Encore of Emotions

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Amidst the glittering stages and roaring fans, Minjeong’s unrequited love for Jimin simmers beneath their synchronized performances. As Jimin navigates the complexities of fame and fleeting romances, Minjeong holds onto a hope that maybe, just maybe, the next song could be their love’s encore.


In the world of K-pop, where the lights shine as brightly as the stars and the cheers of fans echo like a symphony, the story of Kim Minjeong and Yu Jimin unfolds—a tale not just of music and fame, but of the heart’s silent yearnings. 

This is a story about love—the kind that burns quietly, the kind that waits in the wings of grand stages, and the kind that endures despite the relentless march of time. It’s about Minjeong’s unrequited love for Jimin, a love that has withstood the test of four tumultuous years filled with whispered confessions, shared laughter, and moments where the line between friendship and something more blurs into oblivion.




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0 points #1
Chapter 9: Chapter 9: jimin pov is really enlightning abt her inner feelings, she's in denial a deep one actually, hopefully she wil' realise it soon before she loses her chance with MJ, cuz she hurts her more
slayerkim 0 points #2
Chapter 9: Jimin aaaaa why are you pushing your feelings away
35 streak #3
Chapter 9: A Jimin POV and it did not disappoint. It really hard to be i denial especially if it involves your relationship with a friend you hold dear; but ripping off the band aid and just letting it all out there will almost always be better in the long run. Hope Jimin finds the courage though it will be a sad time whenever the two finally get together because that would mean an end to Minjeong and Ryujin's relationship (I do like them a lot in this story).

Thanks for the update Author-nim! Appreciated as always.
mammt_ #4
Chapter 9: that was bold of you yu jimin😭😭 ANYWAY denial is a river in Egypt GIRL YOU'RE GAAAYY
addicted03 #5
Chapter 9: Oh why am I disappointed that JM’s first kiss/time with a girl not with MJ 😭 the angst I’m feeling from this story is just gonna keep building up isn’t it? 🥲
Chapter 9: Saw the chapter inspo with ‘good luck, babe!’ and knew I was in for a ride 👁️👄👁️ Jiminnnnnnn
Chapter 9: its a slowburn so i expected that it will take longer for minjeong and karina to be together 😆
oofiee 1126 streak #8
Chapter 9: finallyy a jimin pov... damn maybe something will shift with minjeong and ryujin's relationship if she knew jimin starts liking girls

given that minjeong dont hurt ryujun...
Sysysyy #9
It's happening already. I don't want my girl Ryujin to get hurt when Karina decided to take Minjeong back😔

Awesome chapter, authornim. Thank you for updating earlyyyy🙏🥹
slayerkim #10
Chapter 8: Loving minjeongs and ryujins relationship now, i wonder whats going through jimins mind now that she witness them together. Thanks for the beautiful update authornim, see you soon ❤️