Color the Lights: Chapter 5

Color the Lights

Henry breathed a sigh of relief, smiling down as he put his violin away. Grabbing a towel, he wiped his sweaty brow, raking fingers through his dark brown locks. The clock read eight in the morning.

“I wonder if mom has food,” he yawned, rolling his slightly stiff neck. The young boy pulled at the collar of his t-shirt, trying to produce a breeze against his heated chest. Why was it so hot? He really didn’t like summer. Winter was so much better and easier to wear a tuxedo in. If anyone had tried stuffing themselves in full out formal attire during summer, they would know why winter was so definitively better.

There was no one in the kitchen when Henry strolled in. He paused searching the area with his eyes first before walking to the side door and twisting the knob. “媽 媽?” Henry called out to his mother, shuffling down the stone steps and towards the side-front yard.

“Oh, Henry!” the older woman exclaimed, a white business card in one of her hands. “You’re done with morning practice?”

“Mmhmm,’ he mumbled, eyeing the card and then the person waiting to be introduced. “But what’s going on here?”

“Actually,” his mother was looking quite pleased with herself, “Mr. Lee, here, has just come by to greet us before he has to head off on another business trip. Apparently, he attended one of your concerts back in Canada and found your skills quite amazing.” She laughed lightly, waving her dainty hand, “Oh my, I’m getting off topic. What I meant to tell you is that Mr. Lee has asked if you would be willing to tutor his eldest son, Donghae, in violin.”

“D-Donghae?” Henry repeated. “Y-You mean the hyung who lives diagonally across the s—ah, I mean, who?” he flushed fidgeting in the grass, hands locked behind his back.

Mr. Lee smiled, looking amused. “My son must be rather famous around school if you know so much about him, Henry. And yes, we’re the house a bit down the road. So would you be willing to teach him violin?”

“Uh…,” Henry frowned, growing serious, “when would the lessons be, sir?”

“Every day, immediately after school for forty minutes,” the man replied easily, “is that too much?”

“No, that should be okay,” he answered, nodding slightly, “I’ll just finish my school work at school.” Henry flashed a grin, earning soft laughter from both adults.

Mr. Lee indicated his house, saying, “He’s home right now if you would like to go greet him. That boy is always running all over the place so it would be a good chance for you two to meet.”

“H-Huh? Right now?” Dread seeped into Henry at the words and before he really knew what he was doing, both legs were bending and stretching, carrying him towards the incredibly familiar house.

The closer he got, the scarier things became. Why the hell did Donghae’s father want him to learn violin? That made no sense, especially because whenever he spoke to the older boy, all that came out of his mouth – when they weren’t messing around – were arrogant little spats about how horribly useless artists of any kind were.

So, to say the least, it was quite obvious that Henry didn’t really like him all that much. And if it weren’t for the immense stress reliever he provided, Donghae’s nose would’ve been broken a few dozen times already.

Next time he blinked, he was in front of the door, ringing the bell. A maid promptly answered it and asked his name. “I’m Henry Lau,” he introduced, going on to explain the situation. It seemed commonplace for Mr. Lee to randomly do these things because the maid easily let Henry in once he’d finished speaking.

Really, what if Henry had been a serial killer trying to stab their son to death? Wouldn’t that be incredibly unpleasant?

“Thank you,” he bowed, before turning back around and coming face to face with a reasonably half Lee Donghae. “A-Ah, hyung,” Henry hastily lowered his head again.

“What’s…up?” Donghae questioned slowly, arching an eyebrow. He held a phone in one hand, other hand resting on the wooden railing of their staircase.

“Your dad told me to come introduce myself,” he explained, but then pursed his lips and said, “Actually, can we talk in your room?” Donghae smirked and Henry blushed, waving his hands meekly. “It’s not like that, hyung!”

Donghae rolled his eyes and shifted on the steps, walking back upstairs, “Okay, well c’mon.”

They arrived on the third floor in silence, Henry trailing a good several feet behind the older boy. Once they were inside the large room though, it wasn’t possible to keep the distance. He was soon pinned back against a wall, buckle of his pants being undone.

“No seriously, hyung!” Henry cried, fighting back as best he could.

“What’d my dad say to you?” he asked simply, pushing the material down bit by bit.

“I’m supposed to be your new violin instructor,” the younger male mumbled, flustered at his exposure, “Please Donghae-hyung, stop.”

Donghae laughed, standing back up and capturing the boy’s tongue in a wet kiss. His fingers moved feather lightly against the hardening member, stirring it to life through a thin screen of boxers. When he finally felt the boy melt under his ministrations, he stopped messing around, removing his hand completely. “What happened to begging me to stop?” Donghae chuckled, “Can’t you control your pupils, Mr. Lau?”

“You’re such a sadist,” Henry growled, but in anyone’s eyes it only came out like a mewling little kitten, “I only came over to tell you that we’re starting lessons tomorrow…and that it’s every day after school for forty minutes…”

“Understood, sir,” he mocked, taking Henry’s hand and leading him to the bed, “damn, I’ve always wanted to sleep with one of my tutors.” The small teen flopped down on his back, legs still tangled up in his pants. Donghae removed the obstructive material quickly, climbing on top of his “friend”.  

Henry locked his arms around the handsome boy’s neck, “Make it quick. I have to be home for lunch.”

“Can do,” he grunted, kissing him carelessly.


Donghae knocked on Ryeowook’s door, opening it and peeking inside. “Wookie, you there?” he called, looking around the room brightly lit by the afternoon sun.

“What is it, hyung?” Ryeowook answered, coming out of the bathroom still in his pajamas.

“I’m gonna go get some food. You wanna come?”

“What’re we getting?” the boy chimed in happily, hurrying to get changed now.

Donghae smiled, leaning against the doorway, “Hmm, I don’t know. What do you feel like eating? We could get Chinese or maybe Greek…Korean?”

Two minutes later, his little brother reappeared dressed in casual clothes. “I really like Chinese! We should go try this new dumpling shop my friends and I passed by last week!”

“If that’s what you want,” he draped an arm around Ryeowook’s shoulders, listening to him chatter away about school and something funny that happened with his friends.

Donghae smiled and nodded, inserting his thoughts from time to time. The whole day had been going well so far and he couldn’t have been drunker on it. First, he had woken up to a text from that hot guy from a few days ago asking if they could hook-up that night. Then he had walked downstairs to find a perfectly usable Henry fidgeting in his foyer. They proceeded to , fast and hard and cold – just the way Donghae liked his friends. And to top it off, Ryeowook was having a good, clean time in high school, meaning he had successfully kept that bastard Kyuhyun away from his precious sibling.

Yes, life couldn’t have been better.

“Is this the place?” he prompted, slowing down in front of a strip of restaurants.

Ryeowook squinted and then grinned, “Oh yeah, it is!” he pointed at the shop near the end of the line.

“Okay,” Donghae nodded parking and cutting the engine.

They crossed the lot to the restaurant ad Donghae reached out, grabbing the handle only to have the glass door fly out, slapping him in the face. He stumbled back, groaning and daring to fall down.

Just like in every cheesy love story though, he felt a muscular arm catch him, pulling him straight into a well defined chest. Donghae’s eyes flew open ad he looked up, catching his breath when he met a handsome stranger’s face. “T-Thanks…,” he managed, mesmerized like he had never been before.

“Are you okay? I’m sorry for hitting you like that,” a deep voice apologized, that daring gaze melting Donghae.

“N-No it’s okay,” he stuttered, flushing and turning his eyes down, “uhm, what’s your name?”

A small smile crossed the broader fellow’s face, “Choi Siwon,” he answered, releasing Donghae carefully. “My family owns this restaurant so I hope you and your companion enjoy the food.”

“Yeah…we will,” Donghae returned the smile, “Oh! My name is Lee Donghae, by the way. And that’s my little brother, Ryeowook.” He pointed at the spaced out boy standing a bit behind him.

Siwon chuckled, “It’s nice to meet you two. I hope we’ll be seeing you around the restaurant more often from now on.” He bowed his head slightly, winking very subtly before brushing past Donghae.

He glanced down at his racing heart, confused. What was going on?


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PanchiI #1
the ending was so ... unexpected :P
but awesome fic nevertheless!
Chapter 24: ♥ the ending! Hihi... Sequel? :D
I was pretty content reading those extra scenes, it was interesting to see what could have been and get a little extra insight in to Hae's relationships with Siwon and Henry. But then this happened:
Mine’s better,” Kyuhyun scoffed. He flashed a wicked grin, “I am talking about Ryeowook, by the way.”
And the Kyuwook shipper in me EXPLODED. You killed me, laughing, in two lines. I really need to get out more XD
allison9087 #4
The endings to your stories are always amazing going to miss this story.
charietigre #5
Love this! The ending was amazing :) love the twist :D sooo happy I stumbled across this fic :)
lahdeedah000 #6
First, when I saw this was marked as "complete", I was like....O_o?? But, after reading it, I had a smile on my face. I guess I wish you kept the "dream" going longer, but I'm still satisfied at how things turned out. ^^
The end was so unexpected. But it doesn't mean that I didn't like it, since it was really great. Donghae doesn't sound like an anymore XD
Oh this one is over as well? :( I was a little disappointed at first because the idea of everything that had happened was only a dream seemed like a waste. But I think I do like your ending, you have a way of writing things with grandeur, like you give this feeling of everything being so much more than it is.
Well anyways hope to see something of yours around here soon :]