Bad boy vs. Ice princess

Noona, I love you

It has been a week since Hara started teaching at their school and yet Junhyung and her would get into fights even over the smallest of things. The students have noticed the war between the two. The day after Junhyung got his detention he put a rotten apple on the table for her and she nearly ate it if it wasn't for the worm coming out of it. She let out an ear-splitting scream and basically thats when the war started.


"YAH!! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!", she yelled from the top of her lungs.


There were two students making out in class not even paying the slightest attention to their teacher. First, she chose to ignore it but when he whispered something into the girl's ear and slipped his hand under her skirt was when she lost her temper.


He's crossing the line!! He even took it to a new level!! Unbelievable!!!


"What?", Junhyung said, smirking. He only wanted to catch her attention and annoy her. Thats why he started to make out with some random girl but when he failed to get her response, he knew he had to take it to a whole new level.

"I don't ing care if you want to go and make out in class but having in here is just-!!", she let it off her chest fuming with anger.




"Forget it, I don't care. Do whatever you want. It doesn't concern me.", she said before turning back to the blackboard. The whole class burst into whispers. Usually she would have let him have it but she didn't this time and even let him off the hook without some sort of punishment. Did she finally give up?


Junhyung on the other hand was caught off guard by this. He thought he would get the pleasure of teasing and making her mad but she didn't get angry at him and let him off.



Is she tired? Of me? Of getting mad?



"O-oppa!", the girl whom he had just made out with whimpered, she was obviously and by what he said and did.






"Forget it. I've lost my mood.", he said before going back to his sit. She let out a surprised gasp and shot him daggers when he refused to finished what he had started. He just gave her a look of disgust before being drowned by his own thoughts.



Maybe.... I've been too rough on her. I mean... she just started and I'm already teasing and making fun off her....... Wait! The hell?! Why should I care?! I mean it is the ice princess...



He looked up and saw Hara's face. It was expressionless but she looked drained and there were black cresents under her eyes.



Was I too rough on her? Maybe I could be a little nicer?



NO! This was Yong Junhyung! The bad boy of the school! There was no way he would go soft on an ice princess!! But no matter how hard he tried to convince himself, he knows somewhere deep down in his heart, he felt guilty for causing her to be like that. His ego however, won't let him back down. But failed miserably when his head started to plan on how to make up to her. Eventhough she was an ice princess, she's still just a girl....




After school......


"Mom! I'm home!!", he said as he ran upstairs to take a shower. He heard his mom telling him to come down and eat later.


He didn't let the thought of eating stick to his head though. He had other important things he needed to think about. He saw the way his sister acted in class and to say so, he felt surprised by this act. His sister, the diva-y-ice princess, backing down on a fight with Junhyung?

Well, honestly, he was starting to get worried about her. She kept complaining to him about Junhyung and now he only hears Junhyung this and Junhyung that. He felt a bit jealous because she would usually give her undivided attention to him instead. The fact that someone managed to get between them was surprising and the fact that it was his own bestfriend was confusing him, alot.


He entered the shower and the drops of warm water falling on him was calming him down.  And for a moment, he forgot about those problems. He should've known it wouldn't last long because when he was doing his homework.......


Hara came bursting into his room without even bothering to knock. He was having a mini heart attack and about to scold her when-



"KHUNNIE~! JUNHYUNG ASKED ME OUT!!!", a happy(?) Hara's voice boomed throughout his room.




And just like that, his jaw managed to drop to the floor, staring wide-eye at the giddy girl.



What did I just hear? Or have I finally lost it?








A/N: Okay! Okay! Maybe this has nothing to do with the title but just wanted to introduce a minor disturbance(?) in the following chapter. HInt: It will make Junhyung realize his feelings a little more.



and so, this chapter does not please me. =="I wanted to bang my head on the keyboard.


I'll see what I can do for the next chapter........


<3 JSM

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harayoon26 #1
Chapter 11: nice update,waiting for the next:))
kyeopta_meserio #2
Chapter 11: YOU FINALLY UPDATED LIKE FINALLY! Poor Hyunseung though, i hope he finds courage. Oh and yeah if only Junhyung wasn't dense he could have found out already that he likes Hara. Oh and i hope hara also realise that she likes junhyung. I'm loving Amber more and more here xD I hope you update soon :))) Fighting!
harayoon26 #3
Chapter 10: pls.update:)i like tha story.
Chapter 3: I really love this story!!
I also loves Hara with Junhyung . Update soon~
kyeopta_meserio #5
Junhyung jealous! kya!
i wonder what is Junhyung's answer :)
hope hyuna won't plan something really bad.
your story is daebak !!
update soon :)
hara_ya #6
khunnie asking what hara see in top~
is he blind??? top is hot n his smile are charm
but y hara lifeless n keep giving homework???
if junhyung know bout it, he must be furious jealous
kyeopta_meserio #7
Yah Junhyung get back your princess!
Nichkhun you better tell Junhyung about this!
update soon :)
swagger32 #8
Ooooooooooo. Tabi <3 gosh Hara what'd you see in him?? Lol jk. Hwaiting. I want junhyung to find out about this and know how he'll react
kyeopta_meserio #9
i swear your story is very exciting !!
still curious with 'Tabi'
update soon :))
hara_ya #10
really??? weeeeeeeeeee so exciting
tabi?? is it TOP~~
im sorry if its true~ well i kind like topXhara
hahhahaha~ hope nothing happen~ its just a pic where they walk tgther right?? not hold hand o hugging right?>