Round 23

Personal Differences

Round Twenty-Three




“Yes darling?”


“What exactly happened between you and Tiffany?”


Mrs. Choi stiffened for an instant but recovered from her shock quickly—albeit not quickly enough to escape Siwon’s eyes.


“Why do you ask?”


“Tiffany asked me to ask you.”


That gold digging girl! What did she say to my dear son this time? Mrs. Choi cranked up a megawatt smile and shook her head. “Don’t listen to that girl. She’s just uttering nonsense again.”


“She wasn’t Mum. She’s an intelligent, level-headed and self-motivated girl. She doesn’t utter nonsense. She doesn’t even joke that much! Let alone utter nonsense.”


Mrs. Choi narrowed her eyes and Siwon observed that her expression was guarded as she spoke in response to his little outburst.


“Siwon, I was under the impression that you are over that girl but clearly, you are not. Are you still trying to get her back? Why are you doing this to yourself? She doesn’t belong to our family. She can never be part of us.”


“Mum –”


“Son.” Mrs. Choi cut her son off firmly. “You don’t even know the truth about her but it looks like I don’t have a choice now. I have been very kind to her because I liked her very much but she only wants you for your money Siwon. That’s all she wants out of you.”


Siwon stilled, completely thunderstruck by his mother’s accusations of Tiffany. That was definitely not the Tiffany that he knew and had fallen in love with. That…was…not…HOLY CRAP!


“Mum, what or whoever gave you the idea that Tiffany only wants my money?” It was Siwon’s turn to regard his mother through narrowed eyes.


Mrs. Choi sighed. “I promised her never to let you know, but since I’ve said this much… Your best friend told me about Tiffany’s real intentions. I really shouldn’t be telling you this. I hope that your friendship with her doesn’t turn sour like she said it would if I told you.”


“WHAT? MY BEST FRIEND??? LEE SUNHAE???” Siwon was shell-shocked. “No…” His voice was barely above a whisper. “Mum, you couldn’t have been more mistaken about Tiffany…”


“Son, you are simply blinded by love. People around you can see it clearly but you can’t. Tiffany is clearly up to no good.”


“Mum, I don’t know what to say. I don’t…” Siwon stumbled backwards, out of the living room and turned, running towards the door, opening it and leaving the house as his tears built up, blurring his vision.


“Siwon! Where are you going?” Mrs. Choi called to him, worried for him. She hurried out of the house only to see him halt just outside the gates of his house, completely illuminated by the headlights of an incoming car.


She screamed.


He fell.


The car screeched to halt within an inch of his pale, stricken face.


And all Mrs. Choi could think about was how Tiffany had almost killed Siwon tonight.


Tiffany, you promised me to stay away from Siwon. I even offered you a generous amount of money—enough to spend for a lifetime. Now I know why you didn’t accept it. You never did give up on my son. You greedy girl, you want everything, don’t you?



Taeng was making a cup of coffee for Tiffany when he heard a commotion at the entrance. He popped his head out from the pantry and saw an immaculately groomed older woman insisting on being allowed to enter the premises. She was fuming mad. It was plain to see.


Taeng didn’t like fuming mad. He didn’t even like a little mad. Anger was not his favourite emotion. It always made people do stupid things that they’d regret later and he didn’t like to regret. Hence, he stepped forward to help defuse the situation.


“Hi, I’m Taeng. How may I help you?” He smiled pleasantly at the woman. He couldn’t help but gasp a little at her beauty upon seeing her up close and personal. Even at her age, one could still fall under her grace and charm.


“I need to see Tiffany.”


“I see, and may I know who you are?”


“I am Mrs. Choi.”


“I’m sorry but I’m not sure how you are related to her?”


“You don’t need to know that.” Mrs. Choi snapped. “It is none of your business who I am to her. Let me see her now!”


“WHAT IS ALL THE RUCKUS ABOUT? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO WORK WITH ALL THIS NOISE!” Tiffany emerged from her office, extremely unhappy with the disturbance at her workplace while she was in the middle of a conference call with her client. She stormed to the source of the ruckus and stopped in her tracks, her eyes widening in horror at the sight of the woman who had singlehandedly destroyed her happiness.


“Mrs. C-Choi?” Her voice could barely be heard for had turned as dry as a desert.


Mrs. Choi looked at her most angrily and strode to her in a few wide strides.


The slap landed squarely on Tiffany’s cheek. The impact was great but her shock was greater and that caused her to stumble backwards and fall to the ground; her hand covering the burning cheek instinctively.


“HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING LADY!” Taeng ran towards Tiffany, squatting down beside her, placing his arm protectively around her shoulders. He looked up at Mrs. Choi angrily. “HOW COULD YOU SLAP HER LIKE THAT? WHAT WRONG DID SHE DO TO DESERVE THIS? LEAVE BEFORE I CALL THE SECURITY!”


He turned to Tiffany and kissed her forehead gently, whispering comforting words into her ears as the raven-haired girl began to sob. He hugged her securely in his arms as she cried into his shoulder, her mind breaking down from the recent stress of work, relationship problems and now, the appearance of her nightmare, who had just slapped her.


Mrs. Choi looked at the couple on the floor and her eyes hardened. “So this man must be your boyfriend. If you already have a boyfriend, why are you still pestering my son? You broke your promise to me. I am most disappointed in you. And to think that I had trusted your last words said to me!”


“Who is your son? Tiffany isn’t pestering anybody! You must have got the wrong person!” Taeng shouted at her in Tiffany’s defense.


Mrs. Choi laughed most disturbingly. She looked at Taeng and smiled. “I know Tiffany too well to have got the wrong person. This is Tiffany Hwang Mi Young, is she not? And my son is Choi Siwon.”


Taeng gasped at the information. “You may have the right person but you’ve obviously got your facts wrong. Tiffany isn’t pestering Siwon. It’s the other way round. Siwon won’t leave Tiffany alone. He even tricked his way into having dinner with her.”


Mrs. Choi shook her head sadly. “It looks like yet another unfortunate man has fallen to Tiffany’s charms. Young man, you’re rich, aren’t you?”


Taeng looked at her strangely. “What are you talking about? I’m not rich at all. And why are you even asking me this all of a sudden?”


Mrs. Choi raised an eyebrow in surprise. “You are not rich? Are you sure you are her boyfriend?”


Taeng stood up and stretched to his full height—which barely topped Mrs. Choi’s—and held her gaze unwaveringly. “We are dating. I have held her hand. What does that make us?” He bent and helped Tiffany up, holding her waist supportively.


“And you are not rich at all?” Mrs. Choi was most surprised.


“Why are you so insistent about me being a rich man? My pay is even lower than Tiffany’s, how can I be a rich man?”


Mrs. Choi gaped at the news. Tiffany is dating someone who is poorer than her? Can pigs fly now?


“I don’t know why you came here so angrily and I don’t know why you slapped me but I would like to forget everything so please tell your son never to come near me again. I will cancel our project. Tell him that he is no longer my client. I don’t want to see him EVER AGAIN.” Tiffany had come back to her senses and was beginning to feel really, really angry.


“He is your client?” Mrs. Choi was shocked.


“It was him who approached Tiffany and asked her to help him plan the grand opening of his new pharmacy.” Taeng explained quickly, not wanting Mrs. Choi to think that Tiffany had been the one to initiate the partnership.


“Taeng, we have nothing to say to her. Don’t bother explaining. She seems to think that I’m some evil b*tch but I’m beyond caring about that.” Tiffany smiled wanly at Taeng and gave him a quick appreciative peck on his cheek, colouring his cheeks pink in the process. She turned to Mrs. Choi.


“I meant what I said earlier. I don’t know why and I don’t want to know. I want to have nothing more to do with the entire Choi family. You have stamped on my pride, killed my first love and strangled my happiness but I’m not going to let it stop me from living life to the fullest. As you can see, I am dating Taeng now. I have managed to move on after much difficulty. Please don’t come here and impose on my life again. We have nothing more to do with each other. LEAVE. ME. ALONE.” Tiffany held her emotions in and spoke in a deadly calm manner, emphasizing on the last three words—the furthest she’d go; she didn’t want to be too rude to Mrs. Choi.


The cold, solid steel in Tiffany’s voice sliced through the air, piercing into Mrs. Choi’s entire being. The older woman didn’t know what to think. Something was amiss. Something was very wrong somewhere for she was quite certain that Tiffany was not lying. And this man who was beside her, Taeng, the things he said, his steady eyes, he told the truth as well.


Their truths did not coincide with her truth. Why?


She looked at the couple who stood before her one more time before silently turning around to leave the office. Tiffany’s colleagues dodged and ducked out of her way as she walked straight to the entrance and disappeared from view.


Taeng took Tiffany’s hand and tugged her into her office, closing and locking the door. He shut all the blinds, blocking out the curious faces of their co-workers who were staring into the windows.


Once their privacy was secured, he walked to Tiffany who was seated on the couch. He hugged her again. Tiffany sighed and leaned her head on his shoulder.


“Taeng…” She murmured softly.




“Thank you.”


Taeng’s heart somersaulted a few times in succession most perfectly. He grinned from ear to ear as Tiffany planted a smiling kiss onto his cheek for the second time that day. He wanted to hop and jump around for joy but he couldn’t—not when Tiffany was still sad. He her beautiful, silky hair, enjoying the feeling of her hair around his fingers. Ooh, he could do this all day! Taeng looked down at Tiffany and his heart leapt again.


Her lips were so close to his. Too…close…in…the…danger…zone…


He puckered his lips and leaned a little lower and their lips touched. Tiffany jumped in her skin as she felt a pair of soft lips pressing into hers. It didn’t move. It simply stayed there—a delightful pressure.


One second passed. Two seconds… Three seconds… Four sec—


“Are you ever going to move your lips or is this how you kiss a girl? You were so much better the last time,” Tiffany talked with her lips still against his, grazing his lips in the process.


Taeng’s eyes widened to the point where his eyeballs could have dropped out if they wanted to. He blushed deep to the roots of his hair as he remembered the kiss they shared in that restaurant. “I can do better than that!” He declared—albeit a little shakily.


Tiffany’s eyes twinkled as she burst into laughter. Her loud, unbridled laughter reverberated through the office, door and out to the other side where multiple ears were pressed up against the door, in hopes of catching on to something that was said. The co-workers looked at one another in confusion. Why in the world was Tiffany laughing so happily when she had been so sad and angry just moments ago? Was Taeng really her boyfriend? The co-workers began to get excited. This dramatic episode in the office would feed the gossip mill for at least a month—they were sure of that.


Tiffany’s laughter eventually subsided and had reduced to little random giggles. Suddenly, she felt so much better. Taeng had a way with her. She realized that now. And it was amazing because he didn’t even have to try.




“Daddy, I am moving in with Yul for a little while.”


“What? Why?”


Jessica rolled her eyes. “Do you really have to ask? If it wasn’t for Yul insisting, I wouldn’t even be here talking to you. I would have been long gone by now so don’t make it worse for me by asking stupid questions like that.”


Mr. Jung sighed. Jessica thought that he looked ten years older since the last night. A tinge of heartache for her father pinched her heart but her deep, dark anger ignored it. She was going to inflict pain on her father—as much as she could. It was payback for the hell he had put her and her mother through.


“Sica, please, don’t leave this family.”


“Oh, I’m not leaving. Oh no I’m not. I’m not stupid, Daddy. I’m not going to let that b*astard child of yours become the only daughter of the Jung’s. No. I am the only rightful daughter of the Jung’s and I’m not going to let the daughter of your disgusting mistress own this family or this house.”


Jessica paused to breathe.


Remember this Daddy, I am the only legitimate Jung in this place. That other daughter of yours, she was an accident wasn’t she? You didn’t want her but she’s here anyway. And as long as I’m alive, I will never ever accept her as a member of the Jung family. NEVER. She is just a very unpleasant reminder of all the women you have ed other than Mummy. And that is why I’m going to live with Yul—until I figure a way to get rid of her so that I won’t have to see her face in this house. My house with my ed up family.”


Jessica stood up, not waiting to hear what her father had to say and walked to the door. With her hand on the door knob, she turned around.


“Oh, I almost forgot to ask. Do I have your permission to live with Yul, Daddy?”


With Jessica in her rampant wrathful mode—just like the time when she first found out about his affairs—he knew that it was best to let her have her way.


“Yes you have my permission, Sica.” Mr. Jung closed his deeply saddened eyes.


“Not that I care for your permission but Yul wanted me to get it.”


And with that, Jessica walked out of the study, past the living room and out of the house, before getting into the car.


“To Yul’s.”



The tall raven-haired girl shook, from the deepest corner of her heart all the way out to her lips—she shook as she stood behind that pinewood door. Jessica’s words had cut right through her like a knife. And her half-sister was right. Jessica was the only legitimate daughter of the family. Who was she? She was born of a mistress. Was her mother even considered a mistress? Would her Dad even have talked to her mother again if not for her being conceived? What right did she have to be in this house? She was but an unpleasant reminder of…


She squeezed her eyes shut. She had had to grow up tolerating being bullied and taunted at by the meaner kids at school because of her family background. She was used to hearing unkind words thrown at her carelessly. You see, she went to a school for the rich but those kids knew that she wasn’t born legitimately and so they never accepted her into their circle.


Most would just ignore her but there was a group that made it a point to make her life miserable for her. All that, she could handle. Hearing those words coming from her very own half-sister, however, hurt much, much more than she ever thought it would. It hurt to know that her very existence could cause so much pain to somebody else.


I should just disappear.




“Did your father give you permission?”


Yesss…” Jessica rolled her eyes at Yul. “Gawd, I’m an adult Yul. why would I need his permission at all?”


“It’s a form of respect. I’m not saying that you’re not an adult Sica. I certainly treat you like an adult.” Yul’s eyes flashed dangerously close to displeasure.


Jessica knew that Yul would be displeased but she was in that sort of mood and spoiling for a fight.


“You’re just a goody two-shoes, Yul. It’s so irritating.”


“Sica…” Yul said in a warning tone.


Jessica shot him a glare. “Don’t use that tone on me. I’m not a kid that needs to be disciplined.”


Yul shot her a glare of equal intensity. “If you’re here to pick a fight with me I am more than ready for it. Don’t forget, I’m a prosecutor. Verbal jousting is what I do for a living. But I don’t want to fight over something like this with you. I’m going to leave you alone now. When you’ve finally calmed down and gotten out of this ridiculous mood of yours, come and look for me in my study. I have work to do.”


Yul walked into his study and closed the door louder than usual and Jessica knew that she had done it. She had made him mad.




“Yul?” Jessica called from the other side of the door. “Kwon seobang…”


She opened the door and slipped in. Yul was reading a file that he had opened on his computer and typing away at the keyboard. She walked to him and wrapped her arms around his neck and shoulders. He paused—just long enough to move her arms away gently—before resuming his work.


Jessica pouted and whined. “I’m bored.”


“I’m busy,” was his curt and rather cold reply.


Jessica stared at his back for a while. Then she sighed and left the room quietly. He was still angry. What could she do?




She looked at her luggage sadly. She hadn’t even opened it and she’d already left. Her right hand massaged the area over her heart absentmindedly. Her heart was in so much anguish that she didn’t know if she’d ever recover from it. But she eventually will. She knew from personal experience that even the most hurtful words would eventually fade away into a dull ache, into numbness.


She laughed at her stupidity. She didn’t even have much cash with her. What was she to do? She stuck her hands into her pockets with a sigh and felt the presence of a foreign object in it. She took it out. It was a name card—Young’s name card. She it thoughtfully for a while but she knew that she didn’t really have much choice. She didn’t have any other friends to begin with and her family didn’t want her so…


It seemed so uncanny to seek help from a stranger but so long as this stranger didn’t know of her family background, it would be alright. Wouldn’t it?


She tapped his number into her phone and he answered after a few rings.


“H-Hello...” she said hesitantly. “I’m Krystal, we met on the plane, remember?”


“Of course I remember,” Young’s cheerful voice came over the phone. “Are you calling to tell me that you have decided to take up my offer?”


“Yes, that and, a little more,” Krystal said in a small voice. “I’m in need of some help actually.”


“I see. Well, I’d be glad to help.” Young paused. “Where are you now? I’ll come over to meet you in a while.”


Young hummed as Krystal told him of her location. “Mmhmm. Got it. I’ll be right over.”






Yoong looked up from his documents the moment he heard her voice—her hesitant voice. It was a tone that he had never heard before—Sunny wasn’t the type who would be hesitant about anything. “What’s the matter Sunny?”


Sunny looked down at her twiddling fingers and exhaled loudly. She seemed to have come to some sort of decision but was having trouble voicing it out. Then she slammed her palms on his table really hard, making him jump in his skin.


She held his gaze firmly. “I’ve ended the game with Young.”


Yoong blinked for a moment, not quite understanding what she had just said. Then it dawned on him. If she had ended the game with Young, that would mean—he gasped.


“You chose me!” he yelled out in sheer exhilaration.


Sunny blushed and nodded. Yoong went around the table and completely overwhelmed her in a great, big hug.


“Oh Sunny, you’ve just made me so happy! You have no idea!”


Sunny giggled and poked him in the ribs. “If you’re idea of being happy is hugging me to death then I’d rather you not be happy.”


“Oh, sorry!” Yoong loosened his arms but he did not let go.


He lowered his head and parted his lips to meet hers. Sunny raised her chin to meet him and their lips came together most naturally, knowing exactly where to go and what to do to each other. Yoong’s hand pressed into the small of her back and nape, leaving no space between them. Chest on chest—well, almost—and hip on hip, their bodies melted into each other as their tongues pushed for dominance.


Sunny got hold of his lower lip in her teeth and tugged on it gently. He moaned as his blood raced around the circuit, mostly to the south. Sunny felt his ever-growing ‘presence’ and giggled. She her hip at him and he groaned.


“Don’t tease me Sunny.”


Sunny grinned cheekily. “Well, that’s all I wanted to tell you. It’s time for me to knock off. Bye!” She turned to leave but Yoong pulled her back into his arms and wrapped his arms around her waist. She felt him against her and wiggled it, inducing a moan from Yoong.


“Sunny, you’re still as naughty as before,” Yoong groaned.


Sunny giggled. “I guess I can never fully stamp out the player in me.”


Yoong laughed and squeezed her with his arms. “Don’t stamp it out. I like you the way you are but I’m really happy that we can limit the number of players to just two—you and me.”


Sunny turned around to face him, rubbing against him yet again, torturing him slowly and deliciously. She flashed him a wide grin. “Yes, let’s play on, just you and me.”


Yoong whooped with joy and kissed her again, momentarily forgetting about the discomfort in his pants.


“I should warn you though. I’m not an easy game to play. My heart isn’t easy to get into.”


Yoong looked deep into her chocolate brown eyes and smiled. “If you can get into mine, I’m sure that I can get into yours too.”




“Lee Sunhae.”


“Siwon oppa! What happened to you?” A tall, lean girl stepped forward to take his weary body into her arms.


He stepped back immediately, pushing her arms away with more strength than he appeared to possess. He looked at her most mournfully, alarming her further.


“You.” He pointed his index finger at her face. “You are my best friend.”


“Yes I am.” She nodded.


“Then how could you do this to me?”


“Wha–? What did I do?”


Siwon fisted his hand and banged the door with immense force as he face turned red with rage.




Sunhae recoiled in horror. How did he find out? Mrs. Choi promised never to—


“Siwon…” Sunhae began to sob. “I love you. I thought we are getting closer and closer, aren’t we? We even kissed last week.”


Siwon breathed through his mouth, his shoulders heaving as his agitation rose in intensity. “You are no longer my best friend. I don’t want to see you or even hear your voice ever again.”


“B-But I’m your secretary!” Sunhae cried out, her pain ever increasing in quantum leaps.


“I’ll have a new one by tomorrow morning. You will be transferred to another department.”


“No! You can’t do this to me Siwon.” Sunhae’s shoulder shook violently as sobs began to overcome her.


“Before you say things like that to me, think about what you have done,” Siwon said coldly. He turned away from the sobbing mess that had sunk to the ground in a heap, got into his car and drove away without looking back.



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Fire_trek 341 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 341 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD