Don't Tell Them My Secret!


"Woo Jiho, if you tell them that I am really a girl, I swear I will kick you where it hurts." - Park Sunmi.

"Do everything I say and I'll not tell them." - Woo Jiho.

"Something's weird about that dude..." -Kim Yukwon.

"Why is SHE even here... and why hasn't Yukwon figured out that he is actually a she?" - Ahn Jaehyo.

"He's a little too pretty to be a guy? Or maybe he's just naturally feminine... yeah, that." -Park Kyung.




Park Sunmi/Park Sungmo:

A little girl with a big voice. Literally little, only standing 5 feet tall. Used to live with her grandmother and grandmother in Busan until she decided to run away, take a bus to Seoul and start a life anew, hoping to find opportunities there. Problem is she only has 210,000 won as she left. Where was she going to find a place to stay? In such a big city like Seoul, how would she be able to survive with only 210,000 freaking won?

She then sees an opportunity. A place for rent that only payed 20,000 won per month!? And it's negotiable, too! But...  male occupants only?!

She finds out a way to live in with the four guys who own the place using the alias "Park Sungmo."

Her life is a mess in this house. But her career is looking pretty good. In the meantime while she's still on the starting point to fame, she works at a cafe nearby the house, and there she meets a few friends, though still as a guy.

Woo Jiho:

A Seoul-raised boy who's been living in the city for since he was a kid. Works at a nearby convenience store to the house who he shares with Ahn Jaehyo, Park Kyung, Kim Yukwon and eventually Park Sunmi. 

He finds out instantly that "Sungmo" is in fact a girl in an incident from before Sunmi has cut her hair short to look like a guy. From then on, Jiho was charmed by the girl's wit and perseverance in wanting to get into the entertainment business. Little did Sunmi know that Jiho was helping him secretly with her career, as he is a friend of a famous entertainment company head whom he writes songs for.

Though he hasn't noticed and he doesn't want to admit, he is infatuated with Sunmi and usually teases her.

Kim Yukwon:

The guy who's almost completely clueless. Although he thinks something's up with the guy, he just usually thinks that he's just naturally that feminine. 

Once or twice he's questioned his own uality and found himself going nearly crazy when Sunmi is near him and acting feminine or being cute. He wanted to erase that thought in his head numerous times but he just found himself thinking about Sunmi even more.

Ahn Jaehyo:

The guy who knows everything from the start. The real owner of the house who Jiho forced so that Sunmi may stay. Although neither Jiho or Sunmi tells him, he's positive that "Sungmo" is actually a girl. He doesn't really like the idea of a girl in his house and acts cocky and arrogant towards Sunmi all the time.


Park Kyung:

Now he... well he knows nothing really. He's cool with "Sungmo" staying in with them and sometimes wonders about why Jaehyo acts that way towards her. One of Sunmi's best friends as the story progresses.

Bang Yongguk:

One of the employees at the cafe where Sunmi works at. Is playful and loud and always teases "Sungmo" on how she's always so feminine during work time. Usually puts his arm around her neck and states that she's her girlfriend, although he doesn't know that she's a girl; he's just teasing him for looking like a girl and acting like one most of the time.

Lee Sunny:

Sunmi's boss at the cafe, also will be her best friend as the story progresses. She later finds out that Sunmi is a girl, too.

The rest of B.A.P:

Sunmi's co-workers at the Cafe.


P.S., The picture I'm using for Sunmi is really a girl, and her name is Yamor. Trolololol. 


Yo guys! This is Frances again with a new Block B fic! :D

Hope you guys enjoy and stuff ^^,


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