Chapter 8

You left... 2nd Chance?



Eunhyuk POV:

After a half an hour drive, we finally arrived at our mansion. I took a glance and I saw Donghae sleeping soundly on the other side, I think I should wake him up. I lean forward towards him and shook him lightly.

“Donghae…Donghae… Wake up!” I said softly

“Hmmph, five minutes umm..a…” he whimpered. I chuckled softly, how can he mistook me as his Umma. After 5mins of calling him, he still refused to wake up, I begin to lose my patience..

“YAH FISH! U better wake up…” His eyes open wide and stared at me with a killing look.

“What a noisy person…” he mumbles softly. At that moment, my eye brows furrowed, why can’t he ever praise me, I can’t help but feel upset.

“We’ve reach, please step out.” I said before getting out of my car and walk towards the front door. He followed after me while fixing his hair, wow his hot..

I opened the door and lead him to our living room.

“Wow, Nice house.” He commented. While reaching the living room, Jaejong , Yunho and Heechul is already sitting there.

“Where’s Teukie and Kyu?” I asked. Heechul pointed upwards and I guess they must be in Kyuhyun’s room.

Donghae sit on the nearest couch, no one speaks, it is a total awkward silence…

A few minutes later Kyuhyun walked down the stairs. When Kyuhyun walked down the stairs Donghae begin to stand up. 

He lifts Kyuhyun by the collar and slammed him towards the nearest wall.

“WHERE THE HELL DID YOU BRING SUNGIE?” he screamed while holding Kyuhyun by the collar. I was stunned by the actions, Heechul and Yunho stood up and held onto Donghae to push him back.

“WOULD YOU PLEASE CALM DOWN?” Heechul screamed, while glaring at Donghae.

Donghae smirked and said “ What the point of talking so calmly to a scumbag?”

This sentence ticked Yunho off “ What the hell is your problem can we speak nicely, and resolve the problem?”

During that point of time the tension was roused to the highest point, all three of damn glared at each other while Kyuhyun was recovering from the shock. I went over to help Kyuhyun up while the 3 of them remain to glare at each other. “Donghae, Ca..” Donghae roused his hand and said “Shut up, I do not wish to her any of your voices now.” This sentence alone sends an arrow through my heart.  

“What are you guys doing and what the hell happened?” A loud voice echoed into the living room.


Leeteuk POV:

When Kyuhyun brought Yesung back to our house, he carried him up to his room and places him softly onto his bed. Yesung face was covered with tears. I could tell he still cared a lot about him, his actions speaks louder than words. I pad Kyuhyun on the back and told him to wash up while I take care of him.

Kyuhyun refused at first, but after much persuading he stood up and went to wash up. A few minutes later once he is done, he walked towards the bed and stare at Yesung, after a while he fall asleep.

Half an Hour Later, the sound of keys could be heard, Eunhyuk must have reached home.

“Kyu ah… Wake up, Eunhyuk has arrived.” I shake Kyuhyun softly, he woke up and rub his eyes.

“Thanks Teukie..” He gave me a smile and begins to walk towards the door. Before walking out towards the door, he turn back and said.

“Teukie.. Do you mind staying here to look after Yesung for a while I do not wish for him to wake up alone..” I nodded my head and he walked out of the room.

I stared at the sleeping boy, how he can be the one that affect Kyuhyun so much, he looks so innocent and kind. Yet, behind him, he had so many problems and not forgetting his family died few years ago. His all alone in this world, I can’t help but understand now that why Donghae was so over protective of him.  

I stared at him for a long time, before scream and shouting could be heard below. I sigh and decide to go downstairs to take a look. As I was walking downstairs, I saw a terrified Jaejong on the couch while Heechul & Yunho looks like they were about to kill Donghae at that point of time, while the look on Donghae eyes is the same. Kyuhyun was on the ground while Eunhyuk was trying to help him up.

“What are you guys doing and what the hell happened?” I shouted furiously and my voice echoed throughout the whole living room.

Jaejong sigh in relieve when he saw me, he walked towards me and stand behind me. I whispered to him “Jae, please go up to Kyuhyun room and take care of Yesung, I guess I have to settle things here and won’t be able to do that.” He nodded his head and went up to Kyuhyun’s room immediately.

I walk down the stairs and glared at all 4 of them. All of them tensed, even though I maybe the umma type but once im angry no one could stop me, even Heechul is afraid of me.

“Heechul, Yunho Let go of Donghae immediately.” I said. They didn’t budge at first. “Don’t.Make.Me.Repeat.Again.” I emphasized on each word. They flinch and let go of Donghae immediately.

“Donghae shii would you please calm down and listen to Kyuhyun, all you want would be explanations and that’s what Kyuhyun is going to do now. His going to explain everything and I DO NOT tolerate and violence.” I emphasized on the “DO NOT” words and gave a smile.

He nodded his head reluctantly and sat down. “Heechul, Yunho follow me.” I said. Both of them follow me upstairs while the two of them settle the talk that they have to do.

Donghae POV:

I could feel someone shaking me, calling me to wake up. “Donghae…Donghae… Wake up!” It sounded like my Umma.

“Hmmph, five minutes umm..a…” I whimpered. That voice didn’t stop calling me, it’s starting to getting annoying after awhile..

“YAH FISH! U better wake up…” what fish?! Why would my Umma call me a fish? Ah! Without thinking I suddenly remember that I must have fallen asleep in Eunhyuk car. I open my eyes immediately, which seemed to have scared him. He jerked back immediately.

“What a noisy person…” I mumbled softly, what’s with the look on his face why does he seem so hurt when I say that. Ignore it ignore it Donghae, You must not pity him, you hate him.

“We’ve reach, please step out.” He said coldly and step out of his car, tsk what’s wrong with him, what’s with the sudden change of attitude? He must be PMSING… I lead out a small chuckle, lucky he didn’t hear it.

He opened the door and lead me to their living room.

 “Wow, Nice house.” I can’t help but comment. While reaching the living room, I saw three of kyuhyun’s friend sitting there, if I’m not wrong they must be Jaejong , Yunho and Heechul

“Where’s Teukie and Kyu?” Eunhyuk spoke up. Heechul I guess pointed upwards and I guess they must be in Upstairs room.

I approached the nearest couch and sit down, no one speaks, it is a total awkward silence…

A few minutes later I saw that “guy” walking downstairs, yes I still refused to forgive him. I begin to stand up and approach him. I grab him by his collar and pushed him towards the nearest wall.

“WHERE THE HELL DID YOU BRING SUNGIE?” I screamed, I can’t forgive him that he just grab Yesung away right him front of me and yet I didn’t do anything about it and secondly would be why would he want to meet me?! I need some damn explanations right now.

 “WOULD YOU PLEASE CALM DOWN?” Heechul screamed, while glaring at me.  

“What the point of talking so calmly to a scumbag?” I smirked right back at him, I do not like him. This sentence that I said seemed to tick Yunho off.

What the hell is your problem can we speak nicely, and resolve the problem?” Indeed we can’t, you all shouldn’t have come back I wanted to say that right back into their face, but then suddenly Eunhyuk spoke up, “Donghae, Ca…” Before he finish his sentence I cut him off. Seriously I do not wish to her his voice I hate him, why must he always interfere with everything?! I roused my hand and said “Shut up, I do not wish to her any of your voices now.” The moment I said that I look right back at him, what’s with his expression again, he seemed hurt…


“What are you guys doing and what the hell happened?” all of a sudden I think I heard another voice. This voice must belong to that angel in their group. He came down with an angry look. Like I give a dam about all of them here, they are on Kyuhyun’s side the bastard who hurt Yesung. I will never never forgive them…

As he walks down the stairs and glared at all of us. I can’t help but feel tensed, even though he may look kind and all I have to say he look pretty scary, he must be in Devil in disguise.

 “Heechul, Yunho Let go of Donghae immediately.” he said. None of them move as first as they still held on to me tightly.. “Don’t.Make.Me.Repeat.Again.” he said emphasizing on each word now. I could feel that they tensed and let go of me immediately. I shrugged and stare at him.

“Donghae shii would you please calm down and listen to Kyuhyun, all you want would be explanations and that’s what Kyuhyun is going to do now. His going to explain everything and I DO not tolerate and violence.” Tsk, explanations he better tell me everything, I nod my head reluctantly and sat down.

 “Heechul, Yunho follow me.” he said as both of them begin to follow him upstairs while living me alone behind with Kyuhyun. Bad choice, angel, I said mentally. I may kill him accidentally...

After 5minutes of awkward silence he begin to spoke up…

“Donghae ah, please listen to me.”

Upon hearing his voice I can’t help but to lose my patience why did I trust him with Yesung that time, if I strongly disapprove their relationship maybe Yesung won’t be as hurt as now.

“Damn you Kyuhyun, Hurry up and explain everything to me right now, I have no patience to listen to all your crap and please skip to the main point.” I snapped back harshly.

Kyuhyun seemed to be affected by my words. He took a deep breath before explaining everything.

“I had no choice…” He begin, no choice with what? I kept quiet as he continues to explain.

“5 Years ago, I was forced to leave him. My Umma threaten me, I’ve got no choice, and trust me you must be wondering how stupid and a fool I am , my Umma threaten me and I just let him go. I was really left with no choice, if I didn’t let him go at that time, he may die.”

What?! Die?! Was things ever this serious, my eyes grew big and he stared at me.

“Yes die” He seems to be able to read my expression.

“That day, my mom called and forced me leave him, if I were to go back, Yesung would be shot. He put some sniper near the apartment that I’m staying and trust me; I would rather Yesung to hate me then to die for me. If he were to die, there’s no point in me living too.”

After hearing this my expression soften, he did all those just to protect Yesung? But that doesn’t mean that he wasn’t at fault for living right? Ahhhh I’m so confuse right now I ruffled my hair. We maintain the silence until I spoke up.

“Then why did you decide to come back after 5 years? Shouldn’t you know that he has gotten over you? Do you think you still have the chance?”

He seemed shock by my answer but he kept quiet for a while before answering.

“I know due to my return he will be affected, but I can’t live without him, this 5 years, it been pure torture, I’ve been thinking all about him this 5 years, about what he is doing, will he be okay after I leave? Will he find someone else and forget about me? Everytime when I think about all this stuffs, my heart will ache. Trust me when I first saw him in this school, those crying eyes, I promised him that I would be the one that take away all his pain and not to inflict more pain to him. When you punch me in the face, I think I really deserved that I hurt him a lot if guess after that heart to heart talk with him, he cried a lot that he nearly had a panic attack that’s why I brought him to my house and I guess this will be the perfect time to explain everything to you…”

I was speechless at that point of time, does he really love Yesungie, and can I really forgive him? Will he really not hurt Yesung and promise me that he will take care of him?

“I…I… will forgive you, but that doesn’t mean that I will allow you to be with Yesungie again.” I said as I turn away from him

I could sense that he was smiling seriously this guy… I laugh out suddenly. He stared at me strangely,

“Sorry but I can’t but to think about this situation, is similar as when we first met isn’t it?”

He nodded his head. I took a glance up and I saw a few figure on the staircase, it was Yesung and Kyuhyun’s friend. They must been ears dropping curse them I said mentally in my head, obviously not cursing my hyung. Since Yesung is here maybe I should help them… Even though I still can’t really forgive Kyuhyun, I can’t stand it when Yesung is still longing for him, those tears for him, I can tell he still love him even though he said he has forget him. Hais, Lee Donghae, do it for Yesung. I guess I should let Yesung hear Kyuhyun feelings…

“What are you plans then? Are you planning to get Yesung back?” Knowing that Yesung would hear this…

“Seriously, I don’t know Donghae… It’s not easy, I Broke his heart, is not as simple like the friendship between us, Love need time to form and time to heal, it can take years to form love but seconds to break it…” He said.

“You’re not answering the question Kyu, I’m asking, will you get him back?”

“Obviously, I would.”

“Do you still love him?”

“Yes… I do still love him I—“ I cut him all, that’s all I need as an answer from him.

“What would you do to get him back? Will you die for him?”

“I’ll do anything with all my means to get him back, even if I have to die for him I would do that…” I could see that he was serious about it there was pure determination in his eyes… I took a glance towards the staircase I could see tears running down sungie face again, he was leaning against Jaejong, while trying to keep quiet. I guess he didn’t notice that I saw him.

Heechul turned and smile at me, I guess he was the smart one, he guess my intention of asking those questions. Maybe Kyuhyun’s friend weren’t that bad after all I let out a small chuckle. Kyuhyun must have heard it and stared at me with curiosity.

He stared at me, “Turn behind” I said. When he turned behind he was shocked to see Yesung there, I bet he didn’t expect that to happen.

“Let’s go” somebody whispered to me and I saw Yunho right next to me. I guess it’s time for them to talk. I went over to Yesung and hugged him and said “Hyung, time to face your heart if you do not  wish to forgive him or wish to forgive him I will respect you neh? I will forever be by your side and respect your decision. Call me later and I will come and pick you up neh?” I smiled at him and let go.

I saw Leeteuk went over to Kyuhyun and whispered something in his ears, while I followed Yunho out.

“Clubbing? Let’s forget everything, and be friends Donghae.” Yunho said while smiling while the rest of them agreed.

Hmmm they seemed friendly enough.

“Sure, Where?”

‘Heechul hyung club, let me tell you is awesome~^^” He said in a sing-a-long voice.

“Hyunnnnng, I’ve never been to your club before it must be nice right???” Jaejong said cutely.

"Yes is nice and Jaejong, you are not allowed to be this cute in the club okay?" Yunho said seriously

Jaejong can't help but his face flushed red. 

They love each other? I gave a look to heechul, he gave me a look which said "You Don't say." I laughed mentally.

“Donghae, I guess you didn’t drive here maybe you could drive with me” Leeteuk said. I nodded my head. I took a glance back into the house and pray hard that everything between them would be alright, sighs

“Don’t worry, I bet with you guys that they would be okay.” Leeteuk said while tapping my arms.

“Lets enjoy our time while clubbing neh?” He laughed.

I guess that’s all I can do right now.

Kyuhyun POV:

After Leeteuk brought Heechul and Eunhyuk away, Donghae and I were left behind in the living room.

“Donghae ah, please listen to me.” I said, maybe he doesn’t really want to talk to me now but I really need him to listen. He was one of those few friends that I do not wish to lose also.

After saying that, Donghae seemed to lose his patience and snapped at me.

“Damn you Kyuhyun, Hurry up and explain everything to me right now, I have no patience to listen to all your crap and please skip to the main point.” Wow, his attitude really change since last time. He became really strong now, I’m glad that this 5 years Donghae was there to protect my Sungie…

I took a deep breath before I begin to explain everything…

“I had no choice…” I started to say, as I stared at him I could tell that he was confused. I continued my story…

“5 Years ago, I was forced to leave him. My Umma threaten me, I’ve got no choice, and trust me you must be wondering how stupid and a fool I am , my Umma threaten me and I just let him go. I was really left with no choice, if I didn’t let him go at that time, he may die.”

I know that after saying this his reaction will be epic, I was right. He stared at me with wide eyes. He must have felt strange why would he die?

 “Yes die” I answered him. I continued to explain that…

“That day, my mom called and forced me leave him, if I were to go back, Yesung would be shot. He put some Sniper near the apartment that I’m staying and trust me; I would rather Yesung to hate me then to die for me. If he were to die, there’s no point in me living too.”

I could sense that after hearing this his expression has soften. He must have felt sorry, but I was really left which no choice to live him. He must been really confuse he ruffled his hair and look at me.

“Then why did you decide to come back after 5 years? Shouldn’t you know that he has gotten over you? Do you think you still have the chance?”

I was shock by his question, but I have to answer his question, is his doubt. He wanted to know, I think for a few minutes before answering him.

 “I know that due to my return he will be affected, but I can’t live without him, this 5 years, it been pure torture, I’ve been thinking all about him this 5 years, about what he is doing, will he be okay after I leave? Will he find someone else and forget about me? Everytime when I think about all this stuffs, my heart will ache. Trust me when I first saw him in this school, those crying eyes, I promised him that I would be the one that take away all his pain and not to inflict more pain to him. When you punch me in the face, I think I really deserved that I hurt him a lot if guess after that heart to heart talk with him, he cried a lot that he nearly had a panic attack that’s why I brought him to my house and I guess this will be the perfect time to explain everything to you…”

I poured all my worries out, this is what I’m feeling now, even though I’m back, I’ve prepared for the worst. If he really can’t forgive me I guess what I’ll really do now is just to accept that fact. I won’t force him to forgive me cause I don’t want him to suffer anymore…   

Donghae seemed to be thinking very hard.

“I…I… will forgive you, but that doesn’t mean that I will allow you to be with Yesungie again.” he said as he turn away from me.

I can’t help but smile, suddenly he led of a short laughter. I can’t help but look at him.

 “Sorry but I can’t but to think about this situation, is similar as when we first met isn’t it?” he suddenly said.

The next thing he asked was the thing that really shocked me the most.

 “What are you plans then? Are you planning to get Yesung back?” Why did he suddenly ask me that? I can’t help but to think about that. Why does Donghae suddenly ask me that? Is he questioning me, will he for bit our relationship since I broke his heart before? I took a deep breath and said;

“Seriously, I don’t know Donghae… It’s not easy, I Broke his heart, is not as simple like the friendship between us, Love need time to form and time to heal, it can take years to form love but seconds to break it…” What I said was the truth.

There’s no force in a relationship, I could get him anything he wants. I really do love him, if he wants me to give up and want me to move on that will never happen but I will let him go…

“You’re not answering the question Kyu, I’m asking, will you get him back?” He asked me seriously

“Obviously, I would.” I answered without thinking, I’m not ready yet to not have him in my life…

“Do you still love him?”

“Yes… I do still love him I—“ Donghae cut my off and asked me another question.

“What would you do to get him back? Will you die for him?” This question shocked me…

“I’ll do anything with all my means to get him back, even if I have to die for him I would do that…” I said seriously, if I had to choose to give up my life to protect him I will do it, as it has no meaning in life if he wasn’t there anymore…

Suddenly Donghae let of a small chuckle and stared at me.

“Turn behind” he said.

Huh? Turn behind? When I turn behind I say Yesung standing there with tear stained face. I was shock did he hear everything I said? That’s why Donghae asked me all those question?

I saw Yunho whispering something into Donghae’s ears as he begins to walk towards Yesung and whispered something into his ears and they begin to walk out. Before walking out he gave me a pad on my back.

Leeteuk approached me and said “Yes, he heard everything, Donghae notice his presences half way through, I guess he did it to help you guys, use this time wisely, all the best Kyuhyun ahhh, Fighting! We will always support you neh?” He showed me his dimpled smile before walking out with the others.

After all of them left the house I turn around and faced Yesung. None of us said anything at first, it was a total silence but a comfortable one. I could see that a tear is still rolling down Yesungie face, I can’t stand this sight anymore is hurting me… I quickly pulled Yesung into a hug.

I’m surprised he didn’t reject me hug but instead he hugged me back. I pulled him closer, and lift his chin up to face me.

“Sungiee… I… Did you hear everything?”

He nodded his head while leaning his head at my chest.

“I for..give..yo..u kyu…” He said softly.

I can’t help but smile, he forgives me…

“Baby… will you give me another chance to love you again? I won’t allow you to shed another tear, I will always be there for you, trust me one more time…” I said desperately…

“Kyu… I will give you another chance, shelter me, protect me, I need you ah… I missed you… Don’t leave me again, it’s been a miserable 5 years without you…” he said as he was sobbing while leaning towards my chest…

“Baby, shhh stop crying neh, I will I promise, I love you ya, there’s no words to describe my feelings right now, as what I’m feeling right now can’t be expressed into words…” I could sense that he was touch by my words as he looks up at me with teary eyes.

I leaned forward and hug him between my strong arms, I hold him as close as possible and bent down to kiss him gently, it started with a soft and gentle kiss, it’s been a long time since I’ve last tasted this lips, without noticing, tears begins to rolled down my eyes, those were tears of joy, his finally back in my arms again. I deepened the kiss, Yesung eyes remained close, both of us savor this moment, we finally pulled apart when we realized that we need to breathe again. 


Sorry for not updating for a long period of time! Exams!! 

Hehe, but exams are finally over, can finally take a break right now! Enjoy the update neh??^^

Anyways, i went to the Big Bang concert that held in SIngapore! last month i think! Did anyone of you went?? It was awesome right?^^ 

I kind of love Big bang too , But Super Junior would always be my number 1 Bais!

They are finally back together? But will they have a happy ever after?

Comment Comment Comment and subsribe please?^^ 

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Heyy~ Please comment on the story neh~^^


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Lunayaa #1
Chapter 19: Can u please updated??
Liza_Blessedx2 #2
Chapter 19: Reading this in 2021
Why oh why has authornim not updated or concluded this exciting story?
New reader can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 19: O.M.G!!!!!! Mother vs. son!! Please, keep going with the writing.. I'm dying from curiosity!
Cenya14 #5
Chapter 19: New reader, can't wait for new update, exciting story
yekyu3424 #6
Chapter 19: New reader here~~ thank you for the update.. please continue this story!! I'm dying, I want to read more about this war(?) between kyu n kyu's mom
Fighting kyu n yeye! \m/
Chapter 19: PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO. NOT. LET. THEM. DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 19: finally an update....^^
hope that nothing happens to kyu...

that's okay.... hope that you will do well with your final..... Good Luck....^^

thanks for your update and cannot wait for your next updates...v(^_^)v
jieuldaus #9
Chapter 18: pls countinue your story~i wait soo long