Facing my first defeat

You Win, I Love It.

Since you sleep alone most of the time, you carry on with your bedtime ritual, bringing your laptop to bed, even when your new boyfriend, Choi Seunghyun, decides to spend the night at your place.

He’s in the shower and you’re in bed, looking up the lyrics to your current favourite song, You Win by Pixie Lott. Since you heard it last week, you haven’t been able to get it out of your mind. You hum to the song all day long, tapping your fingers on any surface you can find to the melody of the song. You don’t even have to be listening to the song, the melody is etched in your mind perfectly.

Once you found the lyrics to the song, you go through every line with only one person in mind, that one person that just crawled into bed, under the sheets with you. His curiosity got the best of him, and he pokes his head in front of the computer screen, to see what is stealing your attention from his presence.

“What’s this? Lyrics?” He looked up to your face with a confused expression. You feel your heart grow bigger for him looking at his cute expression. It’s more of this cuteness that wins your heart than the masculine & charismatic image he potrays.

“Lyrics to my current favourite song, You Win, by Pixie Lott. You know her, it’s that singer you & Jiyong ssi collaborated with.” You answered with a genuine smile. It seems like your smiles never leave you when he’s around.

“Ah yes, I know her. She’s really pretty in real life.” He claims innocently and pulls himself back to his side of the bed. He lies there, looking up to the ceiling, with his hands cradling his head on top of the pillow. Even though you’re glad that he’s not all over you unlike all the other men that have shared your bed, you secretly wish that he’s more affectionate. You would’ve liked him to kiss and touch you more, but maybe he’s not the kind that shares a lot of skinship during the early stages of a relationship.

You averted your eyes back to the computer screen, staring at those lyrics again, while the song is playing softly on your computer. There’s something about that song that makes you feel really vulnerable tonight and you wish to share the softness of your heart with him.

A silly smile slowly forms on your mouth as a great idea struck your mind. You place your computer on the bedside table, leaving the song on, and you slide from your sitting position on the bed into a lying position, next to him under the sheets. You lean your forehead against the cool skin of his elbow. His eyes are already closed but apparently he’s not sleeping since he shifted when he sensed your movement. You can tell that he’s a little surprised when he saw that you’re on your stomach, facing your head towards him with the same silly smile.

“Seunghyun, I want you to remember this song, and I have the perfect way to help you do just that.” With that, you gave him a soft kiss on his beautiful mouth that you’re almost obsessed with.

The song is on a loop on your media player, and when you hear the sound of the piano that starts off the song, you bury your face in the nook between his neck and his shoulder, breathing in his fresh scent.

I’m a short collar
I don’t get caught up
I always have the upper hand

You whispered the words in the softest voice, breathing it over his ears. At the end of the verse, right before the next verse start, you sneak a nibble on his earlobe. You can hear him expressing a short hum of pleasure and you start on the next verse with a smile.

I’m a born winner
Even when I’m in love I never give it all to my man
You came in and snuck up on me, I’m facing my first defeat

As you sang the words softly, you run your lips across his subtly coarse cheeks towards his mouth, lingering over it. You can detect a hitch in his breath, but his mouth has already curved into a satisfied smile. You wish to lose yourself in the deep dimples formed on his cheeks.

I said I would never be a silly fool but look what you’ve done to me
Said I would never lose but you came in and changed the rules

You win, I love it
I don’t care anymore, coz who’s keeping score

You win, I love it
When my heart is a prize it’s yours every time you win

Singing this verse with your lips lingering over his mouth, you sneak in a few soft kisses and nibbles on his lips and on his dimples. He doesn’t respond to this and just lets you have your way with him, the way he knows you like it. Your voice loses more of its strength and comes out more like pleading. This is your total surrender towards loving this man.

Lalalalalalalala it yours every time you win
Lalalalalalalala it’s yours every time

He lifts his head from the pillow and finally kisses you back so deeply that you feel that your soul just leaves your body. You have become completely defenseless towards loving him tonight. When he breaks off the kiss, your eyes are still closed because you don’t want to lose the sight of the stars you’re seeing inside your mind. Seeing you in this condition makes him chuckle and he turns you over to your side of the bed. Without realizing it, you fell asleep lulled by the pleasant burn his lips have left on yours and the song still looping through your media player all night long.

“No woman has ever made me feel this special. Thank you…and I love you.” Seunghyun whispers into your ears before falling into the deepest sleep he has had for the past few months.

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Aw. <3
missuslee #2
Short but sweet. I like it. I like Top. And I like fics like this. Hope to read more from you :)
Yes, romantic! :))))))))))
Softwhispers #4
Awwww... it's sooo cute! :)
thebunny11 #5
@bubblybubble thanks! glad you liked it! <3
bubblybubble #6
it's just...so...so...
and touching :)
thebunny11 #7
@candyforlove: Glad you liked it! :D
Romantic but yet cute oneshot! :)