Wind Whispers


This is.. A place where I can place my thoughts knowing they will blow away unheard by anyone like an invisible breeze. A place where nobody could snatch my memories away because it disappears as it appears. And one day I will become one with the wind, unscratched by pain, unfazed by emotions, carefree and unnoticeable.



NOTE: this is fabricated, don't take the storyline too seriously..(I apologize in advance if the story is boring - it does get better hopefully. The first few chapters are introductory so you know... I may dwell too much on detail)


My name is Mimi-Sky. I won't be beating around the bush and make you figure the type of person I am. Rather, I'll tell you that I'm the composition of opposite ends tied together: loving and destructive, gentle yet bitter, strong but soft hearted, popular though lonely, wild and hopeful, confident and bottled-up, loud yet a philosopher. I am the product of odds things jumbled together. What you see of me is a small glimpse but what I see of you is your heart. That's right. A glance at your face, how you walk or dress or talk and your name would be all I need to see right through you. Sometimes, I amuse myself with giving people the benefit of doubt, knowing they will disappoint me. In the end, they did disappoint me and that is all I need to prove the fact that they can't hide their true nature from me. Of course, despite having this ability, I'm actually a very dense person who often cannot tell when someone is trying to flirt or just joking with me. Nice to meet you, I'm a living contradiction. To this day, I continue to be called fake and a hypocrite.


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