
Personal Differences


Oh, Yul…I want to feel you…closer…deeper…all the way…” Jessica breathed as Yul positioned himself behind her.

They were both lying on their sides in the classic spooning position. After trying all sorts of different positions, Jessica still preferred this the most although Yul had indicated his preference for her to be on top.

Their positions were limited to what Jessica felt comfortable in so Yul was more than willing to compromise so long as she was happy. Of course, being the gentleman and wonderful husband, this was no surprise but another factor ensured her the right to pick and choose—her pregnancy.

She was nine months pregnant and ready to pop. And knowing that they wouldn’t be able to have for at least a month after she gave birth only made her more desperate to get more of it now, despite the discomfort of being heavily pregnant.

Fortunately for her, her drive drought did not last for long. And about halfway into her second trimester, it came back with a vengeance. She wanted it so much that he was tired out almost every other night. And morning. Well, tired. But happy. More than happy if one were to judge by their outward glow and radiance.

And they were creative with their positions too. They tried everything—the edge of their bed, her on top, sideways, sideways with a leg up, and all sorts of weird stances. Yul liked her on top the most and he had told her that it was because of the magnificent view of her s, which had enlarged due to her pregnancy. Her cleavage was a world wonder, he had said, rivaling that of the Grand Canyon.

She had giggled when he told her that but still insisted on her favourite spooning position instead. She liked it because he could hug her securely and of course, fondle her freely with his hands all over her. So spooning it was.


~~~~~pass: goldentrimester

That was so wonderful.” Jessica’s eyes were closed and her breath was even. “I love you.”

Do you love me or do you love me?” Yul with a nudge of his hip against hers and she giggled.

I love both of you.”

Good to know that I’m not only wanted by you for .”

Jessica giggled some more. “You have many uses.”

Mmm…really? Many uses? Like?” Yul’s breath was warm on her neck and she sighed contentedly.

Like…taking care of me…kissing me…hugging me…”

Is that all?”

And…very soon…you’ll be extra useful because you’ll change our baby’s diapers and clean up all the poo.”

Yul chuckled and planted a kiss on Jessica’s bare shoulder. This was one unique woman he had in his arms. “I wouldn’t dream of taking that privilege away from you. I’m sure you’d love to change our baby’s diapers.”

I’m already in-charge of -feeding so you’re supposed to do everything else.”

Oh? When did we agree on this?” Yul was most amused by her reasoning.

It’s a given. I’ll be fully occupied with feeding and won’t have time or energy for anything else.”

Well, that’s only for the early stages when you have to feed twelve times a day. But when our baby grows older, you won’t have to do it as frequently.”

Jessica shook her head obstinately. “It’s still your job. Or the nanny’s job.”

Yul laughed at her stubborn refusal to have anything to do with their baby’s stools. “Baby, just wait till you’re holding our baby in your arms. You’ll think otherwise then.”

Jessica crinkled her nose and shook her head. “Never. Poo is disgusting, no matter whose it is.”

The corner of his lips lifted into a knowing lopsided smile and he buried his nose in her hair, breathing in the lovely scent. “Alright. You win,” he conceded. For now.


Taeng was pouring over the wedding plans when Tiffany hugged him from behind and planted a kiss on his cheek.

Taetae, this looks great.” Tiffany pointed at a set of colours that would be the colours of their decorations. It wasn’t surprising. She had pointed at the pink theme that had various shades of pink as samples for everything from the tent to the carpet that led to the stage they would stand on to say their vows.

The vast amount of pink upset him a little. He wasn’t overly fond of pink overkill and personally, he much preferred blue or purple.

Fany, can we have some blue or purple in the colour set?”

Mmm…about that…we could have a splash of blue and purple flowers on each table.”

Okay.” Taeng felt considerably happier at the addition of his favourite colours.

Tiffany giggled. “You can also go for that dark navy blue suit we saw at the bridal, if you prefer blue over black.”

Will we still match if I pick that suit?”

Of course we will. We’ll always match, no matter what.”

Taeng grinned. Tiffany was right. They’d always match. No matter what.

Just then, Taeng’s phone alerted him to a message. He picked up his phone, tapped it and read the message. And gasped.

Tiffany stared at him. “What is it, Taetae?”

In a semi-daze, he showed Tiffany the message. Then, she gasped too.

OH MY GAWD!!!” she shrieked.


Yoongie bear, would you care for some cupcakes?”

Sunny’s teasing grin alluded to something cheeky, naughty—nasty even—and Yoong grinned right back at her.

I want your cupcakes.”

Sunny giggled and made no move to escape as Yoong caught her and they tumbled around on his bed happily.

Mmm…cupcakes. Gobbling cupcakes is always fun.” Yoong wrapped his limbs around Sunny and she was locked in. Not that she was trying to get away or anything. No, she was not. “But I really love doing is unwrapping them.”

Sunny laughed at his naughty tease, and then squealed when he put his words into action. But before Yoong could unwrap anything, his phone buzzed. He groaned but reached for his phone nonetheless. He was expecting some news about his latest project and this might just be the good news.

So, he picked up his phone, tapped it and read the message. And gasped.

What is it?” Sunny asked curiously.

J-Jessica…s-she…,” was all he could say so Sunny took his phone and read the message.

OH MY GOSH! We’ve got to hurry there! Now!” she exclaimed.

Not in our outfits. We gotta change out of these,” said Yoong as he began ping his bear suit.

Oh my gawd, you’re right.” Sunny tugged impatiently at her corset. “Yoong, I need help getting this off.”

Yoong grinned at her request and nodded. “At least I still get to unwrap my cupcakes.”


Are you sure this is the right amount of chili power?”

Hyun nodded. “I’m sure.”

Hyoyeon looked a little doubtful but followed through with his instructions anyway. They’d find out if it was the right amount in a while.

What’s next?” she asked once all the chili powder was added.

Half teaspoon of Cumin, a quarter teaspoon of sugar and salt.”


We’re done. You can pour it over the chips and toss it.”

Voila! Spicy sweet potato chips!” Hyoyeon announced happily and was about to feed Hyun a chip to taste when both of their phones beeped and rang.

Hyoyeon set down the bowl of spicy sweet potato chips and picked up her phone. Hyun was tapping his phone as she read the message.

They gasped at the same time and looked at each other.

You got the message about Jessica too?” Hyun asked.

Hyoyeon nodded. “Yes.”

Alright, let’s go.”

We’ll bring the chips along.”

Good idea.”


I’m sure your father knows that we’re up to no good, Krys.”

But there’s nothing he can do about it. Besides…you haven’t broken your promise. And he’s not unreasonable enough to expect us to do nothing. So now, quit thinking about my father. It’s a little disturbing to know that you’re thinking about another man when you’re with me.”

Young laughed heartily. Krystal had grown bolder by the day and he was loving it. She was a born player, to be honest and would have broken countless hearts if she ever was one. Fortunately for him, she didn’t use her talents in that way. Instead, she was his. All his.

He stood up from his couch and looked down at Krystal. She was lying on her back, looking up at him with dewy eyes, hazy with desire. His eyes feasted on her beautiful lines, her sensuous curves that were on display, his view unfettered by obstacles, save for a sheer thong and lacy bra. That certainly made him shed his pants a lot faster than usual and it was a matter of seconds before he kneeled between her legs, wearing nothing but his briefs.

After months of waiting, Krystal had finally persuaded him to take it one step further with her. Prior to this, they’d kept themselves happy by groping each other over their clothes, and at times, sneaking their hands underneath to pleasure the other. And to this day, they’d kept their promise, never going all the way, reserving their first home run for their wedding night. But this evening, Krystal had suggested that they hit third base properly with as little clothing on as possible and it hadn’t taken much for Young to cave in to her desires.

Looking up at her, his eyes locked gazes with hers and an electric bolt zapped through his body from head to toe. She had such a strong effect on him and sometimes, he wondered if she truly knew just how much power she yielded over him.

Ready?” he asked, with a corner of his lips curled up slightly.

Dive right in, handsome.”

So, he dived.


~~~~~pass: threeb

Her phone rang just as he was about to come undone and she would have ignored it if it were a call from anywhere else. But it was her home number. Somebody was calling from their home and with her sister’s date of delivery being so close, any call from her home made her excited and jittery at the thought that her sister was finally going into labour.

So, she stopped what she was doing and Young whined but his whines stopped the instant he saw her face.

Your sister’s water has just broke. Go to the hospital immediately.”

Krystal could hardly believe her ears. Her jaw dropped and she stared at Young unblinkingly for a moment before responding to the voice on the phone which belonged to the butler whom she was close to. “OH MY GOSH! WHAT DO I DO?”

You don’t have to do anything. Just head to the hospital safely. Your family will meet you there.”

Okay! Okay!” Krystal ended the call and started squealing, “Unnie’s water broke! Unnie’s water broke! Then, her line of sight met what she had left hanging and she was apologetic all at once. “Oh no. I’m so sorry. We’ll finish off quickly before leaving.”

Young shook his head and stopped her. “No. Let’s go immediately.”

But you—”

Krys, I can deal with it. Now, let’s clean up and get dressed.”



Young sent a flurry of text messages to their friends about the impending delivery and hurried to his car with Krystal. The girl was already beside herself with excitement and he couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like when it was his turn to be on the receiving end of their very own baby.


Yul sat by her side, holding her hand and her hair lovingly as she experienced the pain of her contractions. Much to his surprise, she had chosen not to go under an epidural for pain relief when they last met Doctor Han. She had opted against it because of the various side effects and had expressed her willingness to go through labour without it. And he had been held in awe of her bravery after that. Indeed, Jessica never did fail to amaze him in so many ways.

Now, as she lay on the hospital bed, contracting every few minutes, he truly wondered how in the world she was holding up so well. He was insanely proud of her and to express that, he leaned nearer to kiss her forehead gently.

How are you feeling?”

I can’t wait for this to be over.” Jessica’s smile was faint and she was in discomfort but she was coping well.


It had been just over an hour since they arrived at the hospital when their family and friends gathered outside. Yul’s mother and brother were with Jessica’s parents, Young and Krystal and boy, were they excited.

Inside, Jessica’s contractions had become stronger and more and more frequent. And so did her moans of pain. Yul had taken to massaged her legs to prevent them from cramping, upon advice from Doctor Han. And soon, the second stage of labour was upon them.

Taeng, Tiffany, Yoong, Sunny, Hyun and Hyoyeon arrived in time, just as Doctor Han entered the room to commence the child birth and they joined the excited little group of people standing at the door, peeping in to see nothing but the curtains that surrounded Jessica, Yul and the various people who were in there to deliver the baby.


Push, Jessica.”

Jessica screamed as her contraction came and pushed hard.

Doctor Han was patient with her but she was growing impatient. It’d been two hours since she started pushing periodically when her contractions came. She wanted her baby to be delivered. She wanted to hear the first cry of her baby. Most of all, she wanted this entire thing to be over.

Yul was holding her leg with one hand and her hand in his other. He’d been extremely supportive so far and she was glad that he was with her throughout.

Yul, come over here. You should see this.” Doctor Han gestured for him to move over.

Yul smiled assuredly at Jessica before letting go of her hand and positioning himself next to Doctor Han. Jessica could see his face as he looked and she was sure that she wasn’t going to forget that look anytime soon. It was a mixture of reverence, awe, admiration, love, wonder and bliss all in one. Never had he looked as touched as he was in this moment. Not even on their wedding day. And she was curious. Just what was he seeing right then?


Doctor Han’s voice came through, popping her thought bubbles and she pushed again.


She pushed. She could feel all sorts of things. Pressure, pain, all kinds of feelings were in her at the moment but she pushed hard when her contractions came.

The head is out, baby,” Yul announced encouragingly, “Go on baby, you can do it!”

Jessica pushed for all she was worth during the next few contractions and Yul clapped his hand to his mouth as his eyes widened in wonder of their baby entering their world. A great sense of relief overcame her just then and her head rolled on the pillow behind her. She was exhausted.

Would you like to cut the umbilical cord, Yul?”

Yul nodded his head, unable to speak.

Hold for a while then. We’re going to let Jessica carry her baby before you cut the cord.”

Yul nodded numbly and watched as Jessica’s eyes watered upon seeing her baby. Their baby had begun to cry, presumably missing her mother and was handed over to Jessica carefully.

Yuki…” Jessica whispered as wrapped her arms around her baby as she was placed on her abdomen. There were many things happening to her down below but she was oblivious to it all. All she could see and feel was her baby. “Yuki…”

Congratulations, Yul and Jessica. Your baby girl is born.” Doctor Han smiled at Yul but his eyes were on Jessica and their newborn baby. The moment was too precious. He couldn’t look away.

A few minutes later, he was handed a pair of surgical scissors and presented the clamped umbilical cord.

Go for it, Yul,” Doctor Han said smilingly and he went for it. And that just about concluded the most emotional event of his life.


For Jessica, however, it was anything but over. As she looked into her baby’s eyes, she couldn’t help but be filled with a sense of warmth. Her baby seemed to know who her mother was for she locked gazes with her and Jessica found herself falling in love with this new life. She held her baby, cooing softly as her baby looked at her. And for a while, that was all she could do.

You can try feeding her if you want,” Doctor Han said with a wide smile. “I’ve done all the checks. Your little Yuki is doing just fine. All systems go.”

Thanks, Doctor Han. Thank you very much,” said Yul, before turning back to look at the beautiful sight of his wife and newborn baby bonding.

Jessica was ready. She tugged down her hospital gown and freed one of her s. She held her baby to her and watched in wonder as her baby touched her for the first time. It was a . Her baby had her and it was the most magical thing in the world.

It took a while and several minutes passed before her baby finally latched on to her and began ling. But before she knew it, her very first feeding was over and her baby was taken away to be treated and cleaned accordingly.

It was only then that she finally turned to Yul who was right by her side, smiling at the commotion coming from outside the room—no doubt created by her friends and family gushing over her newborn baby.

Yul…” Her eyes were glistening with tears from the deep emotions that ran under her skin. “Our baby girl…is so beautiful…”

Yes she is, Sica. She’s the most beautiful thing in the world.”

He hugged her tight and she closed her eyes, as waves of love and joy washed over her, infusing her with the coziest feelings she ever had.

Life was beautiful and with Yul beside her and their newborn baby girl, she was more than ready for what the future held.

Yul…Yuki… I love you.


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Fire_trek 341 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 341 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD