Round 6

Personal Differences


“Tif! I’m freaking out!” Tiffany winced as the high pitched voice pierced her ear drums in the dead silence of the night. She groaned and tilted her head up to check the time—it was two in the morning.


“Jessi… Seriously… It’d better be a real problem or I’m personally stabbing you to death with your stilettos.”


Jessica had her head in her palm and was sitting in bed with her knees pulled up to her chest, holding her mobile to her ear with her other hand.




That reply jolted Tiffany out of her slumber completely.


That’s very true. Jessica is the last person who’d lose sleep over a problem. Sleeping is her solution to all problems.


“What’s bothering you Jessi?”


“It’s about tomorrow’s dinner.”


Tiffany groaned and ran her hand through her hair as she said, “Hasn’t the problem been solved? I assume that the dinner is cancelled? Word has gotten out about what Yul did… I’ve heard it being whispered about around my office too.”


“It’s not cancelled. The dinner is still on. That’s why I’m having a headache right now! My parents want to meet Yul! And Yoong is still going to the dinner! I have no idea what my parents have up their sleeves, Tif… Help!”


“Calm down… Calm down… Things are probably not as bad as you think they are. Your parents are curious about Yul so let them meet. I’m sure Yul will be able to pull it off. His current track record is a 101% success rate anyway. Yoong is going but you have Yul with you and I seriously doubt a player like Yoong would want to be stuck to just one girl for the rest of his life,




“Really. Now let me get some sleep!” Tiffany said sternly into her mobile before ending the call and drifting back to sleep.






His mobile sand the chorus loud and clear once and was about to repeat itself when its owner finally found it with his eyes closed.


“...H...ello...” he croaked.


“Yoong, wake up! Guess what I just heard!” yelled the person on the other line at the top of his voice.


Yoong flinched and groaned, “Young! You don’t have to shout! My ear hurts!”


“Opps, sorry, hehe, guess I’m just too excited right now. Quick, guess what I heard!”


“A hot and cute babe will succumb to my charms soon?”


“Pfft! NO! I heard something about Jessica Jung from my friend! Guess what! She’s got a boyfriend! And that boyfriend literally shot Hara to the ground with his public declaration of his love for Jessica! How about that?!”


“WHAT?! Jessica Jung has a boyfriend?!”


“Yeah. They appeared together at last night’s gala opening of that new club in town last week.”


“What games are they playing… why invite me to dinner then? What are they thinking? I’m not going to be ed by a girl who’s not even my girlfriend yet!”


Yoong sat up in his bed and ruffled his hair feeling betrayed.


“HAHA that’s funny. HAHAHA… You…ed…by Jessica Jung…” laughed Young.


“I hate cheaters. You know that. She’s gonna pay for pulling that stunt on me,” growled Yoong, furrowing his eyebrows together.


“HAHAHA whatever you say dude, whatever you say… I’m going to have my breakfast now. See you.”


Click. The line went dead.


If she’s got a boyfriend then two can play at that game.


Yoong smirked. He knew exactly what to do and who to look for. It was payback time… in ways more than one.






She rolled over in her bed and groaned. The sunlight seeping through her drawn curtains still managed to pierce her eyes as she opened them slightly. Groaning again, she reached for her mobile on her bedside table.


“It’s two o’clock?!,” she groaned.




Gosh. Who could it be?!




“Alright, alright, let me get up first,” she mumbled to herself as she slipped on her bunny head bedroom slippers and shuffled to the door. She unlocked her door and opened it slightly, peering around it to see who was at the door. Both parties were equally surprised to see each other, albeit in different ways.



Yoong’s heart skipped in surprise when he saw a tuff of messy blonde hair appearing, followed by a cute little face that was obviously still half-asleep. He did not expect to see her in this state at two in the afternoon and was on the brink of smiling at that adorable view but he restrained himself. Looking down, he saw her bunny head slippers and gushed inwardly.




He pushed the door open and caught sight of her bedroom attire. His breath caught in his throat. She looked like a cute little school girl in her pink t-shirt and shorts, a far cry from the professional, adult-like image that she pulled off in the office.


I hope my nose isn’t bleeding right now.


He entered her home for the second time in less than twelve hours. He looked round at her apartment and took in the nuances of the interior design. Her home felt like her. It was warm and cozy and had simple and understated elegance. He made himself comfortable on her couch.


“Yoong ssi?” she asked groggily, rubbing her eyes and yawning, “How did you get in here?”




She sat down next to him. Yoong liked her warmth.


He cleared his throat and said, “The guard recognized me from last night and let me in. You still remember what happened last night?”



Her mind jolted out of its sleepiness upon hearing that question. She suddenly became very aware of his proximity to her as well as her appearance.


What am I doing?! I’m wearing bunny slippers in front of him?! There goes my professional, capable image down the drain!


And… of course I remember what happened last night! What are you up to now?


She squeezed her eyes shut, feigning an attempt to recall before shaking her head gently, groaning as she did.


“I can’t remember much. I remember playing lots of drinking games with Sungmin and Heechul. I also remember some dancing but that’s about it.”


Yoong narrowed his eyes and looked into her eyes suspiciously.


She held his gaze with her sleepy eyes and laughed suddenly.


“Oh and I remember you sending me back home. Thanks Yoong ssi.”


“Call me Yoong.”






Yoong smiled.


“Do you remember anything else?”


“No, I’m sorry… did anything happen? Did I do anything embarrassing?”


“Nah... You were fine.”


“In that case… What are you here for?” Sunny asked curiously.


“To ask you to be my girlfriend,” replied Yoong matter-of-factly.


“WHAT?!” exclaimed Sunny in surprise and shock.


“You owe me.”


“WHAT?! WHY?!” exclaimed Sunny again, more shocked than before.


“You slapped me last night. After I sent you home, you stumbled, fell and I landed on top of you. Then you slapped me. See this mark on my cheek?” said Yoong calmly.


Sunny looked at his cheek. She gasped. There really was a faint mark where her palm had met Yoong’s cheek.


I guess I kind of overdid it last night. And he really did keep his hands off me in the car. He’s right… I do owe him… BUT GIRLFRIEND?!


“If I really did that, I apologize for it, but I don’t think I need to be your girlfriend just because I slapped you.”


“Relax, I’m not asking you to be my real girlfriend. I just need to you to pretend to be my girlfriend for one evening,” explained Yoong.


Sunny burst out laughing. She threw her head back and clapped her hands a few times; she was so tickled pink by what he said.


“Why would a guy like you need a fake girlfriend? There are tons of girls who would agree to be your girlfriend in a heartbeat.”


Sunny laughed some more and wiped her tears away with the back of her hand.


“Ooh… that was the funniest request I’ve heard in a while…”


“I’m not interested in the girls who are after me at the moment. Neither do I want a messy break up just because I needed a girl for one evening. I don’t play like that.” Yoong paused and sighed.


“All you have to do is act like my girlfriend and go to dinner with me tonight. I’m forced into it by my parents who want to see me getting engaged to Jessica Jung. Tonight is when we meet. So help me here.”


“Jessica Jung?! The Jessica Jung?! Isn’t she the media mogul’s daughter? She’d make a good girlfriend for you, don’t you think? Why are you trying to get out of it?” Sunny was rather shocked by the news.


“She’s a spoilt brat. Anyhow, she just doesn’t appeal to me. I prefer personalities that are less icy cold. Warm and cozy is how I like them.”


“Right, right, spare me the details,” said Sunny, putting her palm up to stop Yoong, “I’ll help you but only just for tonight okay? And I’m still your account manager… don’t forget that.”


Yoong flashed Sunny a huge grin and said, “Of course, of course… You wouldn’t let me forget…”



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Fire_trek 341 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 341 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD