Round 8

Personal Differences


Mr. Jung liked Yul more and more as the dinner progressed. He had displayed great manners and confidence dining in the company of a family like theirs. This was by far the best man Jessica has ever brought home. He never did like the guys that Jessica had brought home in the past. He had heard that they were playboys; generally just rich sons who had nothing better to do with their time and money.


In a way, He acknowledged that Jessica was exactly that—a rich daughter with nothing better to do with her time and money. He had always doted on Jessica; not letting her lift a finger to do anything. Perhaps, that was not the best way to show her love because Jessica had turned into a reliant, spoilt girl who didn’t see why she shouldn’t get her way every single time.


Her friendship with Tiffany was what made her a little more normal. She met Tiffany whilst in college. Tiffany would be your typical high achiever who strived to achieve excellence in everything that she did. It was strange that they found a friend in each other but one could say that opposites attract. They hit it off right from the first time they met and have remained best friends till today.


Tiffany had a positive influence on Jessica. She refused to cave in to all of the other girl’s requests. She said no to Jessica. This shook Jessica up a little since most people were more than eager to up to her for various reasons. What made things more interesting was that Tiffany did not come from a wealthy and powerful family like Jessica. She was born into a regular family—neither rich nor poor.


Tiffany also believed in being independent as a woman. Jessica was completely intrigued by this girl who did everything by herself. She started to admire Tiffany and in the process, she changed for the better.


If Yul had met Jessica a few years earlier, he would have positively hated her to the core.


“Yul, join me in my study for some men’s talk.”


Yul nodded and stood up to follow Mr. Jung.


Jessica smiled as he walked past her.


“My dear daughter has finally found a worthy man!” Mrs. Jung gushed excitedly as soon as the men had left the dinner table. “I’ve never seen your Dad more satisfied with any boyfriend you’ve brought home!”


“So Mum… you approve?”


“Approve? Hahaha… I don’t just approve… I adore him! He’s so good-looking and behaves like a perfect gentleman. On top of that, he’s outstanding in his work. What more could a girl ask for?”


A little fun?


Jessica rolled her eyes, answering her mother in her thoughts. If her mother knew what Yul was really like… Boring…stiff…and generally just cold towards her once they were on their own.


There were fleeting moments where she felt as though he really was her boyfriend—like when he had put some vegetables in her bowl for her during dinner and when he had gently wiped a sauce stain off . None of her boyfriends had ever done that for her and she caught herself wondering what it would be like to be his real girlfriend.


“Treat him well Sica. Don’t be too wilful around him.”


“Mum! I’m not a bad girlfriend you know. I’m good at making things exciting.”


“Sica… Sica…” said her mother, shaking her head.”




“Have a seat.” Mr. Jung’s deep voice resonated through the lavishly decorated study room.


“You are an honest man Yul. From the things that Grandpa Im has said about you and I shall not deny the fact that I have done some checks on you… You are indeed a man of your word and full of integrity.”


Yul remained silent. He felt uneasy. Something was up.


“However,” continued Mr. Jung, “I can see through a lie when I see one. Would you like to explain yourself?”


Yul heaved a huge sigh. Indeed, Mr. Jung would not be easily fooled. He certainly wasn’t a media mogul for nothing. He saw no reason to lie any further.


Moments later, Mr. Jung rubbed his jaw line with his thumb thoughtfully.


“So you agreed to help your friend who wanted to impress his new boss who happens to be Jessica’s best friend, Tiffany.”


Yul nodded.


“Interesting… How things end up this way…” A corner of Mr. Jung’s lip curled up slightly.


“I’m a businessman Yul. I hope you take this the right way when I say I want to make a deal with you.”


Yul looked up and met his steady eyes. He held his ground unflinchingly.


Mr. Jung chuckled. “I would like you to continue acting as Jessica’s boyfriend.”


Yul’s jaw dropped.


“She will need to keep this act up to avoid being match-made again. I have a feeling that you will reject her soon but I hope you will not. Jessica… She needs someone strong and reliable. She’s been brought up with a lot of freedom.”


The man pinched the bridge of his nose and squeezed his eyes shut tiredly.


“I think I am guilty of spoiling my daughter as much as my wife is. Sooyeon has also had to live with the knowledge that I have another wife and daughter in America. I’ve always thought that this wouldn’t affect her too much but I’m not so sure now. All her past boyfriends have been pure junk and treated her carelessly. I’m the one who demanded that they break up with her because I knew that she wouldn’t.”


Yul’s mouth wouldn’t close. He sat there, gaping like a goldfish.


“What I’m trying to say is this. Yul… I think you’re the man who can change her.”


Yul shook his head.


“Mr. Jung, you don’t understand, she doesn’t like me.”


Mr. Jung laughed. “Yul… Yul… You have a lot to learn about my daughter. If she doesn’t like you…she wouldn’t put up with you till now. If she really hates someone…nothing can make her stay.”


Yul sighed.


“If I may be completely honest with you, Mr. Jung, I must say that I don’t like her very much either.”


Mr. Jung chuckled. His chuckle then turned into a loud guffaw.


Yul looked at him wondering if he’d gone mad.


“Yul…” Mr. Jung wiped his tears from his eyes. “Did you think that I did not know that? That’s why I said that this would be a deal. My side of the deal is to keep the truth from your big boss—the Prosecutor General. Call me unscrupulous if you want but I am a businessman and this is how I operate.”


Yul then saw the big picture. He was trapped.


“Jessica isn’t all that she appears to be. Give her a chance. Get to know the real her. What do you say to that?”


Yul felt that this deal was wrong in so many ways. He couldn’t. He just couldn’t.


“Mr. Jung, I won’t agree to this deal.”


The older man bristled at his rejection.


“But…” continued Yul, “I will continue to be Jessica’s boyfriend until she chooses to end this act. Is that fair enough?”


Mr. Jung narrowed his eyes into slits and looked at Yul suspiciously.


“You would be willing to do this without any deal struck?”


Yul nodded.


“If I agree to the deal, I would be cheating on Jessica too. How could I face her then? I give you my word that I will act like a real boyfriend to her until she ends it. And I can’t guarantee a change in her. This is all I can promise.”


“What about the Prosecutor General? What if he finds out about this?”


“Then I will have to deal with it. I agreed to this. It’s my music to face.”


Mr. Jung pursed his lips and kept quiet for a while. Then he stood up and extended his hand to Yul.


“Young man… I hope that you do become my son-in-law one day.”




Sunny downed a glass of Mojito and her lips. Hyoyeon laughed at her.


“Ya… That isn’t water you know…”


Sunny giggled. “I’m just happy to get out of the office tonight. Yoong has been torturing me with work this past week.”


“He’s just trying to get into your pants.”


“I know. But I won’t let him.”


“He’s not giving up yet huh…”


“Nope. Now he’s resorting to assigning tons of work to me so that I have to stay in the office to complete it. Then, he’d pop in with some lame excuse and have dinner with me in the office.”


Sunny rolled her eyes. Out of a corner of her eye, she spotted a certain someone that she had been rather attracted to the last time she’d been here with Hyoyeon. That tall lanky guy who was standing at the VIP corner… he looked as good as before. She felt frisky tonight.


“Let’s get some action tonight, Hyo.”


Hyoyeon saw the glint in Sunny’s eyes. She rubbed her hands in glee… tonight was going be a good night.


Sunny headed out to the dance floor. She chose a prominent spot that was easily seen from the VIP area. Then she began dancing her iest, most alluring moves much to the delight of the men around her. Hyoyeon was right next to her, wowing the crowd with her finely tuned, sharp moves that never failed to impress.


A pair of arms slid round her waist and pulled the blonde back. She grinned and looked up. Sure enough, there stood the guy she was aiming to attract. She smiled at him and he grinned back.


His hot breath felt pleasant on her ear as he whispered, “Sunny… What took you so long to come back here?”


She giggled and wrapped her arm round his neck, yanking him down to her height (which was much shorter than his) before whispering in his ear, “Pr*ck of a boss kept me busy.”


She released her arm and hugged his waist instead, gyrating against him to the beat of the music. The tall lanky man grinned widely and danced with her all night. Beat after beat, song after song, the guy did not let anyone else near Sunny until she was tired of dancing. She leaned on his chest and closed her eyes.


“Want to get out of here?” His whisper tickled her ear.


She nodded and turned to locate Hyoyeon. That girl was totally engrossed in a dance battle with some other dancers. Sunny chuckled and shook her head.


“Let’s go.”


The guy took her hand in his and led her out of the dance floor. They stood outside the club, inhaling the fresh air. It had been raining and there were puddles on the floor everywhere. Sunny grinned devilishly and jumped on a big puddle of water, splashing it on the guy. He grinned and pulled her close before jumping in an even bigger puddle. Soon they were jumping in puddles, splashing water on each other and laughing hysterically. Sunny laughed until she cried before stopping the whole thing.


“Stop…hahaha… Stop!” She clung on to him breathlessly, trying to stop him from jumping again.


He finally stopped jumping. He hoisted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist, arms around his neck, hugging him like a koala would hug a tree. He backed her up against a wall and kissed her with a kind of hunger that she liked. She was just as hungry as he was and their tongues clashed delightfully, sending delicious sensations down their spines.


Moments later, they pulled apart and gazed into each other’s eyes. An unspoken agreement passed between them and he opened his car’s door for her wordlessly. She got into his car and they drove off to his place.


Sunny whipped out her mobile and texted Hyoyeon.


I’m out of here. Heading off with—


She paused. She didn’t even know his name.


“What’s your name by the way?”


The guy chuckled. “I thought you’d never ask. Call me Young.”




“Patience, baby… You’re going to be screaming that name real soon.”




The sun’s rays streamed through the drawn curtains and illuminated the room slightly. Young yawned and stretched as he turned to his side to hug Sunny but his hands landed on nothing but soft sheets. His eyes sprang open in shock.


Where is she?


He sat up and looked around the room. There was no sign of her or her clothes that she’d stripped when they played strip poker the night before. He looked at the bed again and noticed a piece of paper under the pillow she had slept on.


Dear Shikshin Young,


I gotta go. Last night was fun.

Maybe we can do it again sometime. Ciao!






“Unbelievable.” Young muttered to himself in disbelief.


He had never met a player like Sunny. She’s the first girl who disappeared before he did and also the first girl he brought home and did not bed. On top of that… she’s also the first girl who rejected him so seductively the first time he approached her; he’d usually get a slap or be yelled at if he picked the wrong type of girl but no one had ever kissed him and then said goodbye.


As he read the note again, he realized that she didn’t even leave her number.


How am I going to meet you again?


Wait a minute… Why do I even want to meet you again? All we did was play strip poker and laugh a lot all night before falling asleep.


He paused in his thoughts.


Ah… I didn’t get into her… That’s why I want to see her again. That must be it.


Gawd. She’s good.


And…how did she know that I’m a shikshin?!?!




“OH MY GOSH! Just how many things can you screw up in a day, Taeng?” Tiffany yelled angrily at her PA who was cowering in a corner, occasionally peeking at her with puppy eyes.


She groaned and massaged her temples, a habitual behavior of hers that she did whenever she was feeling stressed. Introducing Yul had been the only thing Taeng had done well so far. After that, he had messed up several times—forgetting scheduled meetings, messing up meeting venues and taking messages for her inaccurately.


Today, however, has been the worst. Not only did Taeng mess up the dates scheduled for an exclusive spa appointment, causing her to miss her much needed spa session, but he also conveniently forgot that she had a very important meeting that was happening in five minutes time for which she was totally unprepared.


She slammed her palms on her desk, pointed at the door and growled menacingly.


“Get out of my sight before I stab you to death with my stilettos.”


Taeng whimpered and dashed out of her office to safety.


She collapsed in her expensive swivel chair and sighed. She was really beginning to regret hiring this Taeng as her PA but she had no time to think about that. She opened the file on her table and scanned through its contents rapidly. She had five minutes to prepare for the meeting and not a moment to waste.




Taeng bit his fingernails as he sat outside the meeting room, waiting for the meeting to end. A couple of tears rolled down his cheeks as he prayed for the meeting to go well. He closed his eyes tightly and prayed fervently.


His ears pricked at the sound of the door opening. He sprung up from his seat and stood straight, waiting for Tiffany to exit. Her low husky throaty voice tickled his ears and he couldn’t help but smile when he heard her laugh. It would appear that the meeting had gone well.


“Yes… Yes… I’m looking forward to working with you on this project too. It will be a fantastic collaboration.”


“We’ll see you and your team next week then.”


“We can’t wait!”


More laughter ensued.


Taeng tensed up when he finally saw Tiffany stepping out of the room. Her face turned dark when she saw him but lit right back up as she turned to bid her project partners goodbye. She assigned an assistant to them to their car before shooting a death glare at Taeng and turning away from him angrily.


As she walked back to her office however, she caught herself wondering if she’d just seen a tear stain glisten on Taeng’s cheek. Shaking her head, she dismissed it as her imagination.


Guys don’t cry in public. Why would he be crying anyway?


Taeng approached her office apprehensively. He was quite certain that he would be scolded again if he entered but he wanted to know how the meeting went.


Knock. Knock.




Taeng opened the door and stepped into her office with his head hung low.


“Why are you here?” Her voice was hostile.


He flinched at her tone and looked at her timidly.


“D-Did the meeting go well?”


Tiffany nodded disgruntledly.


His downcast face immediately lit up a little.


“That’s great!”


His depressed mood lifted but came crashing back down when Tiffany glared at him.


“Erm… In that case…I’ll get back to work. Excuse me.”


He scrambled out of the office hastily.


Tiffany shook her head and sighed. Somehow, she didn’t have the heart to fire him even though he certainly had screwed up enough things for her to do so.


Why haven’t I fired him yet?




Jessica was rolling around on her bed feeling bored when she received a text message.


Yul 12:08

Since we’re ‘dating’ now, would you like to have dinner with me?


Jessica blinked and stared at the message. She checked the sender’s name again.




Yul is asking me out to dinner?!



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Fire_trek 343 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 343 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD