Round 87

Personal Differences

Round Eighty-Seven

Young grinned at himself in the mirror. Man, he was born lucky. To have a good looking face like that was a of luck. Of course, he had his good looking parents to thank for this. But it was definitely a weapon he could depend on when he was going all out to make sure that Krystal was his and his only.

He shrugged on a tapered jacket that was cut to his size and emphasized the good proportion of his body. Then he ran his fingers through his hair, making sure that it didn’t look like he’d spent an hour styling it. The key was to look effortless. And effortless he looked. He ran his thumb down his jaw and smirked, feeling satisfied with how he looked. Krystal, I’m coming for you.


It was their first dinner together in two weeks and Krystal looked forward to it with a thumping heart. She was going to push all of Young’s buttons to get him to cross the line. Yes. And if Taemin had to be their sacrificial lamb, so be it.

She’d noticed the change in him instantly. The hug. The kiss. It was a kiss to mark her as his property in front of another. A reaction to the presence of a possible rival. She hadn’t expected Young to react that way but she didn’t mind it either. So if Taemin’s presence was going to be the catalyst, she was going to use him to the limit.

She smiled at herself as she checked her dress out in the mirror. She certainly looked good. Good enough to drive Young wild? She hoped so. And a quick glance at her watch told her that it was time to find out.


Young pulled up at the Jung residence and got out of his car. A butler opened the door for him and ushered him into the living room.

Young! It’s great to see you again.”

Young turned towards the voice. It was Yul. “Hey Yul, I just got back from the States today.”

Yeah, I know. Krystal announced it the moment she got home from school and she’s been in high spirits ever since.”

Young couldn’t help grinning. “Is she?”

She’s an embarrassment to the Jungs when she gets excited over you,” Jessica added as she walked down the stairs and joined hands with Yul.

A broad grin swept across Young’s face. Krystal was walking down the stairs and she looked fabulous. Decked out in a mini black and white leather dress, she looked like a model walking down the runway. Oh, she was hot stuff. Sizzling hot. Was he hot enough for her? He was sure he was. Especially with his ‘effortless’ styled hair and tailored outfit.

He tugged on his jacket to straighten it as he walked to the foot of the stairs. He got there just as she reached the last step and extended his hand to her.

Krys,” he spoke in a hushed tone as she placed her hand in his, “you look so good.”

Thanks.” She smiled and flipped her hair behind her shoulder, revealing her elegantly sculpted shoulders to him. His eyes bulged. The lines of her collarbone were so enticing. They were beckoning him to kiss her but he had to hold back. No. Not in front of Yul and Jessica. Not in the Jung residence. Not anywhere near the eyes of Mr. Jung.


After bidding her sister and Yul goodbye, she allowed herself to be escorted to Young’s car. He opened the door for her and she got in elegantly. And allowed her dress to ride up her thighs a little more than usual. Once in her seat, she smiled at him and took note of how his eyes seemed a little bigger than usual. Looks like it worked! She celebrated mentally and resolved to push even more buttons tonight.


She crossed her legs, uncrossed them and crossed them again. He was only too aware of what her legs were doing but he had to focus on driving. He wasn’t going to risk getting another ticket because of a pair of mouth-watering thighs. He couldn’t. Resist. I have to resist! He tried to steel himself against her charms but he sneaked a peek anyway. It was useless. It was futile. He was weak. He was only human.


He thanked the heavens for blessing him with a smooth journey to the restaurant. No tickets, no accidents. Thank goodness. He got out and opened the door for her, extending his hand to her to help her out. Her cool fingers slid into his grasp and he delighted in holding her elegant hand. She was so beautiful tonight. There was no doubt that every man in the restaurant would be wishing that their date was her. Too bad guys. She’s mine.

Wow, isn’t this the most expensive steakhouse in town?” asked Krystal as they walked into the place.

Young grinned. “Money is no object, Krys. Truly good steak is priceless.” And he laughed when Krystal smacked her lips in agreement.

They were ushered to a private corner of the restaurant to be seated as soon as they entered. Young must have pre-ordered the wine for a waiter stepped up to them soon after they were seated and showed Young the bottle in his hands.

You requested for the 1941 vintage CASK Cabernet Sauvignon?”

Young looked at the bottle and nodded. “Yes.”

The waiter then uncorked the bottle and poured out a sample. He handed it to Young who took it, swirled it and sipped.

Is it alright, Sir?”

It’s alright.”

The waiter then proceeded to pour some of it for Krystal, stopping when her glass was half full. He then placed the bottle in a cooler and returned their privacy to them.

So, is Taemin your best friend in school?” Young asked as soon as the waiter was out of earshot.

Krystal had to stifle another giggle. Youngie is really bothered by Taemin. He’s so cute! “He’s a pretty good friend. Very helpful. Very nice.”

Does he have a girlfriend?”

Krystal was most amused by Young’s questions. They were so telling! “No,” she answered nonchalantly.

Young sat a little straighter upon hearing that and frowned slightly. “And the two of you are in the same club in school?”

Krystal nodded. “That’s how we met. He was assigned to be my buddy and we hit it off pretty well from the start. He’s the one who introduced me to the bubble tea shop. And Eva gives me extra pearls because of him.”

Why? Does she like him?”

Krystal was on the verge of bursting into laughter. Young, Young, Young. I can read you like an open book. “No. He’s a loyal customer, that’s why. Anyway, enough about him. I want to hear more about you. Did your business trip go well?”

It went pretty well. Our car sales are doing well at the moment. My father is pleased.”

Before Krystal could ask any more questions, a waiter stepped up to them, pushing a trolley with their steaks. He removed the lid from two hotplates and proceeded to place a thick piece of steak on each plate. She her lips. The steaks looked very appetizing. He then doused them in ignited alcohol and they burst into blue-tinged flames at once. The flames danced about on the hotplate and her sense of smell was teased by the aroma that infused into the air around them.

The flames soon disappeared and it was only then that the waiter placed her steak in front of her.

Enjoy, Miss.”

Thank you.”

She looked at Young most appreciatively as he received his steak. Indeed, she didn’t need nor did she ask for the pampering but a girl could get used to this.

Young, I really appreciate you bringing me out to this lovely steakhouse.”

His face lit up with a wide smile and she couldn’t help but smile too. “I can bring you to many more fantastic steakhouses and you can eat all the steaks you want.”

Krystal was immensely touched by how he lavished love and care on her. “You’re really sweet, Young. You’re fantastic.”

To which Young replied, “And lucky too. So darn lucky.”


As the dinner progressed, she felt increasingly awkward. She’d never thought she’d ever have to do something like this. Having to seduce her boyfriend by ‘accidentally’ brushing her leg against his. Just how did she end up in this plight? How was it that her boyfriend had no qualms when it came to being physical with other women yet was so careful around her?

Sure, Young had explained that he didn’t want her to feel like just another girl but how long would this continue? How long until they went beyond kissing? She wasn’t going to sit and wait, as awkward as it was turning out to be for her. If he didn’t have the initiative to go further, she would just have to seduce him into it.

So, she continued brushing her leg against his. ‘Accidentally’. Periodically. And each time she made contact with him, she feigned ignorance. She noticed that he looked and sounded more and more breathless as time went on but she didn’t stop her seduction. Surely he would have gotten the message by now? Just now many times did she have to do it before he realized that it wasn’t accidental? Sigh.


Soon, dinner was over. The steaks and wine were now in their tummies and they were ready to leave. She hoped that he had gotten the message by now. Had he?


Young escorted her back to his car and helped her into it. She abandoned her modesty and allowed her dress ride even higher than the first time. Surely it would be clear to him by now? Just then, Young took his jacket off and laid it over her thighs. He patted it and smiled at her. Her jaw dropped mentally. Oh the horrors. Young! Her mind was screaming in frustration. What is wrong with you!

He started the engine as she tried to keep herself under control and they drove back to her home.

The route was a little different though. She began to realize that a few minutes later. Where was he heading to? He didn’t seem to be heading back to her home anymore. She chose not to comment on the change of route however, and decided to let him take her to wherever he wanted. She would find out soon enough anyway.

