So far from these civilized nations, their discord and deals

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Newly promoted FBI Agent Minjeong is sent on a top secret mission in Korea alone and will have to navigate its various intricacies with the elusive local consultant, Ms. Jimin Yu.


“Is it your first mission abroad, Ms. Kim?”

Minjeong flushed a bit, not knowing why she would feel embarrassed all of a sudden. But she answered nonetheless.

“Yes, it is.”

Ms. Yu offered another smile. “I see.”



Newly promoted FBI Agent Minjeong is sent on a top secret mission in Korea alone and will have to navigate its various intricacies with the elusive local consultant, Ms. Jimin Yu.



Cross-posted on AO3. English is not my native language.
All comments are welcome and appreciated! This is the first time I'm writing a full story like this. I'm curious to know if it's any good and if the premise is appealing so far.
Happy reading!


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Chapter 5: Thanks for the update I love the tension between jimin and minjeong everytime they meet 😆
Ohmygodlol #2
Chapter 5: A lovely update, thank you!! 🫶🏼
imnotchal #3
Chapter 5: omg I love this so muchhhh... originally, I wanted to wait until you finished this story so I could read it in one go. but I just cannot wait lolll... like I'm so tempted with the's so gooooddd... looking forward for the next chapter <33
Chapter 4: 😍😍😍💙❄
Ohmygodlol #5
Can’t wait for more updates, love this storyline already!!