Saranghae, unnie

Inescapable Destiny


Woohyun sipped his scorching coffee, tilting his head towards the brown ceiling above. He closed his eyes and imagined what his life would be like if his ex-girlfriend were still here…


“Baby, do you have to go?”

“Woohyunnie, you know it’s so much better for me there. Please, I love you and I always will, it’s just that… I have to go, you know I do.”


“Actually, I think it’s time to tell you. I’ve been thinking that we should break up. No, don’t doubt that I love you, it’s just that… I don’t think we have the material to fuel a long-distance relationship, ya know?”


Woohyun sighed. It was ironic that those were her last words to him. Even after all this time – he thinks it’s been two years but he’s not absolutely sure – he still feels like Youngshin was only trying to convince herself that she still loved him.

“Excuse me, would you like some more coffee?” With a start, Woohyun realized he had finished most of his coffee.

“Yes, please.”

“Of course, I’ll be right back with your drink.” Woohyun turned to face the waiter just as the waiter turned around, and he caught a glimpse of a mop of caramel hair and a sunny smile beneath storm clouds. That was all he could depict though, before once again delving into his memories of his ex.

Woohyun wasn’t extremely rich. In fact, he was still in college, only able to continue his studies because he was on a full scholarship. He lived with his friend Hoya, who was currently working at a hospital. Hoya was wealthy, but he wasn’t a brat about it, and that’s what made Woohyun like him so much (as a bestie, of course). Hoya worked at the hospital because he liked his job, not because he needed the money. And in exchange for a roof on his head, Woohyun walked to the nearby hospital every day after school to help Hoya with his job.

Today was Hoya’s day off, so Woohyun decided to come to this new café he hadn’t tried before. Honestly, he could care less about where Hoya was, because the latter had always managed to return safely home at eight pm sharp.

Woohyun didn’t regret coming. The coffee here was spectacular, and the atmosphere wasn’t haughty and arrogant – as if it seemed like it was only fit for the rich and snobby. What piqued Woohyun’s interest the most, though, was one of the waiters here, the one that had just gone to—

“Here’s your coffee, sir.”

Woohyun turned toward the lilting voice and followed the source to its owner, who was clad neatly in a rather cute apron. Though Woohyun could never imagine how an apron was supposed to look on a man, this man was quite the piece of work.

And then Woohyun found himself staring into the man’s eyes for a split second, before the latter turned away, his cheeks flaming.

“Yah,” Woohyun coaxed, trying to get the waiter to look at him again. He needed to know if what he had seen in the waiter’s eyes was just his imagination or something else entirely.

“N-neh?” The other still would not look Woohyun in the eye.

“Have coffee with me when you’re off work?” Woohyun could not believe what nonsense had just flown out of his mouth. He braced himself, waiting for the waiter (A/N: Haha, no pun intended…) to reject him, or even worse, throw a tantrum and make sure the whole world discovered what he had just done.

The response he received surprised him, though. A kind of pleasant surprise, but surprise nonetheless.

“Sure.” For the second time, Woohyun and the waiter locked eyes, and this time, neither could tear their gaze away until…

“Yah! Kim Sunggyu-ssi, are you working or socializing?! Don’t make me elongate your hours even more!” Gee, the manager was scary. But then again, every manager is scary.

“M-mianhae, boss!” The waiter, whose name Woohyun discovered was Sunggyu, threw Woohyun a wink over his shoulder, and scurried back to the counter to take the orders of the other, rather vexed customers.

Woohyun just sat there for the remaining two hours of Sunggyu’s shift, staring into space. He couldn’t explain it, but when he looked into the latter’s eyes, he felt something. Something that he had felt before, a long time ago, but had nearly forgotten because it had been so long ago.

Two years, to be exact.


A startled Woohyun nearly jumped out of his skin, scaring the other poor boy. When Woohyun peered closer, he noticed that Sunggyu really was just a boy, no older than himself.

“Hey. You’re off?” What a stupid question, Woohyun, of course he’s off, otherwise he wouldn’t be here, would he?

Sunggyu chuckled. “What a stupid question, of course I’m off, otherwise I wouldn’t be here, would I?”