He pulled into what looked like a bus parking lot and got a ticket. Then, they were at the entrance of a theatre. Krystal’s eyes widened in surprise as she registered her surroundings. Was this what she thought it was?

He paid the attendant and got his parking ticket stamped and was given a radio frequency. What was it for? Soon, they were in their assigned parking lot and that’s when Young switched on the radio and tuned it.

Young, how did you find this place?” Krystal was excited. She had no idea that there was such a thing in the middle of Seoul.

I heard about this place from a couple of friends. I thought you might like it. So.”

I do! Drive-in moves are so cool!” exclaimed Krystal as she clapped her hands with glee.

Young looked pleased but that look quickly turned into an awkward one as he asked, “Do you mind if we share a seat?”

Krystal blinked. What was he…? Then it dawned on her. Had he finally caught on to the hints she’d been dropping all evening? Suddenly, she felt immensely shy.

Er…okay…” she replied softly, her eyes ducking down low to avoid his.

Immediately, he lowered her front seat. Then, he eased onto her seat and hugged her close to him. It was a very tight squeeze and their bodies were practically plastered to each other. It wasn’t terribly comfortable. She was on her side and half-lying on him and the amount of body contact had hit an all-time high. Krystal was sure that her face was red by now. Fortunately, it was dark enough so he wouldn’t be able to see her blushing.

He adjusted the jacket on her legs, propped up his legs on the dashboard and grinned at her. “The movie’s starting at 9.30 so there’s time to get snacks if you want some.”

Krystal shook her head. “No, it’s alright. I don’t need anything.”

Then I’m good too,” said Young.


Soon, the movie began. It was then that Krystal found out what the radio frequency was for. It was for the sound! They were rather focused on the movie at first, but after a while, she started to notice his wandering hand. It began at her bare shoulder. His fingers traced invisible lines up, down and across her shoulders. Then, his fingers trailed down her arm lightly, barely touching her skin, teasing her, enticing her.

That’s when she tilted her head up to look at him. Only to find him staring straight at her. She was taken aback by the proximity of their faces but the hungry look in his eyes stopped her from looking away. Then it happened.

Like a hawk, he swooped in for the kiss. It was a possessive kiss. The kind of kiss that melted her into a quivering mess. The kind of kiss that sent tingles in every direction, to the ends of her body. Her entire being was jazzed up by his lips nuzzling hers, roving possessively, aggressively over hers. She was pleasantly surprised by the way he kissed her and she secretly hoped that it wouldn’t end too soon.

The next thing she knew, he had pulled her so that she was lying right on top of him. She half straddled him as his arms wrapped around her waist to hold her close. And her dress must have ridden up high because she suddenly felt his hands on her thighs. She was startled by it and lifted her head, breaking their rather intense kiss.

What’s wrong, Krys?” asked Young, his breath heavy.

Krystal blinked. “Nothing. Nothing’s wrong.”

Why did you stop?”

I…I don’t know. I’m sorry. Please continue.”

Have I gone too far?”

Krystal shook her head. “You haven’t. Not at all. I…I like this. I was just…surprised, that’s all.”


Krystal bit her lip. It was a little embarrassing to say this. “Your hands on my thighs,” she replied softly, her eyes avoiding his again.

I thought we could go a little further tonight, you know…” Young trailed off, sounding more and more uncertain about things and Krystal panicked. She didn’t want him to back off. Not when he was finally stepping up after all the hints that she’d dropped. “…since you were kind of coming onto me all evening.”

Krystal felt like sticking her head in a hole there and then. To hear him saying that was…

Did I misunderstand?” Young asked.

No, no. You didn’t misunderstand.” She could feel the heat increase tenfold as she inadvertently admitted to seducing him. “I…You…You got it right.”

So it would be okay if I moved my hands here…?” Young slid his hands up to her derriere as he asked.

Krystal bit her lip even harder. Oh…this was the first time any man had ever touched her this way and it made her heart race. “It’s okay,” she replied in her shyest voice.

The moment the words left , she felt his hand moving up to her head and pushing her gently towards him again. She closed her eyes and allowed the feelings to infuse into every corner of her body and mind as their lips met again. His hands then glided down her back to cup her derriere again and this time she didn’t stop kissing him. In fact, she kissed him even harder than before.


The sun was high in the sky by the time they aroused from their sleep. Certainly, playing the part of the big, bad wolf was a tiring one and Yoong had knocked out completely after several y rounds with Sunny.

He yawned and stretched, his legs rubbing against her bare ones as he moved. Her face was squashed against his chest and he couldn’t help but grin when he saw how cute she looked. Those lips. Gosh. Those lips were to die for. He’d gladly bite a bullet if he could bite those lips. So luscious. So juicy. So sweet. In fact, those terms applied to all of her. She was juicy all over. And very sweet in many places.

He swept her hair out of the way and pressed his lips against her forehead. She scrunched up her face and pouted. He nearly lost it. Argh! The cuteness of it all. He couldn’t handle it. Every little move of hers was so adorable that he could spend all day just staring at her. Ogling at her. He chuckled at that thought. She certainly had many assets for ogling. Oh yeah, he was a lucky man.

As he thought his dirty thoughts, she began to wake up. She rolled onto her back and arched it to stretch herself. Oh boy, that was tantalizing! She turned, looked at him and rolled her eyes.

Don’t you get any dirty thoughts this early in the morning, Yoong.”

Yoong snickered. “It’s not early in the morning, bunny. It’s past noon now.”

Past noon!” Sunny sat up with a start and looked at the clock on the wall. Indeed, it was half-past twelve in the afternoon. “Yoong! You have to go to work!”

Yoong shook his head. “No, I don’t. I took a day off. It’s your birthday today, Sunny. I have to spend it all with you.”

Aww, Yoongie. That’s sweet of you.”

Of course I’m sweet. I’m the sweetest guy there is. You won’t be able to find another like me.”

Sunny laughed. “That much is true. You’re certainly one of a kind, Yoongie.”

Yoong grinned and grabbed her waist to pull her up against him. He hugged her from the back and whispered in her ear, “Let’s grab some lunch and play some more games, shall we?”

Sunny giggled. “Sounds good!”


Yul went for a walk with Jessica after breakfast. It was part of his plan to get her to exercise a little bit more. If she wouldn’t run, well, at least she could walk. They headed to the park that held many memories for them and strolled around it.

While strolling, Jessica asked, “What are you going to do about your brother?”

Nothing. I might just punch him if I see him again so I’d rather not see him.”

What about your mother?”

Yul sighed. “I think she deserves to know but I don’t know how to tell her.”

Call her and say that you met him at the flower shop.”

Yul couldn’t help but laugh. “Jessica…you make it sound so simple.”

Why shouldn’t it be?”

It isn’t.”

Why not?”

I have to consider if my brother is ready for this. I don’t know what he might say to Mother if she visits him. I don’t know if my mother can handle this.”

But there’s no way to find out until you tell your mother. You have to tell her, Yul. She has a granddaughter that she doesn’t even know about! I’m sure she misses him too. And now that you’ve met him, are you inviting him to our wedding?”

Yul stopped short in his tracks and Jessica stopped when his hand tugged on hers. She turned back to look at him inquisitively. “Yul…?”

I don’t want him at our wedding.”


No buts. I said no.”

Jessica pursed her lips. Yul knew that it was her way of stopping herself from saying something and he had no wish to hear it either.

I’ll think about how I can tell Mother about him but I’m not inviting him to our wedding.”



After they got home, Jessica pulled Yul to their bedroom and fished his phone out from his pocket.

Call her,” she said simply as she placed his phone in his hand.

Yul hesitated as he dialed his mother’s phone number.

Go on,” urged Jessica. “Call her.”

Yul breathed deeply and held his breath. Come on. I can do this. I have to. I have to let Mother know. Then he blew his breath out in a rush and dialed.

Alright. This was it.


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Fire_trek 341 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 341 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD