Round 27

Personal Differences

Round Twenty-Seven


“What do I do now, peas?” Taeng looked at them, hoping for some answers. “How can I tell her how I feel?”


His peas smiled and grinned at him happily.


“I don’t think I can handle it if she were to reject me.” Taeng pouted sadly.


His peas smiled and grinned at him happily.


“What about a letter? Should I write her a letter? I’m better at writing… I think.”


His peas smiled and grinned at him happily.


“I should write it huh.”


His peas smiled and grinned at him happily.


“Okay, peas, if you guys say so!”


His peas smiled and grinned at him happily.



Tiffany opened her door tiredly and stepped inside. She had returned from dinner with the Choi family in their home and they lost no time in talking about their possible future. She’d move in and they’d have the highest floor all to themselves. They spoke of the future like it had been all planned out. They even talked about babies and such. It was a little overwhelming but also rather thought provoking.


On the other hand, she had been thinking about Taeng a lot recently, especially with his absence in the office. He was more important to her than she had realized. There would be many a time when she’d call for him, only to find his seat desolately empty. She missed having him around. She missed his dorky grin, happy smiles and twinkling eyes. She missed the way he made the office a much nicer place to be at with his cheery, bubbly mood.


She cursed the newest client whom she had just gotten. She was one of the most demanding clients she had ever handled. It was thanks to her that she barely had the time to visit the bathroom, let alone Taeng.


A small white envelop sitting innocently on the floor caught her eye. She bent down to pick it up. There was a letter inside. A loud gasp escaped Tiffany’s lips as she read the letter.




Dear            Tiffany,

This is how ……… I feel inside.

Love is not about possessing you.

Love is about giving myself to you.

I am happy when you are happy.

I am sad when you are sad.

So please be happy.

I’m all Yours,




P/S: My peas wanted me to write this letter.

Can you see that it’s shaped like a heart?

I’m giving my heart to you.

Do you want it? :o


Tiffany could hardly breathe as she read his letter to her. In that instant, she had the most urgent need to see Taeng and to have him hold her in his arms again. Dashing down to the car park as quickly as her legs could carry her; she hopped into her car and drove at road demon speed to his home, throwing caution to the wind yet again.



Taeng was all ready to go to bed when the doorbell started going off like a mad siren. He opened the door sleepily, wearing nothing more than a t-shirt, boxers and a bandage on his thigh.




He rubbed his eyes before believing his eyes. His eyes registered a tired but still beautiful Tiffany standing right outside his door wearing the most spectacular dress he had ever seen—in his world, everything she wore was spectacular—and his drowsiness bade him goodbye in that instant.


Tiffany smiled at him in a way that befuddled him and stepped into his house, closing the door behind her. Taeng’s eyes opened as wide as a river as Tiffany stepped forward towards him, stopping only when her face was within an inch of his.


“I’ve read your letter.”


“You’ve read it?” Taeng blushed furiously and his heart thumped like a wild beast. The suspense was more intense that he’d thought.


Tiffany smiled wickedly as she casually threw her arms around his neck. “Taeng… I want you.”


“Y-You want m-me?” Taeng could hardly think with the feeling of her warm breath on his face.


“Argh, just kiss me damn it!” Tiffany engulfed his lips with her widely parted ones and dug her fingers into his hair, pulling him to her, meshing their lips together. Taeng blinked a few times before he closed his eyes and began responding to her urgent kisses. Her lips moved over his aggressively, taking all of him with her and she bit on his lower lip, tugging it slightly. He gasped and in her tongue slipped, finding his. She loved his tongue with hers, caressing it, flicking it before pulling away, breathless from the deep, passionate kiss.


Her eyes sank into the depths of his molten, brown ones. “Do you love me Taeng?”


Taeng’s breath caught in his throat yet again. “Yes!” He croaked.


It wasn’t a pleasant sound but it was enough for Tiffany. That was all she needed to know.


Her arms slipped down to his waist and yanked him forcefully towards her. Her movement was sudden and he stumbled a little. Losing his balance, he ended up backing Tiffany onto the door where their bodies melded together like clay.


The impact bumped their bodies against each other and he swallowed hard as he felt her curves yielding to his. His cheeks were saturated with red as he blushed in embarrassment—his ‘best friend’ had come to life. He was certain that she could feel it and he hoped that she wouldn’t think badly of him for reacting that way to her.


He tried to back away from her so that she wouldn’t feel it poking at her but her arms wouldn’t let him go anywhere. On the contrary, her arms tightened and reduced all remaining space between their hips to zilch. He swallowed hard again. It felt so good that he was about to explode.


His breaths were getting shorter and sharper as Tiffany smiled seductively at him. Her fingers trailed down his cheeks, jaw and neck, pausing at the collar of his t-shirt, causing goose pimples to rise all over him. She glided her palm down his chest, feeling the little hectic rise and falls that gave away the state of his emotions.


A smug look found its way onto Tiffany’s flushed face. She enjoyed knowing the effect that she had on this cute, lovable man who stood trembling in her arms. She could feel his desire quite plainly and it pleased her immensely. Indeed, it felt good to be desired by him as much as she did him. Her insides were all fired up, eager to feel her skin on his and her desire for him was burning her up.




A sensational thrill sped through his veins from head to toe as the iest voice he had ever heard, said his name and teased his completely overwhelmed mind.




“T-Tif—fa –”


“Call me Fany.” Her low, husky voice drove him to the edge.




“Mmm…I like the sound of that.” Then she turned around, her back facing him. “ my dress.” She murmured softly but distinctly. He swallowed the huge lump in his throat and raised his shaky hands to the zip. He held the top of her dress with trembling fingers whilst his other hand tugged down the zip agonizingly slowly.


“Faster.” Tiffany’s voice sounded a little impatient so he yanked it down in a hurry.


Tiffany turned around to face him and flashed the most seductive smile that sent his blood rushing in all sorts of directions, not knowing where to go. His breath caught in his throat as she lifted a smooth, milky hand to her shoulder and pushed her dress off. The soft material pooled at her feet and Taeng could hardly believe his eyes. There, right in front of him, stood Tiffany, his Boss and his love, clad in the iest black, lacy lingerie he had ever seen.


“What do you think?” Tiffany’s voice was deep, husky and very sultry.


“Y-You’re s-so b-beaut-tif-ful.” Taeng stuttered like a broken radio.


Tiffany giggled. “You like me that much huh.” She winked at him and his pulse went wilder than ever. “I guess… I made the right choice after all.”


“W-Wha –?”


Tiffany crushed her lips back onto his, muting him in mid-speech. She felt her heart come to life, pumping doubly hard, pushing all of her blood down south. She moaned.


Taeng almost died from sheer audio bliss. Her moan was the iest sound he had ever heard. He felt her raise her leg, sending delicious shivers down his legs but all that pleasure was instantly replaced by a sharp, searing pain as she hooked her leg around his. He cried out in pain and she froze instantly, eyes flying wide open in alarm.


“Taetae, what happened?” Her voice had lost all trace of the huskiness from before. She now sounded very anxious.


“M-My leg…” Taeng’s face was contorted in pain and he clutched his leg, trying to breathe normally through the pain.


“Was it me? Oh Taetae… I hurt you didn’t I?” Tiffany’s voice and heart were steeped in worry as she helped Taeng to the couch. She sat him down slowly and looked at his bandage. The colour red was seeping through and was visible—albeit, it was just a tiny bit of red.


“F-Fany… don’t worry… it’s alright… it doesn’t hurt as much now.” Taeng smiled bravely and her hair to comfort her.


Tiffany lowered her head and kissed his wound gently.


In Taeng’s little world, that kiss would have killed him much faster than a knife; the only difference was…he’d have died of ultimate pleasure instead of pain. Taeng groaned, at this rate, the tent in his boxers would never go down and it was too embarrassing to allow it to stay like that. It seemed so rude to have it stick up like that in front of Tiffany.


“What’s wrong Taetae?” Tiffany’s worried eyes searched his face for answers. “Are you still in pain?”


“Er…” Taeng’s face was a deep tomato red by now. “I’m sorry about that.” He gestured towards his very alert ‘best friend’.


Tiffany looked at it before looking deep into his eyes smilingly. “I don’t mind it,” she said calmly and pleasantly.


Taeng gaped at her and she was amused to see his face contort into a incredulously mixed expression comprising of disbelief, surprise, extreme excitement, exhilaration and a myriad of other feelings that were molding his face into that cute little constipated expression. She giggled, making him look even more constipated.


She placed her warm hand on his thigh gently.


“I’ll change the dressing for you. Don’t move,” she commanded.


Taeng swallowed and nodded obediently.


“Where are the bandages and stuff?”


Taeng pointed towards the shelf and Tiffany brought them over to the couch.


“Don’t worry. I’m trained in first aid.” She smiled.


Taeng thought that her smile looked a little different. It was…ier. He gulped—hard. It was going to be very trying for him as she dressed his wound.


She was quick and deft and surprisingly adept at dressing the wound. In no time at all, he had a brand new bandage wrapped around his wound which had been cleaned by efficiently by her as well.


“Wow, you’re so good at this,” Taeng marveled over her first aid skills.


Tiffany smiled widely. She put the bandages and stuff away neatly before sitting down next to him on the couch. Taeng took a big t-shirt that was hanging over the back of his couch and handed it to her awkwardly.


“Er…why don’t you put this on…?” He cleared his throat awkwardly, averting his eyes from her. She looked down at herself and almost laughed out loud. She had totally forgotten that she had taken her dress off earlier and was now wearing nothing but her lingerie.


There was a seductive glint in her eye as she spoke. “I dressed your wound…so now…it’s your turn to dress me.”


She raised her hands and waited for him to put the t-shirt on for her. He gulped double hard as he gathered the t-shirt in his shaky hands and tugged it over her head and down her upper torso. The t-shirt was just long enough to cover her but her creamy, white thighs remained visible to him so he reached for the blanket that was neatly folded on the arm of the couch and put it over her legs.


“There.” Taeng finally smiled in relief.


Tiffany couldn’t help it. She LAUGHED OUT LOUD.




“Daddy!” Both girls cried out in unison as Mr. Jung finally opened his eyes. He looked a little lost and confused as his eyes jumped from Jessica to Krystal and back to Jessica. Then he smiled; albeit, rather weakly.


“Sooyeon… Soojung…” His voice was weak.


“I’m here.” They spoke in unison yet again and grabbed hold of his hand. Their hands met and they exchanged looks of awkwardness but neither girl removed their hand from their father’s. He smiled widely when he saw how their hands met his. This was what he had been dreaming about all this while.


“Daddy, I’m sorry.” Krystal cried as she apologized.


Mr. Jung smiled wanly and shook his head slightly. “It’s alright, Soojung ah.”


Jessica remained awkwardly silent. She wished that she could apologize as easily as Krystal could but remained stubbornly shut. The tension within her had her unwittingly tighten her grip on her father’s hand. He felt the squeeze and looked at his elder daughter.


He smiled at her lovingly. He knew that she was sorry too. With some effort, he lifted his other hand and patted her hand as he nodded. Jessica looked up at him and was touched by the look of fatherly love that he had on his face. A tear rolled down her cheek, followed by another…and another…and another…and that was the very first time in her life that she let herself cry in front of her father.


Mrs. Jung stood by the door, unseen by them. She felt immense pangs of pain in her heart as she looked at the back of Krystal, the daughter of his mistress. A few tears escaped her eyes and made their way down her cheeks as she turned and left the room unseen by the rest of them.


I can’t do this anymore. I can’t.



Yul was most surprised to smell the aroma of fried eggs coming from his apartment. He breathed deeply, inhaling the mouthwatering fragrance as he unlocked his door. He couldn’t quite believe his eyes as he stepped into his home. Jessica was leaning against the dining table, smiling at him in a strange way. There was a plate on the table and it was what was on the plate that amazed Yul—a nice looking omelette.


He walked to the table, set his bag down on the chair and gaped at the omelette. He bent towards it and sniffed at it. Oh boy did it smell good. He looked at Jessica and saw that look of achievement on her face.


Sica baby made this?!


“I made this,” Jessica announced with pride, as though she had read his thoughts. “Try it!”


Yul picked up the fork that was laid beside the plate and tried a generous portion of it.


“Mmm! Yummy!” Yul couldn’t resist another huge helping of it and in the blink of an eye, the omelette was gone. “That was really delicious Sica!” Yul patted his tummy happily.


Jessica’s lips had curled into a wide grin as she watched Yul devour the omelette that she had so painstakingly made after more than ten unsuccessful tries.


“I put some cheese in there too.” Jessica added, wanting to hear more praises from Yul.


Yul grinned. He knew that Jessica was fishing for compliments from him.


“Sica baby…if the way to a guy’s heart is through his stomach, then you have my heart completely; inside and out.”


Jessica giggled. “Really? The omelette was that good?”


“Uh huh.” Yul nodded and held her in his arms. He planted a gentle kiss on her lips. “There…now you’ve got a taste of the omelette too.”


Jessica grinned cheekily. “I didn’t quite get to taste it that time.” And with that, she pressed her lips on his again, taking the kiss to another level.


Yul grinned as her lips roved over his. He tightened his arms around her waist and reduced the distance between them. He loved feeling her all pressed up against him. Then he joined in the foray of lip domination and soon had Jessica gasping for breath as their tongues did the tango with ever increasing intensity.


He unlatched his lips from hers and traveled down south to her jaw and neck where he stopped to enjoy teasing her sensitive spots that he had discovered previously. She moaned sensually every time his lips found that sweet spot and she would feel his grin against her skin which turned her on incredibly.


He kissed his way down her body through her clothes and soon his face was level with her lower torso. He looked up at her through eyes that were clouded over in love and desire for this beautiful, sensual female who stood before him. There was no doubt that she wanted him as much as he wanted her. She trembled from the intensity of her desire as he undid her pants and tugged them down.


Her voice was at its huskiest as she pulled him back up into a standing position.


“Yul.” She clasped his face and smiled ever so sweetly. She let out a surprised little yelp as he swept her off her feet and into his arms with apparent ease and planted a big, wet kiss on her lips.


“Let’s take this into the bedroom, shall we?” His deep husky voice drove her temperature up several notches.


“Yes please.”


And with that, they disappeared into the bedroom and sounds of them smooching could already be heard as the door swung shut.




“Your father waking up has taken a huge load off your shoulders hasn’t it?” Yul whispered into Jessica’s ear as he massaged her bare shoulders gently.


“Mmm…” Jessica hummed into the pillow that her face was buried in.


Yul chuckled and concentrated on massaging his way down her . “Your muscles are a lot more relaxed today.” Then he bent down and whispered in her ear. “And I especially like your moans today.”


Jessica turned red and turned around to smack his arm shyly. “Ya! Don’t tease me.”


Yul chuckled louder than before and pushed her back down on the bed, flat on her tummy. “Don’t interrupt the massage.” His big, warm hands worked their way down her back and up again as he straddled her. Jessica purred as his deft fingers squeezed and kneaded the tension out of her back and shoulder muscles.


“Sica baby…”




“I’ve just taken over a couple of cases from my co-workers so I have to stay late at the office for this whole week to get my work done. Do you want to move back home during this week?”


Jessica lifted her head up at this. She looked at him strangely.


“Are you trying to get rid of me?”


“No I’m not.”


“You’re trying to get me to reconcile with that sister of mine?”


“No, no, no. I don’t mean it that way. I just thought that you might be bored without me around for so many nights and I’m sure you miss being home.”


Jessica looked at Yul quietly. What he said did make sense as usual. Now that he mentioned it…she did miss her room and her bed a little. It would be nice to go back home for a little while.


“You’re right… I miss my own room a little actually. In that case, I’ll move back for this week but once you’re done with your work and late nights, I’m coming back here.”


“That’s my Sica baby.” Yul murmured in her ear as he wrapped his arms and legs around her, holding her close.




Sunny giggled. Yoong was trying to uncork the wine bottle but it was in the mood to defy his intentions. The cork simply refused to budge. His face was tomato red and he gave up.


“Looks like we have to do with a sunset without the red wine, I’m sorry.” Yoong scratched his head sheepishly.


Sunny giggled again. “I don’t need to red wine. All I need is your hug to enjoy the sunset.”


Yoong grinned like a school boy who had just scored a kiss from his major crush and hugged her from behind immediately. Sunny sighed contently as she laid her head against his shoulder. Her arms were draped over his arms which encircled her waist.


It was in this cosy, comfortable position that they witnessed the setting of the sun, marveling over the amazing hues of orange and pink that painted the sky most beautifully. Yoong held her chin with his fingers and tilted her face towards him. He was about to claim her lips in what would be a really romantic moment when her phone burst into song.


Girl Hey U-Go-Girl De Le De Le That That That Girl


Yoong ignored the ringtone and pressed his lips onto hers possessively.


Girl Hey U-Go-Girl Baby Baby Baby Baby Girl


Sunny squirmed out from his kiss. “Let me answer it. It’s bugging me.”


Yoong sighed impatiently but released her and she answered her phone.


“Hello oppa!” Sunny went into her chirpy mode as soon as she saw the name of the caller flashing on her phone.


Yoong looked at her and frown. Oppa? Who is it?


“My help? Sure… I’ll help you!” Sunny nodded and listened some more. “Wow… you remember what I gave you so long ago?” Sunny smiled brighter than the sun.


Yoong raised his eyebrows high. She gave this oppa something? What was it?


“Mmm…that’s not difficult.” Sunny giggled girlishly. “Oppa…you’re so cute! Okay, I’ll help you since you’re so helpless.” Sunny listened and shook her head. “You don’t have to thank me. I’m always glad to help you, you know that right?” Sunny listened and nodded. “Sure, I’m good with secrets…” Sunny giggled. “…I’ll come over and teach you tomorrow.”


Yoong stared at her with his mouth wide open. SUNNY IS GOING TO HIS PLACE?!


“Bye oppa.”


Sunny put her phone away and turned back to Yoong. She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled seductively at him.


“Now…where were we?”


Yoong narrowed his eyes at her. “Who was that?”


Sunny giggled. “I’m sorry… I can’t tell you.”




Sunny looked at him strangely. “Why are you shouting? He’s just a friend.”


“Then why can’t you tell me who he is?”


Sunny sighed. “He asked me to keep it a secret.”


“A secret?”


Sunny nodded. “He asked me for some help and made me promise not to tell anyone about it.”


Yoong shook his head disapprovingly. “He sounds fishy.”


Sunny laughed heartily and her eyes twinkled merrily. “Yoong…I assure you that he’s anything but fishy. And I’m helping him with something really important so I really can’t let the cat out of the bag.”


Yoong frowned. He was not happy about that.


Sunny ran her fingers across his eyebrows. “Don’t be unhappy… please? I promise you that this is a really harmless request for help. You have nothing to worry about at all.”


Yoong relaxed slightly and sighed resignedly. “Okay…okay…I will not force you to tell me if you don’t want to.”


Sunny grinned and gave him a quick peck on the lips. “Thanks for being understanding.”


Yoong growled. “You gotta kiss me better than that if you’re thanking me.”


Sunny giggled and winked at him before launching her lips into predator mode, hunting down every last bit of his lips with hers, devouring him like a starved animal.



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Fire_trek 341 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 341 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD