Round 91

Personal Differences

Round Ninety-One


After the talk with her father and sending that reassuring text to Young, Krystal didn’t really have any time to spend on uncomfortable thoughts of Young and those girls. She was too busy with her sister’s wedding. She was to be her sister’s bridesmaid, as was Tiffany, Amber and Suzy. And it was most emotional for her when she was asked. Tears and very tight hugs were involved. Jessica had jokingly asked why she was so moved but she had been unable to put it into words. In the end, Jessica simply smiled and patted her back, saying that she understood.


As expected, the maid of honour was Tiffany. Krystal bore no jealousy or envy towards Tiffany. Neither did she feel bad about it. She understood perfectly. Tiffany was the wedding planner. Tiffany had been there for her for the most part, standing by her through all the ups and downs in her love life. Tiffany was practically Jessica’s soul mate. And she had no problem with that. Her relationship with Jessica was growing stronger by the day so there was nothing more she could ask for.


One thing that she did delight in was the fact that Jessica had asked her to plan the bachelorette party. It was a huge deal to her and she was determined to plan it well. She wanted her sister to have the best night of her life. And who else to turn to for help but Young? She could think of no better choice.



Krystal surprised Jessica by arranging for a top notch makeup artist and hair stylist to make Jessica look even more breath-taking (if that was even possible). She beamed like a proud kid when Jessica looked impressed.


“Sit back and relax, unnie. Leave it all to me,” she said proudly.


Jessica smiled, nodded and sat down to let the professionals do the work.



The other bridesmaids arrived at the Jung residence in timely fashion and the girls tittered excitedly when they saw a luxurious pink limousine waiting for them.


“Krystal, you’ve outdone yourself,” praised Tiffany.


“Yeah, you’re indeed a Jung,” said Amber.


“Jessica is so lucky to have a sister like you,” added Suzy.


Krystal was on practically floating from all the compliments but she literally soared when Jessica giggled, linked arms with her and said, “She’s mine. So don’t even think about it.”


She could hardly keep the smile off her face as she entered the limousine after the rest after hearing that.



They were headed to a club called Cloud Nine. It was the newest club in town, opened by the owner of Seventh Heaven. The owner had a thing for numbers it seemed, Young had said once. True enough. The new club’s name had a number in it too.


Young had clapped his hands in glee when the name was officially announced and demanded for a kiss for his accurate prediction.


“Why should I kiss you just because there’s a number in the club’s name? I’m not some kiss dispensing machine you know.”


“But boys need frequent rewards or encouragements and your kiss is the best way to do it to me.”


“This is totally ridiculous logic. I can’t even call it logic.”


“Aww, what do I have to do to get you to dispense a kiss for me?”


“Just kiss me, stupid.”


And now, her lips twitched in remembrance of the deep and arousing kiss that Young had dished onto her right after she said that. Oh boy, that kiss had shaken the roots of her being and she couldn’t help but wonder if they were getting to the point of becoming even more intimate with each other.


“Did you hear what I said, Krys?”


“Uh? Unnie! I-I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention. What were you saying?”


Jessica tittered and winked at the other girls. “I didn’t say anything. But we can all see that you’re thinking about something naughty. Something related to Young?”


Krystal blushed instantly and the girls burst out laughing.


“Krys, you’re too obvious. You were thinking about making out with Young weren’t you?” teased Jessica.


Not one to lie to her sister, Krystal bit her lip and nodded. To which, Jessica put her arm around her shoulder and patted it. “Ah, my little sister is growing up. I’m glad that I have the chance to see you going through your first relationship. It’s so cute and precious.”




“Hahaha, Krystal, you’re never going to hear the end of it. Jessi is always thinking about things like that. I’ll bet more than anything that she totally wants to spy on you kissing Young.”


“No, I do not!” denied Jessica vehemently.


“Oh yes you do,” chorused all three friends at once and Jessica could only pout while Krystal joined Tiffany, Amber and Suzy in giggling over the embarrassing fact.


Jessica was just about to protest again when the limousine came to a halt. The door opened and the girls were helped out by the valet.


“Girls, this is going to be great,” declared Krystal, confidently.



It was beyond great. They had the most exclusive boxed seats in the house that was tended to by a voracious waiter who brought them everything they asked for and more. They laughed, drank, ate and laughed some more. Then, the crowd cheered suddenly and they stopped. The new club boasted live performances by y dancers and Krystal had arranged for a couple of them to dance up close for Jessica after doing their regular show.


The girls whooped and cheered as the two male dancers danced seductively for the lady of the night but Krystal noticed that the lady herself didn’t seem to be as interested in them as the other girls were. When the male dancers were done, one of them winked at Krystal and sat down beside her, throwing his arm casually around her as he did.


“Babe. You’re hot. No offense to the other ladies here but would you like to join me for a dance?”


Krystal was caught unawares but she remained focused on the objective of the night.


“Sorry, I can’t. I’m in charge of making sure that everything flows for our queen over here,” she replied, gesturing towards Jessica.


“Don’t worry about me, go and dance with him. Go,” urged Jessica and Krystal shot her a death glare that Jessica easily fended off. “You need more experience. Trust me. Go out onto the dance floor and shake it.”


“Yes Your Highness,” Krystal quipped and followed the male dancer out onto the dance floor.


The other girls whooped and cheered even louder than before when the male dancer began ing his hips at close proximity which got her going and the alcohol in her system loosened her inhibitions. She found herself gyrating her hips in sync with him and did not stop him from moving even closer to her. Suddenly, he spun her around and grabbed her waist, pulling her up against him. Then, he resumed their dancing which was getting increasingly ual in nature.




“Wow, your sister sure can hold her own fort,” commented Amber.


“Of course, she’s a Jung.”


“But I think they’re dancing a little too close, don’t you think?” said Tiffany worriedly.


“Yeah, that guy is getting too much of her,” Suzy agreed.


Jessica simply laughed. “It’s just for fun. Nothing’s going to happen. Don’t worry. Besides, she needs to know how other men dance too. Young isn’t that fantastic. She just hasn’t seen enough.”


“I don’t think we should let her continue. I’m going to get her,” said Tiffany and got up immediately. Suzy stood up with her and the two girls headed down to the dance floor to get Krystal back.


“We want our girl back. You got your dance,” said Tiffany when she got to them.


“Alright. I’m very reluctant though.” The dancer released Krystal and turned her to face him. “What’s your number, babe? We’ll dance some more another day.”


“There won’t be another day I’m afraid. This girl is taken.”


“Aww, really? Damn. I’m not surprised though. Wish I got to her sooner.”


Krystal giggled. “If I’m ever available again, I’ll let you know.”


The dancer perked up at once. “Yeah! Call me! I’ll give you my number.”


Krystal giggled again and handed him her phone. He punched in his number and saved it with a smug grin. “There you go girl.”


“Let’s go Krystal,” Tiffany cut in and pulled Krystal away.



“She’s drunk. Your little sister is drunk. You, the older sister should be looking out for her.” Tiffany looked sternly at Jessica who was giggling at Krystal’s random drunken babbling.


“Relax. This little sis of mine is of age. She deserves to let her hair down and have a good time. At least for tonight.”


“I think we should call it a day, ladies.” Tiffany looked at Amber and Suzy for support and the other two girls nodded in agreement.


“Krystal needs to be sent home,” Amber was firm.


Jessica had no choice but to relent. “Okay…let’s go home.”



Over on the other side of town, Young was out with Yul, Taeng, Yoong and Hyun for a raving good time. It was Yul’s bachelor night and Young was just the man to pull it off.


“To Yul’s cute little best man!” toasted Young.


Taeng grinned from ear to ear and held up his beer bottle to clink it against theirs.


“To Yul’s best man!” chorused the others before downing a few mouthfuls of beer.


“Right! What’s the plan for tonight? Str*ppers? Exotic dancers?” asked Yoong expectantly.


Hyun shot him a disapproving glare. “Hyung, you have a girlfriend.”


“But it’s Yul’s bachelor night!”


“Hyung! All of us have girlfriends!”


Yoong laughed and clapped Hyun on the back. “I was just kidding. Why so serious?”


Hyun looked immensely relieved. “Hyung, you scared me.”


Yoong simply grinned. “Don’t worry. I won’t do anything that will upset Sunny too much. Although I have a feeling that she might not mind, actually.”




“Relax, relax,” Yoong laughed. “Young, what’s on for the night?”


“Fun, drinks, laughs and us doing what the girls call male bonding.”


“Male bonding. Haha! Is that what Krystal calls this?”




“Do you like it so far? Having just one girl?” Hyun asked suddenly.


Young grinned. “Like it? I’m loving it.”


Hyun smiled. “I’m really happy for you, hyung. I’m really happy that you’ve finally stopped dating so many girls.”


“You’ve never liked it, did you?”


Hyun shook his head. “I always thought that you should have just one girlfriend and be a good man.”


“Hyun…Hyun…I was always going to end up with just one wife in the end. Only, I didn’t think that I’d get to be with a girl that I chose to love.”


“Chose to love?” Yul questioned with his brows raised. “What do you mean?”


“I decided that I want her,” Young explained simply. “I had to make the choice or I would forever be a friend to Krys. I could sense that her feelings for me surpassed friendship a little but I was reluctant to cross the line, knowing the kind of person that I am. So, yes. I chose to love her. I decided to make her my woman. Didn’t you also have to make that choice at some point?”


Yul frowned as he pondered the question. “I didn’t consciously make a decision. I didn’t even really like Jessica at the beginning. But she is very attractive as a woman. I cannot deny her allure on me even when I was put off by her behavior.”


“Yeah, that’s how you ended up kissing her like crazy at that party right? I heard about it from my friends. That you even declared your love for her in front of everyone. Hara lost all ground that night.”


Yul coughed awkwardly. “We ended up kissing because we were arguing about something. Things got heated and we kissed. That’s all.”


“That’s all? Are you kidding me? I’m sure it carried on after that,” Yoong jumped in with his comment.


“It did not.”


“Yul doesn’t lie,” Taeng interjected. “If he says it did not, then it did not."


“Well, it doesn’t really matter either. You’re going to be the first guy to be a father among us anyway.”


“Are you nervous, Yul?” Hyun asked.


“Nervous? No. I’m looking forward to it. I want a family with Jessica.”


“Why do you want to start a family so soon?” Young asked. “Don’t you want to enjoy yourselves first? Just the two of you?”


Yul shook his head. “I think the baby is the best thing that can happen to us. And I think it’s a good thing that it happened like that otherwise Jessica might not have been able to come around to the idea to have children.”


“I can’t understand the way you think sometimes.”


Yul laughed. “Young, you’ll come round to the idea soon enough.”


“We’ll see how it goes. For now, I’m happy with just Krys and the two of us.”


“What about you, Hyun?” Yul nodded at the serious looking man. “Kids for you and Hyoyeon one day?”


Hyun looked stunned. “Kids?”


Young and Yoong burst into laughter while Yul and Taeng stared blankly at them.


“Hyun…hahaha…Hyun and Hyoyeon…I’ll bet they haven’t even done anything but kiss, let alone think about having kids.”


“Oh…” chorused Yul and Taeng.


“Don’t worry. It’s okay. You can take it slow,” said Taeng kindly.


Young and Yoong looked at each other and exchanged looks before laughing out loud again.


“Taeng…he is taking it slow,” said Young, between laughs. “If he goes any slower, even snails would be faster.”



The night flew by with countless drinks and endless chatter, punctuated by laughs and guffaws every now and then. And Young was in the middle of another huge laugh when his phone buzzed. He wiped the tears from his eyes as he checked it but his desire to laugh evaporated faster than he could say ‘evaporate’.


It was a picture sent to him from the girl that he’d been with during the recent business gathering at Seventh Heaven. She was in Cloud Nine apparently for she had snapped a picture of Krystal dancing most intimately with a guy whom he could not recognize.


Only one question infiltrated his mind.


What the heck was happening over at Cloud Nine?



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Fire_trek 341 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 341 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD