Round 60

Personal Differences

Round Sixty


Engaged?” Krystal was shocked to say the least. She was suddenly very thankful for the presence of her sister right next to her. At least she had someone to lean on.


Yeah. Engaged.” Young’s eyes didn’t quite reach hers.


Her heart was pounding in her ears and her mind was shot by the new information but she forced a smile onto her face.


Congratulations Young. And Jade.”


Who the hell was Jade anyway? Where did she pop out from? Then again, he knew so many girls that it wouldn’t be difficult to find one to get engaged to. So this was why he had asked her to object violently to their arranged engagement. He had another girl in mind. Of course. Of course he had another girl in mind. What was she thinking? She was only a little sister to him, wasn’t she?


Young, you can’t be serious. So soon after what happened?”


Her sister looked like she was ready to bite his head off.


Unnie, you should congratulate him.”


She looked deep into her sister’s eyes, silently imploring her not to say anything more.


Jessica, I assure you that I am not fooling around. I’m perfectly serious. I’m getting engaged to Jade and we’ll be getting married soon after that.”


Jessica remained silent although her eyes were in no way relenting.


Congratulations, Young.” Yul stepped forward to offer his hand.


Young shook hands with Yul and smiled. “Thanks man.”



Krystal wasn’t sure what it was but she felt cold all over. It was as though all the warmth had been vacuum out of her and left her with nothing inside. The sounds around her were muted out and all she could see was Young walking around with his bride-to-be. Jade.


There. It was done. A done deal. Why was she feeling like that? What wasn’t she happy for Young? He deserved better than a rushed wedding. Yes, that’s what it was. He deserved to marry someone he really loved. He had mentioned more than once that he was due to marry for commercial reasons but never once did she think that he’d marry because of a scandal.


He was a good man. Despite his playboy ways, he was a good man. He had his reasons for not settling down after all. Yes, he had his reasons. He had his reasons for everything he did. So he had to have his reasons for marrying Jade. Good gawd. Jade. What a tacky name. They were all stones, given that. Krystal. Jade. Krystal was glass and Jade was a green stone. Krystal was definitely a cooler name than Jade.


Krystal shook her head. What was she thinking? No. Young had chosen Jade. Or rather, accepted Jade. Yes. It was his choice. He had rejected her and accepted Jade. That was reality. A reality that she was not comfortable with. Why?




Tiffany waited in the parking lot. Three torturous days had passed and he was finally coming back. Her lips curled up at the sight of his car turning in. She waved enthusiastically at him and was practically launching herself at him the moment he was safely parked and out of the car.


Tae…tae…” she murmured in between kisses. “I…missed…you…so…so…much…”


Mmm…” was all Taeng could get out.


Let’s go home,” she breathed.


He nodded vigourously and held her hand before heading to the elevators. The moment the elevator’s doors closed, she was back on him, feasting away on his lips. There was nothing he could do really, except to let her have her way with him. Thankfully, nobody else got on the elevator. It might have been a little awkward otherwise. She stopped to allow Taeng to open the door but the moment they got into the apartment and closed the door, she was back on him like a tiger on fresh meat. Well, he wasn’t as passive as meat though. He was definitely enjoying himself and kissing her back for all he was worth.


Finally, after a marathon of kissing, they stopped. They had somehow ended up sitting on the couch which was convenient for cuddling and chatting.


Are you tired after driving for so long?” Tiffany murmured in his ear.


Taeng shook his head. “I feel very energetic after kissing you.”


Tiffany giggled. “So do I.”


You looked tired.”


I’ve been working hard.”


You work too hard.”


You know me. I love my work.”


Taeng smiled. “You’re so beautiful.”


Tiffany giggled. “You’re so random.”


Seeing you on the phone isn’t as good as seeing you now.”


I know. I feel the same way too.”


Taeng leaned in and rubbed his nose against hers. They nuzzled for a while and kissed a little bit more before Tiffany pulled back.


I think we’re ready to move into our new office, Tae.”


You got it all ready already?”




Wow, you must have worked really hard the past few days.”


Well, I’ve had little to distract me.”


Distract? What’s distracting you?”






Yeah, you.”


Is it a good thing? Or a bad thing?” Taeng’s eyes were wide open.


Tiffany shrugged. “I don’t know. What do you think?”


I don’t want to distract you from your work.”


It’s not a bad thing.”


It’s not?”


Tiffany shook her head and smiled. “I used to work day and night, not knowing when to stop, not having anything else to do. After leaving Siwon, I literally buried myself in my work which isn’t the healthiest thing to do, now that I think about it.”


So, being distracted is good?”


If it’s by you, it is.”


Taeng’s grin at that moment could have clinched a million deals.


Tiffany smiled into Taeng’s eyes and he hugged her tightly, both of his arms wrapping themselves around her, engulfing her. She hugged him back enjoying the feeling of being loved by him.


Jessi just told me that they will be holding their press conference within the next few days. If the reaction of the general public is good, it will be a good time to move into our office and open for business officially.”


That’s great!”


Tom, and Harry will be happy to finally have a proper office and desk to work from.”


What about Jessica and Ariel?”


Tiffany laughed. “I’m not sure if Jessi will be as thrilled to hear about the office but Ariel is looking forward to it too.”


Why won’t Jessica be thrilled?”


I don’t think she’s going to enjoy waking up to go to work in an office much but she doesn’t really have a choice. She’s a partner, she has to turn up.”


Uh oh…”


Tiffany laughed again. “Uh oh is right. We’ll see how she takes to it when the time comes.”



Yul, don’t forget that we have the food tasting appointment this evening.”


Are you sure you’re up for it? You’ve been busy with helping Tiffany and your family’s problems lately.”


Oh Yul, I’m fine as long as I have you with me.”


Yul smiled. “I’m all you need, huh.”


Yes, and you better not be late. Tiffany says this caterer waits for no one. Not even the Jungs.”


Where do I have to go? And what time do I have to be there?”


Yul, I texted you the details yesterday.”


You did? When?”


I texted you after we…you know.”


After we?”


Yul! You know exactly what we did last night.”


Oh, that.”


Yeah, that.”


Yul chuckled. “I’m surprised you even had the energy to text me after what we did.”


Yul…” Jessica’s voice was small and cute.


You rode me like a cowgirl for so long. To be honest, I’m quite impressed by your stamina.”


Yul!” Jessica squeaked in a high pitched voice.


And I think I like this position.”


You do?”


Mmmhmm. We should try it more often.”


Okay, I like it too.”


I know, you screamed a lot louder than usual last night.”


Kwon seobang!”


Yul laughed. “Alright, I won’t say anymore. I have to get back to work now. Lunch break is over!”


Okay, I’ll see you later.”


Kiss me goodbye, baby.”


Yul’s grin was as wide as a river after hearing her kiss.


See you later, baby.”



Jessica smiled charmingly at Mr. Han, the man responsible for the mouth-watering dishes of food that were laid out on the table before her. Her charming smile belied the simmering unhappiness that had arisen from the fact that Yul was late. He wasn’t just late. He was so-late-that-they-had-to-start-without-him late. If it weren’t for the fact that Jessica was a Jung, they wouldn’t even have had the chance to taste his food, let alone meet him in person, yet Yul couldn’t even be bothered to turn up on time.


She had tried to put off the food tasting as long as she could until Mr. Han began to look a little displeased.


The food can’t wait. Food is meant to be eaten right after it is prepared. If we wait any longer, the high standards that I toil for will be compromised.”


I’m sorry for my fiancé’s lack of punctuality. Let us start without him then.”


She stared at the beautifully presented dishes in awe. She, who was used to fine dining and works of master chefs, was actually in awe. There were butterflies carved out of apples, flowers carved out of pears, artful use of sauces and a myriad of other beautiful kinds of culinary art that garnished the artistically laid out food. Every dish was a masterpiece and she was ready to dig in—Yul or no Yul.



Thank you very much, Mr. Han. I’m sure our guests will be delighted by your fine works of culinary art.”


I am pleased that my skills are up to your expectations.”


I look forward to amazing our guests with your masterpieces.”


This is my quotation. I will hold the date for you but don’t make me wait for too long. I have a long waiting list and it wouldn’t be fair to keep others waiting.”


Jessica smiled and nodded briskly. “I am ready to make the decision but I would really love to hear from my fiancé before making the final decision.”


I understand. It is very sweet of you to think of him so much. Don’t worry. I can hold the date for three days. After which, I will have to release it to others on the waiting list.”


Thank you, Mr. Han. I appreciate it.”


You’re very welcome, Miss Jung.”


Jessica smiled and waved before leaving the building with a few takeaway boxes of the heavenly food that she had just tasted. Where in the world was Yul?!



She was about to get into her chauffeured car when she saw Yul pulling up in the parking lot beside her. He got out of his car looking harried and dashed to her side once he saw her.


Sica! I’m really sorry! I couldn’t get away from wo—OWW!!!”


Yul hopped in pain. Jessica had mercilessly rammed the car door into him.


SICA JUNG SOOYEON!!! What do you think you’re doing!!!”


Venting my anger and frustration,” she fumed.


That really hurt!” Yul’s handsome features were scrunched up in pain as he clutched his leg.


I hope it hurts! Then maybe you’ll know how I felt when you didn’t turn up and didn’t answer your calls!”


I said I’m sorry, didn’t I? Besides, it’s work that held me back. And I rushed here as soon as I could!”


Work, work, work! All you know is your work! The food tasting session is over! I had to taste it all by myself! Who’s getting married here? Am I getting married to myself? And you’re not even sorry!”




THEN WHY ARE YOU YELLING AT ME!!! I HATE YOU!!! YOU SCUM!!!” Jessica hurled the takeaway boxes at Yul angrily and got into her car. She slammed the door shut and ordered her driver to drive off immediately. “I WANT TO GO HOME! NOW!”


Er…which home are you referring to Miss Jung?”




Certainly not, Miss Jung. To the Jung residences it is.”



Yul could only look at the disappearing car in exasperation. He knew that Jessica would not be happy with him arriving so late but he did not expect her to blow up in such epic proportions.


Yet at the same time, he could not help but be touched by how adorable she was. She had packed some of the food for him! Not only that, she had also refrained from calling him a scumbag—as angry as she was—opting to call him a shorter version of it instead. On one hand, she was infinitely cute. On the other hand, she was…she was also a ball of fire that was impossible to dodge.


He sighed, feeling defeated as he stooped to pick up the boxes of food from the ground. Opening one of them, he stuck his finger into the cake he found and tasted it.


MMM!!! WOW!!! This is like a slice of heaven!” he exclaimed to himself.


He spotted a neatly folded piece of paper in the bag that contained the boxes and fished it out curiously. It was a quotation for the food catering service. His eyes grew big and wide upon seeing the number of zeroes that were on the price tag.


No way…how can food ever cost so much?!”



Mama Jung was surprised to see her daughter stomping into the house looking as though the entire world had crossed her path.


Sooyeon ah…”


Jessica didn’t stop to acknowledge her. She found herself talking to a disappearing back as her daughter stomped up the stairs to her room and slammed the door shut. The loud bang reverberated throughout the house and Krystal came out of the kitchen looking perturbed.


What was that loud bang?”


Mama Jung sighed in resignation. “Your sister’s back.”


Unnie is angry? Why?”


Mama Jung could only shrug and shake her head. Her daughter’s temper was as unpredictable as the weather in this polluted world.



Yoong was beside himself with rage. Or at least that was what Sunny thought. It was what he wanted her to think anyhow.


You lied to me about that lunch.”


Sunny bit her lip. “I’m sorry. I had to.”


How could you lie to me? How do you expect me to trust you if you’re just going to lie to me every single time?”


Sunny’s lips lost their adorable curl and her eyes lost their shine.


I’m sorry,” she said softly.


You have to make it up to me.”




My place, tonight. Wearing this.”


Yoong handed Sunny a paper bag. She took it and peeped in. It took her a while to figure out what it was but it made her gasp.


You kept it all this time?”


Of course. I’ll never forget it.”


Sunny bit her lip again. “Do I really have to do this?”


Yoong nodded solemnly.


Sunny sighed. “Okay, what time?”


Dinner time. You’re cooking.”


While wearing this?!”


Yoong’s eyes gleamed as he nodded the affirmative. “My anger would be appeased if you do this.”





Yoong rubbed his hands with glee in the privacy of his office. He felt a little guilty for making his girl feel sad when she had really lied for him but the player in him was having a hay day inside. It had been a while since they’ve had some fun and Young’s situation was depressing him to no end. He had to cheer up somehow. Besides, she wouldn’t be the only one dressing up. He’d dress up too. For her. Yes, it was a two way road and this was going to be for her as much as it was for him.


The day couldn’t pass by quickly enough and it seemed like ages before it was time to knock off. Yoong was out of his office by six and he made eyes at Sunny, sending across the message that it was time to go. They held hands and waved goodbye to the people in the office.


Have fun you two!” yelled Sungmin after them and loud boisterous laughter was heard following that.


Yoong ignored the teasing and simply grinned at Sunny who was blushing. “Hey, we’re engaged. There’s nothing to be shy about.”


I wouldn’t say that we’re really engaged.”


Why not?” Yoong was taken aback by her words.


Well, there’s your grandfather and Hyesun and frankly, I haven’t told my parents about us yet.”


Why not?!” Yoong was shocked to hear that.


I thought I’d wait till your grandfather agrees before telling my parents. I don’t want them to be worried about me.”


Oh, bunny…there’s nothing for you to be worried about.” Yoong could only smile and her hair lovingly.


There’s plenty to be worried about.”


Bunny hunny, let’s have some fun tonight. I have a surprise for you.”


A surprise?”




What is it?”


Yoong merely grinned, giving away nothing. “Bunny, it wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you now, would it? Right now, I can’t wait to get you home and into that bunny suit. I’m getting excited just thinking about it.”



As soon as they got home, Yoong ushered her into the bathroom to get changed. Then he hurried into his room and pulled out his suit for the night—Pikachu. The last time he donned this suit, things hadn’t turned out great. They’d gotten into a huge fight and he made her upset with his words. He sincerely hoped that this round wouldn’t be as screwed up as the last.


He got into his Pikachu suit as quickly as he could and hurried to the living room to ambush Sunny. It was only when he got to the living room that he realized that he hadn’t thought it out carefully enough. There was nowhere for him to hide in the living room. He was just too darn big with the suit on. Crap. Now what? Maybe the bedroom. He could try hiding behind the door. Yes. That would do.


He shuffled past the furniture as quickly as he could but more haste made for less speed as he soon found out for his great, big foot got caught on a leg of the coffee table and he was sent sprawling over the floor.


Yoongie? Is that you?” Sunny’s bemused voice reached his ears but his great, big head prevented him from turning to see her.


Yoong grunted. Embarrassment was eating him up from the inside and Sunny’s adorable laughter didn’t sound as adorable now.


Bunny, I’m having trouble getting up.”


There were tears in her eyes from laughing too much as she came around to face him. Oh great, at least someone was having a good time.


Yoongie,” Sunny couldn’t stop giggling as she tried to help him up. “What in the world are you doing in a Pikachu suit again?”


After much effort, Yoong finally managed to get back on his feet. “This is the surprise. I want us to have a fun night together, bunny. I want us to create a lasting memory of tonight.”


What’s so special about tonight?” Sunny couldn’t understand.


My dearest bunny, we have permission.”


What? I don’t get what you’re saying.”


My grandpa has agreed to our engagement.”


Sunny’s jaw dropped and her eyes grew wide with disbelief. All he could think about was how adorable she looked as she blinked several times as though to process his words before speaking again.


What did you say?”


My grandpa has given the green light, bunny. We are free to be engaged.”


Really?” Her eyes shone with excitement and pure happiness. They were the most beautiful round eyes he had ever seen. So beautiful they were, that he could not resist kissing her so he took his headgear off and did just that.


Bunny…” he murmured as he nuzzled her lips. “You’re officially my fiancée.”


He could feel her lips curling up into a sweet smile and giggles bubbled from her like a kettle that was boiling over. Then they stopped suddenly.


So you aren’t actually angry with me for lying to you about meeting your grandpa?”


Yoong heaved a heavy sigh. “I’m not exactly very thrilled about it, but Grandpa said that you passed his test because you lied to me about it. Something about loving me more than yourself. His logic is something that I’ll never understand. How can keeping things from me ever be a good thing? I want to know the truth. I don’t like to know that you’re holding back from me.”


Yoongie…I lied because I didn’t want you to get angry with your grandpa. I didn’t want your relationship with him to deteriorate.”


Yeah, that’s what he said too. Something about protecting me and him. But bunny, I’m trying my best to place my trust in you and I want to stop being jealous so easily but this isn’t making things easier on me.”


Yoongie,” Sunny pressed her lips against him tenderly. “I’m touched by you trying so hard but it’s okay. If you’re jealous, let me know. I’ll find a way to cure it.” A rather naughty grin was curling up on her face.


Oh? How do you cure a jealous guy like me?” Yoong grinned mischievously.


I don’t know…” said Sunny as she dragged a lazy finger across his jawline casually. “I could get into this suit that you love so much…”




And you could take it off…quickly…or slowly…” Sunny’s grinned salaciously and Yoong knew that the doors were open for him now.


Quickly or slowly…hmmm that is the question.”


Sunny giggled. “I think the bigger question is how we can get you out of your suit.”


Mmm… let me feast my eyes on you before we do that.” Yoong hooked his finger under her collar and tugged, bringing her closer to his lips. “I love your eyes,” he murmured as he kissed the said spot. “Your nose…your lips…”


He released her collar and held her arms as he looked at her appreciatively from head to top. She blushed and looked down as he roved his eyes over her voluptuous figure. Oh, the things he wanted to do to her right now.


Just then, the doorbell rang. Yoong groaned from the bottom of his aching loins. He was going to give that person a piece of his mind for ruining their moment. The doorbell rang again.


Yoongie, open the door.”


Argh, I’m going to kick the person’s if it isn’t important.”


Yoong shuffled to the door with Sunny behind him and opened it. “Grandpa?! What are you doing here?!”


Grandpa Im looked every bit as shocked as he felt but not for long. The old man soon lapsed into mad capped laughter.


Yo-Yoong…” Grandpa Im could barely speak, he was laughing so hard. Tears were streaking down his cheeks and he still couldn’t stop laughing.


Er…Grandpa…could you…turn around for a bit?” Yoong asked awkwardly.


W-Why?” Grandpa Im was busy trying to wipe his tears.


Well, er… Sunny… she’s kind of… hiding behind me…and…I don’t think she should be seen by anyone other than me.”


Grandpa Im laughed some more. “What’s wrong Yoong? Why can’t I see Sunny?”


Yoong could feel Sunny pressing up against his back, presumably in embarrassment, so he reached around to hold her hand.


Well…she’s kind of…you know…Grandpa, please turn around. And no peeking.”


A look of understanding dawned on Grandpa Im’s face and he turned around immediately.


Er…let me know when I can turn around again. Good Lord, the games you kids are playing these days…”



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Fire_trek 341 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 341 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD