Cho Kyuhyun and The Guy in her dreams

He's Got A Halo [Short FanFic]



Seohyun’s POV


“Wow…finally we’re done with our enrollment…” Sooyoung says.

“Hmm..” She just smiled.

“Let’s go straight to the café…just wait for Yoona there..”


Then Sooyoung’s phone rang.

“I’ll just answer this.”Seohyun nods.

“Yoboseyo?Umma…Seohyun and I just finished the enrollment and we’re on our way to meet

Yoona at the café….around two hours… you really need me there now?” Sooyoung looked at


“Okay just wait for me. I’ll be there in thirty minutes. Bye.” Sooyoung faced her.

“Seohyun, my mom asked me to help her carry the things she bought from the supermarket. Could

go please go to the café first? If Yoona arrives, tell her I’ll come after dropping my mom home.”

“Yeah, sure. Help your mom. We’ll see you at the café.”

“Alright..see you later..I’ll call you.” Sooyoung said before running away.


Seohyun looked at her watch. She’ll be waiting alone at the café for two hours if she goes there now.

Yoona will be finishing her enrollment by tomorrow. She is a part-time model and sadly, she wasn’t

able to go with them today because she has a job. It’s a good thing she’ll be joining them at the café

later. Seohyun blew some air.


                “Seohyun…” she looked back.

                “Ah..” she pointed her finger to the man. He came near her.

                “Seohyun, right?”

                “Ah, ne…you are Cho Kyuhyun sshi..”

                “Yup that’s me…Glad to see you here again…Are you here for the enrollment?”

                “Yes. I just finished enrolling.”

                “That’s good. Welcome to the school!”

                “Thank you.”

                “So, are you going home now?”

                “I’m going to a café to meet my friends. Actually, I’m with Sooyoung sshi a while ago but

she needs to go somewhere for a moment.”

                “Is that so? What time are you going to meet them?”

                “5 pm.”

                “5? It’s just 3 where are you planning to spend your two hours?”

Seohyun just shrugged her shoulders.

                “I’m done with my classes now so if you want, I’ll give you a tour around the campus. Since

you will be a student here it will be good if you’ll familiarize yourself with the place in advance.”


That’s right. It’s a good thing to do after all, she also wants to tour around the campus. She has

nothing to do if she goes directly to the café from here.

                “That’s a good idea, I think..”


Kyuhyun shows her around the area. They went on different buildings and facilities but what Seohyun

like the most is the big library. She could imagine herself studying there. She can’t wait for the day to

come. Kyuhyun is very nice and funny. He talks about his experiences on the each place they visit.

                “By the way Kyuhyun sshi…what is your major?” Seohyun asks.

                “Practical Arts…I’m on my third year.”

                “Wow! Daebak…one more year and you’ll graduate..”

                “Yeah…how about you and your friends, what major are you planning to take?”

                “Yoona wants to take up fashion designing. Sooyoung wants to take up theatre arts and as

for me, I want to study music.”

                “That’s good…actually; I have a friend from the same department. Yesung, he’s on the

same year as me so if ever you needed something you can ask him for assistance. I’ll tell him to

guide you…you can also ask me if you need anything. After all, we’ll be schoolmates.”

                “Thank you so much…I have two sunbaes right away. Take care of me, Kyunhyun

sunbae.” Seohyun bowed at him.

                “You don’t have to be that formal…” Kyuhyun smiles. They reached the bus stop.

                “Time flies…I didn’t notice that it’s 4:30 already.” Seohyun says.

                “Ah, since we know each other now…I hope it will be okay if I get your number?”

                “Hmm..sure.” Seohyun gave him her phone. Kyuhyun put his number there.

                “Seohyun sshi…are you busy tomorrow?” he asks while giving back her phone.


It was not that busy at school nowadays because they’re just waiting for the graduation.


                “Hmm..not that much. Why?”

                “Ah…..tomorrow evening, my friend Yesung will be having his gig at a café. He asks me to

come so I thought I’ll invite you too if you want..” Kyuhyun looked shy when he said that.

                “O-okay…sure..” She genuinely agreed.

                “Really? I’m sure you’ll enjoy the show…he’s a good singer.”

                “I’ll look forward to it.”

                “Alright. I’ll send you the time and place later.” The bus arrived.

                “Okay. Thank you again for touring me around Kyuhyun sunbae..I’ll go now.”

                “Take care. See you tomorrow Seohyun.” Seohyun boarded the bus and sat next to the

window. Kyuhyun waves his hand so she waves back too.




Seohyun smiles at the flower garden painting on the wall of that coffee shop.

                “Seohyun sshi…” Sooyoung followed her gaze.

                “Seohyun..” she called her attention again.

                “Why are you staring at that painting?”

                “Ah..nothing…It’s just that painting reminds me of something.”

                “What reminds you of what?” Yoona came and puts down the tray with their ordered drinks

in front of them.

                “Well…” she’s a bit hesitant to talk about it.

                “What is it?” Their eyes focused on her.

                “Well, I had a dream for two days now in which I’m in a flower garden…there, I meet this

guy and I spend time with him…” Yoona and Sooyoung are both quiet so she continued.

                “As if it is continues…last night, he welcomed me back and we spend time on that garden

again. You know usual dreams are not like that right?”

                “Isn’t it a nightmare?” Sooyoung says.

                “I don’t think it is…he’s harmless and I feel safe with him as if he’ll be there to protect me..”

                “Wow…that’s cool…So, what’s he look like?” Yoona interestingly asks.

                “Actually, his face is a bit blurry but he’s wearing all white clothes. His hand is warm and

soft. He smelled good…really, really good that I don’t think I ever smelled that scent before. And

his voice…I like the sound of his voice. It’s angelic…” Seohyun didn’t notice that she’s smiling widely

while talking.

                “Ohh….a man of your dreams eh? How sweet…I would like to dream of a man like that

too…” Yoona commented while drinking her latte.

                “I know it sounds crazy but…I really like having that dream. Every time I open my eyes in

the morning I feel a bit regretful that it’s just a dream although it feels real…I wish to see him

again on our place..”

                “I don’t know what to say…” Sooyoung finds it hard to believe that she’s hearing those words

from Seohyun for she never talk like that about any man before.

                “That’s sweet…maybe you’ll meet him someday..” Yoona says as if she’s day dreaming.

                “Isn’t that kind of things happened on books and movies only?” Sooyoung says.

                “I’m just saying maybe…what if, the dream is just a way of introducing her soul mate?”


While the two are busy with their opinion battle, Seohyun’s phone received a message. She read it.

It’s Kyuhyun sending her the time and place for tomorrow.

                “Who is it?” Sooyoung says.

                “Ah…it’s Kyuhyun sunbae…”

                “Who’s Kyuhyun sunbae?”

                “He’s the person who helped me in the mountain.”

                “The same guy who picked up your examination stub?”

                “Yes. Actually we met earlier after you took off. He toured me around the campus and we

had a talk. Then, he asked for my number and he invited me to watch his friend’s performance

tomorrow evening.”

                “What does he looks like? Is there any similarity with the guy on your dreams?” Yoona asks.

                “Oh, please…you’re not giving up that idea don’t you?” Sooyoung says at Yoona.

                “He’s handsome…very charming. I like talking to him because I don’t feel bored with his

stories. Also, I think he’s popular at school because a lot of girls are looking at him as we walk.”

                “Oh…a flower boy huh? Got yourself lucky…he seems interested at you because he

asked you on a date.” Sooyoung says.

                “Date? He just invited me to watch his friend’s performance that’s all..” she blushes.

                “From the looks of it…it seems like a date to me. How about you Yoona, how do you see that?”

                “Yeah,,it’s a date.”

                “He’ll invite you again after that..I’m sure of it so wear a pretty dress and put on some

make up.” Sooyoung says.

                “You think so? But I don’t have any make up..”

                “Leave it to us! It’s your first date and who knows, maybe he’ll be your first boyfriend too!”




Hi everyone! I exceeded my 5 chapter limit but the it's not even on its yet.....I must be poor with calculations huh? Well, I won't set any limit now. I'll try to write it as much as I can. I'll let Yong and Hyun take me as far as I we could reach...Anyway, I truly appreciate the support and love you give this fanfic...I hope I don't disappoint you so far...Your comments never fail to put a smile to my face so I hope you continue that...Thank You so much and Happy reading!

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I'm glad you liked it guyz....see you again next time...


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Ironcatnguyen #1
Chapter 11: I Love this fic!!!!!
Chapter 11: I loved it! Definitely recommended
ShinHye24 1340 streak #3
beeautiful story !!!! awww I want my own guardin angel just like YongHwa <3
Chapter 12: I've red this story on wattpad authornim last year... and it was one of my fave ys fic in wattpad.. i wish u can post your stories on wattpad so I could easily read your stories thank u
this is from wattpad right?
Chapter 12: Happy Anniv to Hes got a Halo, authornim ^^ this is one of my fav fics. :)
poetz31 #7
Chapter 12: Do you write another fanfics authornim? About yongseo again or maybe deerburning couple hehehe... I would like τº read your story again if you have some...
munie87 #8
Chapter 11: awww~ such a sweet n romantic yonghwa... so happy for yongseo!!! thanks for this bonus chapter!!! =)
Chapter 11: :O when seohyun is with kyuhyun she is so blind that yonghwa make much more good for seohyun , ahh... she finally realized that her true love JUNG YONG HWA :D
so far so good:)
VeeVee2012 #10
SOOO CUTEEEEEE! I love this!