Round 38

Personal Differences



“Dad, you have to help us.”


“What is it, Sooyeon ah?”


“It’s the Lees, they’re playing dirty again!” Jessica complained angrily.


“The Lees?”


“Yes, Jieun and her father. They’re tearing Tif and Taeng apart!”


“Wait, wait, who is Taeng?”


“Tif’s boyfriend. Lee ajusshi is bullying him, Daddy, you have to help Tif out!”


“Sooyeon ah, you need to calm down. Yul, do you know what happened exactly?”


“Yes, I do, abonim.”


Jessica couldn’t stop herself from grinning a little. Hearing Yul call her father ‘abonim’ only reminded her of the beautiful ring on her finger and Yul’s proposal—memories that would always make her smile. So while she grinned away to herself, Yul told her father the whole story calmly, leaving nothing out.


“I see…” Mr. Jung rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “The Lees are certainly a pain in the . I’m not surprised to hear about this but I’m sorry to hear that Tif is separated from her boyfriend because of them.”


“Daddy, you have to help them!” Jessica slammed her palm on the table forcefully. “You have to.”


“Sooyeon ah, I will, since you asked. Tiffany is your friend, so I will help her too. Don’t you worry.”


Jessica smiled warmly. Her heart was touched by her father’s words. She had thought that her father would help to get back at Mr. Lee but never did she expect that his reason for helping would be her. She felt kind of loved.




Yul saw the look on Jessica’s face and he knew. He knew how she felt inside after her father agreed to help and he was happy. He was happy for her. Unable to find the words to express how he felt, he simply put his arm around her and squeezed her shoulder gently as they left her house.


“Hmm?” She responded to his squeeze.


Yul merely smiled and shook his head.


“What do you want to do now?”


Jessica looked up at Yul as several images of them making out flashed in her mind. Yul couldn’t possibly know what she was thinking but he did see her very obvious blush.


He chuckled. “Why are you blushing so much lately? What are you thinking about now that’s making you blush like that?”


“Huh?” Jessica looked flustered and blinked rapidly several times.


Yul chuckled again and gave her nose a playful pinch.


“Baby, you’re so cute.”


Jessica bit her lip to stop herself from smiling too widely as she blushed a deeper red than before.


Yul couldn’t make head or tails of it but he was happy to see her smiling anyhow.


“You haven’t answered me, Sica.”


“Huh?” Jessica blinked in confusion.


Yul laughed. “My question was ‘What do you want to do now?’ and you haven’t answered me.”


Jessica’s mouth formed a cute ‘O’ shape. “I’d like to watch a movie, but you have to work tomorrow, will you be too tired?”


“Nothing I can’t handle. A movie it is.” Yul grinned and opened the car door for Jessica.




Sunny’s phone wouldn’t stop buzzing. Fortunately, she had the foresight to silence her phone before meeting Joong Ki but it still irritated her to no end. Politely excusing herself to ‘use the washroom’, she hurried to the washroom and shut herself in one of the cubicles before whipping out her phone to answer it.


“What is it!”


“Ya, is this how you greet your boyfriend?”


“I’m in the middle of having dinner with Joong Ki and my phone won’t stop buzzing because of you, so what do you expect? Should I answer your call with ‘I love you, honey’?” Sunny snapped at Yoong.


“What?! You’re having dinner with Joong Ki! He’s a freaking player! Why are you spending so much time with him?”


“It’s not like I’m dating him or anything. Get a hold on yourself.”


“Sunny, you don’t know him like I do. He’s going to make a move on you. I just know it.”


“Take your childish jealousy and stuff it down your pants, Yoong. He’s very interested in working with us in future. You should know that he brings large numbers to whichever resort he decides to collaborate with.”


“He brings large numbers? Ooh… he brings large numbers alright… OF GIRLS! You should see him at parties. He’s a total beast!”


“Look, he’s been perfectly professional so far. He hasn’t laid a hand on me. Anyway, it’s not like I can’t handle the situation. Have you forgotten what I once was?”


“Don’t remind me of your player days,” Yoong grumbled, “it totally hurts to think about all the men you seduced in the past.”


“My dear… you know that I love you right? So stop calling. Trust me. I can handle it.”


Yoong was momentarily stunned when she pulled her cuteness on him and called him ‘my dear’. It was literally what people called a brain freeze.


“Hello? Are you still there?”


“Huh? Oh…uh…yeah I’m still on the line. Listen, Joong Ki is really good at playing with girls. Just…just be careful, alright? You know I trust my bunny. It’s the men that I don’t trust.”


Sunny sighed. Yoong could be so childish one second yet so charismatically caring the next. He melted her so easily that it freaked her out sometimes and he didn’t even know that. He ought to trust her.


“Alright, I know that you are worried and care for me. I promise that I’ll be careful, okay? I have to go now. I’ve been gone too long.”


“Alright, just be careful. And…er…bunny?”




“I’m sorry.”




“For this afternoon…with Sun. I won’t hug her in front of you. And I won’t call you bunny when she’s around either.”


Sunny felt her heart melting that much more. At this rate, her heart was going to end up all squishy and squashy very soon.


“And I shouldn’t have yelled at you. I’m sorry too.”


Sunny could almost see Yoong smiling at the other end of the line. She certainly could hear the smile in his voice as he bade her goodbye and she stepped out of the cubicle feeing a whole lot better than before.



“Sorry for taking so long, Joong Ki ssi.”


“It’s perfectly alright.” Joong Ki flashed a charming smile. “A lady’s got to go when a lady’s got to go, right?”


Sunny smiled.


“And, please…call me Joong Ki.”




“I feel very uncomfortable when people address me too formally. I’ve tolerated you calling me ‘Joong Ki ssi’ for the past five hours and I think I’ve had enough of it. So please, call me Joong Ki.”


Sunny giggled cutely at his smooth speech and nodded. “Joong Ki.”


Joong Ki grinned widely and raised his wine glass to her.


“Cheers to a beautiful relationship…at work.” He winked at her.


Sunny smiled and raised her glass to meet his. Their glasses clinked and they sipped their red wine appreciatively.


“This is good wine, isn’t it?” Joong Ki remarked casually.


“Do you like wine?”


“Yes, very much. What about you?”


“Oh, I love wine! I fell in love with wine after visiting a winery. I even got to step on grapes when I was there!” Sunny’s excitement rose a couple of notches as she talked about her experience at the winery.


Joong Ki’s eyes twinkled and he laughed a lot as they chatted. He smiled and smiled and smiled. He couldn’t stop smiling throughout the dinner.


“Well, I guess it’s time to get the bill.” Sunny signaled a waiter for the bill.


“What do you think you’re doing, Sunny?” Joong Ki cocked an eyebrow questioningly.


“Hmm? I’m calling for the bill.” Sunny looked at him innocently.


“No, no, no. I should be the one calling for the bill. You’re not paying.”


“No, that would be wrong. I’m the one who initiated this meeting.”


“And I am the one who initiated us having dinner.” Joong Ki grinned. “I’m paying, no arguments.”


And sure enough, the bill went to him and he paid for the dinner.


Sunny thanked him most graciously for the dinner as they walked to their respective cars. Joong Ki had offered to drive her to dinner but she insisted on driving her own car. She was kind of glad that she did that now. She wasn’t sure if Yoong’s words had played on her mind or not, but she was beginning to feel that Joong Ki was a little too friendly to her.


“Sunny, I had a wonderful time. This is officially the best business meeting and dinner I’ve ever had. I’ll see you soon, I hope.”


Sunny put on her classic sunny deal clincher smile and said, “Of course, I see you soon. Again, thanks for the lovely dinner.”


Joong Ki grinned. “Don’t mention it.”



Sunny was surprised to find Yoong waiting for her at her door when she returned home. He was whistling a random tune and kicking his leg idly as he leaned against her door, waiting for her.


A trickle of warmth dribbled into her heart and quickly expanded to fill it up. The warmth spread in all directions, like wild fire that swept everything up in its path. She never stood a chance. He had her, heart and soul.


“Yoongie…” Her soft whisper reached his ears and he looked up, eyebrows furrowed.


He covered the distance between them easily with a couple of strides and cupped her face in his palms tenderly.


“I miss you, bunny.”


She didn’t object to being called bunny this time. Instead, it sounded like music to her ears. The most romantic love song she had ever heard wove its way through her ears and turned her mind into mush.


He her face gently with the tips of his fingers, tracing her cheekbones, jawline, chin, up to her luscious lips before finally leaning forward and pressing his lips on hers tenderly.


“Did he try anything funny?” He finally asked after kissing her.


She smiled and shook her head. A speck of worry crept into a corner of her mind but she swept it aside and dismissed it. This moment was too good to be ruined. Besides, Joong Ki didn’t really do anything wrong. He might be a really friendly person for all she knew.


He her hair and put his arm around her.


“I want to be with my bunny tonight.”


His husky voice sent tingles zipping through all her nerves and her face flushed red. She opened the door in a hurry and pulled him in. The door had barely shut before he took her lips into his and long and hard. His hands slid down her back, feeling the slight curve, following the path of her spine down to her bottom where they rested comfortably, squeezing her gently.


Sunny was very busy trying to his shirt to get her hands on him. She loved the feeling of his sinewy body under her palms. The buttons gave way and her hands slipped around him, pulling him closer to her than ever.


They moaned into each other’s mouths at the contact and their temperatures shot higher, igniting their hunger for each other in their loins.


Yoong pulled her hips closer to his and she moaned as he met her through their clothes. They didn’t make it to her bedroom, let alone her bed. They tumbled onto the couch and began pulling the pieces of cloth off each other in a frenzied manner. A couple of buttons flew everywhere as Yoong tugged a little too hard at her blouse and they landed on the ground, rolling a little before laying at rest.


The sounds of their pants, moans and tender, yet desire-filled calling of each other’s names heightened their pleasure as the scent of the culmination of their love hung thickly in the air around them.




Sunny gripped him harder than ever as she felt the onslaught of a gigantic wave of sensation overcoming her. As she tightened around him, he too lost it and gave it all to her.


“Sunny…oh Sunny…”


His hips for the last time as her hands gave way and she slumped onto his body, feeling the perspiration that covered him under her. She buried her face into the nook of his neck and inhaled deeply. It was a scent that she wanted to smell every day. She would never get enough of it, she was sure of it.


He hummed contentedly into her hair as he nestled his nose into the mess of curls that flopped all over her head messily.


“I love you, Yoongie…” she murmured.


It was soft but he heard it and the widest grin broke across his face, lighting up his boyish features.


You’re mine… Sunny…you’re mine…


Joong Ki…you don’t stand a chance.




Yul put his arms around Jessica comfortably, as though he had been doing this all his life. Now that he thought about it, it had been barely a year since he got to know her and they have gone through so much together already. Oh, how his life has changed ever since she appeared in it. He was very amazed by the variety of emotions she could put him through and he was astounded by how she could still surprise him with sides of her that he had yet to see.


He didn’t realize just how ‘daring’ she could be.


They were seated in couple seats, which meant that the arm rest could be lifted up so that nothing stopped the lovebirds from being totally stuck to one another.


With his arm around her and her arms around his waist, they enjoyed the movie blissfully. That is, until Jessica surprised Yul, or rather, she shocked him.


It was a romantic movie and towards the middle of it, a couple of intimate scenes inevitably appeared. Yul shifted in his seat, feeling slightly awkward watching such provocative scenes with Jessica by his side. In fact, he hardly ever watched movies, so he didn’t really expect movies to be that explicit in their depiction of couple ‘activities’.


However, Jessica’s reaction far surpassed his wildest imaginations when she snuck up to his ear and whispered, “I’d like to try that with you sometime.”


Yul gulped hard. The scene that had just gone by involved a couple doing it in his car by a secluded beach.


What in the world?! Sica wants to try that?! What if somebody drove by and saw them stark and grinding?!


It was unthinkable for Yul but one look at Jessica was all it took to tell him that she was really interested in trying it out.


Gosh… what had he gotten himself into by asking her to marry him?


As his frantic thoughts wreaked havoc in his completely stunned mind, she merely smiled warmly at him before turning back to watch the movie, leaving him to deal with his flurry of panicked thoughts and wildly thumping heart.




“I may not be the most efficient assistant in the world but I will do my best to follow all your orders and share your troubles so that you can work better.”


“Wow, you are so bright Boss! Brighter than gems!”


Tiffany smiled to herself as memories of how she first met Taeng flooded her mind.


Throwing caution to the wind for the first time in her life, she pressed her lips against his and indulged in her craving.


Her smile turned into a grin as she recalled how she had made the first move on him. She had already begun falling for him then.


“They aren’t things… they’re my peas!”


Her grin grew wider as she remembered meeting his peas for the very first time and how cute he was with them.


“They said that you would kiss me again.”


She giggled as images of her kissing Taeng for the second time flashed by.


“Are you done hugging my leg yet? It’s gone numb.”


She laughed out loud as she drove along while thinking about the time she had woken up to find him hugging her leg like a koala would a tree. His reaction was most adorable.


“I know something is troubling you. If you can’t find a way out… you can talk to my peas. They will make you feel better.”


“If you want me to help you to stay away from Siwon ssi, I will help. What do you need me to do?”


“I’m happy when you’re happy.”


Her heart warmed as memories of how willing he was to sacrifice for her came to mind.




And with that, he launched himself at Tiffany, circling his arms around her waist, clamping his lips down on hers and the last thing he remembered seeing was her wide open, stunning-looking eyes.


Her heart leapt and her heartbeats quickened as she felt his first fervent kiss burning on her lips like it had that evening.




Tears began forming in her eyes as his first not-so-calm confession rang in her ears as though he was just beside her.


“HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING LADY!” Taeng ran towards Tiffany, squatting down beside her, placing his arm protectively around her shoulders. He looked up at Mrs. Choi angrily. “HOW COULD YOU SLAP HER LIKE THAT? WHAT WRONG DID SHE DO TO DESERVE THIS? LEAVE BEFORE I CALL THE SECURITY!”


Tears began to fall as she recalled the first time she ever witnessed him blowing up, knowing that it was because he wanted to protect her.


“Oh…Taeng…Taeng…” Tiffany whimpered.


He hollered and kicked off running towards Tiffany, flailing his arms like a madman, all the while still holding the bouquet of pink roses.


He slipped on the wet pavement as he got to Tiffany, whamming into her, falling over her while Siwon watched in horror as the unidentified woman brought her knife-wielding hand down towards Tiffany.


Her tears continued to flow down her fair cheeks as she remembered how he had fearlessly gone to her rescue and saved her life.


Dear Tiffany,

This is how I feel inside.

Love is not about possessing you.

Love is about giving myself to you.

I am happy when you are happy.

I am sad when you are sad.

So please be happy.

I’m all Yours,



She began smiling through her tears as the touching words of his love letter to her resurfaced in her mind.


“I really love you Fany ah.”


Her heart began thumping that much faster as the feeling of having him inside her for the first time warmed her insides and gave her a delicious tingling feeling in her tummy.


And then she stopped herself from recalling. She didn’t want to remember how broken and pained he had looked the night he broke up with her. She didn’t want to remember the tears that she had shed over him. No. She would remember all the good things. She needed to be strong if she was going to get her man back.


Taeng, I’m coming for you… just stay where you are and let me come to you.


And with that, she floored the accelerator and sped along the highway towards the love of her life, Kim Taengoo.



Her tiny blue dot moved steadily towards the end of the purple line. She was feeling rather tired, having driven almost three hours non-stop and that’s when the mishap happened. It wasn’t a serious accident or any of that sort. She simply had a punctured tyre, but that was problematic enough for her, for she wasn’t sure if she’d be able to change the tyre all by herself.


Much to her relief, help arrived in the form of a boyish-looking man who looked very much like someone she knew. She couldn’t quite put a finger on it, however, so she shrugged that feeling off.


“Problem with your tyre huh? Need some help?”


“Yes, please.” She smiled her eye-smile and he gasped at her pure beauty, glowing under the setting sun.


“Don’t worry, pretty girl, leave it to me.” He grinned and got to work.


Moments later, her tyre was replaced and she was good to go.


“Thanks for helping me. I’m Tiffany, what’s your name?”


“Jiwoong. You can call me Jiwoong oppa.”


“Are you older than me? What makes you so sure that I should call you oppa?” Tiffany was a little amused by this friendly guy and his casual, relaxed manner.


“I think so. I’m 25 this year. What about you?”


“I’m 23. You’re right, you’re older.”


“Haha…I was just kidding around. Are you visiting someone here? I haven’t seen you around here before.”


“I’m here to look for my boyfriend.”


“Oh.” Jiwoong looked a little disappointed upon learning that she had a boyfriend. Nevertheless, he maintained his sunny disposition and asked her where her boyfriend was.


“I’m following my GPS to this place.” Tiffany pointed at the ending point of the purple line.


That’s where my house is! Who’s her boyfriend then?


Jiwoong was confused for a second before realizing who her boyfriend had to be.


My little dongsaeng has a girlfriend?! I can’t believe he hasn’t told me about her!


“What’s your boyfriend’s name? I might know him.”


“Taeng. Do you know him? Kim Taengoo is my boyfriend.”


“Oh Taeng… yes, I do know him.”


“Oh! So are you his friend then?” Tiffany looked rather excited and had Jiwoong grinning a little at her exuberance.


“Mmm, you could say that. Well, I won’t hold you back. Taeng’s home is not far from here. You’re pretty close. Just follow your GPS and you’ll get there real soon.”


“Thanks Jiwoong oppa!” Tiffany smiled that magical smile of hers again, stunning him slightly before she got into her car and drove off.


Jiwoong watched as her car became smaller and smaller.


Taeng…Taeng… you have a lot of explaining to do when I get home.



“This is the place Miss Lee.”


“This is it? It doesn’t look like much.”


Jieun found herself staring at an ordinary looking house. It wasn’t too small but it was certainly nowhere as big as hers. It didn’t matter to her, however. Heroes didn’t need to stay in big houses. Besides, she’d be able to buy Taeng a really large house if he wanted one.



Taeng was in the kitchen, helping out his mother with dinner preparations when the doorbell rang. That was odd for they weren’t expecting any visitors.


“I’ll get it.” He wiped his hands on a wet cloth and went to the door.


Oh boy was he in dismay when he saw Jieun standing in front of him with a sickening smile on her face. Yes, he was beginning to find her smile sickening because it brought him many problems…problems that drove him and Tiffany apart.


“Taengoo!!! My hero!!!” Jieun exclaimed excitedly and before he could even react to anything, she had sprung forward, leaned in and kiss him right on his lips.


A bolt of ice cold sensation shot right through him and he hastily grabbed hold on her shoulders and pushed her away.


And just when he thought that things were bad enough… it got worse for right behind Jieun… was Tiffany… wearing a look of disbelief, shock and heartbreak on her face.



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Fire_trek 342 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 342 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD