To cheer up an optimist

To cheer up an optimist

I'm not a pessymist. For sure not. But what am I going to do, when the biggest optimist I know, sits in another room and finishes another box from my tissues supply? Especially when I don't know how to help him. I'm not gonna tell him, everything's gonna be okay. I can't because it won't.

I stand in a doorway, while looking at his red eyes. To make things worse, today messages from fans, friends and people we hardly know, started flowing in today... What am I going to do? Izumida went fishing, because he's done with all of this. And me? And I'm alone with that one big tear on my bed.

Doorbell rings. Another person, to make my mood even worse?

I open the door. Of course, he had to come.

"Tora told me." hardly hearable voice of a small vocalist reaches my ears.

He and quiet tone of his voice. He and red eyes. Almost like my friend in another room.

I feel like crying when Keiyu embraces Nao and they start crying together. I think I'm gonna join Izumida. If two biggest optimists I know... No, fine, I'll stay. And I'll think about how to cheer them up. But I know, I have no idea how.

The end

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