Therapy Session

Therapy Session


A/N: I wrote this instead of my AP European History Essay that’s due tomorrow morning. I hope you guys like it. Please leave a comment telling me if you liked it or not… thanks for reading. ^.^


It’s nice to see you again Taemin. How have you been in the past week?


It’s nice to see you as-well Jinki. I’ve been well. Not much has happened. I’ve stopped drinking so much coffee, just like you told me. I’ve cut down to only 3cups a day. It’s hard though functioning without it. I feel so slow. But anyways, will you keep your side of the deal?


Deal? What deal are you talking about Taemin?


Remember last week when I came for my visit I asked you on a coffee date and you rejected me and said that unless I cut down on my caffeine intake you wouldn’t go out with me. Well, I’ve cut down my caffeine intake by a lot now you have to keep your part of the deal ok!


Wow! I actually said that I’d go out with you on a date?! I don’t remember. But either way Taemin, we can’t go on a date; you’re my patient and only 17.


So? I don’t see anything wrong with you going out with me. Besides age is but a number.


That’s not what I meant. I mean that what we have is work related. I’m your therapist and you’re my patient. That’s it.  We can’t date. And besides you’re here so we can talk about you and any problems you’re having with anything or anyone. You know your parents don’t pay me $200 a session for nothing. At the end of every month I have to tell them if you’ve made progress or not. But I can’t do that because you keep on talking about wanting to make plans with me.


Well it’s not my fault you’re extremely hot. And who told you to be a therapist anyways? You should be a models or something that includes people seeing how amazing you are; and have them be jealous of me because you’re mine. Who cares if my parents pay you $200 a session, all they’re doing is feeding my addiction to you. In a way I’m glad that they’re keeping you as my therapist. I think its cause I seem happier whenever I see you. I always feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest after every session. I don’t want to feel that weight, that’s why I want to be with you. You’re the only person that’s ever made me feel this way. You’re the only person that I ever really feel comfortable with. In a way I feel as if these four walls hold my sanctuary. It’s almost as if every time that I set food into the building all my worried are gone because I know I’ll get to see your smiling face for at least that one hour that I’m with you and if I’m lucky the session will go a little longer and I get to spend a little more time with you.


As Taemin was speaking Jinki had his voice recorder on; recording their conversation. He had forgotten all about it until Taemin stopped talking and his finger automatically pressed the ‘End’ button on the device. He didn’t realize what he was doing until he was kneeling in front of Taemin with his thumb gently brushing away the tears that streamed from Taemins’ eyes. With his other patients he would have normally just passed them the box of tissues that he had lying on his desk, but Taemin was different… he was special. With that thought Jinki leaned in and kissed away the remaining tears. But once all the tears were gone Jinki didn’t stop kissing Taemins face. He kissed every inch of his face except his lips. Oh how he wanted to kiss Taemins lips, but he couldn’t. He was 23 while Taemin was only 17. He was Taemin therapist. He was supposed to help Taemin get better so he wouldn’t have to come back to these four walls that kept so many peoples secrets and life stories. He didn’t want Taemin to come back  mostly because every time Jinki saw him his heart ached knowing that it was wrong falling in love with a 17 year old boy that just so happens to be your patient. It was wrong but Jinki couldn’t help but fall in love with Taemin, he was just so cute and lovable. The first time that Jinki heard Taemin’s story he wanted to kill the guy that hurt him so bad – to the point of wanting to kill him-self.

What is it?


Nothing. Your hour’s up. You should get going.


Oh, ok. Can I ask you a question before I go thou?


You just did.


Well then 2 more.


Ok. What is it?


Why’d you do it? Why’d you kiss my tears away instead of just handing me the box of tissues?


I don’t know. You’re just different…. And special to me.


How? How? How? How am I different? How am I special to you? Come on answer me. Please I’ll give you a cookie if you do.


Hehe, you said 2 questions and you already asked 2 and I answered them. The other 5 questions will have to wait. And I’m not a little kid that you can bribe with cookies.


But Jinki, I can’t wait a whole week to hear the answer. Please please please please…… PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE I’m begging you.


You can wait until our date tomorrow can’t you? I’ll tell you then ok? I’ll pick you up at your hour at 7p.m. got it?


Ok. Wait wait wait. You just said out date. Does that mean you’re mine now?


No more questions till tomorrow. Now it’s time for you to go. You’re parents are here to pick you up.


Ok. Bye Jinki. I’ll see you tomorrow.


Bye Taeminnie. I’ll see you tomorrow. Be safe.


Jinki knew it was wrong but he could learn to accept that he in love with his 17 year old patient. He could learn to accept his love for the boy. He accepted his feelings for him and now he just had to wait and see what consequences came with his new found love. 

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kpoints #1
OnTae is good... >< Sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is just... Oh My God, it's perfect *_______*
Please write a sequel *^*
phiiee #4
I want Ontae @___@
fujisyusuke-kun #5
So cute!!
Hahaha. I love it.
Lol, so cute, unprofessional, and illegal.
Feels like there should be more.