Chapter 52 (Part II)

Entraped in Love

Chapter 52


“Chief, I’ve traced that Mr. S.” Kibum reported as Kangta walked into his office.

“Mr. S?” Kangta echoed since he did not understand what Kibum said.

“Err…I’m just forget.” Kibum remembered that he had not told his chief about ‘the ring’ event. “Yesterday, the sale man form Vella Jewels company send a diamond ring for Jaejoong. He said it was from Jaejoong’s super fun, Mr. S. It was one of the couple rings. I guess another ring must be his. Anyway, I asked a few questions. That sale guy said Mr. S, ordered those rings through online connection and pay through bank accounts. And again, those diamonds were also ordered from another company…Unique Gems in the same way. So, I tracked down the accounts’ numbers. Then, I found those accounts are belong to different men. But,” Kibum showed a photo to his chief. “both of them are the employee of this man, Choi Siwon.”

Kangta picked up the photo. “He is the Han River Restaurant owner. And?” Kangta opened for further information. He knew Kibum well. His subordinated may have soft features. However, when it comes to works, Kibum was stubborn and sometime, aggressive. Kibum was restless until the case was over.

“You know, those two employee have no possibility to buy those things _ two first class diamonds plus the 99.99 Karat gold for two rings. But, to think about this guys, Choi Siwon, one of diamonds is worth than his 6 months incomes even. Nevertheless, I also checked his background just in. Then, I found…” Kibum handed a document. “You may love it.”

Kangta read the document and then, he smirked. “Kibum, called back Changmin and Yesung immediate. We got a direction.”


“So, Boss, what’s up?” Changmin asked as he seated at the meeting room.

“Since everyone is here let me introduce Ms. Ella to you.” Kangta left the room for a while came back with a lady in uniform. “This is Ms. Ella. She was the officer form HongKong CIA. She was here for Black Horse case.” Then, Kangta introduced each of the team member with the Lady.

“Nice to meet you everyone. I’m Ella and I here to co-operated with you for Black Horse case. I hope that you all will be co-operate with me.” Ella introduced herself.

“Ms. Ella, please pass your information to my detectives.” Kangta requested.

Ella nodded. “We all thought that Black Horse’s case was rooted in HongKong since the Black Horse who captured five years ago was an undercover agent form HongKong.” Ella pointed to screen of the projector which showed a photo of Black Horse and an old European man. “However, there was a great mistake which Black Horse designed for us.” Ella smiled inwards as she knew she could catch everyone’s attention. “Let me start with the history of before he became a Black Horse. 10 years prior to Black Horse appeared in HongKong, Farcillio’s gang was famous in US. Farcillio was the Spanish immigrant and his main suppliers were from HongKong. HongKong suppliers shipped the cargoes to US port. But, as his business mind was wide open, he decided to establish his branch in HongKong to open his market and get more cheaper drugs. Then, he sent his one of his adopted sons, whom he trusted the most, to HongKong. His name was Thomas Farcillio, half-Chinese-half-Korean. He was well known as Black Horse in HongKong underworld.” Ella passed for a while. “As Black Horse was getting famous, his rivals from some powerful position bribed the HongKong’s authorities to destroy him. Then, the revolution of Black Horse began in HongKong.” Kangta explained. “The HongKong’s authorities sent spies to the underworld to detect who was the Black Horse. Unfortunately, one of the spies form Taiwan Interpol was happen to be Black Horse’s twin brother. We still don’t know how he became a double agent. He leak information to Black Horse.” Ella continued, “Then, the Black Horse tried to established in Korea since his market in HongKong was watched closely by Taiwan police. So, he picked Korea as his alternative market. Again, our Interpol agents tried to catch him. This time, the HongKong agents operated the mission together with Korean Interpol agents because the case was breakout between the two countries. I still remember that Mr. Shim was one of the earnest agents in this mission.” Ella nodded to Changmin to show her appreciation. “Unfortunately, Mr. Shim lost his father on this mission. I’m really sorry your lost Mr. Shim.” Ella stopped and bowed Changmin, showing how sincere with her sorrow for Changmin’s loss to his father. “Apparently, Black Horse threatened our agent to killed Mr. Shim, the chief of the mission, to mislead that our agent is Black Horse. Because, we found that evidences that Black Horse contacted before Mr. Shim’s dead and threatened him with his woman and child to kill Mr. Shim.” Ella signed an operator to play a song chip.

“Bro?” A man voice appeared. “What do you want me to do this time? I tired of…”

“Listen, it’s final job for you. I just want know that how sincere my brother is.” The second man said. “I want Mr. Shim’s death tonight.”

Changmin clamped his hands into fist as he heard those words over the speakers. It was like stabbing his heart to hear someone was manipulating his father’s dead. Kibum, on the other hands, sensed the tenses of his partner. He hold Changmin’s fist to ease the older man’s rage. To their chemistry, that simple gesture made Changmin to calm down. Changmin gave a faint smile to Kibum to show his gratitude for making him calm. Kibum replied with a same smile to show that he was secure to know that older man was calm down.

“How could I…” the second man replied.

“I’ll give you a chose, you kill that man or I’ll kill your woman.” The first man thread.

“You can’t…”

“Why not?”

“If you dare to kill her, I’ll kill that boy.” The second man thread back.

“Since you even dare to imagine that you would kill my Jae, I’ve change my mind. I’ll sold her to the brothel if you don’t kill Mr. Shim. You knew what I mean. Right? I’ll let her felt the living hell. You know what? It’s worst than dead for a woman.” The first man’s voice revealed that he was determined already for the deal.

“Don’t …”

“Then, do it. Kill that man tonight or I will sold her tomorrow.” Then, the first man hanged up the phone.

Everyone signed inwardly at the end of the conversation. They aware that the first man had cruel mind and both of the speakers had similar voices.

“The first one is Black Horse and the second one is our Agent, Bai Xio Lone.” Ella explained. “Then, as everyone of you know, our agent killed Mr. Shim. And according to the records, she shot Bai Xio Lone for her own safety since Bai Xio Lone tried to shot her when she found that Bai Xio Lone shot Mr. Shim.” Ella continued, “then, the Black Horse’s case was closed with the conclusion that Baoi Xio Lone is black horse. However, from the start of this year, we’ve caught some drugs with Black Horse’s trade makes in HongKong. We just assumed that that must me one of the copycats until Mr. Kangta informed that he got the evidence that Black Horse is still alive.”

“Ms. Ella, I have a question.” Yesung said. “Ms. Ella, why could you say that Bai Xio Lone is Black Horse twin brother?”

“Because of the old report of Bai Xio Lone’s claim. 20 years ago, we caught a case of human trafficking. Bai Xio Lone was one of those victim in that case. He was only 10 years old at that time. We could saved only 23 children. As we made the investigation through that children, Bai Xio Lone claimed that his twin brother, was still missing. So, we guessed there were a lot of children we had missed. As the time is over, he started to think that his brother was dead already. This is only of the reason for him to become a cop.” Ella answered. “He mentioned this in his diary a long with this photo.” Ella changed the slide to a photo, in which two kids were laughing together as they put their arms around the shoulders to each other. Those kids were obvious the twins since they look identical to each other. “We never aware, nor did we check his properties after he was dead since we sealed and kept them at the evidence store.”

“Another question, Ms. Ella.” Kibum shot his question as he got the permission sign form the lady. “Who is Bai Xio Lone’s woman?”

“It must be referred to Ms. Jung. Because, according his colleagues, he proposed to Ms. Jung and Ms. Jung accepted him.” Ella replied. “And, more importantly, one of his close friends said he heard Bai Xio Lone argued with Ms. Jung for her pregnancy.”

“I make a sense to me.” Kangta nodded. “Kim Jaejoong said that he found Black Horse argued seriously with Jung Nara at the clinic. Apparently, Kim Jaejoong doesn’t know that Black Horse had a twin brother. And, the same goes for Jung Nara.”

“Kim Jaejoong? The man who had intimate relationship with Black Horse?” Ella asked for confirmation.

“Yes, he is.” Kangta confirmed.

“This ring the bell.” Changmin let out his thought. “That’s why he mistook between Black Horse and Bai Xio Lone. And, that’s why Yuki’s blood has Black Horse’s genes.”

“It’s unbelievable that both Kim Jaejoong and Jung Nara never knew that there are two guys instead of one. And, the worst part of this is Jung Nara found while Bai Xio Lone was shooting at Mr. Shim. It made everyone to believe that Bai Xio Lone was Black Horse.” Kibum remarked with a sighed.

“Anyway, let’s discuss about our findings on our super model case.” Kangta changed the topic. He pointed to the projector screen and asked, “Changmin, do you know him?”

“Andrew and Michael?” Changmin replied as he looked to the images of the two men on screen.

“Yes, I guess you know it too, Ms. Ella.” Kangta continued as Ella bobbed her head. “As all of us know, Andrew was Black Horse’s right arm man and Michael was the victim in Jaejoong’s case.”

“Jaejoong identified our victim as Andrew because he heard clearly that Black Horse called him ‘Andrew’. But, his passport said that he was Michael.” Kangta looked at the pictures which were arranged in side-by-side. “Andrew and Michael, they looked like there are two people. But, the morgue officer, said that there was some trace of evidences that Michael had taken plastic surgery for his face. She confirmed that surgeon must be very skillful in it. So, I told Yesung to hunt that surgeon down.” Kangta wave his hand to Yesung, signed to carry on the investigation result.

“I found that that surgeon was from Thailand. To make it short, I checked the patients list and records that he has operated since 8 years ago. I found out that Andrew was operated as Michael.” He showed the medical records along with photo through PowerPoint.

“Again, Kibum reported that that Mr. S presented Jaejoong a diamond ring.” Kangta said as he changed the previous slide of PowerPoint to another slide which was the picture of the ring that Mr. S gave Jaejoong. “Kibum, told everyone about your investigation.”

“Yes, Chief.” Kibum bowed respectfully to Kangta as he stood up. “Yesterday, just before Jaejoong left a man delivered a ring. He said Mr. S made a request for Jaejoong. He also said that Mr. S make order through online and transferred payment through bank accounts. And he also practiced the same way when he bought that diamonds from another company. By the way, this picture is one the couple ring that he gave to Jaejoong. I guessed he still had another one.” Kibum paused before he continued. “Then, I tracked down by account numbers which are belong to these two guys. And, they are the employee of Mr. Choi.” Kibum changed photos slide to Choi Siwon. “I also checked his background and found that his bank accounts showed that he has the connection with Black Horse’s men. On top of that, this is really catchy since the real Choi Siwon was dead 5 years ago.”

“It’s him. I should have know it’s him.” Changmin interrupted.

“What is it, Changmin?” Kangta permitted Changmin to carry on.

“I saw him last night. I found that Yunho introduced him to Jaejoong. I was felt like I was familiar to him as I saw him. I realized that he was the man I found just before Jaejoong’s case had happened.” Changmin recalled his memory on the day of Maxim Millar Textile & Fashion show at Hotel Messer. “As soon as the show was over, I followed Jaejoong since I want his autograph. I found him turned at a corner. So, I raised my pace to catch him. As I turn the corner, I aware that a man in suit passed by with smile on his face. It was only 1 or 2 seconds that our face met. And I found that Jaejoong was kneeled on the floor with panic. He looked so terrified but he said he is OK.” Changmin narrated. “Now, I realized that man was Choi Siwon.”

“Your point here is…” Kangta asked for some connection with the case.

“Sorry, Boss. I said something in random.” Changmin admitted. “But, I saw that Jaejoong seem to be afraid of this man as he met him again. I heard what he said after Choi Siwon left. Jaejoong said that Choi Siwon reminded him of Black Horse.”

“Never mind, Changmin.ah. But, it’s time to send the invitation letter to your idol, gentlemen.” Kangta said.


“Are you kidding me, Detectives? There is no way that he has a twin.” Jaejoong denied the information that he just received from Kangta. “I had been with him for 3 years. He never told me that he has a twin. And there is no single clue that he has a twin.”

“Could give me a name of his colleague or subordinate whom you know?” Kangta demanded.

“Well, I don’t know anyone of them.” Jaejoong replied.

“Why?” Yesung shot the question.

“He restricted me for coming to his office because he said that he can’t concentrate on his work if I’m around. And, he didn’t take any guests or colleague to home either. So, it’s not strange that I don’t know anyone of them.” Jaejoong replied.

‘Of course, who on the earth could be focus on work while such a lover like him is next to him.’ Yesung remarked in his mind as he watched Jaejoong.

“Haven’t you ever try once even?” Yesung asked.

“Of course. Once, I escorted him at his office without his permission, he beat the hell out of my driver and my bodyguards in front of everyone. Since, then, I never went to his office.” Jaejoong answered.

“But, he didn’t do something violent to you.” Yesung pointed.

“Didn’t do something to me? Hum?” Jaejoong raised his voice. “What he did to me was far worse than violating.”

“Then, what did he do to you?” Yesung asked Jaejoong in curious.

Jaejoong’s face turned pink immediately. “He kissed me in front of his partners and subordinate. Then, he picked me up in his arms and threw me into his car.” Jaejoong took a deep breath to ease the embarrassment.

Kangta nodded. He understood that Black Horse was acting on his sense of possessive over his man.

“Another question, Jaejoong.shii.” Kangta shunted the topic. He put a photo on the table. “Mr. Kim, do you know him?” He watched carefully at Jaejoong’s expression as he sense that Jaejoong’s body was stiff when he saw the photo.

“Yes.” Jaejoong nodded. “Yunho introduced him to me last night. His name is Choi Siwon.”

“How many time did you met him before?” Kangta asked.

“No. Never.” Jaejoong hesitated to let out his answer since he wasn’t sure himself that he met that person before or not.

“Changmin said he scared you off when you met him at Hotel Messer before that accident was happened.” Yesung gave the hint.

“Before the accident?” Jaejoong murmured as he recalled his memory. “Wait…wait, yes, I remember. It’s him. I saw him before Changmin.shii asked me for my autograph.”

“So, tell me why were you scared at that time?” Yesung asked.

“You knew him even before Mr. Jung introduced him to you?” Kangta produced another question.

“No. It’s I…I…” Jaejoong muttered. “It’s nonsense. And,…you won’t believe in me.”

“Try me.” Yesung insisted.

Jaejoong bit his lips in excitement. “It’s… he remind me of him.” Jaejoong admitted. “Even though I know that they didn’t look alike even. But, I have the same feeling when Black Horse was around, as I found Mr. Choi Siwon.”

“Why?” Kangta asked.

“I told you. It’s nonsense. Because I don’t know why.” Jaejoong was getting annoying. “It’s just… I feel like in this way. OK?”

“Jaejoong.shii, what if Black Horse change his face into Siwon by mean of plastic surgery?” Kangta stated.

“Then, what about the Black Horse who killed Andrew at the lobby? I saw his face with my bared eyes, detectives.” Jaejoong pointed out.

“Then, Jaejoong.shii, looked at Choi Siwon’s photo and tell me which made you feel like he was Black Horse to you.” Kangta demanded.

Jaejoong took a deep breath to ease his frustration and looked at the photos. After the a couple of seconds, he answered, “the eyes. Especially, the way he looked at the others.”

Kangta smirked as he found the point. Then, both of the detectives exchange their looks. They got the point now.

Kangta smirked as he found the point.


Jaejoong signed with frustration when he found that the exit was blocked by paparazzi and reporters. He stopped at the corner, hid himself from the cameras and those annoying people and called to his brother-in-law.

“Jae, I’m on my way.” Yunho said as he picked up the phone.

Jaejoong already knew that Yunho might be on his way to pick him up. “Don’t come. They are everywhere. If they caught us, they’d make you into pieces.” Jaejoong informed.

“Yeah, I know. I know that they would do the same for you when they get you. That’s why I come. I don’t want such a lovely brother-in-law into pieces either before I could find any spare ones.” Yunho amused to light up Jaejoong’s mood since he sense some degree of depression in the younger man’s voice.

Jaejoong giggled as he caught the amusement. But he decided to play along with his lover for a while. “Thanks you so much for your concerned for me, Mr. Jung. I’m really appreciate to have such a perfect brother-in-law. But, I recommend you, not to have any single piece of spare one. Or, I have to throw away your body parts into Han River.” Jaejoong threaten.

“Oh, my God, I have got a scary baby boyfriend.” Yunho teased.

Jaejoong felt that his heart leap up when Yunho referred him as ‘boyfriend’.

“Jae? Are you with me?” Yunho asked in worried since the other man was silent.

“Y…Yeah.” Jaejoong was back to the earth now.

“Then, tell me where are you now.” Yunho asked.

“I said you, don’t come.” Jaejoong repeated.

“Copy, sir. But, you have to tell me where you are because I have to tell Changmin to find you and help you to get away from those blasters.” Yunho insisted.

Jaejoong made a sigh of relief and told his location to the older man.

“ Just stay in that position. OK?” Yunho said before he hang up the phone, didn’t forget to say, “I love you, Jae.”

“Love you too, Yunho.” Jaejoong replied with soft smile.

“Hey, Beauty.” Changmin greeted as he put his hand on Jaejoong shoulder

Jaejoong jerk up since he didn’t expected someone would appear with greeting at this moment. “Changmin.shii?” Jaejoong was surprised as he found the younger man just after a second he hang up the phone. “Why are you so fast?”

“Fast?” Changmin couldn’t understand what Jaejoong mean with it.

“Yes. I’ve Just finished talking with Yunho.” Jaejoong replied.

Changmin frowned since he was getting more confused. “Jae…” He was interrupted by the ringtone. “Wait a minute.” He said to Jaejoong, released his grips to Jaejoong as took out his mobile, checked the ID of the caller and smirk when he found that it was Yunho. “Oh, it’s your old man.” Changmin informed to Jaejoong, loudly enough for Yunho to hear him. “Hyung? What’s up?”

“Changmin, I need your help.” Yunho opened the conversation.

“Let me guess. It’s for your super cute beautiful brother-in-law. Right?” Changmin chuckled softly when he earned the deadly glare from Jaejoong and low growl sound from Yunho at the same time.

“Yes. Perfect. But, one correction, Shim Changmin. It’s not brother-in-law. So, be careful next time.” Yunho said with amused but threaten tone. “Now, please help Jaejoong to get into my car. For your information, the paparazzi are buzzing around the gates.”

Changmin glanced the entrance which was occupied by paparazzi and reporters. “No problem. But, what is my reward?”

“Name it.” Yunho knew that his friend tried to amuse him.

“What about… Let me spend one night at your brother-in-law’s room.” Changmin chuckled when Jaejoong shot another deadly glare.

“No problem.” Yunho replied with serious tone. “It’s OK as long as you want.”

“Hyung, are you serious?” Changmin was shocked since Yunho gave him in unexpected response.

“Of course, I’m not that stingy.” Yunho confirmed. “You will sleep there, and he will sleep with me.”

Changmin couldn’t help but he blasted out into laugh. “Hyung, no wonder that you are the top business man of the city. Anyway, tell me where are you exactly and what is your car.”

“I’m at the parking log _ first roll, second one and yellow Ferrari.” Yunho informed the location.

“Got it. You have to listen to my plan. OK?” Changmin stated.

“OK.” Yunho replied.


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ultracuteteen #1
Chapter 63: Finally finished this story. Thank you for writing this story authornim. I love it
ultracuteteen #2
Chapter 63: Finally finished this story. Thank you for writing this story authornim. I love it
ultracuteteen #3
Chapter 44: Omg i am so sad with jj condition in this chapter T-T
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Chapter 63: My mussy couple yunjae.. please always in love forever ^^
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Chapter 62: Finaally yoochun got the chance.. u will be happy junsu ah
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Chapter 61: Oh.. the scene is coming.. hehe
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Chapter 60: Thanks God the Black horse is died.. yunjae n yuki is free now
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Chapter 59: Of course.. Yunho wont let his cutie boyfriend with you minnie ah..
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Chapter 58: My yunjae have their first date...♡
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Chapter 54: Dinner date with lovely yuki ^^