Counting Her Days

"Jiyeon-ah are you feeling okay?" Hyunseung Oppa asked me when our first class was over. Yes we were now in the same class. Apparently my parents pulled some strings so atleast either one of Hyunseung, Gikwang, Yoseob and Dongwoon would be in all my classes, just in case I ever have an attack. 

"Yeah why do you ask?" I ask, closing my eyes somehow feeling exhsauted even though the day just started.

"You've been rubbing pinching the bridge of your nose once in a while and you look pale." He stated, carresing my face then leading me out the door for my cnext class which I am going to be taking with Dongwoon.

"When am I not pale?" I ask with humor in my voice purposely avoiding the part where I kept pinching my nose. 

"Okay, but why do you keep pinching your nose?" He asks, raising his eyebrow.

"You smell bad." I scrunch my face and made a gesture with my hand making him laugh.

"Pabo. Now tell me the truth, are you feeling okay?" He asks looking at me with suspicion and concern.

"Yes." I answer, looking him straight in the eyes ignoring the throbbing of my head and the sudden brightness of my surroundings.

"Okay." What he did next warmed my heart. It didn't make it race like it ususally did before but it just warmed my heart. He pulled me close and kissed my forehead.

"Just call me if you feel faint okay?" He started, giving me a small smile obviously trying to control his temper because once again, whispers around us erupted because of what he did just a moment ago. 

I giggled.

"Oppa ignore them. I guess the school didn't have anything to talk about for a while." I concluded, hearing someone say how cute we look. I rolled my eyes. 

"Do you want me to give them something to talk about?" Hyuna. 

"What do you want?" I asked, turning around to face no other than my twin sister who was currently wearing high- waist short, a crop top that stopped just above her belly button and heels that were one inch higher than what the school would allow. 

"Nothing, I just can't help but notice how you're ting yourself around these guys." She commented, giving me a once over, suddenly making me consious   of what I was wearing. Questions like does she know popped into my mind. Are my clothes covering the bruises enough? I was wearing a long sleeved shirt, skinny jeans and closed shoes to cover everything up but with her eyes roaming over my body, I felt like she knew. 

"Hyuna." Hyunseung Oppa growled in an annoyed voice.

"What? Oh it must hurt right? just being one of the guys she s around with?" She continued, taking one dangerous step closer. I opened my mouth and was about to speak but Hyunseung Oppa beat me to it.

"Don't you dare confuse your self for your sister Hyuna." He said ominously making people who were now gathered around us gasp at the word sister.

'Sister?' Someone asked.

'No wonder they look the same!' Someone exclaimed.

"Why would I confuse my self for a no good ?" She answered smirking giving Hyunseung Oppa a challengin gaze. Suddenly I felt tired. Not physically but emotionally and mentally tired. I am tired if Hyuna trying to ruin my life. I don't even know what I did to her to make her hate me this much. I'm dying and I'd be stupid if I let her continue this.


"Did you just slap me!?" Hyuna screeched, holding her right cheek.

"What do you think? Are you really that stupid that you don't know what a slap is? seriously?" I asked feeling my confidence rise with every step I take closer to her- because every step closer I take, she steps back. 


"What? you can't talk now?" I raised my palm and slapped her again and I slapped her hard. She fell on the ground due to the impact and landed on someone's shoes. 

"Oppa." Hyuna muttered, looking up. I tore my angry gaze away from her and looked at the shoes' owner. It was Doojoon Oppa.

"Oppa." I micked Hyuna but with shock in my voice. I locked gazes with Doojoon Oppa and immediately my heart started racing. Everything seemed to disappear at that very moment. But there was a hard look reflected on his eyes.The concern and love isn't present anymore. It is replaced with cold, hard soul-less eyes.

"Oppa, please help me." Hyuna suddenl spoke with so much vulerability in her voice making me wonder if she really said it. Our gazes broke along with my heart when I saw Doojoon Oppa help her to her feet and help her limp away with out saying a word to me. I don't even know why Hyuna suddenly limped. 

"That ." I heard Dongwoon mutter when Hyuna turned her head towards me and smirked a victorious smirk. The bell rang making everyone immediately run towards their classes with a new topic to talk about.

"Wow. Two girls in one day. I'm impressed." Dongwoon said, giving me a pat on the shoulder while I just stared at Doojoon Oppa and my sister turn the corner towards the nurse's office.I know I'm supposed to be happy that I finally stood up to Hyuna after all these years but somehow, I feel completely opposite. I feel like the meanest person on earth.

"Yah, Don't regret what you did. She deserved it." Hyunseung Oppa spoke for the first time, squeezing my shoulder.

"I don't regret it." I whispered.

"Your face shows regret ........." His sentence was suddenly cut because i couldn't hear anything he was saying. His mouth was moving but no sound was coming out. The brightness I saw a while ago sudenly brightened more if that was even possible- making me want to close my eyes. Instead I kept blinking hoping my sight would go back to normal- and it did. But my hearing remained the same. I couldn't comprehend anything Dongwoon was saying. I see Hyunseung Oppa shake me but I couldn't feel it. It now looks like both Hyunseung Oppa and Dongwoon were shouting at me but I couldn't understand them. I didn't want to understand them. I want to sleep because I'm tired. 

Though I don't know where this exhaustion came from. I just want to sleep. I stared at the blurry concerned faces of Dongwoon and Hyunseung and saw the features twirl and combine. The lockers looked like they were closing in on me but I couldn't panick because I'm too tired to care. My head suddenly dropped. My head felt like the heaviest thing in the world right now.



Jiyeon's head lolled forward, making it seem like it was the heaviest thing in the world to Hynuseung and Dongwoon who were starting to panic. 

"Jiyeon!" Dongwoon screamed, shaking her a bit harder but she didn't react. She just kepy blinking and looking down.

"Let's bring her to the clinic." Hyunseung stated, mentally slapping himself for not thinking about that the minute Jiyeon seemed like she lost herself. But before they could move, Jiyeon fainted. Luckily Dongwoon caught her just in time and carried her bridal style towards the clinic where Doojoon was forced to wait for Hyuna by nurses orders.


"Ma'am, I'm going to be late for class. I'm pretty sure Hyuna can walk by herself. I mean I won't be there for her all the time." Doojoon said once again trying to escape. He was slowly regretting why he helped Hyuna in the first place. Maybe he only did it to spite Jiyeon, he didn't know.

"Don't worry Doojoon-ah, I'll write your teacher a note and even though you won't be with Hyuna all the time, you're with her now so might as well wait her her okay?" The nurse replied, giving Doojoon a smile that implied he had to do it or else he would face consequences.

"Fine." He answered forcefully making Hyuna smile in victory while the nurse wen to get a cast and a ban.dage

"Hyuna stop smiling, I'm not staying because I want to be with you. I don't even know why I helped you." Doojoon deadpanned, making Hyuna's smile immediately fade.

"So you helped me because you wanted to make Jiyeon jealous." Hyuna concluded, sounding sincerely hurt. But Doojoon was saved from answering when the dorr burst open and Hyunseung and Dongwoon who was carrying an unconsious Jiyeon entered looking very panicked.

"OMO! What happened?" The nurse asked, dropping the bandage that was supposed to be for Hyuna's ankle.

"we don't know this isn't like her normal-" Hyunseung stopped talking when he realized Doojoon and Hyuna were in the room.

"She fainted." Dongwoon supplied thinking fast and shoving Hyuna off the bed not so gently, to make space for Jiyeon.

"I'm injured too you know!" Hyuna whined but was ignored by every one. The nurse immediately checked Jiyeon's vital signs which were thankfully okay.

"Did she get any sleep last night?" The nurse asked, opening one of Jiyeon's eyes.

"No we slept at 3'oclock." Hyunseng stated, making Doojoon clench his fist and Hyuna turn snap her head towards him while Dongwoon and the nurse didn't even notice.

"SO I guess she just fell a sleep." The nurse stated chuckling to herself.

"So she's fine?" Doojoon spoke for the first time.

"Yes she is." The nurse answered making everyone sigh in relief. While Dongwoon and Hyunseung were asking questions about Jiyeon Doojoon slipped queitly out of the clinic his heart hammering out of his chest. He thought something had happened to Jiyeon. He thought she had another random seizure. He sighed inrelief and silently thanked God nothing happened to her because if something did, he wouldn't know howto deal with it. 

Meanwhile, Hyuna just stared at Dongwoon and Hyunseung who were very concerned over Jiyeon. She felt jealous but knew her sister deserved every bit of concern from them.

As twisted as it seems, Hyuna ia happy. Happy because finally Jiyeon stood up to her. All those years of seeing her dad abuse Jiyeon, she wanted to step in and tell the truth- that she was the one who started the fire. That it was Jiyeon who tried to save their younger brother but everytime she tried to- she would cower and stop herself. She was scared that she'd get beat up too. So all those years she was being mean to Jiyeon, hoping Jiyeon would be mean to her too. 

Apparently Jiyeon was too kind and didn't raise a hand twards Hyuna at all. This is what frustrated Hyuna. No matter how hard she made Jiyeon's life horrible Jiyeon just turned a cheek and ignored her.

Hyuna smiled a sad smile and slipped out of the clinic quietly with tears streaming down her face. She knows something is wrong with Jiyeon. She knows her twin isn't in good health. They are twins for heaven's sake! Somehow it seems like she feels everything Jiyeon feels. 

They are connected in some twisted way only twins can explain. 

"Hyuna." A voice stopped her. She turned and saw Hyunseung walking towards her.


"Why?" He asked, stopping before her.

"Why what?" She asked.

"Why didn't you tell your parents it was you?" Hyunseung asked, taking a step towards her.

"I was scared." She admitted and for the first time since her brothers death, broke down crying.

"You really shouldn't have lied Hynua." Hyunseung said rubbing her back comforting her. He just let Hyuna cry until she eventually stopped.

"Oppa, I-I want to tell them." Hyuna said, looking up at him.

"I'll help you." Hyunseung said smiling at her.

"Thank you." With hesitation, Hyuna hugged him which returned.

"Oppa, one more question." She asked, nervously.

"What is it?"

"Is my sister ill?" 






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Chapter 30: great story ..its make me cried !!! congrats author-nim
YiMijoo #2
Chapter 29: As much as I want jiyeon to survive, i hate how hyuna go that far to save her, poor hyuna. Thanks authornim for sharing such great story
Chapter 30: Great Story! :D
AJ_Kevin #4
Chapter 30: Love the story :D is there any sequel of like how they lived? Or a story on hyunseung's pov? Cause hyuna's gone and life would be sad for him. So i tot it would make an interesting story :)
KimchiAdil #5
Chapter 30: The best i ever read.. thank you so much for making this story..
_young5 #6
Chapter 30: Errr... I think this is my 2nd time or maybe 3rd...i woke up at 2AM, suddenly. Just finished reading this fic..currently 6.40AM. N i am crying like there is no tmrrw.
ednadianne #7
Chapter 30: second time I read this .. and still I'm crying ..
great story !!!
shujun #8
Chapter 30: i'm crying?!?!
yaaa..author-nim..its your fault..
i cry when i read hyuna's letter..
great story..
love u author-nim..!!!saranghanda..!!
Chapter 30: I'm not sure that i've ever heard of a brain transplant before..but still, this is a very good story! It almost made me cry (i don't really cry over a fictional story :) )
Chapter 30: aish , jinjja ? This story , its , its .. #wipemytears# eps 29 !! Uwahhh !! Its , making me cried !!! Author-nim , gomawo for the awesome story !! Hope u'll make more stories like this !! Kekekk .. Anyways , fighting !