Round 15

Personal Differences


“Yoong…check your email. I need you to authorize Sunny’s confirmation of employment. Her probation of three months is almost over now.”

“It’s already been three months?”

“Time flies when the going is good huh.” The voice on the other end snickered. “You have already amazed us by hanging on for so long. It’s totally unprecedented of you.”

“I told you guys that I’m serious about her, didn’t I? I’m having such a hard time with her no thanks to you guys and your idiotic loud mouths.”

“Woah, woah… Yoong…you can’t blame us for telling her about you. We really didn’t want to lose her after a month. How were we to know that she’s a player too?!”

“You guys are so dead when I get back.”

“Yoong…you should thank us for making it so challenging for you. Don’t you love challenges?”

“You’re so dead, Sungmin. So. Dead.” Yoong hung up on the guy who was laughing hard at his expense.

He powered on his laptop and checked his email. He clicked on the attachment and downloaded it. A double-click opened the document. It had Sunny’s profile and resume, followed by the document of confirmation that he had to sign and fax back to Sungmin.

Name: Sunny Lee Soonkyu
Date of Birth: 15 May 1989
Age: 22
Nationality: South Korean

His eyes scanned the details and got as far as her nationality before doubling back to look at her date of birth. 15 May 1989.

MAY 15! That’s our last day here! Sunny’s going to spend her birthday at work without any of her friends?

He decided that he wouldn’t allow that to happen. He would plan a surprise party at the resort for her. Rubbing his hands with glee, he began planning it out in his head.



“What’s up Yoong?”

“Why do you sound so bored?”

“Cos I’m that bored.”

“Haha… Then I have the perfect solution for you. I’m organizing a party for the 15th of May and I want you go come. I want to introduce you to my future girlfriend.”

“Girlfriend? Yoong…have you lost your mind?” Young gasped in disbelief. “Have you gone soft or something?”

“No, I haven’t gone soft. There’s just this girl that I think I’m seriously falling for. So I want you to meet her.”

“Is this the girl in your office that you mentioned before? The one who rejected you so heartlessly?”

“Yes, it’s her.”

“Gosh. Then I’ve got to see her. I want to see the girl who made you turn this way.”

“Great. I’ll see you at the party then. Bring a gift okay…? It’s her birthday.”

“Right…got it.”


“Sunny… Let’s have a party on our last day here shall we?” Yoong grimaced a little as he sat up on his bed.

“A party? That sounds good!” Sunny helped him to sit up by supporting his back which was now sporting a deep purplish blue bruise.

“Invite your friends over here. Let’s take advantage of what we have here.”

“Really? I’d love to invite my friend Hyoyeon here to join me. She is the best friend to party with.” Sunny flashed a bright sunny smile that almost blinded Yoong.

“Sure. Give me her address… I will send a car to pick her up.”

Sunny stared at him, feeling a little stunned. “Is that necessary? It’s just a casual party isn’t it?”

“Would your friend know how to get here? This place is new and it isn’t exactly on the maps yet.”

“Oh… I guess you’re right about that.”

“So that’s set then.” Yoong smiled and leaned back on the soft pillow that helped to support his aching back.


“Jessi…are you free on May 15? Yoong is organizing a party to celebrate our hard work over the past week and he said we could invite our friends.”

“I’m good to go. Can I bring Yul?”

“Of course you can.” Tiffany giggled. She knew how much Jessica loved spending time with her boyfriend.

“Great! I will be there!”

‘”See you soon Jessi!”


Young called Sunny for a chat. “Hello Sunny…how was work today? Long and hard like me?”

“Eww Young. You’re so erted.”

“Don’t tell me you don’t like it. I heard your chuckle.”

“That wasn’t a chuckle. It was a cough.”


“So sue me. HAH!” Sunny grinned as she bantered on with him.

“I will punish you instead.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

“Your punishment is to be my date.”

“Your date? For?”

“A party this May 15.”

“I’m sorry…I can’t. I’m still at work. It’s my last day though. We’re returning to Seoul after that.”

“Aww…I was going to introduce you to my friend. You know…the one who owns a few resorts.”

“Wow… You actually remember that?”

“Of course! I remember what I say very well.”

“Haha… Too bad though… I can’t go with you.”

“It’s alright. There’s always a next time.”

“So my punishment has been postponed then?”

“Your punishment begins the moment you get back to Seoul.”

