I Messed With a Gangster Girl


 Helloo~ JeeYounnie here! I'm presenting you my first ever fanfic! *Thousands of people cheers" Lawl. So let's get down to business, shall we muchachos?


 You were apart of  Beyond. The highschool gang of North-West Seoul. Being the Visual of it was your job, and trust yourself it's not that easy. Stuck with 6 guys members, all from rich and private school , Beyond was known as Baby Beast gang for having a girl in the group.. Totally the opposite from how you look like,. a girl with pretty and natural looks, You're the type of Visual who loves to get down and dirty with just about anyone.


(Lee ~~~~/ You) :  17. Junior in high school. A girl with killer looks that make guys swoon over you. Visual of Beyond. Aggresive when it comes to fights, blood and broken bones. Expert in Seoul's alleyway system. Smart and fearless. Sometimes mistaken as the leader of Beyond because of your fighting and martial art skills. Have a soft spot for some guys who had touched her heart several times. Cute and sensitive in the inside. Brought up by your sister Lee Chae-Ri or CL, 2NE1 and their brother gang, Big Bang.

Beyond (OC)

(Kwak Min-Jun): 18. A senior in high school. Whiney, most of the time. Good with words. Loves to swear the most in Beyond. Equally aggresive as you during a blood bath. Has ALOT of ageyo that is somewhere hidden inside of him. Rich.

(Jo Kyung-Ho): 18. A senior in high school. The planner of Beyond. Has, the most confidence in you, since you were brought up differently from the other members. Loves to bet whether the group's visual would explode on just about anyone. Swears alot. His pockets have no limits. Hates voilence but is forced to fight when he has to .

(Jang Hyung-Seok): 18. A senior in high school. Leader of Beyond. Has the typical skills of a leader. Somehow mysterious, yet nosy. Very close to all of his dongsaengs. Doesnt think every problem can be solved with voilence. Usually calm . Will be like the Hulk if you mess with him.

(Kang Hae-Hyuk): 17. A senior in high school.  The 4D member of Beyond. Strange yet, cool. Doesnt talk much to people other than his gang. Intelligent . Would normally stay by your side at all times incase you need strapping down.

(Ho Jun-Yeon) :16. Sophmore in high school. The cute and bubbly member of Beyond. Uses ageyo to get himself out of troubles from his noona (You) and his Hyungs. Loves to tease and unfortunately, is obsessed with Mathematics or anything thas relates to numbers. Richest of the lot and loves to spoil you by buying you cute necklaces and hairbands.

(Park Jae-Young): 16. Sophmore in high school. The Maknae of Beyond. The exact male replica of You. Loves to fight with anyone. Doesnt care about gender when they mess with the gang. Hates clingy girls and queenkas.

Futher Notes: - None of them likes to Flirt. They're mostly serious people.

                         - All of them comes from rich families except from You


(Lee ByungHun/L.joe): 18. Senior at T.O.P High. Kingka of the school. Loves to flirt around.Not a Playboy eventhough he looks like it. Good fighter. Loves to gamble and  to go clubbing. Part of Teen Top. Adores girls with bambi eyes , which rarely sees until you came. Has the characteristics of the typical bad boy.





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black0 #1
Chapter 13: Update pleaseeee~~~~~~~~~~
update soonnn!!
NamTaeByun #3
Grrrrrr haehyuk
mashisuh #5
Chapter 13: I hope she forgets about hae-hyuk :| I hate people who backstab others.
Fanficsftw21 #6
T^T poor Haehyuk D: i don't think she has feelings for him ...yet o.o
i hope you update soon! :D
KPOP_survivor #7
plz upate soon luv it=^^= daebak
iAppy13 #8
Please update soon!!
luvbrowniz #9
Sooooooooooo good!! Update sooooooooo !!!!!!
cait wait for the next updat^^