Lightning Crash


The Sequal to lightning Rod.


Ryeowook and Kyuhyun start their demon education at the Academy, but when every single girl demon in the school wants Kyuhyun for themselves. how will Ryeowook stay alive. especially when Seoyhun is one of them. who are they to trust? and who is the guy who appears in Ryeowook's dreams?


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sapphire0taku #1
Chapter 9: ..oooooo!!!!! 0___0 pls update soon!!!!
pls pls pls pls pls pls... xDD
MujaELFClouds #2
I really love when Kui Xian is out and angry, I just like it x3
kyulovewook #3
great chapter....sad Orihime's parents kink her out but glad Kangin let her in the team
update soon :D
kyulovewook #4
YAY~ Kui Xian save Li Xu! and hahahaa the first line of Kyu Xian's was so funny 'Kyu is so stupid you have to look in the basement' LOL~ anyways glad you update to this awesome story.
once again update soon~ :D
kyulovewook #5
i was so worry thinking when will Kyu come back for Wookie, thank goodness he came back in time...oh its getting so good/interesting I can't wait to read more...i was dying(slowly) from having to wait, glad you update~
update soon :D
kyulovewook #6
HOLY COW!! OMG!!! 3 CHAPTERS! that was fast...thanks for updating this...i love it but poor Wookie it's still very hard for him but don't worry Kyu's there!
anyways keep it up this is going great ^-^
update soon :D
superELF96 #7
I will be waiting :))
-Tiffanyy- #8
I really love the way u wrote lightning rod, so I'm freaking looking forward to this!! Update soon, but take ur time!! ^^
kyulovewook #9
I'll be waiting! I really like your story(much that words can't describe!)!!!
update soon 'whenever you can' :D
And I hope it's still a KyuWook all the way!!!