Sunny laughed. “Oh…I can’t wait.”


Yoong was very busy in bed. No, not in busy that way, but he was busy getting things ready for Sunny’s surprise birthday party. Everyone was under the impression that it was a last day of work celebration but he planned to spring the cake and flowers on her to surprise her near the end of the party.

Then she will be so touched that she will fall in love with me and we can have hot, steamy loving all night long…

He grinned dreamily…indulging in his fantasy.

Oh yeah, Sunny… You’re so hot… A little faster…faster… Oh yeah milk me for all you want!

His fantasy was at its when a cute voice brought him crashing back down to reality.

“Yoong?” Sunny waved her hand in front of his face, wondering if he was asleep or not.

He jumped in his skin when he saw her. His memory of his fantasy was still vivid and it was odd seeing the real Sunny looking totally innocent right in front of him when she was screaming his name in his fantasy. He eyed his lower torso, hoping that nothing showed. He was relieved to see that his arousal could not be seen.

“Huh? Uh… What’s up Sunny?”

“Are you hungry? It’s been a while since we last ate breakfast.”

Yoong’s stomach growled loudly in response to her question. He grinned sheepishly at Sunny as the blonde laughed heartily at the impeccable timing of his stomach’s growl.

“I guess your stomach answered for you. I will cook some lunch for us. Is there anything that you would not like to eat?”

“I eat almost anything,” Yoong said a little too quickly.

Sunny laughed again and patted his head as though he were a kid. “Lunch will be done soon!”


Young got out of the car with Hyun. He had dragged Hyun along for company.

“I’m going to be bored if Yoong spends all his time with that girl he likes.” Young whined and insisted on Hyun tagging along. Hyun could only sigh and agree to it so that Young would stop nagging and pleading.

They walked towards the lobby where they were told to go. Yoong would arrange for someone to ferry them to the villa where the party was to be held. He was all ready to enjoy himself as much as possible.

A petite girl with long blonde hair collided with them at the entrance of the lobby. She looked up and apologized profusely to them.

“It’s alright,” said Hyun, kindly. Then he stopped and stared. He pointed his finger at her, mouthing some inaudible words. Yoong noticed the look of horror on his face and wondered what had transpired between the two of them. He found this blonde vaguely familiar but he couldn’t quite put his finger on where he had seen her and who he had seen her with.

“It’s you. You… You…” Hyun stuttered and gasped.

The blonde girl looked at him curiously before a flicker of recognition flashed in her eyes. Her eyes opened big and round. A hand flew to as her jaw dropped and she began wagging her finger at Hyun as well.

“H…Hyun?” she called his name uncertainly.

“WHY IN THE WORLD ARE YOU HERE?” Hyun was yelling but he didn’t realize how loud he was.

Hyo shushed and shocked him into silence when she put her finger on his lips. She grinned devilishly. “Do you miss me, Hyun?”

“NO!” Hyun uttered indignantly.

“Aww, come on… Where’s the love, Hyun?”

“I hate you.”

Young gasped at what Hyun had just said. He’d never known Hyun say such mean things to anyone.

Who is this girl to Hyun? Why do I find her so familiar?

It was then that Hyoyeon noticed Young. She recognized him at the guy that Sunny had hung out with a couple of times and was just about to greet him when Onew greeted the trio.

“You must be here for the party? Please follow me.” Onew turned around and led them to the buggy and ferried them to the villa.


Sunny was out at the gate waiting impatiently to welcome Hyoyeon. The blonde spotted the other blonde and ran towards her, engulfing her in a big hug. Hyoyeon laughed and hugged her back just as enthusiastically. “Missed me much?”

Sunny nodded her head and laughed.

“Sunny!” Sunny heard her name being called and was surprised to see Young striding towards her.

“Hey, you! What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be at a party?”

This is the party I’m supposed to be at.”

Sunny looked at him feeling stunned. “This is the party? Which means your friend who owns a few resorts is—”

“YOUNG! YOU’RE HERE!” Yoong indirectly answered Sunny’s question as he walked to Young and clapped him on his back with a broad smile on his face. “Young, this is the girl I’m working with right now. Sunny, this is my friend, Young.”

Young simply stared, gaping at Sunny. Sunny blinked rapidly and looked at Young and Yoong.

“Er… do you know each other or something?” Yoong asked hesitantly.

“Yoong, Young is the guy I’ve been hanging out with. He’s the one I mentioned before,” Sunny explained rather awkwardly.

It was Yoong’s turn to gape. His mouth opened and closed like a goldfish as he tried to connect the dots properly.

“Yoong… Sunny… The girl you said you liked….is Sunny?!” Young stuttered in shock.

Sunny and Hyoyeon looked at each other and the two stunned men. “This is going to be a complete mess,” Hyoyeon whispered into Sunny’s ear. Sunny nodded mutely. This was definitely going to be one big messy triangle. She groaned inwardly at the thought.


As the two men stood gaping in shock at one another, another buggy pulled up at the gate. Taeng and Tiffany came running out to welcome their friends. Tiffany hugged Jessica and shot her a knowing smile. Jessica had called her excitedly to fill her in about their latest progress the day after they did it and Tiffany could only imagine how much bliss her best friend was in. Jessica merely giggled in reply and hugged Tiffany again; her eyes shining with happiness.


“Yul! I’m so glad that you’re finally here!” exclaimed Taeng.

Yul smiled at his friend and lowered his voice to a whisper. “I’m so proud of you Taeng. You managed to survive this long without messing up!”

Taeng nodded and grinned dorkily. “The heavens have been smiling down on me this past week!”

Yul laughed and clapped him on his shoulder affectionately.


Meanwhile, Sunny’s heart skipped several beats when she heard the name ‘Yul’ being called. It struck a chord with her. She knew that name. It was a name that was like home to her. Her eyes scanned the faces of people standing about and came to rest on him—Yul.

Yul oppa…you still look the same!

“YUL OPPA!” Sunny approached her long lost friend with great enthusiasm.

“No way…Sunny! Is it really you?” Yul’s face broke into a wide smile and he walked across the lawn to engulf her in a bear hug.

“Yul oppa!” Sunny was very surprised to see him. “Oh my gosh… Why are you here? Are you Yoong’s friend too?”

Yul released Sunny from his hug and ruffled her hair affectionately. “No, I’m here with a friend of Tiffany’s.”

“Oh… I see. Well, I’m really happy to see you again, oppa.” Sunny smiled warmly at him.

Yul grinned. “So am I, Sunny ah.”

Sunny squealed with overwhelming joy and hugged him again. She was that glad to see him.

“I miss you so much and you are still as handsome as ever, oppa!” Sunny giggled.

“Aww… Thanks Sunny. You never fail to warm my heart.”

“Who’s warming whose heart?” Jessica voice pierced through their conversation like an axe through a log of wood.

“Jessi… Let me introduce you to a dear friend of mine. This is Sunny. Sunny, this is my girlfriend, Jessica.”

Sunny was stunned for a split second but she recovered from her surprise and engulfed Jessica in a hug that shocked the brunette completely.

“Argh! Get off of me.” Jessica pulled Sunny away from herself. “What’s wrong with this friend of yours, Yul?” She glared at him.

Sunny saw the signs and giggled. His girlfriend must be feeling jealous of me.

Being the naughty girl that she was, she decided to make things a little more interesting for Yul. She deliberately pecked him on his cheek and smiled. “Talk to you later, Yul.” She grinned before entering the house to get some drinks for Hyoyeon and herself.


Jessica was on the verge of stabbing Yul with her stilettos. What nerve! He allowed this Sunny girl to kiss him in front of me?

“Who is Sunny to you?” Jessica asked icily.

“She’s a very dear friend to me. I was very close to her some years ago but we lost somehow lost contact of each other.”

“Oh really…so this is the best time to catch up with her. You can even date her since you like her so much,” Jessica hissed through her clenched teeth.

Yul laughed his head off at what she said. It all sounded so ridiculous to him. “What are you talking about? I would never date her. HAHAHA… It’d be like dating my own little sister. No way!”

“Sister?” Jessica blinked in confusion.

Yul smiled knowingly. “Oh, I get it now. You were jealous of her weren’t you?”

“No, I wasn’t!” Jessica denied it vehemently.

Yul laughed again. “Just admit that you were jealous. But you know what? I like it when you’re jealous too,” whispered Yul, right into her ear and she blushed as red as beet.

“I wasn’t jealous!” Jessica insisted in a much smaller voice than before.

Yul gave her cheeks a gentle squeeze. “You’re so cute, Jessi. I just can’t help loving you.” He planted a kiss on her forehead and wrapped his arm over her shoulder.

