Round 78

Personal Differences

Round Seventy-Eight

Good morning everyone!” Yul greeted his co-workers merrily.

They stood and stared.

Er… Good morning Yul,” replied one of his co-workers.

Such a wonderful day today!” Yul grinned as he took his seat.

The co-worker who had greeted him nearly fell off his seat. The sky was grey and it was raining cats and dogs outside. A wonderful day?! His co-workers made eyes with each other and shrugged. Nobody knew what the heck was wrong with Yul today.

Yum hummed a merry tune as he his computer. The co-worker who was next to him stared at him in disbelief and sent out a message to the rest of the co-workers.


Guys, Yul is humming ‘Merry Christmas’ to himself. He’s gone nuts!


I’d have to agree. He’s finally lost it.


Do you think they broke up or something?


They broke up?!


I hope they didn’t break up. T_T


Why don’t we just ask him. This is going nowhere.


Who is USER08?


I’m right beside you >.>


Let’s ask him. I’m so curious that I won’t be able to do my work properly.


Who’s gonna ask him?


Er… Lau!




Cos you started it.


Aww, don’t bully her.


You ask him then.


Hehe, do you think our chief is curious too?


I’d advise you to get back to your work. If you’re so curious, ask him during lunch!


Tiffany was busy making phone calls to move the wedding to an earlier date when there was a knock on her door. It was Taeng.

There’s a delivery for you.”

He handed her a box and left her office to do his work. She opened it curiously. There was a box of salad and a packet of sandwiches inside. There was also a note that said: I heard that you often eat lunch in the office. I was about to advise you against that but it wouldn’t be convincing enough since I do that too. So, here’s what I’m having for lunch today. It’s healthy and has all the nutrition you need. – D

D. D for Dennis?

How would he know that she usually had her lunch in her office? Where did he hear that from? And what were his motives for sending her lunch? His message was rather neutral. It didn’t have any definite overtones of romance. Did it?

Well. Lunch was lunch. Food was food. She opened the salad box and began eating it. It was delicious. She’d have to ask him where he got this from and get Taeng to buy it for her. The sandwiches were delectable as well and she polished it off within minutes.

There was another knock on the door. It was Taeng again. “What do you want for lunch today?” he asked.

She held up the empty sandwich packet guiltily and said, “I just had lunch.”

You just had lunch?”

It was the box that was delivered a while ago.”


I think Dennis sent it.”

Dennis? Oh?”

Yes. Our client, Dennis.”

I see.”

Are you okay, Taeng?” Taeng didn’t look happy for a moment.

I’m okay. Would you like anything else for lunch?”

Fruit juice would be great.”

Okay. I’ll get it for you.”

Thanks Taeng. You’re the best.”

And with that, Taeng smiled again. “I’ll be right back.”


Dennis!” Tiffany called to the tall, handsome man who was at the moment, poring over a catalogue.

He looked up and their eyes locked gazes. An electric sensation zipped down her spine and she quickly looked away, blushing slightly. Oh boy, he sure was a charming man.

Tiffany, it’s great to finally see you again. Did you enjoy the lunch I sent you?”

Tiffany smiled widely and nodded. “It was delicious! Where did you buy them from?”

Oh, I made them. I can make them for you again since you think it’s delicious.”

Tiffany was taken aback. He made them? Oh my goodness! “No, I couldn’t ask that of you. You don’t have to.”

Dennis flashed another charming grin that sent her heart aflutter and said, “It’s no trouble at all. I make them for my own lunch anyway. You forget that I own a chain of restaurants and cooking is second nature to me.”

But still, really, there’s no need. Taeng buys lunch for me every day. I’m taken care of.”

Well, if you insist. It really is no trouble at all. But I’ll send you some samples of new sandwiches and salads that I come up with, alright? You’ll be my guinea pig.”

You come up with your own sandwiches and salads?” Tiffany was rather impressed.

Dennis chuckled. “It’s cheaper to do it by myself than to amass a team to do it. Besides, it’s part of the fun. I enjoy coming up with new dishes for my menu. Isn’t that why you’re handling projects by yourself instead of letting your team handle everything? You’re just like me. You enjoy getting your hands dirty.”

Tiffany was astounded. He seemed to understand her very well. “You’re right about that. I enjoy planning events. I would want to get down and plan it even if I own the company.”

They smiled at each and other and suddenly, the air around them seemed to sizzle. They were connecting, bonding but surely this seemed to go beyond a working relationship? Tiffany snapped out of it quickly and hastened to bring the topic back to its original purpose.

So, I’ve looked at the location of your restaurant. I can recommend a few magazines and food critics that you might want to invite for a food tasting before opening your restaurant officially. We want people buzzing about the latest restaurant on the street, the new best place to grab a quick lunch and chill after work.”

It sounds good to me. I’ll leave the decisions to you. I trust your judgement on this. You know the magazines better than I do.”

We’ll get you on the magazines, radio and some posters. And we’ll get you on the popular sites and apps that everybody checks out for reviews.”

You’re making the money I spent on you sound really worth it right now.”

Tiffany paused. Dennis was smooth and glib beyond words. It unsettled her a little. She preferred Taeng’s straightforwardness. No games. No guessing. Yet, Dennis charmed her. He pushed her out of her comfort zone and appealed to her senses. She’d better get a grip on herself. She was Taeng’s woman for goodness sakes.

Thanks for the compliment.” She put on her most professional megawatt smile and continued the discussion.


Sunny tossed the last of her bags into Yoong’s car and sighed at him. He had been in high spirits all day and it showed in the office. She’d only gone into his office to hand him a document he needed and he’d been all over her. Highly unprofessional but she couldn’t get away from him until he had his way with her. She could only hope that her lips weren’t swollen from his ardent kisses as she returned to her desk. And she certainly wasn’t going back in there again.

Sungmin oppa, can you hand this to Yoong?” Sunny held out another document in her hand.

Sungmin grinned cheekily. “I don’t think Yoong will be pleased to see me. You’d better hand it to him yourself.”

Oppa! Help me!” whined Sunny, putting on her cutest pout.

Argh, alright, alright. Give it to me. And stop pouting like that. You’re going to give me a heart attack.”

Sunny giggled and handed him the document. “Thanks oppa!”

Yoong will kill me if he knows that you’re pouting at me like that.”

Sunny put on her most innocent look and said, “Your life is in my hands. Get going.”

Sungmin laughed and shook his head as he got up and walked into Yoong’s office and Sunny pumped her fist jubilantly. She had found a way to protect herself from Yoong’s over-enthusiasm. She was safe.

But she wouldn’t be the moment she stepped into his apartment. Why in the world did I agree to move in with him!

Yoong, there’s going to be some ground rules after I move in with you.”

Yoong turned to her aghast. “Ground rules? What ground rules? I don’t like rules.”

Sunny grinned. She knew exactly how to get him to agree. All it took was a magic phrase. “But it’s part of the game.”

Yoong pouted. “Why am I starting to think that this game isn’t such a good idea after all?”

Sunny laughed. “Number one. You’re not allowed to go beyond second base with me unless I say so.”

Second base?! Oh come on… You’ve got to be kidding me!” groaned Yoong.

Well, it’s either this or I go home right now.”

Alright, alright,” Yoong acquiesced reluctantly. “I’ll follow the rules.”

Number two. You’re not to touch me during office hours again.”

Yoong’s shoulders slumped and he nodded dejectedly. “Anything else?”

That will be all.”

Sunny had the strongest urge to cheer up him with a kiss as she looked at his sad eyes but she knew that she had to resist. She had to keep him in check. Someone had to maintain the order.


Young was sad to let her go. But he knew that it was what she wanted. That left him with nothing else to say except, “I will miss having you around in the showroom.”

So will I. I’m going to miss Sulli too.”

Young wrapped his arms around Krystal, unable to bear seeing the dejected look on her face. “You two can still see each other for dinner and drinks.” His hands busily rubbing her back as he comforted her.

He could feel Krystal nodding against his shoulder and he could only hope that she would cheer up soon. Krystal had not returned to his showroom ever since the press conference that rocked the city of Seoul. Her father had advised that she stayed out of the limelight for a while and she had compiled, for once.

During that period of time, she seriously contemplated her future. She knew that she could not go on in life without a greater purpose and it was when she decided to further her studies. She would take on a degree in Mass Media and eventually work towards taking over her father.

Young was full of admiration of her spunk when she told him of her plans. This was definitely the girl that he had fallen for. So full of courage and vitality. He encouraged her to pursue her ambition whilst he nursed a heart that had already begun to miss her deep inside. He was going to have less time with her. It was a given.

Don’t you dare allow any of those college boys near you, you hear me?” He attempted to make light of things.

She lifted her head off his shoulder and looked at him, a crooked smile on her lips. “And what if I do?”

I’ll punch them,” he declared. “Don’t forget, I’m capable of knocking out two fully grown men. Those college boys don’t stand a chance against me.”

Krystal let out a small laugh. “You’ll punch college boys.” She let out a louder laugh. “Young, you didn’t even dare to kiss me on our date, you wuss.”

I’m not a wuss! I’m a man, okay.”

Oh, are you now…?”

Young puffed out his chest and patted it confidently. “Yes I am. I’m all man. From head to toe. One hundred per cent.”

Krystal laughed again but grew sombre in the next instant. “I’m really sorry that you have to wait for me for so long.”

I’m willing to wait. I’ll wait till you graduate, wait till you’re ready. You’re the only one for me.”

Krystal smiled and leaned close to him, planting a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you.”

Young grinned shyly and turned to look at her. Her lips were so irresistible; glowing under the moonlight. He met her soft lips with his briefly before leaning back but she wouldn’t let him.

Give me a real kiss Young.”

His heart skipped upon hearing her demand and he lowered his lips onto hers again, this time, applying sweet pressure and nuzzling them properly. She promptly kissed him back, throwing her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her as she parted her lips to welcome him in. He accepted her invitation and made his presence felt. He felt the heat arising and unwittingly grinded against her. Horrified by what he had done, he froze.

What’s wrong?” she asked, her breath heavier than usual.

I’m sorry.”


Didn’t you feel it?”

I was feeling many things, which feeling are you talking about?”

I lost control and grinded against you.”

Krystal blinked, her dark brown orbs mesmerizing him to no end.

Why can’t you grind against me?” she asked simply.

Young gaped. Grinding…grinding was what he did to those easy girls on the dance floor. The ones who’d drop their dresses, pants, skirts, and at the slightest look from him.

I’m sorry. I was just reminded of the things I used to do when I was…playing around.”

Young, you can’t let your past haunt you like that. It’s not healthy. I’m your girlfriend. Your only girlfriend. And I like it when you want me.”

You like it when I grind against you?” Young was flabbergasted.

Krystal laughed. “It’s not the act, Young. It’s the feelings that come with the act. I know that it’s more than just a one night stand with you. We’re more than that, aren’t we?”

Young nodded vigorously. They were definitely much more than a one night stand. They would be a one life stand if he had anything to say about it.

So put those bad memories away. We both know why you acted that way in the past but it’s all over now.”


Krystal simply smiled and rested her head on his shoulder, her arms reaching around his waist, snuggling against him comfortably.The view from this spot is just so breath-taking. I love this place,” she said quietly.

Young’s heart thumped so loudly that he wondered if she could hear it. I love you Krys,” he whispered.

A moment of silence ensued before he heard her whispering, “I love you too.” And he closed his eyes, feeling more complete than he ever had in his life.


Yul entered a flower shop that he’d spotted on his way to the Jung’s residence. It had suddenly occurred to him that he had not given her the bouquet of flowers that he promised the last time. So he parked his car and headed in, hoping to get a nice bouquet of flowers to make Jessica happy.

A woman was behind the counter, playing with a little girl who couldn’t be more than two or three years old. The little girl was pretty and he couldn’t help wondering if he was going to have a daughter or a son. Having a daughter would be the loveliest thing while having a son would be the coolest and he decided that it didn’t matter to him which gender his baby was going to be. Besides, they weren’t going to stop at one. He wanted two at least. That way, they wouldn’t be lonely.

How may I help you, Mister?” The woman stood up and smiled at him. The little girl held on to her little fluffy teddy bear and stared at him in wonder, her other hand seeking her mother’s warmth.

He smiled at the little girl before turning to the woman and saying, “I’d like to get a bouquet of flowers for my fiancée.”

Is it a special occasion?”

Yul pondered for a moment. It was meant to be an apology but he didn’t think that it would suit the situation now. She’s pregnant and I want to surprise her with flowers. Do you have any to recommend?”

Carnations will be good since she’s pregnant. Some flowers aren’t suitable for pregnant ladies so be careful of the kind of flowers you buy for her in future.”

Carnations. Can I get a bouquet of carnations then?”


Yul smiled at the little girl again. He was inexplicably drawn to her. Was it because he was months away from having his own child?Your daughter?”


She’s very pretty.”

And quite the devil at times.”

Yul smiled. The woman was obviously perfectly happy with her ‘devilish’ daughter—the look in her eyes made it clear. I can’t wait for my baby to be born.”

The woman chuckled. “You’re just like my husband. He too was so eager for her to be born. Actually, you look quite like him as well. If I didn’t know better, I’d say the two of you are brothers.” She finished tying a pretty pink ribbon around the bouquet and handed it to him. “There you go. A bouquet for your lucky fiancée.”

Thank you. How much will that be?”

That’s a dozen carnations for twenty dollars.”

What’s your daughter’s name?” Yul asked as he fished out his wallet and handed two ten dollar bills to the woman.


Yul smiled. “That’s a lovely name. Thanks for the flowers and the advice. Goodbye Hyegyo.” He waved at the little girl who sort of shook her little fluffy teddy bear at him.

That would be her goodbye wave.” Her mother smiled with a twinkle in her eyes. “Goodbye.”

Goodbye,” Yul said as he left the flower shop.


Yul hummed a merry tune as he drove the rest of the way to the Jung’s residence. The image of the little girl he’d met at the flower shop stayed in his mind. Somehow, he found her familiar. As though she looked like someone he used to know. He shrugged it off. It was probably due to his excitement over Jessica’s pregnancy that he thought like that. Very soon, he’d have his own little kid to play with. He couldn’t wait.

The gates opened for him and he parked his car in the garage before making his way into the house. Jessica was sitting on the couch in the living room when he entered and she stood up at once when she saw him.


Surprise!” he said as he brought out the bouquet of carnations from behind his back.


They’re carnations, baby. Suitable for pregnant women.”

Jessica looked up at him in amazement. “When did you become a flower expert?”

Yul chuckled. “The florist told me so.”

Jessica giggled. “Thank you.” She held the bouquet to her nose and took a whiff. Their fragrance was pleasant to her senses. “They’re lovely.”

I’m glad you like them.” Yul leaned close to her and kissed her forehead gently.

Samchon! Yul bought me flowers!” Jessica announced the news to the chef as he walked out of the kitchen.

He grinned. “Would you like me to put them in a vase for you and place them in your bedroom?”

Yes!” Jessica chirped and handed him the bouquet of carnations. She then turned around and linked arms with Yul. “Yul…I miss you. I want you to stay with me tonight.”

Yul could only nod with a smile. There was no way he could refuse her request.


Dinner was with Jessica and Mama Jung. Both Papa Jung and Krystal were not home for dinner.

Sooyeon ah, you’re making Yul stay the night again?”


At this rate, he might as well move in.”

Yes! Yul, why don’t you move in? It’s going to happen sooner or later anyway,” chirped Jessica.

Yul was dumbfounded. Move in? He had expected her to move in with him and not the other way round. But one look at Mama Jung was enough to quell his urge to speak out against Jessica’s wishes. He had promised Mama Jung to be patient with Jessica. This was not the time to talk about such issues. He would give in to Jessica. He would give in for her sake.

Is that what you really want?” he asked Jessica.

Yes, I want to sleep with you every night. I want you to hug me to sleep.” Jessica’s smile was radiant and he wouldn’t have had the heart to upset her anyway.

Then I will,” he replied with a handsome grin.


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Fire_trek 342 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 342 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD