Round 72

Personal Differences

Round Seventy-Two

It was the sudden realization of the sun’s warmth on her skin that jolted her from her semi-hibernation state. She opened her eyes and squinted. Oh, Jessica was right next to her. It had been a while since they last slept together. They used to sleep over at each other’s home when they were in college. Those were the good ol’ days. Back in times before things with Siwon got complicated and before Jessica found out that yet another one of her boyfriends was cheating on her.

There had also been times when they cried each other to sleep, holding on to each other for comfort when all the rest of the world seemed intent on making their lives a living hell. Those were the down days. The down weeks. And those memories brought her way back to the first time they met. The way they had met was relatively ordinary. Or not.


Hey, you dropped your course list!” Tiffany yelled across the hallowed hallway of the university. The girl who was in front of her stopped in her tracks, turned back and stared. Your list.” Tiffany smiled warmly at the girl and handed her the piece of paper that had slipped out of her folder. You will need this, I believe.”

The girl flashed a crooked smile and shook her head. I won’t need this.”

Tiffany was surprised to hear that. “Why not? How would you know which classes to go to without this?”

My personal assistant will tell me where to go.”

Personal assistant?”

The girl nodded and smiled.

Tiffany was astounded to say the least. A personal assistant? Just who was this girl who stood in front of her, looking absolutely stunning and impeccably well-groomed? The girl was barely as tall as her and very slim. Slimmer than the average girl but extremely well-proportioned. It was as though someone had taken a tape measure and carefully crafted her proportions to their optimum.

Her clothes were a simple blouse and jeans but no doubt expensive. One could not miss the not-so-subtle differences in the quality and design of the clothes that her body carried off so well. Her bag too, was of the top range of designer luxury brands. The renowned logo of the brand name was displayed proudly in gold, contrasting against the rest of the beautiful black leather that made up the bag.

Not to mention, her shoes. Sneakers, she wore, but the logo of yet another top notch designer set it apart from the average sneaker. These sneakers would cost her what she earned in a month at her freelance job, at least. And in Tiffany’s opinion, only filthy rich people would step on several hundreds of dollars like this girl was doing. Where is your personal assistant? How would you know which classes to attend if your personal assistant isn’t around?”

The girl shrugged nonchalantly. And it irked her, somewhat.

You can’t just shrug it off like that. You ought to know which classes you have to attend without depending on someone to tell you.”


The question that the girl asked threw Tiffany off entirely. Why? Why?! What kind of a question was that? Because every other college student would take charge of their own classes, that’s why. Well, for starters, you could plan your time better. And you wouldn’t have to keep asking someone else to find out. Don’t you think it’s a bother to keep asking?”

The girl pondered over what she had said for a few seconds before nodding slowly. That makes sense…”

Of course it makes sense! What kind of weirdo are you anyway? Tiffany forced herself to smile, lest she unknowingly cast an expression that gave away what she thought of the girl. “Here, your list.” This time, the girl took it and smiled. As Tiffany handed the paper to the girl, she caught a glance of the girl’s first class and realized that it was the same as hers. Hey, we have the same class. Want to go together? I sure could use some company.”

The girl blinked daintily and for a second, Tiffany thought that she was in the company of some sort of magical creature like a fairy.

Wow, this girl possesses some serious beauty and femininity.

I suppose we could,” the girl replied slowly in a soft, dainty voice.

Great!” exclaimed Tiffany, feeling excited to have a new friend—even though her new friend appeared to be rather unusual. She was most amused to see the girl flinch. “I’m sorry, was I too loud? Most of my friends tell me that I’m embarrassingly loud sometimes.”

Yes, you gave me a fright when you yelled.”

Tiffany laughed. “Well, you’ll get used to it. By the way, I haven’t introduced myself. I’m Tiffany Hwang. What’s your name?”

I’m Jessica. Jessica Jung.”


There were times when she had pitied Jessica. The poor girl was brought up in a way that was not exactly beneficial for her. Jessica was soft, clingy and dependent on others. Neither was she able to withstand loneliness well. Jessica was that kind of girl. That kind of girl that she wasn’t. The kind of girl that she couldn’t imagine being.

The poor girl was so broken last night. So torn. It was painful to witness. Jessica wouldn’t be able to survive a breakup with Yul. It was clear to see. Tiffany had been there when Jessica went through breakup after breakup with those cheating boyfriends but none of them had induced as many tears as Yul had. And they weren’t even breaking up! They were simply…working out their differences.

Tiffany did not want to imagine how crushed Jessica would be if Yul broke up with her. No. She wouldn’t let it happen. Yul and Jessica were not going to break up if she had anything to do with it. Not when her favourite colour was at stake as well.


Taetae, I’m at Jessica’s place. Where are you?”

I’m at home, Fany.”

Could you arrange a meeting with Yul for me today? I have something very important to say to him.”

Yes, I can. I’ll call him right away!”

Tiffany giggled. Taeng was so adorable. His eagerness to help her was ever so adorable. However, her happy bubble burst when she heard another voice in the background. It was a feminine voice. And it wasn’t Hayeon’s. Taeng?”

Yes, Fany?”

Who’s at home with you?”

Hayeon and Gyuri.”

Gyuri? What’s she doing over at your place this early in the morning?”

After you left, Gyuri called and asked if I could talk to her because she was feeling down. So I invited her over to watch a movie.”

You invited her to your home to watch a movie? And she stayed over?”

Mhm. She slept with Hayeon last night. I think Hayeon likes her.”

Hayeon likes Gyuri?! But…but she was supposed to be Hayeon’s favourite sister-in-law-to-be!!!

I see. Right. Anyway, I need to see Yul. It’s really important.”

Yes, Fany. I’ll call Yul right away.”

Okay, Taeng.”

Tiffany ended the call and took a few deep breaths to calm herself. She had been all ready to yell at Taeng for inviting Gyuri over to his house to have the movie night that she was supposed to have with him, but she had stopped herself.

Had he really done anything wrong? No, he hadn’t. They weren’t alone. Hayeon had been there with them. Speaking of Hayeon, Taeng said that she liked Gyuri. Oh, she didn’t like the sound of that. She wanted Hayeon to hate Gyuri like how the young girl had hated Jieun. But what reason would Hayeon have to hate Gyuri? Gyuri had not done anything bad. Yet.

So what else could she do but calm herself with deep breaths? Nothing. There was nothing else she could do. Or…not?


Jessi, I’ve got to go now. Get up and get some breakfast, okay? I’ll see you in the office later.”

Jessica groaned and buried her face in her pillows. “No day off for a heartbroken best friend?”

Now, now…I did not spend the night consoling you just so that you can try to get out of work the next morning.”


You know that that doesn’t work on me, Jessi.”


Jessi, as much as I feel for you and your problems with Yul, work is work. You have to toughen up a little more, Jessi. We girls have to be stronger. We girls have—”

To stand on our two feet. I know.”

Tiffany grinned. “I think you’re definitely feeling better this morning. Keep it up, Jessi. Make me proud.”


Good morning, Auntie Jung,” Tiffany greeted Mama Jung as she came down the stairs.

Good morning, Tiffany,” Mama Jung greeted in return. “Thank you for coming over for Sooyeon.”

It’s the least I can do for her, auntie.”

She’s lucky to have a friend like you and a fiancé like Yul.”

I’m lucky to be her friend too, auntie.”

Are you staying for breakfast?”

I’m afraid I can’t. I have somewhere to be.”

Alright then. Drive safely, Tiffany.”

I will.” Tiffany lost no time in getting to her car and driving back to Taeng’s apartment.


Sounds of laughter came from the living room as Taeng opened the door for her. Hearing those sounds did not please her.

Fany unnie! You’re here!” Hayeon jumped off her seat and ran to her, hugging her when they were close enough. Tiffany smiled at once—too happy to show Gyuri who Hayeon was closer to. You’re just in time for breakfast!”

Good morning, Tiffany,” Gyuri greeted her.

Hi, Gyuri!” Tiffany smiled at the other woman before turning back to the young girl whom she had come to adore. “Hayeon ah, did you have fun last night?”

Yes, I did! But it would’ve been so much better if you were here too, unnie.”

Tiffany smiled as brilliantly as the sun. Hayeon was such a dear! “I’m sorry…I wish I could’ve been here too.”

But you had to be a good friend! Is Jessica unnie feeling better now?”

She is. I managed to calm her down last night and convince her that Yul isn’t going to breakup with her. She’s feeling much better this morning.”

Taeng reappeared from the kitchen with a plate of scrambled eggs for her. “Fany, I called Yul. He says that he can meet you during lunch,” he informed her as he passed the salt and pepper to her.

That’s great. Thanks Taetae.” Tiffany leaned closer and planted a kiss on his lips, deliberately lingering a little longer than usual. She grinned after their lips parted as Hayeon shrieked in delight and sang, “Oppa and unnie, sitting at a table: K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then his proposal, then—mmffpphh”

Tiffany could only guffaw as a blushing Taeng tackled his little sister and stopped the young girl from blurting any more embarrassing lines. She also observed with satisfaction that Gyuri looked a little awkward sitting at the table with them. Yes, it seemed a little mean to think that way but a girl had to do what a girl had to do.


Yul, over here!” Tiffany raised her arm to attract the tall man’s attention and put it down when he saw her.

Hi Tiffany.”

Hi Yul, you don’t look so good this afternoon.”

I didn’t get enough sleep.”

I’m sorry to hear that. Maybe a fruit juice will jazz you up,” she suggested as she handed him the menu that she had been looking at.

That’s a good suggestion.” Yul signaled for a waiter and they placed their orders. After the waiter left, Tiffany started.

Yul, Jessi was really torn last night. And she seemed to think that you are about to breakup with her.”

Yul looked taken aback. “Breakup?”

Do you have any intention of breaking up with her?”


Tiffany’s shoulders sagged with relief as her heavy worries evaporated at once. Okay. That’s good to hear. But she kept saying that she can’t be your wife. She kept saying that you said that to her.”

That wasn’t what I meant.”

What did you mean then?”

Yul sighed deeply, his shoulders heaving. “I was trying to say that we have many differences that may become problems after marriage.”

Like that bag that she bought?”

You…you know about…the shopping restriction?”

Tiffany nodded. Jessi never looks at price tags when she shops. The fact that she even bothered about the price this time is a miracle in itself.”

Are you trying to say that I’m expecting too much from her?”

I don’t think I can comment on your relationship with her. But I’m here to tell you what I know about her. From a girl’s point of view. I was with her when she bought that bag. You should’ve seen how she looked at that bag.”

And she chose it over her promise to me.”

Jessi doesn’t see promises the same way as you do.”

I realize that now. Has she even been working properly in your company?”

I give her freedom in her job. The way she works is unique. But she’s saving us a lot of money with her network. A-list celebs would make appearances at our events simply because she invites them as friends. And our clientele has grown tremendously, all thanks to her. But if you’re asking if she comes into the office everyday like a regular person would, the answer would be no. I do require her to turn up for work at least two days a week to get paperwork done but that’s about it.”

I thought you were all for her to work hard like you do. Didn’t you say that you’d be tough on her?”

Tiffany laughed. “Half of that was said in jest. I know Jessi too well. Cajoling works better on her than anything.”

Her mother said the same thing.”

Tiffany grinned. “I know that you have your way with her but for the rest of us, cajoling is the easiest way around with her.”

I’ll think about this carefully.”

Yes, please do. I really want to see the two of you working things out without getting hurt.”

I appreciate your help, Tiffany. Thank you.”

I’m glad to help, Yul. And here’s our food. How timely.”


Jessica stepped out of the restaurant she had been dining in and bade her friend goodbye. Not seeing her car anywhere, she stood by the side to wait. Feeling hopeful, she fished her phone out of her bag. She looked at her phone. There were no calls or messages. She teared.

She had dutifully turned up in the office, drafted the guest list for their next two events, lunched with one of her friends whom she had deemed as a potential client, gone to the salon for a hair spa with a rich businesswoman who was her father’s acquaintance and met another wealthy friend for dinner without receiving any call or message from Yul.

Tiffany had been so sure that Yul was not going to breakup with her but if that was the case, why hadn’t Yul talked to her today? She contemplated sending him a message but her fingers simply froze as she tried to think of something to say. What could she say? She’d already apologized. What else could she say?

She could only hope that his anger had subsided. His stern, reprimanding stance had been so intimidating last night. His tone, almost threatening. She shuddered at the thought. Yul had been very scary last night. Just then, er car pulled up and her chauffeur called out to her, jolting her from her thoughts. The door was opened for her and she got into the car. She snuggled comfortably into the lush leather seats and said, “My place.”

She looked out of the window as the car weaved its way through the city but saw nothing. Her mind wasn’t registering what her eyes saw. Her mind was fully occupied by her thoughts of Yul and the things he had said last night. He was upset that she had broken his promise. She understood that much. However, his strong reaction had been unexpected. Did promises really mean that much to him? She couldn’t fathom. Sure, they’d been taught to keep promises in school but really, she didn’t think that it was unforgivable to break one.

Kids. He wanted them. Two at least. Could she? Maybe she could ask her mother for advice. Why didn’t she think of that earlier? Her mother would know about kids. Or…Yul’s mother? She seemed nice when she met her. Maybe she could ask her.

Her shopping. She thought longingly of her bag. Kelly was still waiting for her in that shop. She hoped that it wouldn’t think that she had abandoned it. No, she hadn’t. But there was that cap on her shopping. The bag was what sparked off this whole episode. What was she going to do?

Her car drove past the park near her home on the way back and she looked out of the car at it. It was the park that she had run to in tears, many months ago. There he had found her. There they had fought. In the rain. And he’d brought her back to his home afterwards. Then, they’d…

Her toes curled at the memory. “Ajusshi, stop here,” she said and the car came to a halt. I feel like going to the park for a little while. I’ll walk home by myself so you can go back home.”

Yes, Miss Jung.”


Oppa, your hands are so naughty.”

But you like it, don’t you.”

His leering grin almost made her blanch but she held it together.

Why is he getting all the action? I want some too.”

She forced a smile as yet another dirty paw joined in to cop a feel of her.

Hara did not like the two men whom she was with tonight. They were unsavoury characters but they were exactly the type of men she needed to do the job. She wanted revenge. She’d get revenge.

Jun oppa, Jin oppa, will the two of you help me?”

Help you? To undress?” sneered Jun.

Oppa!” she pouted in protest. “There’s a girl who pissed me off and I want to get even with her.”

Ooh! es in heat!” laughed Jin. “I’m always up for a cat fight.”

So the two of you will help me?”

Sure, but we’re expecting a reward for a job well done.”

Oh…you’ll get a reward…a reward you’ll never forget,” Hara enticed with the most seductive charm she could put on.


A simple phone call and a few innocent sounding questions were all she needed to find out what she wanted. Using the information, they trailed her in their car from the restaurant to her home. And just when they thought there wasn’t going to be any chance for them to get to her, her car stopped. They watched with bated breath as she got out of the car and walked into the park. Alone.

The trio in the car looked at each other, their ill-intent poorly masked. This was their chance.


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Fire_trek 341 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 341 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD