Lass Mich Fallen

Lass Mich Fallen






Hyukjae smiled at Kyuhyun before kissing his cheek lovingly.


Kyuhyun smiled gently and pulled Hyukjae closer to him; his hand resting in Hyukjae’s thin waist as the other rested his head in Kyuhyun’s shoulder.


“I love you.” Hyukjae said out of the blue and Kyuhyun couldn’t help but chuckle softly.


“I love you too.” Kyuhyun responded turning around lightly and kissing Hyukjae’s hair softly.


Hyukjae smiled and sighed; closing his eyes at the soft breeze that passed by his cheeks; making him feel so light he couldn’t help but feel happy.


“You know Kyu…” Hyukjae started pushing away lightly so they could see each other. “I love you so much and I’m so happy…” He said and Kyuhyun smiled wider.


“You can’t be as happy as I am.” Kyuhyun said caressing Hyukjae’s cheeks gently. “You are my life; my everything.” He said leaning closer and kissing Hyukjae’s forehead.


Hyukjae giggled before hugging Kyuhyun tightly. “I don’t want this moment to pass.” He closed his eyes; enjoying how right it felt to smell Kyuhyun’s scent; to feel secure in the other’s embrace; to hear Kyuhyun’s heartbeat that would be his lullaby all the nights they would spent together.


“We have a life ahead Hyukkie.” Kyuhyun said squeezing Hyukjae softly in his embrace. “I will make sure there will be thousands of moments like this in our lives.”


Hyukjae smiled for himself before sighing; not minding to take a little nap in Kyuhyun’s wide chest as they were in the park; a peaceful place they used to go all the time; Kyuhyun kissed Hyukjae’s hair one last time before resuming his reading and smiling softly at the man sleeping in his arms.




“Kyu.” Hyukjae called softly when he woke up.


“Mmh?” Kyuhyun hummed hugging Hyukjae’s body from behind; pulling the latter closer until their bodies were crashing together; the warmth being Kyuhyun’s blanket for his life.


Hyukjae turned around; not daring to pull himself from Kyuhyun’s arms; until they were facing each other still in the bed; he pecked Kyuhyun’s lips. “I dare you.” He said with a soft smile.


Kyuhyun opened his eyes softly and smiled gently at Hyukjae; he loved waking up seeing the other’s smile; those eyes were the machine that made him wake up every morning. “What is it?” He asked leaning closer and kissing Hyukjae’s forehead; then his eyes; his cheeks; his nose; he kissed Hyukjae’s entire face until he reached his lips and shared a tender kiss.


Hyukjae giggled before smiling brightly. “Do you love me?” He asked and Kyuhyun chuckled.


“More than myself.” Kyuhyun said pulling Hyukjae impossibly closer to him.


Hyukjae giggled once again; his hand tracing an imaginary path in Kyuhyun’s chest. “If you love me that much; then I dare you.” He said with a playful smile.


Kyuhyun smiled too and couldn’t help but peck Hyukjae’s lips once again. “What do I have to do?” He asked softly.


Hyukjae turned up and locked his eyes with Kyuhyun’s gentle ones. “I dare you.” He paused for some seconds. “To go away from me for one week.” He said and smiled at Kyuhyun’s confused and horrified face. “Not messages; no texts; no calls; no dates; nothing.” He said.


Kyuhyun shook his head. “You want me to die?” He asked serious and chuckled softly when Hyukjae pouted. “Hyukkie…” He called kissing the pout away. “You’re my life.” He said. “How do you expect me to live without a single path of you? You’re my everything and will never be able even to breath if I know nothing about you even for a minute.”


Hyukjae rolled his eyes cutely before kissing Kyuhyun’s lips softly. “I know you cam Kyu.” He said sure of his words. “I know you love me so much you can do this for me.”


Kyuhyun eyes softened as he sighed. “Fine.” He said. “But you’ll be mine when the week ends.” He said smiling gently at Hyukjae who just nodded silently and with a tender smile in his face.


That day they spent the whole time together; loving each other; feeding each other and just cuddling to bed before the week without contact from each other started.


“I love you Kyu.” Hyukjae said when they were about to part away. “So much you can’t imagine.” He added before leaning closer and sharing their last kiss before the week started.


Kyuhyun kissed back as his hold on Hyukjae’s waist tightened; already scared of what could happen if he couldn’t see Hyukjae the whole week. “I’ll miss you so much Hyukkie.” He said pouting lightly.


Hyukjae kissed the pout away giggling softly. “Don’t miss me Kyu.” He said. “You just need to know I love you.” He pointed out and Kyuhyun finally smiled; nodding lightly and kissing Hyukjae’s forehead gently.


“I love you.” Kyuhyun said; he didn’t want to leave; but he couldn’t help; they have been bidding goodbye since almost an hour ago and he knew Hyukjae had to rest a while.


Kyuhyun saw how Hyukjae waved at him with a smiling face as he drove away; he smiled during the entire ride to his apartment.




It was the hardest thing to do for Kyuhyun; he would look at his phone and wish to dial Hyukjae’s number; but he would always bit his lower lip; he couldn’t deceive Hyukjae; no; he was going to keep his promise he made.


The first day wasn’t as hard as he thought it would be; but the second say he was already crazy; he would just look at Hyukjae’s picture in his wallet to comfort himself; but he knew it was wrong; because he felt an empty space in his heart being created when he couldn’t see Hyukjae’s smile anymore.


But he loved Hyukjae; he loved him more than anything else in the world and he wasn’t going to give up; he was going to prove his love and determination was strong enough to deserve him.


Finally the week passed; probably the longest one Kyuhyun had ever lived and he promised himself he would never promise anything like that before; because living without Hyukjae was sure hell.


He drove as fast as he could towards Hyukjae’s house and went out of the car anxiously; he couldn’t wait even one more second; he didn’t seem to notice there were some cars parked outside Hyukjae’s house as he just passed through them; knocking the door nervously as he wished Hyukjae would open; that way he would be able to kiss him and hug him right away.


The sight was unexpected; everyone was dressing in black; even the woman that opened the door; he gasped and looked through the crowd of people; there were so unknown faces there; but none of those faces belonged to the one he loved. “H-Hyuk?” He called softly; scanning everyone and frowning lightly when he couldn’t spot his beloved.


His eyes landed on the black coffin at the center of the room that used to be the living room; where he and Hyukjae made out so many times he couldn’t remember.


He walked closer; he could hear the screams and cries from people surrounding him; his legs trembled and his throat created a knot in there; making him unable to breathe properly as he started to sweat cold sweat.


Kyuhyun opened his eyes widely; his heart stopped and raced at the same time; there was a huge pressure in his chest he wanted to scream but his voice wouldn’t come out; he wanted to run but his legs gave up on him; he wanted to rip apart his heart because his chest felt heavy.


There were tears; tons of them as time stopped; Kyuhyun didn’t know how he took the photograph that was over the cuffing; he didn’t know why he traced Hyukjae’s features in the picture as his tears made his eyes blurry. “H-Hyuk..” He called looking around to see if it was a joke; because he would gladly wish for it to be like that. “Hyuk!” He called out loud turning around to scan the people’s faces once again. “HYUK!” He screamed his lungs away.


“Kyuhyun-ssi.” Hyukjae’s mother called trying to calm him down but Kyuhyun couldn’t hear anymore.


“Where is he?!” Kyuhyun demanded; blinded by the tears and weakened by his own feelings. “HYUKJAE!” He screamed.


“Kyuhyun-ssi!” Hyukjae’s mother called desperately again; because Kyuhyun was breaking his already broken heart.


“Hyuk…” Kyuhyun shook his head in denial when he couldn’t see the one he loved in the crowd; he turned again and opened the coffin cover; wishing it was a lame joke; wishing Hyukjae was tired of him and pretended to be dead just to run away with someone else; everything was better than what he saw.


There it was; it was Hyukjae’s pale skin; his perfect lips that now were dried; his eyes were closed and Kyuhyun wished it was a lie. “Hyuk!” He called desperately as some men grabbed them; stopping him from doing something else. “HYUK!” He cried out loud freeing himself from the two men holding him back. “Wake up Hyuk..” He begged caressing the cold, pale skin of the body he was seeing. “It’s not funny… wake up…” He cried tracing Hyukjae’s cold and purple lips. “Hyukkie…” He sobbed falling down on his knees; his hands barely supporting his weight as he ignored everything around him. “Hyuk…” He sobbed with his tears falling down unstoppably.


“Kyuhyun-ssi…” Someone called but Kyuhyun didn’t care.


A small letter was given to him; the woman crying out loud as he handed it. Kyuhyun had no strength but he took the letter as soon as he saw Hyukjae’s handwriting there; he tried hard to read; but the tears were making it hard for him; his voice was lost because he couldn’t stop hiccupping from so much crying.


The letter in his hands was being gripped hardly as tears drenched it out. “H-Hyuk…” Kyuhyun called softly when he read it; he fell down on his hands once again as he closed his eyes and regretted that stupid promise he made a week ago.


You made it Kyu; you were able to live without me for a week.

Now promise me you will do the same for the rest of your life and you will never give up;

Now I dare you to live happy and to welcome new love.

I know you love me, and I love you too.

Keep me in your memories but don’t wish for me to be there;

because I don’t regret the time I’ve spent with you and I wish you will be the same.

I leave knowing I was the happiest person in earth;

I leave fully knowing too much happiness couldn’t be possible;

I leave but I will always stand by you; if you’re sad I’ll be there for you;

And if you’re happy; I’ll celebrate with you.

Thanks for the happiest moments in my life and thank you for loving me as much as I did for you.

Let me go Kyu; because I know you love me much enough as to do so.

So Kyuhyun… Live for me and be happy.

Thank you and I love you. – Hyukjae


“HYUKJAE!” Kyuhyun yelled as his heart stopped; he wanted to die; he wanted to punch the gods; he wanted to yell and bring Hyukjae’s life back at that body that now was lying on the coffin. “Hyuk…” He called standing up and breaking everyone in the room’s heart. “I love you Hyukkie…” He repeated as he leaned closer to the cold body and kissed those cold and purple lips. “Please wake up…” He begged caressing with his thump the cold skin of Hyukjae’s cheeks; cleaning his own tears that were falling. “Hyukkie… you’re my life…” He repeated as he used to do all the time. “Please don’t leave me like this…” He cried as he let his head fall down and cried his heart out; intertwining his fingers together with Hyukjae’s.




“You knew you were going to go.” Kyuhyun said as he sat down by the grave’s side. “You knew you had just one more week and you sent me away.” He chuckled bitterly watching the flowers he brought that day; tulips; Hyukjae’s favorites.


It’s been five years already; but he couldn’t forget his love for Hyukjae; he believed the other was the one that kept him alive; Hyukjae was still the one that cheered him up with his smile.


Kyuhyun closed his eyes as he felt a soft breeze rub his cheeks; at that moment; he smiled gently at the nothingness; fully knowing he would meet the love of his life some time once again.


“And I will still keep on loving you as the first time I saw you.” Kyuhyun whispered as he let the wind take his message to Hyukjae and then returning with an answer. “I love you too Hyukkie.” He said as he rested his whole body by the grave’s side; his hands over his chest; smiling softly and dreaming what would be his last dream.


Kyuhyun slept by Hyukjae’s side forever; his mind willing to go away as his heart stopped beating and his limp hands fell down his body.


Death leaves a heartache no one can heal; but love leaves a memory no one can steal.






A/N: This was supposed to be just a drabble! xD

Oh well~ >///<

*runs away from angry readers*

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Chapter 1: TT^TT
so sad... Death fic always make me cry despite reading them for thousands time.

Thank you for sharing n.n
rinasjs #2
Chapter 1: Owhhhhhh i just cry...... like a river.....
Thank you for making me cry...i know it's just a story, but it was really heartbreaking.. Now i have fluffy red swolen eyes and i'm on my way to go somewhere..kkkkk
this was beautiful <3 but so sad <3 i loved this <3
finelfren #5
this is really a sad story>.<
Hi! Mm, how can I say this, I already read various of your fics, and I'm sorry for not commenting in the ones that you already finished, but I want to say that you are the best Kyuhyuk writter that I read and I love your works and the feelings that you put in every fic, the sweet, the painful, the longing, every-feeling of every-fic of yours; I love it.

I'm your fan!!

Really thank you for writting!!
kyu is dead?? omgggg, he was to live for hyuk... this is so sad.
omg~~ why did Hyukkie asked Kyu to go away? He shouldn't do that.. *sobs* poor Kyu~ but I salute Kyu's love for Hyuk.. *sobs* omg~ why am i crying?? unnie, this is your fault.. but I love the story..more KyuHyuk fanfics!! hwaiting!! oh and I love the last line ^_^
noname022 #9
unnie why you make us cry... T_________________T
seriously, it feels like my heart is being clench and i can't stop the river of tears flowing in my eyes....... T______________T

keep writing great KYUHYUK love story.... ^____________________^
Rizu-Q #10
finally angsty ending!!!
jiaaaahhhh, i love the words you gave at the end,
keep sreading kyuhyuk love!!! ^^