Keys & Kisses

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As the morning light breaks, it filters through the sheer curtains, casting a warm, golden glow that dances across the clutter of Junho’s apartment. Today, the air is charged with a mixture of anticipation and the familiar scent of Junho’s cologne mixed with the fresh aroma of coffee. Amidst this sensory tapestry, Junho is a flurry of activity, his presence filling the room as he tosses clothes, a script, and various essentials into a bag that’s already b with items.


Yoona leans against the cool frame of the doorway, her arms crossed and a mug of coffee warming her hands. She watches him, an amused yet affectionate smile playing on her lips. She's familiar with this pre-dawn chaos, yet today, it seems amplified by their prolonged, lazy night spent in each other's arms. They had stayed up late, tangled in sheets and conversations that meandered through dreams and desires, laughter echoing softly against the walls.


“Are you sure you’ve got everything?” Yoona asks, her voice a melodious lilt against the morning’s quiet. 


Her words are light, teasing even, but her eyes betray a deeper layer of care and concern. She knows how important this role is, another stepping stone in Junho’s already impressive career, and she wants his day to start right.


Junho pauses, a look of mock concentration forming on his face as he pats his pockets, then scans the room. He spots Yoona, her hair cascading over her shoulders in soft waves, eyes sparkling with mischief and love. In three long strides, he closes the distance between them, his hands gently framing her face. He leans down, his lips meeting hers in a kiss that’s both a greeting and a thank you—a moment of softness amid the rush.


“Now I do,” he murmurs, his voice a soft murmur, tinged with laughter. He pulls back slightly, his forehead resting against hers.


Yoona’s cheeks turn a delightful shade of pink. With a playful roll of her eyes, she opens her hand to reveal Junho’s car keys and wallet. 


“I meant these, but thanks,” she quips, her tone rich with humor and warmth. 


It’s a routine they’ve danced through many mornings, yet it never loses its charm.


Junho’s laughter fills the room, a sound that Yoona loves dearly. As he takes the offered items, their fingers brush briefly, sending a spark through them both. With a quick, affectionate kiss, he gears up to leave, the morning's warmth lingering between them as he steps towards the door.


“Guess I needed those too,” he says. He steals another qui

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