Flying Coach Has Its Perks



Eunhyuk hates flying. His ears always pop, the food is, as a rule, terrible, the seats are uncomfortable, and he has the secret irrational fear that the plane is going to crash into the vast expanses of uncharted waters, never to be seen again. 


Donghae, on the other hand, relishes travel. He has the happy ability to fall asleep within minutes in absolutely any position or environment. He always wants the window seat, so as Eunhyuk clamps his eyes shut tightly, Donghae can watch as they descend on their new and exotic destination. If anyone was designed by god specifically to be an international popstar, it was Donghae, Eunhyuk reflects. Donghae who kept everyone's moods up when tensions rose, Donghae who always had just a little more patience for crowds of fans at the end of the day, Donghae who tried just a little harder than any one else despite being in the business for as long as they all have. 


They're on a flight to Thailand, and Donghae's currently pressing his face to the oval shaped window of their row waving goodbye to Seoul, spouting out farewells in every language he knows and some he doesn't. Eunhyuk snorts despite his death grip on the arms of his already uncomfortable seat. 


Donghae turns to him, grinning, "What do you think Thailand will be like this weekend?"


Eunhyuk forces himself to focus on Donghae's face and grits out, "The same as it is every time we come here?"


Donghae rolls his eyes. "What's wrong with you today? Did you have that nightmare about us crashing again or something?" His eyes widen slightly as Eunhyuk's expression turns stony. "Really? After all this time, still?" Eunhyuk sighs and looks straight ahead, closing his eyes briefly. 


He doesnt need to see the sympathetic look donghae gives him to know it's there. "Stop it." 


Eunhyuk can feel how much Donghae wants to say something but for once the other doesn't push it, and Eunhyuk is grateful. 


Eunhyuk is tired. His body aches. He curses the cheap bastards in corporate that put them in economy, just because it's only a 5 hour flight, and it's just too expensive for all of you to fly business, he tries desperately to find a comfortable position, leaning to one side, then the other, he almost thinks he's got it when he lays his head on the tray table, but finds the top of his head pressed uncomfortably into the seat in front of him. His sits up frustrated, making a slightly louder noise of dissatisfaction than he had meant to. It causes the peacefully snoring Donghae to stir from his position against the wall of the cabin. 


The 26 year old blinks sleepily, "you okay Hyukie?"


Eunhyuk sighs and nods, "Didn't mean to wake you, sorry."


Donghae stares at him for a second, and suddenly pushes up the armrest between them. He reaches his arm around Hyuk's shoulders, pulling his bony frame towards his comparably broader chest. "Better?" Eunhyuk hears the smile in Donghae's voice from close above his head. 


He has to admit, it is. 


Several minutes later as he's drifting towards sleep, it occurs to Eunhyuk that maybe this flying thing isn't as bad as he's always thought. 


He wakes up with the landing announcement, feeling warm and comfortable, and for the first time he doesn't worry about the plane spiraling downwards to a fiery destruction. He's about to remove his arm from the position it has fallen into across Donghae's waist when he feels the strong arm around his shoulder squeeze him as the man he's currently pressed up against, yawns groggily. So he stays just a little longer. Neither of them say anything, but in this moment Eunhyuk is thinking just how lucky he is to have Donghae in his life. 


Donghae is thinking about a lot of things, Thai curries, the beginnings of a new song, if Heechul wishes he was here, but mostly he thinking about how perfectly Hunhyuk fits against his chest, and just how glad he has Hyukjae in his life. 




A/N: ahh... I wonder if anyone still actually reads my stuff now that I never post things. 진짜 미안해!! Eunhae fighting!

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Aftan6 #1
Chapter 1: Awwwww ... Such sweetness ! Thx for sharing !
Chapter 1: And i'm glad to have EunHae in my life^^
It was so sweet^^
Chapter 1: Cute <333
The drabble is so cute <3
I still stalk you all the time ♥
and this is KYUTE
lovelydeadbunnies #5
Awe!!!!!! So adorable!!!!!
awwww... soo fluffy!!^^^
Cute, cute, cute, cute. *__________*
<3 ___________ <3