Jessica could only smile as her heart swelled with sheer bliss upon hearing his sweet words—all her jealousy forgotten.


The party was thoroughly enjoyable for most of its participants—all but two. Taeng was happily shadowing Tiffany around, helping her to get drinks and napkins, serving her faithfully well. Tiffany enjoyed herself, chatting with Jessica and giggling at Taeng’s adorkableness. Yul and Jessica were glued to each other all through the night which Sunny was happy to observe. She joined the group who were sitting around the pool on the lawn with Hyoyeon. They chatted idly about things in general like how a group of friends and strangers would at a social event like this one was. All was nice and harmonious.

Right in the house, however, stood two men who were looking at each other awkwardly. “What are we going to do now?” Yoong asked first.

Young shrugged.

“I really like Sunny, Young. I don’t know what to say now that I know you’re the guy she had been hanging out and having fun with.”

Young looked at Yoong. “You seem serious this time but I can’t quite make myself stop going out with her. I’ve missed her really badly this week and I was looking forward to seeing her tomorrow when she would be back in Seoul.”

The two good friends looked at each other seriously. Young squeezed Yoong’s shoulder.

“May the best player win?” He offered a proposal to play the game fair and square.

Yoong was quick to respond. “All’s fair in love and war. The game is on Young.”

Young smiled widely. “Best friends forever. No matter what happens.” He offered his hand.

Yoong shook his hand and they made the pact.


“Hyun… Aww come on… Let bygones be bygones.” Hyoyeon had cornered Hyun when he had gone to the bathroom. “Surely you can’t really hate me after so many years?”

“You have inflicted irreparable damage on me. I can never forget the horrors you did you to me.”

Hyoyeon rolled her eyes. “Stop being so dramatic. We’re all grown up now. I’m sure you’ve gotten over all the pranks I used to play on you in school.”

“Pranks? You call them pranks? Pranks are not supposed to cause its victims that much pain and embarrassment.”

“I don’t remember any prank being that serious.”

“You wouldn’t remember because you weren’t the victim.”

“Remind me then.”

“Where do I even begin? Remember the whoopee cushion? The whole entire school was literally laughing at me for weeks over that!”

“Oh come on… That was fun. Fake farts are always cute.”

“Not when it is broadcast cover the entire school through the broadcast system.”

“The entire school?!”

“I was reporting the weekly announcements over the school’s broadcast system remember? I couldn’t even report it properly after I sat on that cushion. You could have chosen any other moment to prank me. Why did it have to be during my broadcast?”

“Erm…because I wanted maximum exposure for maximum effect…?” Hyoyeon put both her hands up at the sight of Hyun puffing up in anger. “Okay… Okay… Perhaps that really was a tad too embarrassing as a prank.”

“I wouldn’t call those things pranks Hyo. I call that bullying. You knew that I wouldn’t retaliate. I was too soft-spoken then. Well, I’ve grown up now. I’m not as quiet as I used to be. I’m not going to forgive you because you made my life in school absolutely miserable. I prayed every night that I wouldn’t end up in the same college as you. Well… thank goodness I didn’t. Thank goodness you played so hard that you would never have made it to the college that I went to. Right now, I want nothing more than to be far away from you. Leave me alone, Hyo. Leave me alone.”

Hyun walked away from her, back out to the lawn to join the friendly group chat. Hyoyeon blinked in surprise and shock. Hyun had certainly changed a lot. Well, people do change over time—even herself. She didn’t realize just how much pain she had inflicted on Hyun back then. When Hyun didn’t say a word, she’d thought that he was fine with the jokes she loved to play.

Besides, she had wanted his attention. It really wasn’t easy to get the attention of Hyun. He didn’t see girls as girls at all. He had no sense of the huge number of girls who were fawning over him in school. He would top every examination and test which sent even more girls swooning over her but he would be none the wiser.

In a nutshell, Hyun had no interest in girls and never entertained thoughts of dating. He had his fair share of friends, both male and female but no one could get him to date. No one…

Hyoyeon didn’t want to be just another girl that he saw as just a schoolmate or classmate or worse—didn’t even see. She wanted him to remember her—in one way or another. So she decided to do what she did best—playing pranks.

Now, as she stood at the entrance of the bathrooms all by herself, she wondered if that had been a good decision. It didn’t seem to be good. Oh, he had remembered her alright, but she wasn’t so sure if she wanted him to remember her in that way now.


Yoong called for everyone’s attention.

“Ahem. I would like to invite everyone to sing along with me if you will.” He stood in front of everyone seated out on the lawn. He cleared his throat a little and began.


Hyoyeon got the drift and joined in quickly, as did Young and Yul. Soon…the rest followed suit even though they were clueless as to whose birthday it was.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SUNNY!!!” Yoong cheered and finished the song. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!”

Everyone clapped for her and she blushed bright pink. She was surprised and touched by Yoong’s effort. Onew wheeled out a beautiful cake which was made to look like a smiling sun. Yoong presented Sunny with a bouquet of sunflowers and smiled warmly at her. Sunny accepted the flowers rather shyly.

“Thanks Yoong,” she whispered.

Yoong kissed her cheek and grinned.

“Sunny…make a wish and blow the candles.” Yoong nudged her. Sunny closed her eyes and wished. Then she blew the candles out and smiled as brightly as the sun.

“Thanks Yoong, thanks everyone.”


Tiffany and Taeng looked at each other. “Looks like Yoong is really, really serious about her this time,” Tiffany whispered.

Taeng nodded in agreement but his face fell. “Too bad he hates my peas.”

Tiffany giggled and comforted him. “It’s okay… I like your peas.”

“You do?” Taeng’s face lit up like a candle in the dark.

“Yes I do.” Tiffany smiled.


Young took his present out and gave it to Sunny apologetically. “Actually, I meant it as a prank on Yoong when he told me that it’s a surprise birthday party but I’m going to give it to you anyway. Happy birthday to you, Sunny.” And he kissed her cheek.

Sunny blushed again. This was getting to be a little too much. Handling the attention of these two hot guys wasn’t too difficult when they were separate people. Now that she knew that they were friends, it felt a little awkward.

“Thanks Young. I appreciate it nonetheless.” Sunny smiled at him.


Yoong felt a pinch of jealousy as he saw Young kiss her cheek.

I’m going to woo her with all I got. Sunny is mine.


The party ended late and so Yoong arranged for some rooms to be readied for the guests to rest in for the night. Jessica blushed pink when Yul told Onew that they would share a room. Her heart thumped away happily and she linked her arm with his, following him to the buggy where Young and Hyun sat waiting.

Hyoyeon would share Sunny’s room. Tiffany looked around for Taeng but he was nowhere to be found. Where is that man?

Yoong cleared up the villa and bade everyone a pleasant night. He caught Sunny’s eye and smiled extra widely. She blushed again and waved goodnight to him before heading back to her villa with Tiffany and Hyoyeon.

“Sunny…you’re one lucky girl.” Tiffany’s eyes twinkled in the dark night.

Hyoyeon stifled a giggle as Sunny prodded to two of them with her elbows.

“It’s a little awkward actually, with them being good friends and all.”

Tiffany put her arm around Sunny’s shoulder comfortingly. “Don’t worry Sunny. Yoong and Young are mature enough to handle some competition even if it’s from each other.”

Sunny smiled gratefully. “Thanks Tif. You’re so good at comforting others…especially Taeng.” She couldn’t resist teasing her about it.

“Speaking of which, I haven’t seen him at all… Where did he go?” Tiffany wondered out loud.

“Maybe he’s hiding in your bed, waiting for you to return to pounce on you with his peas.” Sunny giggled.

“You! Is this what I get in return for comforting you?” Tiffany pouted.

Sunny stuck her tongue out cheekily. “I’m sure you won’t mind though.” She laughed and ran away from Tiffany who didn’t give chase. She laughed instead.

Sunny is right. I don’t think I will mind actually.


The girls bade goodnight to each other as they turned into their rooms to rest for the night. Tiffany switched on the lights and a scream got caught in as she got a shock seeing a still figure huddled up on her bed that she instantaneously recognized as Taeng because of the peas that he hugged in his arms.

Sunny…you are so totally psychic!

Tiffany smiled as she approached the man who was fast asleep on her bed. She looked at his boyish face fondly. He’s so boyish…yet…he has his manly moments.

Remembering how he took charge after Yoong’s accident put a smile on her face. This man was really something else. He intrigued her to no end. How could a man be so dorky with his peas yet so manly at other times?

She yawned widely. It was late and she was tired so she threw caution to the wind yet again and changed into her sleep wear before slipping under the covers beside Taeng. She turned her back on him and fell fast asleep.


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Fire_trek 342 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 342 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD