One Thing

Seung Ho just doesn’t know how to act when it comes to confession time. He stutters as he began talking to Jiyeon.

“What’s wrong with you?” she asks him as she could feel the uneasiness of Seung Ho.

“Ji…Jiyeon-ah…I…I l~~~” he was not able to continue because of the sudden opening of the door.

Seung Ho quickly gets his hands away from Jiyeon’s and sits properly as he saw Jiyeon’s appa is standing in front of them.

“Good afternoon sir” Seung Ho bows respectfully to Mr. Park.

“Jiyeon-ah…what is this boy doing inside your room? And why was he holding your hand?” his father questions her with an angry tone.

“Appa…he was just here to watch over me since Chunji oppa is not he~~”

“Enough!” Mr. Park shouted and Jiyeon jumps a little, startled by the sudden shout from her father.

“Mr. Park…please don’t shout at he~~” he protested but Mr. Park shouted again.

“You young boy! What relationship do you have with my daughter that I always see you here in the hospital?” he asks Seung Ho looking apprehensive towards Seung Ho.

Seung Ho can’t believe how Jiyeon’s father could react so juvenile on such little things.

“I am Jiyeon’s friend sir” he answers him calmly.

“You can go out now. Jiyeon doesn’t need you anymore” Mr. Park ordered him to go out of the room.

Seung Ho looks at Jiyeon and she gave him a nod and a weak smile. Seung Ho just doesn’t want to go out feeling concern for Jiyeon.

He carefully walks out from the room, seeing Jiyeon’s mother outside.

“Mrs. Park…” he greeted her.

“Seung Ho-ah…I’m very sorry if my husband offended you. He is not used seeing Jiyeon with another guy except for her brother Chunji” Mrs. Park apologized and explained.

“It’s okay Mrs. Park…I understand” he replied kindly.

After minutes of waiting outside the room, Mr. Park went out and gave Seung Ho a obnoxious look.

“Don’t you go near Jiyeon again” he warns Seung Ho before walking out from the hospital.

Seung Ho is confounded by what Mr. Park had said to him. He walks back inside Jiyeon’s room but was not welcome by Jiyeon as he got a shock of his life.


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Chapter 16: Wah people can change to become better, i hope my father toa…
update soon please… ^.^
Chapter 15: i hate her father.. arghh..
keep updating! Fighting!
jiseungreader #3
Chapter 14: Thank you for updating!! :)
Chapter 13: When you want update..
Please update soon..0_0
Chapter 13: She is so scared of her dad >_<
New reader here.. Author.. Love the your story.. Please continue to update.. Fighting!.. ^.^
seung ho should confess already...