Woohyun just gaped at Sunggyu until the latter asked him a question.

“So what’s your name and why did you ask me to have coffee with you?”

“I’m Nam Woohyun and I know you’re Kim Sunggyu because your boss yelled at you.” Sunggyu chuckled again, and Woohyun allowed a small smile to grace his own lips before continuing. “And… I don’t really know, I guess I just felt kind of a pull towards you. So why did you agree then?” Woohyun challenged.

Just like that, the two began conversing naturally, as if they’d been friends for years. And from that day on, Woohyun would snatch whatever time he had to visit Sunggyu in his little coffee shop. Hoya had no qualms about it, because he would be inviting his new “friend” Dongwoo over just about every single day, and Woohyun really had no interest in his friend’s love life.

One day, deep in the night, way after the coffee shop had closed and Sunggyu and Woohyun were sitting on a bench in a park, Sunggyu asked Woohyun “the dangerous question”.

“So do you have a girlfriend?”

The light that had been twinkling in Woohyun’s eyes since hours ago faded then, and Sunggyu notice. Sunggyu always noticed, everything.

“I-I’m sorry, Woohyun-ah, I didn’t mean to…”

“It’s okay. I just don’t like to talk about it, really. Maybe I’ll tell you some other day?”

“Of course. I’m really sorry…”

“No, it’s fine! Come on, let’s get you home, neh? You must be cold.”

“Woohyun-ah, I’m not a baby!” But Sunggyu was smiling, happier than he had been in… forever.

Though his curiosity did not diminish. In fact, it only increased with time.

Four months into Woohyun and Sunggyu’s friendship, the two were at an amusement park (because Woohyun had won tickets and insisted that Sunggyu take a break and go with him).

“Come on, Sunggyu-yah, let’s ride the Ferris Wheel!”


“Huh? Sunggyu-yah, are you scared of heights?” Woohyun teased.

“A-ani, of course not! Let’s go then!” Sunggyu confidently linked his and Woohyun’s hands together and dragged him to the Ferris Wheel, ignoring the familiar queasy feeling developing in the pit of his stomach. He knew it would have dire consequences, but he would do anything for Woohyun. Anything to make him happy.

Woohyun, on the other hand, was staring at their joined hands. He felt an electric shock run through his body, and he shuddered in excitement. He couldn’t wait.

After the line had dissipated and the two were finally in the car and soaring into the air (at a rather low speed), Woohyun turned to Sunggyu.

“Isn’t this fun?”

“N-neh…” At this point, even though they were still ascending, Sunggyu couldn’t help but feel terrified.

“Gyu? Are you actually afraid of heights? Oh god, I’m so sorry!” Woohyun started to notice the guiltiness boiling inside of him. He reached over and took Sunggyu’s hand, holding it tight while looking at the pale face of the latter.

“I-it’s okay…”

“Here, Gyu, breath. Look at me, look at me, it’ll be okay, I promise.” Sunggyu did and felt himself visibly relax.

And then the Ferris Wheel lurched and came to a stop. Two seconds later, a voice on the loudspeaker said, “We are sorry for the inconvenience, but the Ferris Wheel has had a malfunction. We should be able to fix it in about ten minutes, so please be patient. Again, we apologize for the inconvenience.”

It was really just bad luck that the car Woohyun and Sunggyu were in was the very top one.

“Gyu? Gyu! Look at me! Did you hear them? They’ll fix it and then we’ll get off and never go on this again, okay? I’m so sorry, I’m sorry…” Woohyun was close to tears.

“N-namu, don’t cry…” At that, Woohyun looked at Sunggyu with a weird expression on his face.

“W-what did you just call me?”

Despite their position, Sunggyu managed a light chuckle. “Namu, do you like it?”

Woohyun was gaping at Sunggyu, once again. Sunggyu was just trying not to gape at their surroundings.

“Y-yes, of course, I love it!” Woohyun seemed to have finally found his voice. He jumped out of the seat and glomped Sunggyu, who was still in a state of shock but seemed to have gotten a teensy bit better.

And then, in a movement of pure instinct, Woohyun leaned a bit farther and placed his lips on Sunggyu’s, ridding the latter of all his acrophobia.

When they broke apart a few seconds later, neither of them said anything, and Sunggyu wasn’t pale anymore. Not as much, anyway.

They were both leaning in for more when the intercom sounded again, signaling that the Ferris Wheel was ready to operate again. Both Sunggyu and Woohyun leaped apart from each other.

The rest of the day was filled with an air of awkwardness.

A week later, Woohyun could not keep himself away from his established routine of visiting Sunggyu. But before he could leave, the doorbell rang. Hoya shot out from his bedroom and yanked the door open before Woohyun could even respond, even though the latter was about two inches away from the door.

“DONGWOO!!! Hey, Woohyunnie, this is Dongwoo, my boyfriend~” Hoya looked so damn proud (and in love) that Woohyun didn’t dare say anything for fear of being throttled and/or dismembered for ruining the nonexistent atmosphere.

“Woohyun-ah? Yah, are you there?”

“N-neh, of course. Annyeong, Dongwoo-ssi.” Must stay formal, must stay formal…

Dongwoo grinned. “No need for such formalities, I practically live here anyway!”

“O-okay, I’ll just be going now. I’ll see you later, Hoya!” With that, Woohyun pretty much escaped. When he looked back, he nearly lost his appetite. The door wasn’t even closed when Hoya and Dongwoo were already tearing at each other. From that day on, Woohyun decided to call them “Yadong”. It really fits, don’t ya think?

Woohyun made his way to the coffee shop, but when he turned the corner, he was greeted by a very angry manager and a close-to-sobbing Sunggyu. Woohyun quickly retracted, but he was pretty damn sure you could hear the manager’s voice from a couple miles away.

“Sunggyu-ssi, you have failed me one too many times!! This time I’m firing you for good! Now go, get out of my sight!!” Woohyun saw Sunggyu turn around and start walking towards him, downtrodden.

“Sunggyu!” Said person snapped his head up and saw Woohyun waiting for him with open arms, so to speak.

“Woohyun! Why are you here?”

“I was about to visit you when I witnessed the little scene between you and your manager. I’m so sorry…”

“It’s okay, it’s not your fault. We just had some misunderstandings and he’s a really… tough guy.”

“Still. Come on, I’ll take you to the park!”

“Yah, Namu, I’m still not a baby!” But Sunggyu was smiling again.

They took their seats at their regular bench, which they had been occupying for however long they’d been friends for. The two boys were basking in a comfortable silence, but Sunggyu’s curiosity got the best of him.

“So you never told me. Do you have a girlfriend?”

Woohyun sighed and was about to just tell a little white lie to rid Sunggyu of his curiosity, but he felt discontent with that for some unknown reason. So he took a deep breath and bared his memories for Sunggyu to experience.

“I had a girlfriend a long time ago. Her name was Youngshin and she was absolutely perfect, or so I thought. We got together in the first year of high school after our friends made bets with each other that we would fall for each other within a week after meeting, and organized a blind date. They were beasts, I tell you! Anyway, yeah. We did fall for each other, even faster than our friends had expected. We were together for two and a half years, but we never went further than just… well, making out and hanging out, I guess. She didn’t want to go any further than that, so I respected her. Then… then she received a scholarship in the mail for some school about halfway across the world, and then she was left to make a choice: me, or a wonderful education. At first I told her that she should take the chance, but I had expected her to pick me in the long run. She didn’t.” Woohyun finished abruptly, staring at his lap and waiting for Sunggyu’s reaction.

“Do you still love her?” was the only thing Sunggyu said.

Do I?Woohyun had never thought of it like that. Sure, he missed her. He often wished that she were with him to give him advice on the most redundant things, because she was a genius at that. But…

No,Woohyun realized. He would always like Youngshin, but only as a friend now. Her place in his heart had been given up, and someone else had barged in and fitted perfectly into that hole.

And that person was sitting here, right beside him.

Even though Woohyun never imagined he would be gay. Well, look at it this way then: he was only gay for Sunggyu.

“No, I don’t.” Woohyun could have sworn he heard Sunggyu mutter a “good”, but he wasn’t sure.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. Thank you for leading me to that revelation,” Woohyun joked, but Sunggyu wasn’t smiling. He was looking at Woohyun with the most intent look on his face.

“Well then, if you’re so sure, then who do you like?”

Woohyun wasn’t sure if he should just come right out and say it, but seriously, what did he have to lose?

“I don’t like anyone right now…”


“Oh. Well then—”

“I love you.”

“—since you— WHAT?”

“You heard me.” Woohyun was terrified out of his wits, maybe even more so than the time Sunggyu was on that Ferris Wheel.

It was Sunggyu’s turn to gape at Woohyun. If this were a month ago or even two days ago, Sunggyu would have snagged the chance to jump into Woohyun’s arms and kiss the boy silly. But…


“Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Hoya. I’ll be taking care of you, this way please.”

“Thank you.”

Hoya and Sunggyu strolled through endless stark white hallways to a room with a rather obscure number. “In here.”

Sunggyu walked in and Hoya motioned for him to sit on the edge of the bed.


Sunggyu stared listlessly into space, not bothering to will his body to move. He was unable to process what he had just heard.

“Kim Sunggyu, you have been diagnosed with… you have about… to live… you should… no strenuous… lots of sleep…”The speech went on and on.

All Sunggyu could think of was Woohyun.


“Yah, Sunggyu, are you okay? I’m sorry if I scared you, I just had to let you know. I’m not expecting anything, of course, because obviously you’re not gay, but I would love it if we could still be frie—”

Sunggyu shut Woohyun’s endless ranting by claiming the latter’s lips. He knew he was being so, so absolutely selfish, but he couldn’t help it. He could feel Woohyun smile and return the action, but he knew he would have to tell him sooner or later.

This time, when they parted, Sunggyu gently clanked their foreheads together.

“I love you too, Woohyun-ah. I just didn’t think you were gay either.”

“Yah! Get back here!”


“Yah! Get back here!”

“Catch me if you can~”

“Oh Kim Sunggyu, you are so going to get it tonight!”

“I can’t wait, Namu~”

Sunggyu was running around he and Woohyun’s cozy little apartment building, holding up Woohyun’s brand-new pair of shoes. In the six months since their confession, they had both gotten jobs and moved in together. Hoya was totally fine with that, of course, but Woohyun had chosen the wrong time to… barge into Hoya’s room to share the news.

And Sunggyu still hasn’t told Woohyun yet.

“Gyu? What’s wrong?”

“Huh? Oh, nothing. Here, you can have it back now.” Sunggyu tried to brush off his more and more frequent space-outs, but this time Woohyun wouldn’t let up.

“What’s wrong? Seriously, Gyu, I’m not a pabo, I can tell that there’s something bothering you that you’re hiding from me but I’ve been respecting you enough to avoid the topic. But not now. Please, tell me what’s wrong and I’ll try to help. Please, Sunggyu, I love you and I’ll do anything for you. You can trust me.”

Sunggyu sighed and debated. If he told Woohyun, he risked getting dumped, or even worse, kicked out of Woohyun’s life. But if he didn’t, he would also risk the same. Besides… it’s not as if he’d live forever. Sunggyu had nothing to lose. Well, not really… Just one thing in particular. Or, person, anyway.

So Sunggyu steered Woohyun to the couch and proceeded to restate everything the doctor had told him on that fateful day, six months ago.

And Woohyun listened with growing anger evident on his face.

“W-why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“Because I was afraid that you would… not love me anymore… because I’ll leave you anyway so there would be no point. I just wanted to experience love for a bit before I…”

“So… so you just used me. So you never really loved me, nor trusted me.”

“N-no, it’s not like that…”

“Then what is it?!? Tell me, Kim Sunggyu, exactly why did you not tell me earlier?!”

“Because I was afraid this would happen.”

“Well we’re done for now, then.” Woohyun stood up and stomped across the living room and out the door, slamming it in Sunggyu’s face.

“Just as I thought. Woohyun-ah… I did trust you. I did love you. I would have done anything for you; I loved you that much. More than anything. I just wish you understood what it was like to be me. Maybe then…” Sunggyu broke down then, sobbing his heart out right behind the front door.

Little did Sunggyu know, Woohyun was on the other side, back pressed against the door, shedding tears of his own.


Sunggyu lived alone now, and Woohyun went back to Hoya. Though the house was laden with screams and moans every night, Woohyun decided it was still better than having to face Sunggyu. He still loved the man, but he couldn’t trust him anymore. It was that simple: a relationship without trust was not going to work. It was almost like his and Youngshin’s relationship, that Woohyun let out a bark of humorless laughter at the thought.


I wonder who that could be, because Hoya is “busy”…Woohyun thought as he picked up his cell and flicked it open. “Hello?”

“Excuse me, but do you happen to have a friend named ‘Kim Sunggyu’?”

Woohyun seriously thought about saying no or hanging up, but his curiosity, once again, killed the cat. Or, in this case, the tree. “Yes, what happened?”

“A passerby found him unconscious at the park. He is at the hospital now, but he keeps calling for you. So we found his phone and called you immediately. Would you mind coming to the hospital?”

Before the person on the line had even finished talking, Woohyun was already dressed and out the door. “I’ll be right there, tell him to hold on a couple more minutes.”


Woohyun raced through the corridors, looking for the room that matched the number he had in his left hand and ignoring all the nurses that told him to slow down or leave.

Finally.He barged through the door, only to be greeted by an abnormal number of doctors, nurses, and other varied paramedics.

And Sunggyu, on a white hospital bed, donned in a billowy gown, gaunt and bony, yet Woohyun thought he had never been gladder to see him.

Sunggyu was like an angel. A fallen one.

Woohyun slowly made his way to his lover (ex-lover?), and saw Sunggyu’s (rather tiny) eyes flicker open.

“Namu…” Sunggyu’s voice was croaky and dry, but it was music to Woohyun’s ears.

“Gyu, I’m so sorry… I never meant anything I said… I heard you the other day – I was right outside the door! I so regret not running the door down right that moment and jumping back into your arms. Please don’t leave me… Gyu… I love you!”

“N-namu… I love you too… but it’s too late now. I’m sorry for not telling you earlier, but you know what happened. That’s what I—” Sunggyu started coughing, and Woohyun brought him water. “Thanks. That’s what I was trying to prevent. I thought that if… if I would just break up with you when my time was up… that both you and I would hurt less. I regret that now; I guess we were both wrong.” Sunggyu let out his signature chuckle, the one that Woohyun loved oh-so-much.

Woohyun couldn’t fathom never hearing that chuckle again.

And Sunggyu couldn’t fathom ever losing Woohyun again.

Meanwhile, destiny was all over them, going [insert troll face here].

“Woohyun… please don’t leave me again, saranghae.”

“I’m not going anywhere, I promise, nado saranghae.”


The next morning, the doctors found a sleeping Woohyun in the arms of a flatlining Sunggyu.

When Woohyun woke up, it was alone in his own bed with the remnants of a teary kiss on his forehead.



Word Count: 3,731

A/N: Wow, that last line rhymed. Okay so honestly, this was supposed to be so much more angsty! But this is like 11 pages on Word, haha, and I am super busy these days T.T Anyways, this super duper fail oneshot is for you, ilamby unnie! I hope you pretend to enjoy it <3 And I’m sorry about your scholarship >.< Also, if you are a hardcore kpop fan like me, which SHAME ON YOU if you aren’t, then go listen to Nu’est. They debuted on my birthday and they are SO HOT. I ship Minren HARDCORE. Dibs on them. And no, I’m not a pedo noona. YET xD lol jk. So yeah, my first Woogyu. To me they’re fluffy soooo… I dunno, angst for me is more of a 2min thing, haha~ Saranghae unnie! (and everyone else). Oh and so sorry for the abrupt and rather... horrendous ending. 

Also, go here if you want hilarious pics. I swear, they’re hilarious.

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I cry it very good you one few people who make me cry hard. TTTT.TTTT
awwww T.T
ilamby #3
TTTT^TTTT I'm crying here, for real!!!!!
>.< It's cute at the front but at the ending *waterfall*
But I LOVE IT!!!
Thanks a lot dongsaeng ah~
ilamby #4
LOL!!!! At the pic!!!!
ilamby #5
Take your time dongsaeng ah~^^
I'm so happy that you write this for me kekekeke
Can't wait for it! <3