Round 25

Personal Differences

Round Twenty-Five


Tiffany’s mouth gaped open and it was moments later that she realized that was hanging open in the most embarrassing way. She shut it promptly as Mrs. Choi began speaking again.


“I know you probably think that I’m crazy for changing my mind so quickly but I hope you understand that everything bad I did to you was really because I had been hoodwinked. You know that I love you, don’t you Tiffany? We were on such good terms before. I treated you like my own daughter from the start.”


“Yes, I remember. And that’s why I’ve always tried to be respectful to you, even when you were treating me badly.”


Mrs. Choi sighed deeply. “I know. I know I crossed that line when I slapped you in the office. That was so wrong of me. Please understand. I had a quarrel with Siwon over you and he almost got knocked down by a car. My nerves were totally shaken after that.”


Tiffany’s eyes grew wider as a she looked at Siwon. He loved her that much to the point of even getting into a quarrel with his mother?!


Siwon looked at her with love in his eyes and spoke, as if reading her thoughts. “I love you so much Fany ah. Please give us a chance. now that all this is cleared up, there’s nothing left to stop us, Fany ah.”


Tiffany shut her eyes and buried her face in her palms. This was a little too much to handle. And it was only her lunch break! That thought snapped her back to her senses. She looked at her watch and gasped in shock. She had taken way too long with this.


“Mrs. Choi, Siwon, I have to go. My lunch break was over long ago. My main objective of meeting you was really to ask you to forgive Sunhae. She looked pretty upset when she met me that day. So, Siwon, you may want to speak to her about this…pacify her or something.” Tiffany glanced at her watch again. “Pardon my bad manners, Mrs. Choi, but I really have got to get going.”


“Of course, you shouldn’t be late for work. Go, go, we will meet again.” Mrs. Choi smiled warmly at Tiffany and for an instant she felt as though she had been transported back to the past, back to the beginning, before all the sh*t happened. She bowed respectfully and left in a flurry, rushing back to her office as quickly as she could.


Siwon looked at his mother sadly. “Mum, do you think I still stand a chance with Tiffany?”


“You’ve got to give it all you’ve got Siwon, I’m so sorry…”


“It’s ok Mum, I guess, if we’re meant to be together, we will get back together. I will give it all I’ve got.”




Taeng looked at his watch constantly. It was not like Tiffany to allow herself to be this late back at work. He was growing anxious. What if Siwon wouldn’t let her go? What if that scary mother of his slapped her again?


He jumped to his feet when he saw Tiffany striding into the office in double quick time.


“Are you alright Tiffany?”


Tiffany flashed a quick smile and nodded. “Any calls for me whilst I was gone?”


Taeng nodded. “The caterer called.”


Tiffany looked at him pointedly. “Why didn’t you call me immediately? I told you that this was urgent, didn’t I?”


Taeng looked down at his feet. “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to disturb your lunch with…”


“Taeng, when I tell you do to something, follow my instructions,” Tiffany cut his explanation short and headed into her office like the wind.


Taeng sat down, feeling worse than ever. Tiffany hadn’t spoken to him in that manner since… He didn’t want to think about it anymore so his face found his palms and sought for solace within them.




Tiffany sat down and got on the phone with the caterer. Moments later, she put the phone down, sighing with relief. Fortunately, the slight delay had not caused any problems. She looked out of her office’s window and saw Taeng’s face in his palms. A pang of guilt hit her like a wave but she decided to talk to him a little later. Right now, her mind was in a whirl.


Mrs. Choi’s proposal for her to get back with Siwon was…beyond description. It was totally unexpected and Tiffany found herself at a loss of what to do.




“Jessi, I need to talk.”


“Yak on, sister.”


“It’s about Siwon.”


Jessica rolled her eyes at the other end and scoffed. “What about that jerk?”


“His mother just apologized to me and asked me to forgive her. The whole thing was caused by Sunhae’s lies. She lied to his mother about me. As it turns out, she wants Siwon for herself.”


Tiffany summarized the entire story for Jessica. The older girl gasped, oohed, ahhed and gasped again over what transpired over lunch.


“Now, what do I do, Jessi?” Tiffany asked her best friend miserably.


“Er, why are you so miserable? Shouldn’t you be cheering and jumping for joy right now? All your worries and troubles have gone away! Siwon is yours for the taking! Marry him!” Jessica’s excited voice zipped across the line.


“Really? That’s your advice?” Tiffany asked uncertainly.


“You love Siwon, don’t you? Our last talk about him certainly convinced me that you love him even though I was urging you to date Taeng.”


“I love Siwon?”


Jessica raised her eyebrows. “Don’t you? Or has something changed since the last time we broached this subject? Is it Taeng? Has that little man actually found his way into your heart?” She sounded excited all over again.


Tiffany sighed. Jessica wasn’t of much help. That girl was just too flamboyant and flippant to think calmly. “If I knew that, I wouldn’t have called you Jessi.”


“Aww~ Tif, You know that I want the best for you. I want you to be with whoever you are in love with. Nothing beats love, you know? Like how I love Yul and Yul loves me. It’s the best feeling in the world. you feel like you’re floating in the clouds and the stars smile down on you and all the cucumbers in the world have disappeared and –”


Jessica found herself talking to a dead tone.


Tiffany had hung up on her. Opps, I guess I went overboard with that. Jessica giggled as she continued practicing her egg frying skills in the kitchen that looked like it came out from a very successful horror movie.






“Yes Boss?”


Tiffany looked at Taeng’s downcast expression and felt sorry for him. It wasn’t really his fault. Telling him about what had happened today however, would take too much energy and she was too tired. I’ll talk to him tomorrow.


“Never mind. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”


“Oh, okay Boss.”


Tiffany heaved a heavy sigh and left the office. Taeng as usual, would be the last one to leave. She looked back at him, shuffling papers and stacking them neatly. What exactly did she feel for Taeng?




“Yul, I think Tiffany is dumping me for Siwon.”


Yul cocked an eyebrow and leaned forward on his elbows. “Really? Why do you think so?”


Taeng sighed and described everything that happened through the day in detail. “Doesn’t it sound like she’s going back to him?”


“I don’t know Taeng. It’s hard to tell but you should go for her if you like her.”


“Should I?”


“Taeng, you’re my best friend. I know you inside out. You’re a good man through and through. Any girl would be lucky to have you.”


Taeng’s chest swelled with pride upon hearing Yul’s praises. “You really think so? Even though Siwon is much richer and taller and stronger than me? He’s also known her much longer and they were going to get married.’ His chest started to deflate as he rattled off all the advantages Siwon had over him.


“Taeng, I’m with Jessica—one of the richest girls in South Korea—but do I run away from her because I’m not rich like her? Do I give way to other men who are wooing her just because they are richer than me?”


“No, you don’t. The two of you love each other; that’s what matters.”


“Taeng, you said it yourself.”


“But I don’t know if Tiffany loves me, Yul.”


“Ask her, Taeng. Man up and ask her. She’s dating you, isn’t she? Why would she date you if she doesn’t even like you?”


Taeng brightened up at that. It all made sense. Tiffany would at least like him a little bit. After all, they had kissed several times now. That ought to mean something…


“Thanks Yul! I’m going to look for her now!”


“Bring her some flowers, Taeng!”


“Okay!” Taeng shouted back as he jogged towards a nearest florist to buy some pink roses for his lovely boss, Tiffany.




I’m too late. Taeng’s heart sank to the pits as he stood on the other side of the road. Siwon was with her, standing on the pavement alongside the building that she lived in. He gasped in horror as he saw Siwon getting onto his knee, taking out a baby blue box—the unmistakable Tiffany & Co. colour—and opening it, showing Tiffany its contents. Blood rushed to his head and he could hear his heart pounding away.


Then everything happened in slow motion.


He saw a woman running towards Tiffany.


The woman raised her hand, holding something metallic.


It reflected the light of the street lamp and Taeng realized that it was a knife.


He hollered and kicked off running towards Tiffany, flailing his arms like a madman, all the while still holding the bouquet of pink roses.


He slipped on the wet pavement as he got to Tiffany, whamming into her, falling over her while Siwon yelled in horror as the unidentified woman brought her knife-wielding hand down towards Tiffany.


He heard Tiffany’s glass-shattering scream, Siwon’s horrified scream and felt something sharp slicing through his body.


He looked down and saw red.


“BLOOD!” he screamed.


Then all was calm.


All was quiet.



All they did was whisper but it was noisy, even then. It was as if his ears had become extra sensitive overnight. The whispering aroused him from his sleep. His heavy eyelids opened a crack but he saw double of everything, which made him dizzy. He shut his eyes again for a while before opening a tiny crack again. This time, his vision was clear.


He saw a raven-haired girl in the arms of a tall and handsome man. Her shoulders were heaving and he could hear her sobbing softly. Across the room, he saw a brunette who looked icy cold but she was cuddling in the arms of another tall and handsome man.


Why are they all so tall?! Why am I so short?! He sighed inwardly. At least I’m better looking than them. He smiled to himself at that thought. Argh, my head hurts…


As he looked around his bed, he realized that his bed buddy was missing. He panicked. WHERE ARE MY PEAS?!?!?! He sat up instantly, looking around wildly for any sign of his peas but a strange sensation had him clutching his head as the room spun around him.


He groaned. Four heads turned to look at him. The raven-haired girl rushed to his side immediately and fussed over him like a mother hen.


“Taeng? Are you alright?”


With his head in a haze and a desperate, nagging need to know where his peas hounding his mind, his eyes widened to their limits as her worried yet beautiful face hovered within an inch of his face.


No…too…close…Tiffany was too close…


He leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers. Three loud gasps reverberated through the air in the room.




“Hey Sunny, do you want to join us for some drinks tonight?”


Sunny raised her head up and peeped over the towering stack of files to look at Sungmin. “You guys go ahead. I’ve got plans.”


“Oh, alright, next time then.” Sungmin smiled at her while the other guys in the group pouted in disappointment. Sunny was always great fun and good to have around when they went drinking. For one, she had a never ending supply of fun ideas and games to play. Without her around, it’d just be a group of guys and guy talk.


“Yoong, we’re going for drinks tonight. Join us?” Sungmin popped his head into Yoong’s office.


Yoong looked up briefly from his documents and shook his head. “I’m busy.”


Sungmin cocked his head to one side and went back to his seat. He launched the group chat that he used to communicate with his co-workers.


Sungmin: Yoong said no.


Leeteuk: Don’t you find it strange? Those two used to be more than happy to join us.


Heechul: What is Sunny busy with? Does she have a boyfriend or something?


Yesung: Sungmin, ask Sunny will you? I’m dying of curiosity here.


Sungmin: Ok, I’ll ask her.


He spotted her walking towards the pantry and grabbed his mug before heading there as well.

He smiled at her and proceeded to make himself a cup of coffee whilst she made a cup of hot chocolate.


“Seems like you’re pretty busy lately huh?” Sungmin started off with a little small talk.


“Yeah, the resort opening is happening so soon.” Sunny scrunched up her face, looking rather stressed out about it.


“Don’t stress yourself out too much okay? We’re all here to help you with it.” Sungmin comforted her kindly.


“Yeah, I know.” Sunny smiled gratefully. These guys had indeed been helping her out a lot. “Thanks for all your help.”


“No problem Sunny. So, how are things with Yoong lately?” Sungmin asked most casually.


Sunny almost scalded herself with hot water—she was so surprised by his question. “Uh what do you mean?”


“He was trying to get closer to you, wasn’t he? Is he still bothering you?”


“Uh, no, he’s not bothering me,” Sunny replied as calmly as she could. He’s just dating me, that’s all.


“That’s good to know. Mind if I ask you a personal question?”


“Go ahead.”


“Have you got a boyfriend or something?”


Sunny chocked on her hot chocolate, scalding her lips in the process. Sungmin apologized profusely for giving her a shock with his question, all the while supplying her with napkins to clean herself up with.


“Yes, I have a boyfriend,” Sunny answered his question bravely, knowing that he and the other three gossipy co-workers were not going to let her off the hook until they knew everything about it. Or at least I think I have one, does Yoong consider me as his girlfriend? We’ve certainly done a lot of the stuff that boyfriends and girlfriends do together.


Her face turned red at the thought and she suppressed a giggle that was hovering dangerously near the surface.


Sungmin gasped. “And you didn’t tell us? Is that why you haven’t been joining us after work lately?”


Sunny nodded furtively. Dang, she was threading on thin ice here.


Sungmin hugged Sunny all of a sudden. “I must say, Sunny, as your senior co-worker and friend, I am happy for you.”


Sunny giggled. “Thanks.”


Right at this moment, Yoong walked in. He halted in his tracks when he saw Sungmin hugging Sunny. A strange look flashed past his impish face and he cleared his throat loudly. Sungmin jumped away from Sunny when he saw Yoong. “Yoong! Hey! Here for some coffee as well? I’ve got mine.” And with that, he left the pantry, leaving behind Yoong and a rather dazed Sunny.


Sunny suddenly felt a little uncomfortable being alone with Yoong in the small space especially after having that conversation with Sungmin just a moment ago. “I’ve got my drink too.” She smiled at him rather shyly. “I’ll get back to work now.”


Yoong caught her arm as she passed by but she extracted her arm hurriedly, afraid that people might catch them at that moment.


“What’s wrong Sunny? Sungmin can hug you but I can’t touch your arm?” he said sarcastically in a gruff voice.


“I’m just worried that we might be seen, that’s all.” Sunny looked at him strangely. Boy, is he sensitive today.


“And why can’t we be seen?”


Sunny gave him a pointed look. “We’ve been over this haven’t we? We want to stay professional at work.” What’s up with you? We both agreed on this.


“Staying professional huh, yeah I hope you remember that.” Yoong looked at her just as pointedly as she did before turning to leave the pantry.


Geez, what was that about? Sunny shook her head in puzzlement as she headed back to her seat.




“Sunny, I’ve got to cancel our date tonight. Work has butted its head in again.”


“Oh, I’ll join the rest for drinks then.”


“Go ahead,” Yoong replied smoothly. His fist however, was clenched and he wasn’t in the least happy about the way she reacted to his news.


“Hey guys, my date canceled so I guess I’m joining in the drinks tonight.” Sunny smiled. She missed hanging out with her co-workers. They were a fun and innocent bunch of people to hang out with.


“YAY!” they cheered, not knowing that they had just made Yoong angrier.




Yoong walked into the pub after work late only to see Sunny seated amongst the guys, with Sungmin’s and Heechul’s arms draped around her. She was laughing like a school girl at some joke and so were the others. She looked happy, too happy without him. Sungmin spotted him and called to him.


“Yoong! What a surprise! Come and join us!”


Yoong walked over and joined them, seating himself furthest away from Sunny. Sunny felt disappointed that he didn’t sit nearer to her but she couldn’t show it, so she smiled even more brightly and sat up.


“Let’s play a drinking game!” she yelled exuberantly.


“Hurray!” The rest cheered. Sunny’s drinking games were always fun to play.



It was getting late and they were getting drunk. Sunny laughed a lot and drank a lot. Her face was flushed and she was beginning to see double.


“Hey, it’s time to head home guys,” Yoong announced as calmly as he could. He had gotten angrier and angrier all through the night and was all ready to blow his top.


“Yeah…” Sungmin stood up and looked down at Sunny who had fallen asleep, somewhat. “Who’s going to send our sleeping beauty home?”


“I will send her,” Yoong announced firmly. “The rest of you are way too drunk to take care of yourselves, let alone her.”


Heechul giggled and stood up unsteadily. “You’re absolutely right Yoong. Well I’ll be going now. See you back at work!”


Slowly, the four men left the pub, leaving behind Yoong and a sleeping Sunny. Suddenly, she sat up and looked around, feeling confused. “Where did everyone go?”


“Home and so should you.” Yoong helped her up and held her waist firmly, ensuring that she wouldn’t fall. He brought her to his car and helped her in, buckling her seatbelt for her, before driving to her home.


“Here, have some water.” Yoong passed her a bottle of water from the backseat. He had bought it earlier, knowing that she’d probably need it after drinking.


“Thanks Yoong.” Sunny smiled and leaned over to plant a kiss on his cheek. Yoong however, pushed her away.


“Sit properly. I’m driving.”


Sunny pouted but complied.



Yoong supported Sunny as she leaned heavily against him and tried to open the door. He kicked the door shut behind them and brought Sunny into her bedroom. She collapsed onto it and rolled over before sitting up.


“Why have you been so angry all night?” she asked out of the blue.


Yoong stilled as he bent down to pick her jacket up from the floor. When he stood up to face her, his jaw was set. “Why do you think?”


“I can’t read your mind, sir,” Sunny snapped.


Yoong glared at her angrily, unable to suppress his anger anymore.


Suddenly, Sunny felt a little uneasy as she saw the fire flicker in his eyes.


“If you want to be a player, just say so!’ Yoong roared at Sunny, making her jump in her skin and scoot away from him. She grabbed a pillow and hid behind it.


“What do you mean?” she asked in a small voice.


“From hugging Sungmin to playing all the games all night, do you know how much skin you let them touch tonight?” Yoong literally breathed fire through his nostrils. “I should have known that you’re a player through and through. Don’t play with my feelings, Sunny!”


“I’M NOT PLAYING WITH YOUR FEELINGS!” Sunny found the courage to yell back before hiding behind her pillow again. “And don’t shout at me like that. You are scaring me,” she added in a smaller voice.


Yoong looked at her hiding timidly behind a pillow and felt the fire in him losing its heat. And the sight of her scared little puppy eyes made the rest of his fieriness extinguish in that instant. He sat down on the bed, feeling totally defeated by this bundle of cuteness that was his woman. “I’m sorry for shouting at you like that. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have.”


“You were jealous, weren’t you?” Sunny asked in a small voice.


Yoong looked at her for a long time. “It’s a little more than that, Sunny.”


“Young told me about your past before. There was a girl who hurt you badly. Is this about her?”


Yoong looked sharply at Sunny, his face registering mild shock, surprise and insecurity. He looked at her without saying anything for a long time before answering. “I guess it has a little to do with that.”


“Yoong, I’m a player but I told you that it’s just you and me this time and I meant it.”


He looked at her as she bravely made her way to him on the bed. She took his hand in hers and held it securely.


“If I didn’t want to stop playing around, I wouldn’t have agreed to date you exclusively. I could have said no and played on. I know that my heart isn’t exactly yours yet and perhaps that makes you insecure but rest assured that you are half-way there, Yoong.”


Yoong looked at Sunny’s warm and sincere eyes and was assured in that instant. He dragged his hand down his face, feeling most embarrassed about his behavior towards Sunny.


“I’m so sorry, Sunny,” was his muffled apology.


Sunny smiled and shook her head. “It’s alright. I understand.” She hugged him tightly and he hugged her back.


Neither of them remembered how their lips got together. Neither of them remembered how they ended up taking off their clothes as they got to second base but the both of them would always remember this night—the night that they moved a step closer towards each other.




The sunshine woke Yoong up. He was vaguely aware of a warm and soft body curled up against him. With his eyes still closed, he tightened his arms around this body and tucked his legs around it as well. He took a deep breath, inhaling the pleasant scent that came from this body and sighed happily. It took five whole seconds before his eyes sprang open, deliciously aware that he was in fact spooning Sunny. His lips curled into a lazy grin as he felt the smoothness of her skin as his leg moved against hers.




Sunny felt something rubbing against her leg and stirred. She yawned cutely and opened her eyes just a crack. She discovered a pair of arms that weren’t hers, wrapped around her bra-clad bosom. She was quick to note that her remained intact. With a strong sense of relief, she concluded that all they had done was literally sleep together which was in itself a first for her. She had never in her life, slept with anyone before—with or without .


She turned in his arms to face him. “Good morning, Mr. Green.”


“Mr. Green?” Yoong cocked a quizzical eyebrow.


“Green for jealousy.” Sunny giggled and nuzzled her head in his chest, preventing him from coming back with some smart remark.


“Just so you know…” Sunny continued, lifting her head to meet his eyes. “I’ve never slept with anyone before, so you’re the first man I’ve ever slept with.”


Yoong froze in shock. “What? Are you serious? That means you’re a v-v-v…” His voice faded away in sheer surprise and disbelief.


Sunny pouted and poked him in the ribs. “Why are you so surprised? I’m not that kind of player. You can ask Young, we never did get past second base.”


Yoong groaned. “Please don’t tell me that. I believe you, I believe you.”


Sunny giggled. She pushed herself up and planted a kiss on his chin. “So you have nothing to be jealous about, Yoong.”


The most ridiculous grin broke across Yoong’s handsome impish face and he kissed her full on the lips with a loud smack.

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Fire_trek 342 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 342 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD