

“ing we got married!” was the first thing Kim said, she was surfing the net, looking for news about her boyfriend’s group, Super Junior.

Her laptop broke into pieces when she smashes it on her bedroom floor; it was a gift from him. But she didn’t mind. All she wanted to do is beat the Cho Kyuhyun’s into ashes.

“Yah! What was that!!” Mitch shouts echoes inside the es’ apartment. Everyone looked inside soon-to-be-Mrs-Cho-Kyuhyun’s room and saw a mess Kim did.

“What the Kim! Its 7am and you’re smashing things?” Ivy asked in disbelief, she was sleeping soundly when a disturbing noise woke her up. And here is the mess, Kim’s dead laptop on the ground, pieces scattered in her bedroom floor.

“Smashing things is just simple! That ing Kyuhyun needs some beating when he comes back” Kim retorted, taking careful steps towards her dresser, choosing random clothes to wear.

“What did Kyu oppa did today?” Cess curiously asked, as she helped Lai and Yhel to pick some of the laptop’s dead body.

“What did that moron do? He freaking got married without my consent!” Kim shouted, unconsciously ripped the shirt she was holding as she pour her emotion into the poor fabric.

“Oh well congrats for the both of you!” Lai dumbly said, earning a deadly glare from Kim.

“Yah! What’s wrong with you?! Gosh everyone has work later and you just ruin our beauty sleep because you got married with Kyu?” Mitch said confusedly, Kim should be excited or more but she was ranting and the es didn’t understand her.

“The thing is he ing married a Chinese !” Kim explains, earning weird glances from everybody.

“Damn! Just like Teukie oppa, Kyu got married to! Okay?! And I ing didn’t know about it. Kim continues, everyone sighs in relief which made Kim look at them in bewildment.

“Come on! It’s just a show!” Yhel consoled, the others nodded in agreement.

“A show? Damn it! The bastard carry the , it a ing bridal style way! He didn’t even carry me even in piggyback way! And the ing enjoys it!” Kim bursted out, Mitch laughed at her, enjoying the rants as if it was her entertainment, well for now it was and she was enjoying it.

“It’s scripted!” Lai reasoned out.

“Scripted my ! A back massage from the ! Cooking together! Come on! That Cho Kyuhyun never lays his hand on kitchen utensils and he has the nerve to cook for the ” Mitch bursted into another set of loud laughs, Ivy joined in, making Kim more frustrated.

“Yah Mitch and Ivy you enjoyed it so much” Kim glared the giggling duo who sat on her bed.

“Yup!” The two send in unison, making Kim growled to herself.

“Seriously?” Kim asked in disbelief, how them dare laugh at her. She was beyond mad at the moment, she was expecting them to console her but all she got is uproar of laughs from them. Great friend, just great.

“Yup! Thanks for the show Kim, we will have a drink or so later after work. I need to go, so as others. You should have cried or something so we can take everything seriously! But sorry everything is just too epic to see” Mitch said, patting Kim’s shoulder. The others shard a sets of giggles before hugging Kim.

“Touché!” Ivy added, high fiving Mitch. Everyone left the room as they readied for work.

The day passed quickly, Kim went to work, but she can’t concentrate on the thing she should be finishing up. Her boss scolds her for much time that she couldn’t count. Kyuhyun didn’t texted her which made her elated. How dare that evil maknae ignore her, he would always send her morning greetings or evev call her when time would allow him. But today nothing came, even just a blank message for her.

“Finally” Kim said as she arranges her things back to her bag. Looking at her phone for the nth time, only a few texts from her friends makes her smile a bit. But the person she was waiting wasn’t them, it was Cho Kyuhyun.

Laughs were heard inside the es place as Kim entered the apartment with her gloomy face. Yhel saw her and invited Kim to have a drink with them.

It was Mitch’s idea to drink the night away, knowing Kim, she would most likely drink her hearts out tonight, and a little company from her friends would make her more ease.

“You started without me?!” Kim asked, taking a seat between Cess and Lai, with Mariel on the long couch with Mitch and Ivy shared the couple couch. 3 bottle of tequila were place at their table with sets of food that Ivy cooked earlier.

“Well Ivy was pretty excited to drink and Mitch just let her, so we started half an hour ago.” Lai answered, offering Kim a shot hiss of shooters. Kim immediately drank it all. Biting on the lemon as the bitter taste came to her taste buds.

“Ahh much better!” Kim commented as she placed the empty shot glass on the table, Still on the lemon.

“So did you two talk already?” Mitch started the conversation. Kim sighs and shook her head.

“But he just called me earlier!” Ivy said, and shut when Kim’s face darken. So he was ignoring me after all, Kim concluded. She snatches the shot glass from Yhel’s grasp and drank it all, forgetting the bitter taste of it as her heart aches.

“Slow down girl! We have all night!” Ivy said, taking the glass and pour a good amount on it.

“He didn’t even bother to text me about it!” Kim suddenly said, Cess and Lai, placed their arms on her, tear escape from her eyes. Does Kyuhyun didn’t consider her feelings? He could have said about it earlier, at least she knows about it. Now she looked like an idiot for not knowing such things that’s happening to her boyfriend. Thanks to Allkpop for sharing the news about Kyuhyun, she sarcastically thought.

“He could have explained everything, but its Kyuhyun oppa were telling about! He’s different, he would rather keep everything for himself!” Mitch opened up, some girls agreed to her, but Kim wasn’t, she the girlfriend, he should tell these thing on her, she felt cheated, didn’t he trust her?

“But he should explain everything to Kim!” Ivy defended, Kyuhyun was obviously wrong in these.

“Maybe he don’t have the guts on telling Kim, knowing out little , he could have died before finishing up his explanations!” Cess stated, earning laughs from everyone, except for the devastated one.

“Oh whatever! I don’t need his explanations” Kim spoke up, drinking the alcohol from the bottle, ignoring the protest of her friends, she needs this. Alcohol can numb her aching heart.

“That ing Cho Kyuhyun!” Mitch hissed, taking another bottle for the others to drink since Kim seems too busy gulping everything from the bottle.

“Hey! Don’t drink too much!” Mariel tried to snatch the bottle from the crying Kim, but she was ignored.

“Are trying to kill yourself?” cess asked caringly, she was her best friend, and she hated to see Kim like this.

“Let her be!” Mitch said offering the girls a shot of their favorite alcoholic drink. Everyone toasted and shoot the tequila.

Half a hour passed by, Mariel, Cess and Lalaine are half conscious. While the 2 heavy drinkers, ivy and Mitch are enjoying the music Kim played from ivy’s laptop. It was Kyuhyun’s songs, making the stupid girl cry her hearts out.

“Are you okay?” Mitch asked, as ivy and her clean up some mess. They saw Kim, watching Super Junior performances. Covering from too much sobbing, she cried and cried and cried.

“Oh sorry your busy!” Mitch mindlessly said, as ivy helped the other 3 girls on their room. Mitch and Ivy sat back on the couch, watching Kim in front of them, both of them thought that she have tons of tears coz she won’t stop crying.

As the time reached on the midnight, es’s door bell rang. Ivy stood up, looking at the camera, only to see the suspect of her friends’ heartaches.

“Finally! You showed up! Ivy showed up!” Ivy said, as Kyuhyun entered the room, seeing his lover sleeping on the couch, Mitch was having a cup of coffee on the other side.

“Did she drink that much?” he asked the girls pointing on the 3 bottles of tequila.

“Not really Kim has her own bottle and the rest was mostly hogged by Ivy” Mitch said, sitting up from the couch.

“Talk to her!” she commanded and left for her room. Ivy was throwing the bottles away while Kyuhyun took Kim into his arms.

“You have to say sorry okay?” Ivy bid good night to Kyuhyun before the man enters his lover’s room.

Quietly and carefully placing Kim’s lifeless body on the bed, Kyuhyun sat beside her, slowly lifting her head, placing her messy hair in a messy bun, he notices the puffiness of her eyes, she was drench with sweat, and smells like a drunken old man.

“You’re a stubborn little one!”He gave her a peck on her forehead before looking a towel and basin to clean her up.

Carefully cleaning her up, Kyuhyun thought about what he have done, he knows it’s wrong of him to keep secrets from her, especially as serious as this. People might think everything was just a script that has to follow.

But being close with someone you only met that day you marry her, wasn’t ideal for Kyu, he have to act that he’s interested in her when the only thing he thinks is how to explain everything to his girlfriend. Holding strangers hands was awkward, but he have to show that he actually enjoys it. When the only hand he wanted to hold onto is Kim’s hand, his lover’s hand.

He regrets not calling her yesterday when the news came out. But he doesn’t have any choice but to pretend he was busy. He didn’t know how to explain everything to her, knowing that Kim’s kinda violent.

He regret when he was busy on his photoshoot earlier this afternoon that he didn’t answer the call. He wanted to call her back, ask her if she was mad or ready to murder him, but he was scared of her. And no one has to know that.

Sighing to himself, he went out to take the basin back to the kitchen and left the towel on her forehead.

Lifting the blanket to cover her, Kyuhyun slip in beside her, pulling her to his arms, resting her head to his chest.

He started to sing Ailee’s heaven, like a lullaby, Kim stirs a bit in her sleep which made Kyuhuun shut his mouth on froze on his spot. But good thing she didn’t really opens her eyes and just snuggles to his warmth.

Finishing the song he was singing, he placed a loving kiss on her cheeks before indulging himself for a nice slumber, coz he thinks he needs one. When the morning comes, he was sure ruckus will start.


The morning came…..

Shouting , things being thrower, cursing can be heard inside the girl’s apartment. Moans of pain from being beaten up and vulnerable groans pleading for someone’s life.

The girls stayed out of the battle room, Kim’s room. Hearing all kinds of curses in different language. And sweet apologizing words from the latter one.

“Damn it I hope Kyu oppa won’t have any bruise or else manager oppa will go insane” Ivy said. Leaning herself outside Kim’s bedroom wall. Mitch and Cess are having a toast standing up beside her. While Lai and Mariel are just simply listening.

“Dang I can’t see the actions!” Mitch commented, the girls flinch when they heard something being throwed on the door, making a loud clanking sound.

“YOU!! YOU !! UURRRRGGHH!!” Kim shouted, following some incoherent words, Kyuhyun just watch her throwing everything on her reach.

When Kim woke up, she was startled, feeling a upper body molded on her back, arms holding on her. breath hitching on her nape. She thought everything was just a dream. But when Kyuhyun greeted her with a morning kiss. This happen.

“GO WITH YOUR CHINESE WHITE RABBIT WIFE!” Kim kicked him out of the bed, Kyuhyun grunted from the sudden impact on the floor. He was about to retort at her when he saw things flying towards him, the shoes Kim was wearing last night.

“Oh come on baby! I’m sorry!” Kyuhyun cooed, only to catch his spare laptop, he almost cried when he saw his favorite gadget flying to his place, good thing he catches it and hugged it tightly.

“YOU’RE SORRY? YOUKYUHYUN!! I WAITED FOR A DAY, A WHOLE ING DAY FOR YOU TO CALL ME!! AND EXPLAIN EVERYTHING! BUT YOU IGNORED ME! NO CALL OR ANY MESSADES FOR A DAY!! YOU WANNA DIE?” Kim launch towards his boyfriend, Kyu let go of his laptop from shock and catch her before they collide on the dirty floor.

“Baby~” Kyuhyun tries to use his aegyo on her, he was hugging her, faces in apart, Kim almost kiss him, if it wasn’t for hatred she have for the guy.

“DON’T BABY BABY ME!” Kim retorted, Kyu sighs and sat on her bed, sill holding on her, placing his lover on his lap, hugging her from behind.

“But you’re my baby~” Kyuhyun baby talked, making all the girls inside the house, coz some are listening from the outside, chocked.


“YOU KNOW HOW BAD I FELTFOR MYSELF! YOU NEVER COOK FOR ME! YOU ONLY CARRY ME WHEN IM DRUNK! YOU CAN’T EVEN HOLD MY HAND WHEN OTHERS ARE LOOKING! IT’S ALWAYS ME GICING YOU MASSAGES! DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW ING HURTS IT IS WHEN YOU DIDN’T CALL ME YESTERDAY?” Kim cried out, trying to escape from Kyuhyun’s grasp, but he was too strong for her, or she didn’t even try harder coz she loves the warmth enveloping her.

“Can you stop shouting for a while? And let’s talk calmly?” Kyuhyun softly said, caressing her cheeks.

“CALMLY?! HOW CAN I BE CALM WH-“ Kim was cuted when a pain of luscious lips stopped her from shouting. It was just a smooch but kim shut .

“Shut up or I’ll kiss you again” Kyu threaten

“Then kiss me!” Kim challenged, Kyu hold onto her nape and crushed his lips on hers. Kim eyes widen, she didn’t expect that to be happen. The kiss was sloppy and wet, Kim was trying to speak when Kyu inserted his tongue devouring her cavern. Kim can’t help but to kiss him back, yet she was still mad, oh so mad at the evil maknae.

“Listen! First, I’m sorry if I didn’t inform you about it. I was scared you wouldn’t let me, but SME already sighed the contract. I know you’ll kill me for doing it, but baby, it’s just for work, nothing more.” Kyuhyun started, looking at her intently, telling every words with pure sincerity. Kim sighs and nods her head for him to continue.

“Yes it maybe scripted, the gift and the dinner date was arranged by me,” Kim was about to tell something when Kyu leans towards her, as if telling ‘talk and ill kiss you’. Which Kim thinks a much better idea.

“But I was doing it for the audience to show that I can be a sweet lover too. Truthfully, I was thinking about you when I planned everything; I imagine how would you react if I surprise you. I know I’m not the most romantic person, but when I tell you that I love you, damn it means I really was in love (with?) you”  he sweet talked, making Kim softens on his hold. She smiled a little, at least the assurance was there, she was sure that Kyu only loves her not some rabbit looking girl.

“But you could have told me about it” Kim said, she was now calm, maybe because of Kyu’s hold or the way he explained everything.

“I know! And I’m sorry!” Kyu cooed, kissing her cheeks, he was mushier than she think he was. Kyuhyun was great lover, Kim was sure of that, Kyu never lied to her, maybe he kept secrets but at least he didn’t lie. He always reminds her how much he loves her and Kim was thankful for having such evil but loving boyfriend.

“So were cool?” Kyuhyun asked, grinning at her.

“Yup! But don’t do it again okay?!” Kyuhyun nodded like a kid, smiling at her.

“It’s okay to tell me everything Kyu, I will understand!” Kim softly said, Kyu hugged her again. Burying Kim’s face on his chest, chest.

“Thanks for understanding baby, I love you!” he said.

“I love you too!”

“Um baby can we continue what we started?” Kyu hold into her shoulders.

“SHUT UP! I have worked to do!” Kim let go of his hold and run towards the door. Sticking her tongue out, she left him, grumbling to himself.

“I even took of my shirt! Urgh!” he mumble before running off to hid lover.


Weeks had passed, Kyu and Kim were doing great, they went out for dinners, sometimes Kyu would fetch her from work. But if course making sure that none would recognize him.

A certain night, Kyu fetch Kim from work, telling her to dress up for their date. Of course Kim was wondering why, their dinner dates was just like common couples do, not in the finest restaurants since they can’t really go out in public.

“You look good today! What’s the occasion?” Kim said, as she entered Kyuhyun’s car. He was wearing a very expensive Armani tuxedo. He also have make up on, now that Kim realized.

“Nothing!  Just us going out on dinner, I hope my place is fine!” Kyuhyun said, driving off to their destination. Kim just nods her head. She was clad in a short black dress, which Mitch gave her as a birthday gift. Her hair was down with curls at the end, her makeup was simple, but in her lover’s eyes, she was the most stunning girl in the world.

The drive was silent but not awkward; the couple keeps on looking at each other, Kyuhyun holding her hand while his other hand was holding onto the steering wheel. They would occasionally smiles at each other.

The couple arrived at Kyuhyun’s pad after 20minutes drive. When Kyu opened his door, Kim gasped, Kyu smiled. The entire place was covered with rose petals, candles in hallways and a bouquet of flowers on the table. She walk slowly, absorbing everything, Kyu just follows behind her loving how shocked she was.

“What is this all about?” Kim spoke up, touching the petals on the floor, smiling like a total fool. Kyu didn’t do everything right?, she asked herself.

“Just a simple dinner” Kyu smirked, boast himself.

Kim stood up and tiptoed to kiss his lips, a simple peck of appreciation.

“So what’s for dinner?” Kim asked, Kyu held her hand and ushers her towards the kitchen, where the ingredients are neatly organized on the table.

“You’re cooking?” Kim asked in disbelief.

“Yup! I hope a simple pasta will do!” Kyuhyun said.

“That would be perfect” Kim answers

Kyuhyun pulled the chair for Kim to sit on, and then went to the stove, preparing their dinner. Kim was speechless on how Kyuhyun prepared everything for her; he was even cooking in front of her.

Smiling to herself, Kim watch Kyu struggles doing the pasta sauce, shouting when he almost burn the oil, scratching his head if he forgot what to do next. Kim offered to help but he insisted to finish everything.

Unknown to Kim, Kyuhyun forced Ryeowook to teach him how to cook, ramen would be good but he wants to something special for her. After almost burning the dorm’s kitchen, Kyu finally learn how to cook a simple spaghetti. And Leeteuk banned him from cooking inside the dorm.

“Kyu do you need any help?” Kim asked again, while Kyu shook his head, he was determined to make something edible for them to eat, it’s the thought that counts Kyu, he reminded himself.

After almost half an hour, Kyu finally finished his pasta, Kim was laughing at him, Kyuhyun forgot to wear an apron, so his Armani suit are now stained with spaghetti sauce.

“I’m sorry if this don’t taste that good! I was nervous” Kyuhyun served his some kind of a pasta, Kim almost chuckled seeing the half cook pasta in front of her.

“Why would you be nervous Kyu! It’s the thoughts that count” Kim cooed, tasting the not really appetizing food, she was almost shocked when the weird taste spread thru her taste buds. Kyu saw her reaction and take the plate out of her reach, but Kim was faster, she takes it back and ate some more, ignoring the protest from the maknae.

“Come on Kyu! Let’s eat!” Kim half hearted cheered, how can she even smiled with that, Kyu asked himself. But also tried the food he worked for.

“OMG!!! WHAT THE IS THIS?” Kyu shouted, spitting the food back to his plate. Kim laughed at him but still continue eating the food, Kyu looked at her pitifully, she was trying hard to take everything coz he knows that she appreciate it.

“Babe you can stop now please!” Kyu begged, feeling bad for his girlfriend. To his surprise, Kim finished everything, also noticing the good amount of water she takes after.

“Sorry!’ Kyu sadly said, he should have cooked ramyun or omelet, at least he knows she wouldn’t suffer that much.

“It’s ok! I love it Kyu! Thanks for the dinner” Kim cheered him up, the pouting maknae smiled and run towards her, carrying her into his arms, like a groom would do for his wife, Kim almost fainted from the sudden shock, Kyu just carry her, ING CHO KYUHYUN CARRIED HER, she inwardly celebrated.

“Let’s go to the living room first” Kyu said, carrying the petite girl around his pad, Kim blushes and hook her arms around his neck.

“What’s wrong with you Kyu?” Kim asked as they settle down to his huge leather couch, Kyu looked at her and steals a kiss on his lips.

“Nothing!” he grins at her, standing up, he went to his media player and played a song for them. Kim immediately recognize the song, it was Kyu’s song, 7 Years of Love.

He approached her and offer his hand “May I take this dance with you?” Kyu said, Kim eyes bulged out, totally shocked from his request, Kyu takes her hand coz she was too engrossed from fangirling inside her mind.

The two dances as Kyuhyun sang his heart out for her, Kim was still amused everything he sings, it was the first time Kyu did such things for her, and she was glad that Kyuhyun was exerting so much effort into this.

As the song finished, Kyu held both of her hands , taking a step back, he kneeled in front of her , a gasp was heard from her, a tear flowed as Kyu fished out a tiny velvet red box from his pocket.

Looking up to her, Kyu spoke up “Through out the 4 years I’ve been with you, there is none a sad moment, every single minute was filled with happiness and love, every single second seems like eternity, an eternity of loving you. Babe you never fail my heart beats so fast whenever you smiles, whenever you said you love me, and just simply beside you was a bliss. My baby Kim will you marry me and be Mrs. Cho Kyuhyun?”

There was a moment of silence before a squeal came, Kim jumped into him and chanted YES a several times, Kyu hugged her back, both celebrating.

“OMG! IM NOT DREAMING RIGHT?” Kim screamed to him, Kyuhyun chuckled and shook his head.

“I love you Kyu!” Kim said before claiming the latter one’s lips which he responded with the same passion.

“I love you more MRS.CHO”

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