuse me,my dear Diamonds. Why are you precious jewels blocking my driver,manager and I from nearing our destination?" I pouted. The crowd went insane. Wow,the works of acting cute. As the cheers died down,a girl around the age of 16 spoke,"We don't want you to leave America,Amber! Can't you see that we're having a protest? We want you to stay!" My mouthed formed an '0' shape as the crowd started to chant 'Stay!'. "EXCUSE ME," I tried to gain their attention. As expected,they quitened down. "My precious Diamonds, I know I'll be leaving America but you can't possibly expect me to stay here forever,don't you? I have a career! Don't you guys want me to become even more famous,now internationally? I'll probably be gone for a couple of months,but Diamonds,I promise that I'll come back. I will come back for you all,be it I succeed or not. I will come back be it you all get tired of me or stop being my fan. But I sincerely promise that I will surely come back," I said as I wiped a tear away from my eye. Series of 'Aww' and 'She is so sweet' filled the surrounding. "If you lovelies don't mind,I'll be leaving now! Goodbye and see you again,Diamonds!" I tried to sound cheerful. But the moment I entered the car,I broke down. Manager Jung patted me on the back as I crouched down in my seat and continued sobbing. I didn't really realise what I'd be leaving behind in my America. My friends,my family,my acquaintances,my fans. My fans. I sobbed even harder right now. I guess the saying 'You don't know what you got until it's gone' is really true.

 Heh,hi everyone! I know it's a late update,but I still updated! Thank you so much for the subscribers and readers! It really means a lot to me.
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Waaaa after I read it, it sounds interesting ><
update soon please!

and don't forget to use the poster lol just sayin :p