Chapter 2




Chapter 2

Krystal and Sulli slowly stood up from behind the couch, creeping up on it as they watched their older siblings who were still very engrossed in the game. Seohyun started to relax as she completely leaned against Yoong, her back pressed against his chest. As soon as she did this, Yoong gently turned his head a bit, getting a brief but satisfying hint of Seohyun’s hair. He had a huge grin on his face.

Sulli was fuming, her ears turning pink and fingers clutching at the couch as she watched the boy she now pined for sniff her sister’s hair. Krystal just stared at her best friend with an arched brow before shaking her head in disbelief. Sulli let go of the couch and stood up abruptly, snapping her head towards Krystal with a mischievous grin on her face.

Seohyun’s younger sister then ran for her bedroom, lazily followed by her best friend who was groaning to herself.

“Hurry up, Krystal!” Sulli called out.

By the time Krystal walked into Sulli’s room, the girl was already dressed up in her football attire, seated on her bed and tying her cleats’ laces.

“What are you doing?” Krystal asked.

“I’m gonna get Yoong-oppa to play soccer with me!” Sulli answered excitedly, running into her closet.

“I don’t even wanna ask but, how is that supposed to help with anything?”

“Well, Seohyun-unnie hates soccer. So if I play soccer with Yoong-oppa, then she won’t be able to in and he’ll be able to see how great I am.” Sulli stated, coming back out with a football in her hands.

Krystal nodded. She had to admit, it seemed like a pretty good plan even to her. Usually Sulli wasn’t exactly… bright.But she managed to actually come up with a decent idea.

“Love makes people do crazy things.” Krystal mumbled to herself.

“What was that, Krys?”



“Ahh I’m tired of this game, Seohyun-ah.” Yoong said as he rested his chin on Seohyun’s shoulder. He punched the buttons for the Xbox to shut off and put the controller down.

“So what do you want to do now?” Seohyun asked.

Yoong wrapped his arms around Seohyun’s waist, causing the girl’s eyes to widen and her body to stiffen.

“I don’t know. Let’s just sit here until there’s something to do.”

Seohyun’s mouth hung open a little, her cheeks were warming up as she suddenly realized how much skinship she and Yoong were sharing. Yoong’s grip around her waist tightened, pulling her even closer to his chest and she blushed even harder.

“Yoong-oppa!” Sulli barged in.

Seohyun’s yelped as she abruptly stood up, pulling out of Yoong’s hug and harshly pushing his chin upwards in the process.

“Oww…” Yoong groaned in pain at the sudden impact, his head thrown back and his hand rubbing his chin and neck. He looked back down at Sulli who was grinning widely at him, holding a soccer ball towards him.

“What is it, Sulli?”

“Let’s play soccer together!”

“Right now?”


He looked up at Seohyun whose cheeks were still slightly pink. She just shrugged at him and motioned for him to say yes to the six year old.

“Alright then, Sulli. Let’s play soccer.”


Sulli and Yoong had started on their little soccer game in the Kim house’s backyard. He had agreed to be the goalie while Sulli would just try her best to score against him. Seohyun and Krystal were seated on the backyard benches behind the yard, sipping on their glasses of orange juice as their siblings played.

“Yoong-oppa, you better do your best!” Sulli said as she was dribbling the football at her feet. Yoong just smiled and nodded, crouching down and patting his thighs.

Sulli swerved across the yard as she headed for the goal, Yoong’s eyes darting from side to side as he followed her movements. As soon as she was close enough, she gave the ball a hard kick towards the goal. It went towards the upper left corner of the goal and Yoong jumped with his arms outstretched, he successfully caught the ball and rolled forward, ending up on one knee with the ball safely in his hands. He flashed a toothy grin towards Seohyun who was right behind her sister. Seohyun smiled shyly in response, quickly reaching for her glass and taking another swig.

Sulli who thought the smile had been aimed towards her felt her heart flutter. Yoong-oppa was smiling at her! She could barely believe it.

“You have a really good kick, Sulli. I almost didn’t catch that one.” Yoong said as he rolled the ball back to the younger girl.

“Thanks, oppa. This time I’ll kick even harder.”

Sulli started advancing towards Yoong again, this time she was a little faster and a little more determined. After all, she did want to prove herself to be a great soccer player to impress the teenage boy before her.

She kicked again, this time as hard as she could. Yoong’s eyes widened as the ball took an unexpected turn. He jumped again but this time, the ball slipped right past his fingertips.

“Yes!” Sulli thought excitedly as the Yoong missed the ball. But much to her disappointment, the ball hit the goal’s post and bounced back. Her eyes widened and she ducked quickly when the ball bounced towards her. She turned around as she watched the ball which was heading straight for-

“Ahh!” Seohyun shrieked, the soccer ball hitting her square in the face and knocking her off her seat.

“Unnie!” “Hyunnie!” The Kwon siblings exclaimed at the same time. Sulli’s jaw was hung low, as she watched Krystal and Yoong frantically rush to her sister’s assistance.

“Oh my God, Hyun! Are you okay?!” Yoong said, helping the girl sit up. She looked dazed, not responding to anything. The ball definitely hit her too hard. Yoong started sweating in panic as he lifted the girl of his affections bridal style, rushing back into the house.

“Krystal, Sulli get some ice!” He demanded, making his way to the living room. Krystal nodded, moving to go straight to the kitchen. She stopped in her tracks, shouting loudly at Sulli.

“Sulli come on!”

The younger Kim snapped out of her trance as she followed her best friend, her fists clenched tightly. The two young girls went for the fridge, grabbing a lot of ice and towels and running towards the living room. Yoong had already laid Seohyun on the couch and was fanning her with a magazine he grabbed.

Krystal took the ice out of Sulli’s hands and handed it to her older brother. Yoong quickly grabbed the ice and wrapped it with the towel before pressing it against Seohyun’s forehead. Seohyun was knocked out cold.

“Darn it!” Sulli whined in her mind, frustrated that Yoong’s attention was completely on her sister once again.


“Unngh…” Seohyun groaned as she finally awoke. Her eyes fluttered open, greeted by Yoong’s doe eyes and worried expression above her.

“Seohyun-ah, you’re awake!” He instantly wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly. Seohyun’s arms felt limp, surprised again by Yoong’s affection.

“W-what happened?” Seohyun groaned again, rubbing the newly formed bump on her forehead.

“Sulli kinda hit you in the face with a soccer ball.” Krystal answered.

“I did not! It was an accident, I swear.” Sulli quickly defended herself. Krystal just smirked at her and Sulli replied with a glare and her tongue sticking out.

“It doesn’t matter. What matters now is that you’re awake, Seohyun.” Yoong grinned, giving the girl the third hug of the day.

“You worried me so much, you know! I thought you got a concussion or something.” The immature boy continued as he hugged her.

“You were worried?”

“Of course! You’re the girl I lo- care about! I’m your best friend, right?” Yoong stopped himself, almost revealing his feelings for the girl. He flashed Seohyun an awkward grin, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

“Right. Of course.” Seohyun replied softly, feeling a bit disappointed. Her eyebrows furrowed.

Why am I disappointed?

A/N: Well, that’s it for this one. It’s much shorter than the previous part but hey, at least it’s something, right? Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this one. I think I put enough YoonHyun moments in it. ^^

Teaser for next time:

The return of TaeNy and YulSic!

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Chapter 2: Aww this is so cute though.
snixpergers #2
Aww why are your fics so amazing yet UNFINISHED ? Sobs ughugh especially when they're yoonhyun +RF! Ahhh plus not to mention a lot of fics here have bad grammar and yours happens to be among the few who are actually good. Sigh well I hope you continue this and "My bestfriend's sister"
Cutest story!!! I love it :D
hahaha sibling love triangle! hoho! nice .
kelly3342 #5
aww update soon
i love it
seohyun and sulli has crush for yoong
EMT0304 #6
nhaSeomates2810 #7
kukuku, 6 years girl have a crush to a teenage boy??? i think yoong should confess to Hyunie already coz it obvious that they love each other <3
wow author nice ^^ actually i have read the first chap in your livejournal if i not wrong .. update soon okay author .. hwaiting ..
soneblackjack21 #9
Little Sulli has a crush in Yoong cute XD