You Are My Appa! { YAMU Special Edition }


Chunji is the epitome of perfection. With stunning good looks, perfect grades, he was a popular jock in school, well-liked by his peers and teachers. But was he truly happy locked in a jewel-cage? Jeon Hyojin was the exact opposite of Lee Chunji. A bad- gangster, drug trafficker and a mother at 18. She had never experienced true love, and was determined to never fall in love. When she meets Chunji, will everything change? Will the sweet boy be able to melt her cold like ice heart?

Like what they say, opposites attract!


You Are My Appa! characters:

Lee Chunji - Son of President Lee Myung Goon of SK. First in everything. Extremely competitive and hates disappointing anyone. He puts on a façade that is taken off only when he is alone.. and in the presence of Hyojin. Best friends with TeenTop, a bunch of players, yet he is nothing like them. He believes in cheesy stuff like 'love at first sight' and 'staying faithful to his life-long partner'.

Jeon Hyojin - Has a kickass attitude and is often seen with a scowl on her pretty lil' face. Has a horrible past - at the age of 14 and hence detests skinship or any form of contact with the opposite . She hates the fact that she is not pure and clean. She steorotypes guys and think of all of them as , lascivious bastards who only want good s. Her son, Jeon Youngjin is a reminder of the imperfection and black mark in her life. Orphan who started roaming the streets at 12.

Jeon Youngjin - Jeon Hyojin's son. Very naïve and adorbs.

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@iarebreeezy: Haha! You'll see. They will meet in perhaps one or two more chapters. Be patient! ^^
@syonaeo: Thank you! Updated! Hope you liked it! :D
@iarebreezy: Thanks for resubbing! :DDDD